Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 279 Savage Mountain

Not long after entering Savage Mountain, the dense tropical jungle broad-leaved trees blocked more than half of the light from the sky. Only the sparse sunlight shone through the branches and leaves and shone on the ground, forming spots of light.

The path passing by is also paved with a thick layer of fallen leaves and rotten branches, which are soft and not too hard to step on. There is a "rustling" sound among the people walking, which is extraordinarily loud in the silent woods .

The forest was very quiet, except for the footsteps and conversations of the crowd, there were no other sounds. These soldiers were familiar with this place, and the place where Zhang Xiao and the others are taking now is a hidden path, which is not really a road. It's just that they often leave. After all, coming here to hunt animals and improve food has become one of the few pleasures for these mine guard soldiers.

After walking through the tall forest for more than half an hour, the path has reached the end, and there is still a straight-line distance of [-] kilometers from the biological experiment base marked by Ma Zhiyong, but it is obviously impossible to go straight like this of.

"Company Commander Ma, go ahead and lead the way. You are the only one who has ever been here." Hu Ming stopped and said to Ma Zhiyong who was walking in the middle of the team.

Ma Zhiyong nodded without hesitation, walked to the front, observed for a while, and pointed in a direction to the soldiers who were opening the way ahead.

The leading soldiers carried their guns behind their backs, held machetes in their hands, chopped branches and vines, and drove the road with difficulty, while the rest of them were on guard carefully. After all, this place was no longer the periphery of Savage Mountain. Once inside Savage Mountain, any unexpected situation may happen.

After an hour passed, everyone had only advanced 5000 meters, and the straight-line distance would only be less. Even so, everyone was out of breath. After all, it was a waste of energy to open the road. When we arrived here, everyone realized that we wanted to reach our destination today. , then the next road can only speed up.

"Don't open the road anymore, it's a waste of time, and it's easy to expose whereabouts. Next, let's go straight ahead. Everyone should mark it to prevent getting lost." Hu Ming said with some dissatisfaction.

"Okay, but be on your guard. After all, there are not only wild boars, black bears and other ferocious beasts here, but even tigers, but the most difficult to guard against are poisonous snakes and other poisonous things. Everyone must be careful and careful." Minister Wei Xing ordered.

Zhang Xiao did not speak, after all, he knew almost nothing about Savage Mountain, so he had nothing to say.

In the following time, everyone's walking speed was much happier. After all, there was no need to open the road. Although everyone walked crookedly, the speed was more than doubled.

This walk took more than two hours, and everyone stopped by a small stream near noon. Everyone gathered together and began to eat the prepared dry food and drinking water. As for the water in the small stream, No one touches it. After all, no one can guarantee that there is no problem with the water.

After resting for half an hour, everyone started to move on after eating. At this time, the trees in the forest became more and more dense, and the originally flat ground also began to have a clear slope. Everyone's speed Unconsciously slowed down.

"Stop!" Ma Zhiyong yelled suddenly, and Hu Ming, who was following behind him, almost bumped into Ma Zhiyong.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Hu Ming asked with some doubts.

Ma Zhiyong didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on the trees in front of him, as if there was something terrifying there.

"Why don't you go?"

At this time, Zhang Xiao and Minister Wei Xing also came forward, took out the water bottle and drank a few sips of water, and looked at Ma Zhiyong suspiciously.

"Look at a few trees, it seems a bit wrong..."

Ma Zhiyong pointed to those trees and signaled everyone to pay attention.

"It's nothing wrong, it's just a little crooked, just a few trees with crooked necks." Zhang Xiao looked at it for a long time, and found that the trees were not very tall, and they grew a little slanted, but this is normal in the forest Ah, even the appearance of coiling together to perform the London ceremony is not without it, and someone has photographed it before.

"No, that's the trace left by an explosion. There may be landmines that were planted here."

Ma Zhiyong's eyes became sharper. Although it may have been more than half a century since the explosion, he could still see some clues from the trees. The reason why he stopped was because Ma Zhiyong was afraid that there would be landmines ahead. Going up, that many lives are not enough to send.

