That night, when Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni were discussing about leaving.

Academician Ni sighed and said: "Boss, there is not much equipment in this fab that needs to be replaced, and their production process is very complete, plus the lithography machine was updated last year, as long as we move it back After the equipment is debugged, it can be produced directly, but recruitment is a big problem.”

"Take your time, besides, I don't know if the price can be negotiated." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said.

"Why, are you having financial difficulties?" Academician Ni was stunned.

"That's right, the fab is holding on to 6000 million. Although we think it's worth the price, the money is really not that much now!" Zhang Xiao said with a sigh.

Academician Ni also sighed, but he knew that he couldn't help with this matter, and Zhang Xiao needed to solve it by himself.

"Let's go back first and have a formal contact with the representatives of the fab, hoping to reach an agreement." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

Academician Ni also nodded. In fact, he didn't want to leave, but if he stayed any longer, he would really be stealing his teacher. It would only make people disgusted and cause unnecessary trouble.

The next morning, on the plane back to Hong Kong Island, Academician Ni was still reading the materials he had brought back. Academician Ni's non-stop study for the past few days had already made his eyes red and bloodshot all over his eye sockets.

"Academician Ni, take a rest, you have to pay attention to your body." Zhang Xiao couldn't help persuading him.

"I'm fine. I've been watching for a while. I have to say that the fab's manufacturing process is still very advanced. Many things that we couldn't figure out in the laboratory before can be applied to production. It's amazing." Academician Ni said while looking at the information.

Zhang Xiao took the materials from Academician Ni without hesitation, and said in a heavy tone: "Academician Ni, I understand your current thinking and your mood. After all, this kind of manufacturing process and technology is ahead of the country. It is a technology that we do not currently have in our country. The scope of application of these technologies is also very wide. Once we fully master this technology, our technology will be able to make a big breakthrough, and it is possible that we will no longer be restricted by others... "

Zhang Xiao said with a heavy tone, and Academician Ni kept nodding, obviously agreeing with Zhang Xiao's statement.

Zhang Xiao then changed his voice: "But, you also need to pay attention to your body. You are so old, and you have been running back and forth in the past few days. You didn't take much rest during the three-day inspection. Well, your body will definitely not be able to withstand it like this."

Academician Ni wanted to say something, but Zhang Xiao didn't give him a chance to speak at all.

Zhang Xiao continued to speak: "Academician Ni, think about it for yourself. If you are exhausted, even if I buy this fab, who can I hand it over to?"

"Academician Ni, you have experienced enough storms in your life. After returning from abroad, you should understand the truth that haste makes waste, and your body is the capital of revolution. So whether it is for yourself, Whether it's for our company, or to make up for the lack of domestic chip technology, you have to take good care of your health." Zhang Xiao said very seriously.

Academician Ni also understood Zhang Xiao's good intentions, but he still took the materials from Zhang Xiao and carefully put them in his briefcase.

"Okay, I'll listen to the boss, then I'll take a rest and watch it when I get back." Academician Ni said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said: "You can't look at it like this after you go back. You should pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and it will take a long time to build a chip factory, which is enough for you to master these technologies."

Academician Ni couldn't help curling his lips. He wanted to refute but because of Zhang Xiao's face, he stopped talking at all, put on the blindfold and began to rest.

Zhang Xiao didn't ask the stewardess for a blanket to cover Academician Ni until she watched Academician Ni fall asleep.

Although Academician Ni fell asleep, Zhang Xiao was thinking about the significance of acquiring the fab.

In fact, Zhang Xiao knows very well that if he misses this opportunity, it may be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future. After all, the technology blockade and equipment embargo will only become more stringent in the future, and the cost will only increase. As for him and Lin Hemin Although everything said is true, it is just to lower the price, so this acquisition must be completed.

As for the lack of funds, Zhang Xiao is going to get a loan from the bank or directly reach an installment contract. If the payment can be made in installments for one year, then the funds will not be a problem. Even if it is 6000 million US dollars, Zhang Xiao is not afraid.

