Zhang Xiao's face was a little ugly, which made Zhu Hua feel a little nervous. As a bodyguard, she should not have interfered with Zhang Xiao's family affairs, but she just couldn't understand Deng Jie's actions, so she took the photo, but at this moment Zhang Xiao The expression on his face made Zhu Hua wonder if he did something wrong.

And Zhang Xiao's ugly face was not because of Zhu Hua's actions, but because of Deng Jie's betrayal of him. After being silent for a while, Zhang Xiao asked, "Is there anyone else besides the two of them?"

"No, they never came out after entering the room, and no one else went in." Zhu Hua shook his head and said with certainty.

Zhu Hua also opened a room next to Deng Jie's room that night. She didn't sleep all night and waited the whole night, so she answered in the affirmative.

Zhang Xiao waved his hand at Zhu Hua in a dejected manner, and Zhu Hua left with great interest.

After Zhu Hua left, Zhang Xiao said to Yuan Min in a solemn tone: "You investigate this man, but you must be careful, I think this man is not simple."

Yuan Min also nodded solemnly, and said, "I have had someone investigate this afternoon, but no news has come in so far. It seems that the identity of this man is not simple."

"Don't spread this matter, keep it secret, and help me give Zhu Hua 5000 yuan as a reward. After all, if it wasn't for her, I would still be kept in the dark." Zhang Xiao rubbed his face with his hands, and his complexion became better. After some time, he said in a deep voice.

Yuan Min nodded, and also understood what Zhang Xiao meant. The 5000 yuan was not only a reward but also a hush money. Zhang Xiao definitely didn't want to make a fuss about this matter. Everyone knew that it was not something glorious after all.

"Also tell Zhu Hua that Deng Jie doesn't need to protect her secretly, let her go back to work in the security company and arrange a job for her." Zhang Xiao continued.

"Okay, I'll arrange it when I get back." After Yuan Min agreed, he didn't stay in Zhang Xiao's office for long, and went back to handle what Zhang Xiao said.

Zhang Xiao was in a very bad mood at the moment. He thought carefully about the meeting with Deng Jie since the Chinese New Year, and found nothing unusual. The only abnormality was that Deng Jie was very busy now and hardly went back to the courtyard.

It can be seen that Deng Jie's thoughts are very heavy, so the reason why she and Zhang Xiao are together is unknown, but Zhang Xiao doesn't want to pursue anything further. Although he has given a lot of feelings, who can understand such things as feelings? Make it clear.

Zhang Xiao shook his head helplessly, and sat in the office for a long time. It was not until the lights came on that Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard by car.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao found that Deng Jie still hadn't come back, and felt even more depressed. He opened his mouth and said to Lu Huaping: "Old Lu, let's eat boiled mutton tonight and set up the big copper pot. Let's have a good time tonight." have a drink."

"Okay, wait a minute." After Lu Huaping agreed, he turned and went into the kitchen to prepare.

Guo Feng could see that Zhang Xiao was in a bad mood, but he didn't ask any more questions. After all, there are differences between top and bottom. Even if he is familiar with him, he still has to follow the rules of the workplace.

After a while, Lu Huaping set up the big copper pot in the yard, and Guo Feng and the others also went to help, but Zhang Xiao went into the bedroom, opened the closet, and saw that there were only his own clothes hanging in it, and Most of Deng Jie's clothes were taken away, leaving only some clothes that had not been worn for a long time. .

Only now did Zhang Xiao understand that Deng Jie's heart might not be with him long ago, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling sad when he thought of this, he didn't know why Deng Jie became like this, could it be that he treated her badly?

Zhang Xiao has already regarded Deng Jie as his future marriage partner, but this incident has indeed hit Zhang Xiao a bit hard, making it difficult for him to accept this fact, but Zhang Xiao also knows that many times, your love for others Well, others only take it as they should.

Zhang Xiao didn't stay in the bedroom for a long time, but asked Guo Feng to take out the number one scholar red from his collection, maybe drinking could make him temporarily forget Deng Jie.

Guo Feng made an exception and drank two bowls of wine today, because Zhang Xiao was really abnormal today, and he had to risk his life to accompany the gentleman if he had to be forced to drink. Guo Feng was unwilling to let everyone in the entire courtyard fall into an undefended situation.

