Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 236 Establishment of the Relocation Team

Zhang Xiao smiled helplessly and said, "Xiaojie, I will go to the company tomorrow, don't worry, I will take care of the company's affairs."

"That's right. I'm completely healed now, and I don't need your company anymore." Deng Jie's face immediately eased a lot.

Zhang Xiao walked back into the house, picked up the phone and dialed Tian Xiaodan's office number.

"Director Tian, ​​I'm Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao said.

"Boss, hello." Tian Xiaodan said quickly.

"The renovation of Hongyuan Building has been completed. Please inform the responsible persons of each company. There will be a meeting at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon to discuss the relocation. Leave is not allowed for non-essential things." Zhang Xiao said in a deep voice.

"Okay, boss, I'll notify you right away." Tian Xiaodan immediately agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao said to Deng Jie: "I may be very busy in the future, and I won't have much time with you, but don't worry, I will be back at night."

"I'm not a three-year-old anymore. You're busy with your work. I don't need your company." After Deng Jie said a word, she turned and left.

Looking at Deng Jie's back, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking her head.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao went directly to Hongyuan Investment Company by car after class.

"Boss, this is the list of participants. Except for Academician Ni who is temporarily unable to come back from Hong Kong Island, everyone has been notified that they will attend on time." Hou Shuyan handed a document to Zhang Xiao and said.

"Okay, I got it." Zhang Xiao said with a smile after taking the document, glanced at it.

After Hou Shuyan left, Zhang Xiao began to deal with the backlog of documents during this period, most of which were approval documents, and Zhang Xiao could just sign and seal them for filing, after all, many of them had already started to be implemented.

However, the content of one of the documents caught Zhang Xiao's attention, that is, the audit report on Minmin Supermarket. It took one and a half months before Minmin Supermarket was audited.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but frown after looking through it. People's Supermarket has a lot of problems, including financial irregularities and false claims. Although the overall profit is quite a lot, Zhang Xiao understands , The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant nest. If the people's supermarket does not carry out a thorough rectification, bigger problems will inevitably erupt.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao called the audit team.

"Group leader Huang, I'm Zhang Xiao."

"Good day, boss."

"Come to my office."

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Not long after hanging up the phone, Huang Yutao walked in. Huang Yutao is 33 years old this year. He used to be the head of the audit department of a state-owned enterprise. After being laid off, he came to Hongyuan Investment Company. The leader of the group.

Huang Yutao pushed the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and called out to Zhang Xiao, "Boss."

"You sit down first, I'll read this document." Zhang Xiao pointed to the sofa and said to Huang Yutao.

Huang Yutao didn't feel restrained, sat on the sofa in the reception area, picked up the tea cups on the table and made two cups of tea, not only his own, but also made a cup for Zhang Xiao.

Not long after, Zhang Xiao finished reading the documents, took the audit report of Minmin Supermarket, and sat across from Huang Yutao.

"Group leader Huang, this is the audit report on Minmin Supermarket. After reading it, I found that there are many problems in Minmin Supermarket. I came here to find out the specific situation." Zhang Xiao said.

"Boss, the problems found in the current audit of Minmin Supermarket are all financial problems. One is financial irregularities and the other is false reimbursement. Although the amount is not large, I think we should pay attention to it. After all, Minmin Supermarket has only been established for more than a year. , the long-term solution is to carry out standardized management now." Huang Yutao said with a very serious expression.

"That's what I mean too, so I hope you can come up with a standardized management system, and after the company relocates, the People's Supermarket will be managed in a standardized way." Zhang Xiao nodded, while agreeing with Huang Yutao's statement, he also gave him Tasks are assigned.

"Don't worry, Boss, I will come up with a plan as soon as possible." Huang Yutao immediately lifted his spirits, because he knew that this was a matter of great importance to him.

After Huang Yutao left, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smile slightly. If Huang Yutao could come up with a solution that satisfied him, he wouldn't mind letting Huang Yutao go further.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the big conference room of Hongyuan Investment Company, the heads and leaders of various companies gathered together, discussing the relocation in a low voice. After all, the theme of today's meeting is to discuss the relocation.

Zhang Xiao brought Tian Xiaodan and Hou Shuyan to the conference room on time at two o'clock.

After the roll call by Tian Xiaodan, the meeting officially began.

Zhang Xiao flicked the microphone, and after testing that the microphone was normal, he did not ask Tian Xiaodan to preside over the meeting, but directly said: "The meeting is now officially held. In fact, the purpose of today's meeting is very simple, and that is about the company's relocation."

