Basically nothing special happened during the following military training time. Although Shen Biyu was still around Zhang Xiao, she didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

In a blink of an eye, half a month of military training time has passed. All the classes are gathered on the playground that day. This is a military training parade. The military training situation of each class is graded, which is also an assessment. It is not only an assessment of the students, but also It can be regarded as an assessment of the instructor's mission, and the results will naturally be recorded.

On the morning of August 8, all senior one students gathered in the playground to prepare for the military training parade.

Instructor Li Wei gave a lecture to class 96(1) before the performance, the content was just to ask the students to recognize and treat them.

But Zhang Xiao knew that the students would take it seriously. After all, the results of the military training show would also be recorded in the files.

Class 96 (1) was the first class to perform, so it naturally attracted people's attention. Fortunately, after half a month of training, all the students' movements can be done in a uniform manner, which is pleasing to the eye.

At the end of the 10-minute performance, there was warm applause on the playground, and the class's military training performance was a complete success.

At the end of the military training performance, the students of Class 96 (1) can sit in line on the lawn of the school and watch the performances of other classes.

In the military training performances of other classes, some classes performed perfectly, but in some classes there were students who did not distinguish between left and right, which made people laugh out loud.

After the military training performance, the school leader gave a speech, and then the class teacher Guo Zhihao arranged for the holiday after the students returned to the classroom.

"Students, the military training is over. We will be on vacation for a week and return to school on the evening of August 8th. No one is allowed to be late. I hope everyone will make good use of the time. In addition, students from other places must pay attention to safety on the road to prevent accidents. "

"In addition, there will be an exam on August 8th, and then we will be divided into classes again based on the exam results. I hope that all students will not forget to study during the holiday and prepare well!"

As soon as Guo Zhihao said this, there was an uproar. Although he said it once before, some students thought it was Guo Zhihao's joke, but they didn't expect it to be true.

However, Guo Zhihao obviously had no intention of explaining, and left the classroom with his own things.

"Zhang Xiao, are you going home this time for the holiday?" Liu Lu asked as he walked.

"Go home, if you don't go back now, there will be no time to go back once a week every Monday." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"That's true, but be careful Li Yaning, he may have someone block you outside the school!" Liu Lu said in a low voice.

Zhang Xiao felt depressed for a while. She didn't expect to offend Li Yaning, who is considered a celebrity in the provincial capital, just after entering school. Moreover, with Li Yaning's character, it is not impossible for this kind of thing to happen.

After returning to the dormitory, Liu Lu and Sun Peng packed up and went home with their schoolbags on their backs. Li Yaning didn't stop there either, dragging his small suitcase and leaving in a hurry. Before leaving, he gave Zhang Xiao a hard look.

Zhang Xiao closed the doors and windows of the dormitory, hid 1000 yuan in the interlayer of the schoolbag, and only carried a few dozen yuan with him, preparing to buy tickets on the road, and put some high school textbooks brought from home into the schoolbag, and put After making the bed, he locked the door of the dormitory with his schoolbag on his back and headed out of the school.

As for Li Ya-ning's threat, Zhang Xiao didn't take it too seriously. After all, it is a society ruled by law, and he doesn't believe that Li Ya-ning dared to do anything to him.

When leaving the school gate, Zhang Xiao saw that everything was normal, so she headed towards the bus stop sign.

But he didn't see that Li Yaning was pointing at two grown men in a black car on the road opposite the school gate.

"It's this kid, give him a hard lesson, but don't kill anyone, and if you are caught, don't tell me that I ordered you." Li Yaning told the two men.

"Don't worry, Young Master Li, we won't mess things up." The leading man assured Li Yafan, patted his chest.

Li Yafan took out his wallet, took out ten cards of Great Unity, handed them to them, and said: "This is a deposit, and the other half will be paid after the completion of the transaction!"

The two men put away five tickets each, then got off the bus and headed towards the bus stop where Zhang Xiao was.

After finishing all this, Li Yaning gave a chuckle and told the driver to leave.

Zhang Xiao got on the No. [-] bus, but he didn't notice that there were two men running towards him.

"Brother, what should I do, I missed the bus." After the No. [-] bus drove away, the two arrived at the bus stop sign.

The leading vicious man immediately stopped a taxi. After the two got on the bus, the man said to the driver, "Follow the No. [-] bus ahead."

The driver glanced at the fierce man, didn't speak, and drove directly to the No. [-] bus ahead.

Zhang Xiao, who was sitting on the bus, didn't know that someone was following him, but took out a book to read. After all, for him, study was the most important thing.

After half an hour of stop-and-go, Zhang Xiao got off at the platform not far from the passenger station and walked towards the ticket office. The two men behind him looked at the patrolling police not far away, and their faces were a little pale. obscure.

