Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 235 Companionship Is the Longest Confession

"Didn't like it? She looks pretty." Mo Wenxin said to Zhang Xiao teasingly.

"Master, you won't fall in love with me, I have her phone number here." Zhang Xiao said angrily.

"Brat, it's not big or small." Mo Wenxin slapped Zhang Xiao, and said with a smile.

At this exchange meeting, Mo Wenxin got a Chenghua Doucai Chicken Cup, and he was in a good mood. After all, there are very few Chenghua Doucai Chicken Cups in the world, and each one can be regarded as the treasure of the store. When the mood is natural and pleasant.

Although Zhang Xiao didn't auction any items, he also absorbed 10,000+ yuan energy, which can be regarded as a great harvest, and temporarily relieved Zhang Xiao's desire for yuan energy.

But Zhang Xiao could feel that with the growth of the tree of life, the demand for Yuan Energy was increasing. At this time, more than 600 points were needed every day, which filled Zhang Xiao with a sense of urgency.

After Zhang Xiao sent Mo Wenxin back to his residence, he returned to the courtyard.

Looking at Deng Jie who fell asleep on the sofa, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling distressed, and just as she was about to carry her back to the bedroom, Deng Jie woke up.

"Why don't you go back to sleep in the house, what if you catch a cold on the sofa." Zhang Xiao said with some distress while holding Deng Jie.

"I was waiting for you, I accidentally fell asleep." Deng Jie rubbed her eyes and said embarrassedly.

"Don't wait for me on the sofa in the future, just wait for me in the room." Zhang Xiao put Deng Jie on the bed and said with a smile.

"Well, have you eaten yet?" Deng Jie asked.

"Have eaten, haven't you eaten yet?" Zhang Xiao looked at the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning, and she couldn't help but said a little moved.

"I'm a little hungry now." Deng Jie didn't answer Zhang Xiao's question, but said silently.

"Wait a minute, I'll eat for you next." Zhang Xiao stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

After a while, Zhang Xiao came back with two bowls of steaming hot noodles.

"You are so kind." Deng Jie ate the noodles and smiled with satisfaction.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion, happiness in life is so simple, happiness is when someone waits for you when you come back from get off work, happiness is when you eat with someone to accompany you, and happiness is when you sleep with someone by your side.

Happiness is so simple, yet so rare, no wonder people often say that companionship is the longest confession of love.

The next day, Zhang Xiao took Deng Jie to the hospital for a reexamination.

Although Deng Jie has recovered, regular reexamination still needs to be done. After all, it will take some time for post-traumatic sequelae to fully recover.

Even with Xue Mei's leadership, the inspection took a long time. Fortunately, everything was normal, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little relieved.

"Xiaoxiao, Deng Jie is recovering very well, thanks to you." Xue Mei said to Zhang Xiao.

"Auntie, what did you say? Xiaojie is my girlfriend. I hope she recovers as soon as possible." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"In fact, post-traumatic sequelae are more about psychological treatment, and companionship is the best medicine, so I still need to trouble you to accompany her more in the future." Xue Mei nodded and told Zhang Xiao.

"Don't worry, Auntie, I know what to do." Zhang Xiao immediately agreed and said to Xue Mei with a smile.

After coming out of the hospital, Deng Jie said to Zhang Xiao, "Let's go for a while."

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Zhang Xiao took Deng Jie's hand and said with a smile.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng greeted each other, and they walked along the sidewalk along the street.

"Xiaoxiao, do you think I'm useless?" Deng Jie said with dull eyes.

"Why do you say that?" Zhang Xiao looked at Deng Jie in surprise, and asked in confusion.

"I've checked the information. I have post-traumatic stress disorder, a type of schizophrenia, and it's hard to recover." Deng Jie shook her head and said helplessly.

"Xiaojie, what you said is too serious. You are just a mild stress reaction, and you will get better gradually. You don't need to take medicine. It's not a disease at all. We came to review to make you feel better. Good recovery." Zhang Xiao explained to Deng Jie.

"But why sometimes I still dream about everything that happened that day." Deng Jie said with some fear.

"That only happens occasionally, and it will get better after a long time." Zhang Xiao hugged her into her arms and comforted her softly.

In the following time, Zhang Xiao will spend more time with Deng Jie, hoping that she will recover soon.

It has to be said that as Zhang Xiao's company time lengthened, Deng Jie seemed to have forgotten about the attack and hadn't had nightmares for a long time, which made Zhang Xiao feel relieved that her efforts were not in vain.

Time passed quickly, and it was November in a blink of an eye.

That afternoon, Zhang Xiao, who was accompanying Deng Jie in the courtyard, received a call from Tang Zhenhao.

"Boss, Hongyuan Building has been renovated, when do you think we will start moving?" Tang Zhenhao said on the phone.

"You can discuss this matter with Academician Ni, and I will not participate." Zhang Xiao said after pondering for a while.

"Boss, this is impossible. Hongyuan Building is not only for our microelectronics technology company, but Hongyuan Investment Company is also moving there? There are also Minmin Supermarket and Xingsheng Glass Factory. So many people would not be able to move there without your arrangement." It's messed up." Tang Zhenhao said helplessly.

"Okay, I got it. I will take time to arrange the relocation of the company. Just wait for the notice." Zhang Xiao hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Xiaoxiao, if you have something to do in the company, go and get busy. I'm completely fine now." Deng Jie is very understanding at this time, because she knows very well that Zhang Xiao has pushed many things away in order to accompany her during this time Go out, but Zhang Xiao, as the boss, must not be absent for such a major event as the company's relocation.

"It's okay. I'll go to the company for a meeting tomorrow afternoon to arrange the relocation. I believe it won't take long." Zhang Xiao said to Deng Jie with a smile.

"Xiaoxiao, I don't want you to delay the company's development because of me. After all, I'm already healed now." Deng Jie said with a serious expression.

"The company is developing very well now, you don't have to worry at all."

"Xiaoxiao, don't lie to me. Although the equipment in the chip factory has been installed, the good product rate cannot increase. Isn't this a big deal? Also, the promotion of the Shenhua computer operating system has also encountered difficulties. Isn't this a trivial matter? ?” Deng Jie shook her head and said with a helpless wry smile.

"Xiaojie, now that you know, I won't hide it from you anymore. Although I am very anxious that the yield rate of the chip factory will not increase, anxiety cannot solve the problem, and so many engineers have been searching day and night. There is a problem, and I believe the problem will be solved soon!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile as he held Deng Jie into his arms.

"As for the Shenhua computer operating system, I had anticipated that it would be difficult to promote it on personal computers. After all, Microsoft's Win98 system is indeed very powerful, and Microsoft's ecological environment has been developed for a long time, basically already It's perfect, but I've already arranged a way to deal with it, so I don't need to go into battle myself."

"But your absence from the company will definitely affect your work." Deng Jie said firmly, "I don't want to be your burden."

The movements of Zhang Xiao's hands couldn't help but stagnate, because he had always thought that Deng Jie was happy with his company, but he didn't expect that Deng Jie's heart was so sensitive that he would say such words as burdensome. His inner torment.

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