Using wine to drown her worries made her even more worried. Zhang Xiao drank a lot of wine, but her heart became more and more depressed, and this kind of depression was not enough for outsiders to know, so she could only endure it silently.

Zhang Xiao's state is naturally seen by everyone, and they all feel abnormal, but no one dares to ask, after all, Zhang Xiao is their boss, logically speaking, they shouldn't care about Zhang Xiao private matter.

After eating, Zhang Xiao returned to her bedroom and lay on the bed without even taking a shower, staring at the ceiling blankly.

After a sleepless night, Zhang Xiao didn't fall asleep until after four o'clock in the morning. After sleeping until dawn, it was Guo Feng who woke him up. After all, today is Monday, and Zhang Xiao needs to go to school.

After Zhang Xiao got up in a daze, he went to the bathroom to take a hot bath, and the whole person was completely awake. At this moment, Zhang Xiao seemed to have washed away the dust of yesterday, and the whole person became completely different from the past .

Today's Monday, Zhang Xiao has a full day's course schedule, Zhang Xiao listens to the teacher's lecture seriously, it seems that yesterday's things are over.

But looking at the notes written in his notes, it can be seen that Zhang Xiao's heart is still messy. The handwriting can prove that it is scribbled and disorderly. Obviously Zhang Xiao didn't listen much at all.

Liu Jianxin, who was sitting next to Zhang Xiao, noticed Zhang Xiao's abnormality, but he didn't speak. After all, it was class time.

After class, Liu Jianxin took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and asked, "Brother Xiao, what happened to you today, you were absent-minded."

Zhang Xiao shook his head, smiled and said perfunctorily: "It's okay, there are a lot of things in the company, and I didn't have a good rest last night."

"Oh, then you have to pay attention to rest, money is endless." Liu Jianxin believed Zhang Xiao's words, and comforted him.

At the beginning of the second class, Zhang Xiao let go of his distracting thoughts and began to listen carefully. After all, many things the teacher said were not necessarily available in books, and many of them were related to reality. This is why Zhang Xiao insisted on attending classes.

After class in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao did not go back to the courtyard, but came to a teahouse not far from the courtyard. In a room of the teahouse, Zhang Xiao met Yuan Min.

But Guo Feng didn't enter the house, but stayed in the lobby of the teahouse and waited, because he knew that Zhang Xiao and Yuan Min had something to say.

Seeing Zhang Xiao coming in, Yuan Min poured Zhang Xiao a cup of tea, then handed Zhang Xiao a folder, said with a wry smile, "Look, it contains Lin Junxian's information."

Lin Junxian, the eldest son of the Lin family, is the first heir of the Lin family. He is 25 years old this year. He was admitted to the School of Mathematical Sciences of Capital University. After graduation, he went to Princeton University to continue his studies. He is currently a doctoral candidate.

It can be seen from the data that Lin Junxian is indeed a rare talent, and the Lin family is even a big family with the same reputation as the Deng family. Although it has declined politically, it is still looked up to economically.

However, Zhang Xiao is not interested in information about the Lin family. What Zhang Xiao cares most about is that Lin Junxian is actually Deng Jie's first love boyfriend, but they broke up because Lin Junxian went abroad for further study after graduating from university. got together.

After reading the materials, Zhang Xiao let out a sigh of relief, returned the folder to Yuan Min, and said, "This file doesn't need to be archived, just destroy it."

"Boss, don't worry, I know what to do." Yuan Min nodded and said seriously.

The powerfulness of the Lin family filled Yuan Min with pressure, because he knew Zhang Xiao's character well, and it was inevitable to confront the Lin family. Although Zhang Xiao hadn't shown any hostility yet, Zhang Xiao's attitude determined everything.

"Don't worry. After all, we are in the dark and they are in the light. I think Deng Jie doesn't want Lin Junxian to know my existence. We are still safe in a short time. Besides, if we really want to fight, we may not be afraid of him. After all He is just a student now." Seeing Yuan Min's expression, Zhang Xiao said with a sneer.

Yuan Min nodded, but he didn't say much, but he knew that he had to start preparing early. Once he confronted the Lin family, it would be a protracted struggle.