"Fuck, this kid actually went straight into the ticket office, what should I do?" The vicious man was a little afraid of the police, so he didn't dare to follow him in.

"It's okay. They are on vacation for seven days. This kid is from Xinglin County. He will definitely take the long-distance bus to Xinglin County. We will block him on the road so that he won't attract attention." The younger man said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao, who bought the ticket, saw that the departure time was still early, so she bought a fried pancake with egg drop soup for three yuan at the station. Although it was twice as expensive as the school cafeteria, Zhang Xiao did not He didn't care, but looked at the jewelry store not far away from time to time.

"Would you like to go and see, what if there is the energy needed by the Yuan Chain?" Zhang Xiao was eating absent-mindedly, but he was thinking about the energy of the Yuan Chain.

After eating, Zhang Xiao looked at the time and found that there was still some time left, so she couldn't help but walked out of the waiting room and headed for the jewelry store.

As soon as he entered the jewelry store, as expected, the mechanical voice appeared in his mind again:

"Dissociated energy is found, is it absorbed?"

Meta chain energy: 1011000.

"Absorb." Zhang Xiao agreed from the bottom of his heart, but he didn't stop walking, and continued to walk inside.

The energy of the metachain began to grow slowly, at a very slow speed, completely incomparable with the time when it absorbed the pebbles.

I saw that there were not only gold and silver jewelry in the counter, but also many jade accessories, pearl necklaces, jadeite and other accessories, which were dazzling, but the price was much cheaper than later generations, but considering the current wages of people, the price of gold is more than 100 per gram Still too expensive.

But Zhang Xiao didn't come to buy gold, he went directly to the jade counter.

"Hello, can I have a look at this?" Zhang Xiao asked the waiter at the counter, pointing to a jade amulet priced at 280.

The round-faced waiter looked at Zhang Xiao, who looked like a student, and said with a smile: "This little brother, are you buying a gift for your girlfriend?"

Zhang Xiao nodded, and touched the amulet with his hand, but Yuanlian didn't give any hint, which made Zhang Xiao very puzzled, could it be that he had guessed wrong.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao changed several jade accessories with a price of around [-], and only one had a reminder, which made Zhang Xiao pay attention immediately. It seems that not all jades contain the energy required by Yuan Chain, and it may be Jade without energy is not real Jade!

Zhang Xiao was taken aback by his guess, but it had nothing to do with him. He stroked this jade tablet carefully, but it was different from the other jade tablets. feeling, while others do not.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao changed a few more pieces, and one of them also contained yuan chain energy, Zhang Xiao immediately had a judgment on this.

Not all jade stones have the energy required by the Yuan Chain, and jade with the energy of the Yuan Chain must feel warm to the touch.

But Zhang Xiao didn't dare to let the yuan chain absorb energy at this time, what if the jade was broken after the absorption, this is not a joke.

In the end, Zhang Xiao decided to buy the jade amulet with a price tag of 260. Yushi said, "Sister, I want this one. Put it up for me!"

The round-faced waiter who was a little impatient suddenly beamed with joy, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll pretend it for you."

After Zhang Xiao paid, she took the box from the waiter, smiled slightly, walked out of the jewelry store, and headed towards the passenger terminal.

After Zhang Xiao got on the bus, the bus to Xinglin County departed in a short while, which made Zhang Xiao feel that he had gained a lot, and held the jade card in his hand.

"Absorb." I agreed from the bottom of my heart, and the progress bar of Yuan Chain's energy suddenly increased greatly, even exceeding the speed of absorbing pebbles before.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiao was a little excited looking at the progress bar of Yuanlian energy.

Meta chain energy: 2841000.

A jade token that only costs 260 yuan actually contributed almost 160 points of energy, and the free energy absorbed 23 points, which made Zhang Xiao extremely happy. It seems that a few more jade tokens can fill up the energy, and by then Now we can know the true face of Yuan Chain.

Moreover, Zhang Xiao found that the jade card that had lost its energy hadn't changed much. The only change was that the jade card had lost that warm feeling, which gave Zhang Xiao a possibility to go to the jewelry store to absorb the jade card.

Zhang Xiao carefully put the jade card back into the box, put it back into the schoolbag, and took out a book from the schoolbag to read.

At this time, the bus left the provincial capital and was about to board the provincial highway.

At this moment, two people stopped the car, and the driver stopped the car and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Just drive forward, it's not too far." The two people who came up formally followed Zhang Xiao's two people, and it seemed that they were not easy to mess with.

The driver did not dare to offend these people. You must know that these people may be gangsters. They have been running this route. Offending them is tantamount to courting death.

After the driver walked forward for a while, the two came to Zhang Xiao's side, and said to the middle-aged woman sitting next to Zhang Xiao, "Get out of the way, I want to sit here."

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