Although Zhang Xiao had expected the company's gossip, Zhang Xiao still felt angry when these rumors reached his ears. The drawing gets darker.

"Assistant Tian, ​​don't take the company's gossips to heart. After all, those who clean themselves will clean themselves. We just need to be ourselves." Zhang Xiao comforted Tian Xiaodan.

"Boss, I can't wait for you to do something to me." Tian Xiaodan joked with a smile, although she is not married yet, but after all, she is old, and these nonsensical jokes come out of her mouth.

Zhang Xiao shook his head helplessly. Tian Xiaodan became more and more courageous, and even started a joke of his own, but he really couldn't continue with his words. After all, if he went too far, he would be easily misunderstood by Tian Xiaodan. what he wants.

"Ye Shijiang will come over later, you can meet with me." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Ye Shijiang? Boss, are you talking about Ye Shijiang who came to interview for the position of general manager?" Tian Xiaodan asked slightly puzzled.

"Yes, you know him?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I met once before at a meeting held by the government." Tian Xiaodan nodded and said, "Isn't he the vice president of Leihua Investment? Why do you want to come to our company?"

"I heard that there was a conflict with the big boss, and all the projects he wanted to invest in were cut off, so with the intention of leaving, the headhunting company recommended him to our company." Zhang Xiao smiled and mocked. Ke De said, but this is the news from Yuan Min's investigation.

It has to be said that Yuan Min is a good intelligence worker, and after many things are entrusted to him, he can quickly pass on the news, which makes Zhang Xiao admire very much.

"So that's the case, but does he need a secretary after he comes?" Tian Xiaodan suddenly realized.

"It's definitely a match, but let's talk about it after meeting Ye Shijiang today." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zhang Xiao met Ye Shijiang who was recommended by a headhunting company in the living room.

Today, Ye Shijiang is wearing a casual suit with only a shirt underneath. His hair is erect and his face is very delicate, giving people an indescribable feeling, but the whole person looks very energetic.

"Mr. Ye, hello, I have known you for a long time." Zhang Xiao stood up, stretched out his right hand and said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, I made you laugh." Ye Shijiang held Zhang Xiao's right hand with both hands, and said modestly.

"Sit whatever you want, let's have a good chat today." Zhang Xiao pointed to the sofa opposite and said with a smile.

Ye Shijiang did not sit down in a hurry, but took out a document from his briefcase, handed it to Zhang Xiao with respectful hands, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, this is my resume, please take a look."

Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate, and looked at Ye Shijiang's resume at a glance. The content in it was nothing new, and it was not much different from what Yuan Min investigated, except that he added his work experience in Leihua Investment.

"Have you left Leihua Investment now?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I've resigned, and I'm currently unemployed." Ye Shijiang said with a slight smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded and asked, "Have you ever known about Hongyuan Investment?"

"I have learned about it before, but I don't have a clear understanding of the specific business of Hongyuan Investment Company, because all the shares of Hongyuan Investment are in your hands, and what investments you have made have not been circulated in the market, so your knowledge is limited." Ye Shijiang said realistically.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and knew Ye Shijiang's difficulty in understanding Hongyuan's investment. After all, even the people in the company don't know how many companies Zhang Xiao has invested in and how many shares he has.

It's not that Zhang Xiao deliberately kept it secret, but that many investments were made by Zhang Xiao alone, and there was no need to ask for other people's opinions. Even if other people wanted to know, there was no way for them to know.

"Mr. Ye, your previous investment in Leihua was an annual salary of 30, which is converted into a monthly salary of [-]. I can give you a monthly salary of [-], but there will be a three-month trial period. [-]% off the monthly salary, and there will be project dividends at the end of the year, what do you think?" After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao said, this salary is the same as that of Academician Ni, which is considered a high salary in Hongyuan Investment Company.

"I don't care about the salary, but I want to know what is my investment authority?" Ye Shijiang smiled slightly.

"Investment authority? You only need to be responsible to me. I agree to the investment projects. The investment amount depends on the company's fund balance. The annual investment amount cannot exceed 50.00% of the company's fund balance." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After thinking for a while, Ye Shijiang smiled and said, "I'll join."