Although this possibility is not high, because in the past half a century, there will definitely be countless animals passing by here. Even if there is a landmine, it may have been detonated long ago, but it is related to his family and life, and Ma Zhiyong has to treat it with caution. .

In the early days, Savage Mountain belonged to Yunnan Province in China, but later the British stepped in and assigned it to Myanmar. The name of Savage Mountain is due to the fact that there are large mountains, dense forests and rampant miasma. It is said that there used to be Savage That's why this uninhabited land with a radius of hundreds of miles is called "Savage Mountain".

In Burmese, Yeren Mountain means "the place where the devil lives", which shows the fierce calendar here.

In the depths of Savage Mountain, there are overlapping mountains, vast forests like the sea, endless swamps in the woods, dense forests in river valleys, rampant wolves and beasts, and the spread of miasma and malaria. Whether it is Myanmar or China, this place is regarded as a dangerous place.

The reason why Ma Zhiyong stopped was because 6 or [-] expeditionary troops died here, not only the expeditionary army, but also the pretentious Japanese army. It is said that three divisions also disappeared here.

It can be said that in this mountain with a radius of hundreds of miles, there are many bones, and nearly 10 people died here. Therefore, Ma Zhiyong, as a survivor of the year, did not dare to take it lightly.

As soon as Ma Zhiyong's words came out, everyone's expression changed immediately. After all, landmines are buried underground, and waterproof and moisture-proof measures are generally done well. As long as they are not detonated, they may still work now.

At this time, Guo Feng also walked up to Zhang Xiao, and whispered to Zhang Xiao, "Boss, you still have to be careful. The landmines from back then may still work."

"What should we do now?" Zhang Xiao asked softly.

"Let's wait for them to decide. After all, we are here to see, and at the same time, to see what is valuable. After all, there may be materials worth taking away in the biological experiment base." Guo Feng said with a cheap smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded but did not speak, because to him, the information was not important, he just wanted to see those viruses destroyed.

At this time, after checking the surrounding area, Ma Zhiyong relaxed his face, and said to Minister Wei Xing and Hu Ming: "Go ahead, be careful on the road, it is best to find a few people to scout the way ahead."

Minister Wei Xing and Hu Ming looked at each other, and each sent out three people to go to the front to explore the way. After all, although it is dangerous to explore the way, for these soldiers who have been living in the turbulent place, they are not afraid of death. After Minister Wei Xing and Hu Ming promised to take care of their family, the six of them walked to the front of the line without hesitation.

But when we got here, everyone's speed slowed down significantly, because when we got here, we had really entered the Savage Mountain. Perhaps no one had entered these places for half a century. The towering trees made the light in the dense forest Very dark.

Due to the cover of dense trees, the air quality in the dense forest has also become very poor. After walking another two or three kilometers, Guo Feng took out a bottle from the pocket of his camouflage uniform, poured out two pills, and swallowed one himself first. , and then handed Zhang Xiao a pill.

"What kind of medicine is this?" Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng after throwing the pale yellow tablet into his mouth. The tablet tasted bitter when it entered his mouth. go down.

"Quinine tablets, also known as Cinchona Cream, are used to prevent and treat falciparum malaria. They also have some effect on these miasmas. This is already the best medicine I can find here." Seeing Zhang Xiao taking it, Guo Feng said again He handed the medicine bottle to the team members who followed Zhang Xiao.

This time Zhang Xiao came with Guo Feng as the main team. The main reason why he didn’t bring everyone with him was to avoid the suspicion of Minister Wei Xing and Hu Ming. If there is no one-person bodyguard team, then they can only bring more people to maintain the balance of power. In this way, there may be more conflicts before they start.

In the jungle in front, there is a faint mist, and because it is covered by the dense trees in the forest, these miasmas linger for years.

But it is still good now. If it is the rainy season, the heavy rain will wash out those rotten things, then there is no way to stay in the rainforest.

"How far is it?"