"The renovation of Hongyuan Building was completed two days ago. Since the current company is too scattered, it is not conducive to communication and management, so this time we will relocate all the company's management. This is the relocation plan. Let's take a look first." Having said that, Zhang Xiao asked Hou Shuyan to distribute the relocation plans of each company.

When everyone was looking at the company's relocation plan, Zhang Xiao continued to say: "It is already early winter, and everyone knows that although the winter in Beijing is not as cold as in the Northeast, the temperature will reach minus ten degrees, so the relocation must be done. As soon as possible, try to complete the relocation before the end of this month."

"In order to ensure the smooth progress of the relocation, I decided to set up a relocation team. I will be the team leader. Mr. Tang Zhenhao from Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. and Mr. Li from the People's Supermarket will be the deputy team leaders. Elite employees join the relocation team to complete the relocation task as soon as possible.”

"If you have any questions, you can talk now."

After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, everyone began to discuss. However, since the previous companies were operated independently, everyone was not familiar with them. They could only be regarded as acquaintances. At this moment, everyone also took this opportunity to start to understand and communicate with each other.

Zhang Xiao waited for a while and saw that no one asked any questions, so he said, "Since no one asked any questions, then he is satisfied with the arrangement of the relocation plan. In this case, I will arrange the specific matters of relocation now."

"Tomorrow, that is, November [-]th, Hongyuan Investment Company and Hongyuan Security Company will start to relocate, and the relocation is expected to be completed in two days."

"From November 11th to NO.[-], the headquarters of Xingsheng Glass Factory and Minmin Supermarket will be relocated."

"Starting from NO.12, the microelectronics technology company and the chip factory will be relocated. Since you have a large number of people, you can call me if you need help, but the relocation must be completed by the 25th at the latest. This is a task that must be completed."

"Since the office address of Hongyuan Real Estate Company is in Hongyuan Building, you can choose the opportunity to relocate. I don't ask for time, but it must not affect the relocation of other companies."


Zhang Xiao arranged things one by one. Although it can't be said that everything is detailed, the general direction has been determined.

By the time everything was arranged, it was already past four in the afternoon.

Zhang Xiao took a sip of tea and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

"Boss, it's mainly about the staff dormitory. How will the staff dormitory be arranged after the relocation?" Tang Zhenhao asked.

"Behind the Hongyuan Building, there are three residential buildings, which have been renovated and will be allocated as employee dormitories. Each company needs to make statistics on the number of people who need employee dormitories. The company will make unified arrangements based on the contributions of employees. Of course, we To be clear, those who have housing in the capital are not allowed to apply for employee dormitories. If there are special circumstances, a written report must be written in advance, and we will review them at that time, and arrange dormitories for those who meet the requirements." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After listening to Zhang Xiao's arrangement, Tang Zhenhao nodded in satisfaction and said, "Thank you boss, I thank you on behalf of the company's employees."

"You're welcome, here I reiterate one point, that is, you must pay attention to safety during the relocation process, not only the safety of personnel, but also the safety of equipment, especially microelectronics technology companies, you have a lot of valuable equipment, you must take protective measures , so as not to cause damage." Zhang Xiao then ordered again.

"Don't worry, boss, I will make arrangements." Tang Zhenhao promised.

Then everyone discussed the specific matters of relocation, and Zhang Xiao announced the end of the meeting: "Okay, let's go back and think about these small problems, and try to find a solution. The meeting is now adjourned. The relocation plan will be implemented tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xiao got up and left the meeting room without giving anyone a chance to ask questions again.

On the second day, the relocation team was formally established, and the main personnel were mainly from the logistics department of Hongyuan Investment Company.

A total of fifty people were divided into five groups with ten people in each group, who were mainly responsible for the arrangement of vehicles and laborers during the relocation process.

Hongyuan Building has a total of 32 floors, with a floor height of three meters. Zhang Xiao's office is on the 32nd floor, which is a suite of more than 50 square meters. The secretary Hou Shuyan is in the outermost one, and there is a lounge with a bathroom in the innermost.

Zhang Xiao sat on the sofa near the bed, drank the tea made by his secretary Hou Shuyan, and couldn't help but say to Wang Changjun, the general manager of the real estate company, "Yes, I'm very satisfied."

"Boss, as long as you are satisfied." Wang Changjun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Wang Changjun was recommended to Zhang Xiao by Mo Wenxin. He used to be the vice president of a real estate company. He was in his 40s and a good-looking talent. In just three months, Wang Changjun managed Hongyuan Real Estate Company in an orderly manner. Hongyuan Building and the three dormitory buildings, the remaining building and the remaining nine residential buildings have all started construction, and Zhang Xiao is very satisfied with the progress.

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