"You are welcome to join." Zhang Xiao stood up, reached out and shook hands with Ye Shijiang.

The news of Ye Shijiang joining Hongyuan Investment Company spread quickly, which made Mr. Han Fuxing of Leihua Investment very annoyed, because Ye Shijiang was recruited from abroad by him, but Ye Shijiang finally resigned because of his investment philosophy. Originally, he also let out harsh words that made Ye Shijiang unable to gain a foothold in the country, but Ye Shijiang joined Zhang Xiao's Hongyuan Investment Company after turning around.

In the office of Han Fuxing invested by Lei Hua, a beautiful woman wearing a professional skirt stood behind the potbellied Han Fuxing, kneading Han Fuxing's head with both hands, giving him a head massage, but provocatively said in her mouth : "Boss, Zhang Xiao doesn't think much of you, and Ye Shijiang, a [-]-year-old boy, did the same. We gave him such a good treatment, but as a result, the investment projects became bigger and bigger, but he couldn't see the benefits for a long time. .”

"It's normal for people to come and go in an iron-clad camp. Since Ye Shijiang has resigned, it has nothing to do with us. As for which company he goes to, it's his only. What really annoys me is this Zhang Xiao, Before I asked him to discuss the investment of the chip factory, he didn't even reply, and now he has recruited Ye Shijiang and given him the position of general manager, isn't that a slap in the face for me?" Han Fuxing was full of anger Said.

"Boss, do you want to teach him a lesson?" the beautiful woman said with a smile.

"Lesson, how to give it? Zhang Xiao is preparing for the big tree of Master Xin, and he has recruited talents like Academician Ni, and established a microelectronics technology company and chip factory that can compete with Lianxiang Group. He is in the limelight. No one Willing to confront him head-on." Although Han Fuxing was angry, he did not lose his mind, but calmly analyzed.

"Boss, let's forget it like this?" The beautiful woman felt aggrieved for Han Fuxing, and said pitifully.

"How is it possible? It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. See, as his stall grows bigger and bigger, there will always be times when he will encounter trouble. At that time, it will not be easy for us to deal with him. Why bother to offend him at this time? "Han Fuxing said with a sarcasm on his face, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"The boss is far-sighted, and the little girl is short-sighted." The beautiful woman said with a grin and pouted.

Han Fuxing looked at her red lips, his heart was full of fire, he pulled her to his body, pressed her head and said with a smile: "Don't talk about him, work."

The beautiful woman's heart trembled, she had to squat down, suppressing the nausea in her heart, and pushed Han Fuxing's big belly upwards, her red lips were shaking up and down.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao didn't know that he recruited Ye Shijiang, which made Han Fuxing hate him. At this moment, he is taking Ye Shijiang to familiarize himself with the situation of various departments. The access control requirements are very strict, without permission, it is difficult to come in, and Zhang Xiao is the only one who can enter and leave each office, and Ye Shijiang will be the second.

However, Ye Shijiang's identity card is still being produced, and Zhang Xiao has nothing else to do now, so he just walked around and checked the work of various departments by the way.

Sure enough, as Zhang Xiao expected, his sudden arrival caused a panic. The employees who had been slacking off when they saw Zhang Xiao coming in were startled and quickly pretended to be working.

Zhang Xiao didn't care about this. After all, when the company grows, there are all kinds of people. Those who work hard will be lazy. Those who work hard naturally hope that their efforts will be seen so that they can be promoted and reused.

And those who are lazy and fishy are some unmotivated guys. After completing their poor work tasks every day, they start a happy fishing moment. They have no desire for promotion and salary increase.

Ye Shijiang saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't say anything. After all, he hadn't officially joined the job yet, so many things should be kept in mind. There is no need to raise opinions now, which would easily arouse Zhang Xiao's resentment.

