Beginning on August 8, all freshmen in senior high school began formal military training.

If the first day was just an appetizer, the military training that started on the second day made everyone take it seriously, and I don't know who sent the news that if the results of the military training are not qualified, they will not be eligible for scholarships.

Zhang Xiao didn't reject the military training, knowing that this was just the beginning, and as the No. [-] student in this year's senior high school entrance examination, someone would use a magnifying glass to check his every move, and if he was careless, he would be questioned.

The following days became a little dull and boring. Li Yaning participated in the military training honestly. Although he was very dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao's taking the top spot in the high school entrance examination, it had become a fact. He could only hold it in his heart and wait for the opportunity.

The only thing that surprised everyone in the class was that class flower Shen Biyu had been running around Zhang Xiao since Li Yaning came to the military training, bringing water and snacks from time to time.

It was okay at first, but as she became more and more familiar with her, she even made some intimate gestures towards Zhang Xiao, which made Zhang Xiao very speechless.

However, Zhang Xiao understood that he should be Shen Biyu's shield, and the target was naturally Li Yaning. Therefore, Li Yaning became more and more hostile to Zhang Xiao, but he did not take any specific actions.

This afternoon, the weather is hot.

After an hour of boring goose-step walking, finally ushered in a half-hour break.

When the instructor Li Wei announced the disbandment, Zhang Xiao lay down on the grass under the shade of the trees without saying a word, enjoying this rare rest time.

In the past two days, Liu Lu and Sun Peng began to circle around the girls in the class, delivering water and buying snacks, leaving Zhang Xiao quite speechless.

Just when Zhang Xiao closed his eyes and meditated, a faint fragrance made him open his eyes suddenly, and he saw Shen Biyu bending down to reveal the whiteness from the neckline, making Zhang Xiao's face slightly red, He reached out to take a bottle of water from Shen Biyu.

Zhang Xiao quickly moved his eyes away, not daring to look at Shen Biyu, but that touch of white made Zhang Xiao's originally calm heart slightly turbulent.

Although Shen Biyu was wearing a large camouflage uniform, her exquisite curves could not be concealed. In addition to her extremely beautiful face, she became the recognized class flower of class 96 (1), even Zhang Xiao, who has lived for two generations I also have to admit that it is extremely beautiful.

However, Zhang Xiao didn't think that Shen Biyu fell in love with her, so she got tired of getting together with her, but she wanted to use Zhang Xiao as her shield, in order to deal with the extremely cold and arrogant Li Yaning.

Zhang Xiao was not polite either. He unscrewed the water bottle and drank two-thirds of it in one go before exhaling comfortably.

"You are so impolite!" Seeing Zhang Xiao's behavior, Shen Biyu rolled her eyes speechlessly.

Zhang Xiao pretended not to know anything, and said with a smile: "I'll buy you water tomorrow, why are you so polite?"

At this time, Li Yaning saw Shen Biyu and Zhang Xiao almost cuddling together, and suddenly became angry, and threw the water bottle in his hand to the ground.

Li Yaning was completely angry, his originally pale face was twisted together, and he rushed towards Zhang Xiao, roaring angrily: "Zhang Xiao, you are not a thing, I want to fight you!"

Zhang Xiao stood up and said disdainfully: "Li Yaning, you have a problem, don't bring in the problems of foreign medieval times, besides, why should I fight you, what reason do you have?"

"Zhang Xiao, are you still a man?" Li Yaning roared angrily after being rejected.

"Whether I'm a man or not has nothing to do with you, as long as someone knows that I'm a man, it has nothing to do with you!" Zhang Xiao snorted at Li Yaning and said with a teasing smile.

"You bastard, you have the ability to fight with me." Li Yaning glanced at the blushing Shen Biyu, and said to Zhang Xiao viciously.

Zhang Xiao scolded coldly: "Stupid! This is a school, you can't do whatever you want, and I don't have the time to talk to you."

"Assemble!" Li Wei's whistle sounded at this moment.

The students who were surrounding all rushed to gather, but Zhang Xiao ignored Li Yaning and ran to occupy the queue.

"Be careful, I won't let you go!" Li Yaning said softly when passing by Zhang Xiao.

After the military training in the afternoon, on the way back to the dormitory, Liu Lu said with a smile: "Zhang Xiao, be careful. In junior high school, Shen Biyu was the object of Li Yaning's pursuit, but Shen Biyu ignored him, but Li Yaning was strong. No one dares to chase Shen Biyu."

Zhang Xiao said indifferently: "What does Shen Biyu have to do with me, she's just using me as a shield, besides, I just believe in what Li Yaning dares to do in school!"

"You'd better be careful, Li Yaning is vicious." After Sun Peng said something coldly, he didn't say any more.

Zhang Xiao nodded, feeling a little vigilant in her heart. After all, this is the provincial capital, and anything can happen.

During the evening self-study class, when Zhang Xiao went to the toilet, she found five boys staying with Li Yaning in the toilet.