Zhang Xiao didn't say anything more, and after silently drinking the tea in the cup, she got up and left the teahouse, calling Guo Feng to get in the car and leave together.

On the way back, Zhang Xiao didn't speak, but thought about everything about the Lin family, but after much deliberation, Zhang Xiao couldn't find a good solution. After all, the Lin family's understanding was there, and most of them were based on the steel industry and its supporting facilities. His business is simply not something he can handle now.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao went directly to the living room, sat on the sofa in silence for a long time before picking up the phone on the table and dialing Deng Jie's cell phone number.

The phone rang twice before it was connected. After the call was connected, Deng Jie said nonchalantly on the phone: "Xiaoxiao, I'm busy these days, so I won't go back. You can eat by yourself."

"Deng Jie, you'd better come back, I have something to tell you." Zhang Xiao said with a serious expression, but his tone was very steady, neither excited nor angry, flat and natural.

"Okay, I'll be there in a while." Deng Jie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Zhang Xiao let out a light breath and let out the boredom in his heart.

An hour later, Deng Jie walked into the courtyard. Seeing that Zhang Xiao was drinking alone in the living room, she couldn't help asking curiously, "Why are you drinking alone, and what about the others?"

Zhang Xiao put the wine glass on the table, looked at Deng Jie with a slight smile and said, "Lin Junxian didn't come with you."

Deng Jie's face suddenly changed color, the original rosy face became a little pale, and it took a long time before he said, "Are you following me?"

"Why am I following you? What's the point? Do you still want to keep this matter from me?" Zhang Xiao shook his head and said calmly.

Deng Jie was speechless for a moment, standing there at a loss for what to do.

"Let's break up, you pack up your things in the house as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao sighed, stood up and said without hesitation.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiao walked out of the living room, leaving only Deng Jie in the living room.

Seeing Zhang Xiao leaving, Deng Jie burst into tears. As for why she was crying, Deng Jie herself didn't know, she just felt inexplicably sad.

After a long time, Deng Jie packed up her things, put them in the suitcase, put the key of the courtyard house on the coffee table, and dragged the suitcase away.

Zhang Xiao sat in the gazebo, feeling the warmth from the southwest wind, but his heart was cold, because he didn't know if he would still be emotional for others. After learning the news that Deng Jie and Lin Junxian were together, His heart is already dead.

Deng Jie left silently, Zhang Xiao didn't send her off, nor did anyone send her off, after all, this was Deng Jie's own choice.

Since you can't be together, then break up, but you don't need to deliberately blame the other party, let alone argue about who is right and who is wrong, and who can tell clearly about emotional matters.

"Boss, what's the matter with you and Deng Jie?" Guo Feng came to Zhang Xiao's side and asked in a low voice.

"We broke up." Zhang Xiao said calmly.

"Why?" Guo Feng asked a little puzzled.

"Emotions are such a matter, how can we say clearly, maybe it's best not to be separated from each other." Zhang Xiao looked at the stars in the sky through the rows of eaves, and said in a faint tone.

Guo Feng saw that Zhang Xiao didn't want to say more, so he didn't dare to ask more. After all, he couldn't control Zhang Xiao, but Deng Jie's departure surprised Guo Feng.

"Go and rest, I'll sit for a while." Zhang Xiao said silently after a long silence.

Guo Feng nodded and went back to his room without saying a word.

But Zhang Xiao's heart at this moment was recalling the bits and pieces of being together with Deng Jie over the past year or so, thinking of the happy time together, his heart was full of sadness.

After a long time, Zhang Xiao stood up, walked back to the bedroom without saying a word, and went to bed.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao got up, and after an hour of physical exercise, Zhang Xiao began to eat.

After returning to school, Zhang Xiao returned to normal, as if nothing had happened, but Deng Yi, who knew the inside story, was full of bitterness, because only he knew that Zhang Xiao and his sister Deng Jie had broken up.

After the breakup, Zhang Xiao spent more time on study and work, because he knew that only by constantly studying and strengthening his own strength could he gain an advantage in future battles.

Zhang Xiao knows his disadvantages. Even though he is the boss of several companies now, he has no chance of winning against the behemoth of the Lin family. Tens of billions, let alone those that Zhang Xiao didn't know about.

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