After going through all the departments of Hongyuan Investment Company, Zhang Xiao brought Ye Shijiang to the general manager's office, and said with a smile: "This will be your office from now on, if you feel it's not suitable, you can change it, as for your office. Secretary, you can ask someone from the HR department to find it for you, or you can bring her here to apply for her entry, but the salary needs to be determined according to the company's system."

Ye Shijiang looked at the office. The decoration of more than 40 square meters is very luxurious, and there is a separate lounge, which makes him very satisfied. He nodded with a smile and said to Zhang Xiao: "Boss, I am very satisfied. As for the secretary, I will I will bring it here, after all, she has been with me for several years, and I am used to it."

"That's good. Then you can take her to the HR department to go through the entry procedures. In addition, you can choose your special car yourself. After the selection, the company will buy it for you directly. As for the driver, the company has a small car class, or you can get it from the security company. You can decide on who you choose directly." Zhang Xiao then said with a smile.

"Okay, let me see." Ye Shijiang nodded and said.

"As for accommodation, you can live in the dormitory building at the back, or you can rent a room outside alone. The company will issue accommodation subsidies every month according to the level." Zhang Xiao thought of the accommodation issue and added a sentence.

It has to be said that Hongyuan Investment Company treats the company's employees very well, which is not available in many companies, but it made Ye Shijiang feel the atmosphere of Hongyuan Investment Company.

Then Zhang Xiao left Ye Shijiang's office and returned to his own.

In the office, Yuan Min was already waiting.

"How is Mr. Hu?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Ms. Hu has started to go back to school. Everything is normal. In addition, I arranged for a female bodyguard to protect her secretly. I believe nothing will happen." Yuan Min said.

"That's good." Zhang Xiao heaved a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was that someone would target him, which would implicate Hu Wenjing.

After all, Zhang Xiao's visit to Hu Wenjing's house this time exposed the relationship between the two, and Hu Wenjing was easy to be targeted, which is why Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Min to send someone.

"Boss, there is one thing, I don't know if I should tell you?" Yuan Min said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

"Mice, you have learned how to be sloppy now, talk about things if you have something to do, and get out if you have nothing to do." Zhang Xiao said angrily.

Yuan Min chuckled, put an envelope on Zhang Xiao's desk, and said, "Boss, you can see for yourself, I don't have much to say about this matter."

After Zhang Xiao glanced at Yuan Min, he opened the envelope and found that there was a large stack of photos inside the envelope. It was a group photo of Deng Jie and a man, but it was obviously taken secretly, and the pictures were a bit blurry.

Zhang Xiao looked over one by one, but his face became very ugly. Judging from the photos, the two behaved intimately, beyond the boundaries of ordinary friends. Not only that, Zhang Xiao also developed that the last place of the two of them turned out to be a family of five. Star Hotels.

After a long time, Zhang Xiao stuffed the photo back into the envelope, and asked Yuan Min with a serious expression, "Who is secretly protecting Deng Jie now?"

"Zhu Hua." Yuan Min answered immediately, obviously he had made careful preparations before coming.

"Now you arrange someone to replace Zhu Hua and let her come over to my place." Zhang Xiao rubbed his temples, feeling a severe headache.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Yuan Min saw that Zhang Xiao's expression was not right, and left in a hurry, for fear that Zhang Xiao would drag his anger on him.

Although Zhang Xiao didn't want to believe this was true, the behavior of the two people in the photo was so close that he couldn't help but think about it, but everything would be decided when Zhu Hua came over.

However, Zhang Xiao also felt that Deng Jie was a little strange recently. From the New Year to the present, Deng Jie spent most of her time either in the dormitory or at home. She hadn't lived in a courtyard for a long time, which made Zhang Xiao feel even more uncomfortable.

Two hours later, Zhang Xiao met Zhu Hua, Deng Jie's secret bodyguard, in the office, pointed to the envelope on the table and asked, "When did you take these photos?"

"Two days ago, Ms. Deng Jie stayed with that man after she came out of school that night. The two of them came to the Four Seasons Hotel after watching the movie, and they didn't come out until the next morning." Zhu Hua's face turned slightly pale. , but the tone is still calm.

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