"Zhang Xiao, you poor boy from the countryside dare to fight with me, brothers, beat him to death, I will take responsibility for any accident!" Li Yaning said viciously to Zhang Xiao, and at the same time waved his hand, the five boys all He rushed towards Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao was startled immediately, he didn't expect that Li Yaning would dare to attack him in school, you must know that this is the Provincial Experimental Middle School, one of the key high schools in the whole province.

However, Zhang Xiao is not afraid of fighting. He fought a lot in his previous life. After his rebirth, his physical strength is even stronger than before. He is not stage frightened when he meets these boys.

Grabbing the boy's fist who was rushing towards him, he flung him away. At the same time, two boys were blocked from his way. At the same time, Zhang Xiao punched one of the boys, knocking down one person, and the remaining three I was frightened by Zhang Xiao's actions.

However, Zhang Xiao didn't give them a chance to regret it. She took a few steps forward and knocked them all down to the ground, leaving only Li Yaning standing aside.

"A couple of times, I underestimated you." Li Yaning moved his wrist and said with a sneer.

Zhang Xiao looked at Li Ya-ning, knowing that Li Ya-ning should have practiced some martial arts or taekwondo, so he immediately became more vigilant.

Li Yaning took two steps forward and kicked Zhang Xiao with a high whip kick.

Lifting Zhang Xiao's left arm, he easily blocked Li Yaning's attack. At the same time, he kicked Li Yaning's knee hard with his right foot, causing Li Yaning to kneel down, and then punched him in the face.

"Don't mess with me again, I have nothing to do with Shen Biyu!" Zhang Xiao snorted coldly, turned and left.

Li Yaning's face turned livid. Since he was a child, when has he suffered such a loss, especially when he lost face in front of his younger brother, it made him feel uncomfortable.

"Boss, what should we do?" Five boys who got up from the ground helped Li Yaning up from the ground and asked in a low voice.

"I didn't expect this bumpkin from the countryside to be so good at fighting. It's really unexpected." Li Yaning found an excuse for himself, "We were careless this time, but I don't believe that no one can cure him!"

After Zhang Xiao returned to the classroom, she put those messy things behind her mind and tried her best to focus on her studies.

Li Yaning also came in with the bell ringing, but the filth on his body made many people laugh.

Even Guo Zhihao in the classroom was a little speechless, because Li Yaning's body was really dirty, and there were yellow stains in some places.

"Li Yaning, did you fall into the toilet?" Liu Lu asked with a laugh, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

Li Yaning's face was livid, he forgot about this, the toilet light was dim, but he didn't see anything, at this time the classroom was brightly lit, his body was covered with filth and gave off a bad smell.

"Yaning, go to the dormitory and change your clothes." Guo Zhihao had to say to Li Yaning.

Without saying a word, Li Yaning gave Zhang Xiao a hard look and ran out quickly.

Zhang Xiao shook her head, knowing that this time it might be more troublesome. With Li Yaning's arrogance, this matter will not be left alone.

"Zhang Xiao, do you know what happened to Li Yaning?" Sun Peng knew that Zhang Xiao went to the toilet, so he asked.

"I don't know, maybe I accidentally fell down." Zhang Xiao didn't tell the truth, but said something casually, after all, no one else saw their fight in the toilet before.

"Really? Then you have to be more careful. When Li Yaning left just now, he gave you a hard look." Sun Peng had a delicate mind, but he observed Li Yafan's reaction very carefully.

Zhang Xiao was speechless immediately. It was no wonder that there was no one who could get a high score in the senior high school entrance examination. She shook her head, stopped thinking about it, and continued to study.

"Report!" Li Yaning changed a set of clothes and came back after a while. Judging by his wet hair, he should have taken a shower.

Guo Zhihao glanced at Li Ya-Ning, said with a smile, "Come in, the light in the bathroom is rather dim, everyone be careful when going to the bathroom, don't be like Li Ya-Ning."

"Haha." There was another burst of laughter in the classroom.

This made Li Yaning, who had an ugly face, suddenly burst into anger. He suppressed the anger in his heart and didn't speak, but he knew that his glorious image no longer existed, and he became a laughing stock in the eyes of others.

After evening self-study, Zhang Xiao just came to the dormitory and saw Li Yaning waiting for her with a face of hatred. Zhang Xiao ignored him and went to wash up on her own.

"Zhang Xiao, just wait for me, I will make you look good one day!" Li Yaning stared at Zhang Xiao's back and said angrily.

"Li Yaning, don't make trouble for no reason. What enmity do I have with you? Do you mean to target me like this?" Zhang Xiao spat out the mouthwash in his mouth, turned to look at Li Yaning and said, "You don't understand what Shen Biyu means?" , she is just a shield for me, and I don't mean anything to her, if you really like her, go after her, but I don't want anyone to target me!"

Li Yaning gave Zhang Xiao a hard look, but didn't speak again. If he did something now, he would have no chance of winning.

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