Zhang Xiao looked around. Except that the trees seemed to be denser, the jungle seemed to be the same as when he first entered the forest, not to mention distinguishing between east, west and north. He couldn't help but asked Guo Feng in a low voice.

"There should be a distance of seven or eight kilometers, but it will definitely be difficult to go!" Guo Feng took out a Pagan map and looked at it for a while, his face was serious, because he found that the compass had lost its effect here, so he went on. If not, you have to rely on the sun blocked by the trees overhead to tell the direction.

"Why is it hard to walk? If it's hard to walk, you won't leave?" Zhang Xiao has been walking through the jungle for several hours. Apart from seeing a few snakes, the so-called jackals, tigers and leopards have not even seen a shadow. There was no danger, which greatly increased Zhang Xiao's confidence.

At this moment, the adventure factor in Zhang Xiao's body was also stimulated. How could Zhang Xiao give up on such a good opportunity to go on a jungle adventure? As for the danger, it seems that it has not yet appeared.

After walking for a while, the miasma became more and more serious. Zhang Xiao and his security team took out the gas masks from their backpacks and put them on their faces. This made Minister Wei Xing and the people led by Hu Ming look over in surprise. .

This miasma area has a large area, and the quinine tablets alone will definitely not work. Fortunately, Guo Feng has already prepared for this. He asked everyone to wear this kind of gas mask that can supply oxygen for two hours. One, even Zhang Xiao is no exception.

However, Zhang Xiao still took out two more gas masks from Guo Feng's big backpack, and handed them to Minister Wei Xing and Hu Ming, but he didn't give them to the others. After that, there are only two spares.


Just as Zhang Xiao took a step, he suddenly stepped on something, slipped and almost fell to the ground.

"What the hell?"

Zhang Xiao fiddled with the branch in his hand, and when he could see the object clearly, he quickly stepped back a few steps in fright.

It was a dead man's skull, the bones of the chin were gone, only the sky cap and two black eye sockets remained, which looked very strange in this dark environment.

A snake with a triangular head, four colors of red, black, yellow and white, about the thickness of a thumb, got out of one eye socket, seemed dissatisfied that Zhang Xiao disturbed its residence, raised its head, and "hissed" at Zhang Xiao "Hiss" stuck out his tongue, then re-drilled into the thick dead leaves and disappeared.

"Fuck, don't bite and scare people!"

Zhang Xiao only felt her heart pounding. Fortunately, she retreated quickly, otherwise she really didn't take a bite, and she might have lost her life.

After this encounter, Zhang Xiao cautiously followed Guo Feng one meter behind, walking towards the depths of Savage Mountain.

The further they walked, the slower and slower the speed of the group, because the mountain gradually became steeper, and the number of snakes and insects suddenly increased. From time to time, on some low treetops, hanging There was a colorful poisonous snake. Fortunately, the soldiers leading the way had rich experience and drove the poisonous snake away in front.

As for the bones of the dead, Zhang Xiao has seen a lot of them. From time to time, you can see the dead bones in the grass and under the dead leaves. As for the clothes and so on, they have been decayed for a long time, and there is no way to identify their identities. The soldiers of the expeditionary army, or the Japanese devils who disappeared in Savage Mountain.

Along the way, Zhang Xiao finally believed in the saying that there are hundreds of thousands of bones buried in the Savage Mountain. There are several places full of miasma. If there is no gas mask, it may be really difficult to pass. There are definitely not many people in the miasma area.

Although Zhang Xiao's body wasn't very tired at the moment, his mind was always tense. This trip was an eye-opener for him. He saw more than a dozen kinds of poisonous snakes, and also saw a group of black-haired snakes. , not like a monkey like an orangutan.

Zhang Xiao didn't know that this was a unique black snub-nosed monkey in Myanmar. It was as rare as the golden snub-nosed monkey in China. In Myanmar, many people ventured into Savage Mountain just to catch this kind of monkey and sell it to China for a high price. .

Of course, the so-called high price is just the understanding of the Burmese people themselves. For these Burmese people whose average monthly salary is equivalent to about 1 national currency, if there is an amount of [-] to [-] national currency, that is a lot of money.

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