After all, with the expansion of Minmin Supermarket and the increase of stores, a large amount of profits will be replenished soon, and it will become a real cash cow, which is enough to support the construction and development of the chip factory.

After thinking about these things clearly, Zhang Xiao relaxed and fell asleep slowly.

Zhang Xiao didn't wake up until the plane landed, but Academician Ni obviously woke up earlier than him and had already packed his clothes.

"Wake up." Academician Ni said to Zhang Xiao with a smile, "You still grind your teeth when you sleep."

"Really? It must be hungry." Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, after all, he couldn't control his sleep state.

"You really know how to joke." Academician Ni suddenly laughed.

"I'm really hungry, I won't lie to you." Zhang Xiao said seriously.

Academician Ni couldn't help but rolled his eyes, he didn't even bother to talk to Zhang Xiao anymore, am I talking to you about whether you are hungry or not?

But Zhang Xiao had a serious face, but she thought to herself: "As long as I'm not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed."

After leaving the airport, Zhang Xiao saw Lin Hemin who came to pick him up, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Mr. Lin, why did you come in person? It makes me panic."

"Mr. Zhang, you don't need to be polite to me. Mr. Xu specifically asked me to take good care of you. I dare not neglect you." Lin Hemin laughed.

The two got into the same car while talking, and the others naturally got into other cars.

"What's the result of the investigation?" Lin Hemin asked with a smile.

"It's not bad. This fab does have merits." Zhang Xiao nodded and said, after all, everyone knew the situation well, and he didn't bother to open his eyes and tell nonsense.

"It's good if you can see it. In the afternoon, let's talk to the boss of the fab and see how much he is willing to lower the price!" Lin Hemin said with a smile after pondering for a while.

"Okay, I'm fine." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation. After all, now that the negotiation is coming to an end, it's only natural to settle the matter face to face.

After lunch, Zhang Xiao and Lin Hemin met the owner of the fab in the conference room of the hotel.

Li Jingyan, a middle-aged woman who does not look more than 40 years old, looks very capable in a professional attire.

"Mr. Zhang, this is Mr. Li, the boss of the fab." Lin Hemin introduced to Zhang Xiao.

"Hello Mr. Li." Zhang Xiao stretched out her hand to shake Li Jingyan's hand and said with a smile.

"Mr. Zhang is really young and promising." Li Jingyan looked at Zhang Xiao but couldn't help but sigh with emotion, because Zhang Xiao looked only eighteen or nineteen years old.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your compliment." Zhang Xiao smiled calmly, not paying much attention to Li Jingyan's compliment.

After the two parties sat down, Li Jingyan took the lead and said: "Mr. Zhang, the value of the fab lies there. Since we are all here, there is no need to hide it. To be honest, if it weren't for the financial turmoil, the fab would I have no intention of selling it at all. Please tell me an acceptable price."

Zhang Xiao pondered for a while and said, "Two hundred million dollars!"

Li Jingyan shook her head and said: "Mr. Zhang, the price you offered is too low, how much does a lithography machine cost now, let alone a whole fab, and there is also the entire production process. "

"Mr. Li, let's be smart and don't talk dark words. [-] million is the limit I can afford at the moment. I can't afford any more. You must know that whether it is the dismantling or relocation of equipment, a lot of money is still needed. However, you can resell the land and factory buildings of the fab after the equipment is relocated, and I think you can get a lot of benefits at that time, which can basically make up the price difference." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After Li Jingyan asked the staff around her about the value of the land and the factory building, she was a little moved. After all, the sum of the two had reached almost 6000 million, which was in line with her psychological expectations.

"1000 million US dollars, this is the final price I can accept." Li Jingyan finally said.

"Can Mr. Li accept installment payment?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Pay in installments? How long?" Li Jingyan asked after a moment of surprise.

"In one year, pay in three installments. The first payment is 5000 million U.S. dollars, and the remaining 6000 million U.S. dollars will be paid in two installments." Zhang Xiao said after a little thought.

"No problem, I can accept it." Li Jingyan still compromised. After all, she is in urgent need of funds, and the only people interested in the fab are Zhang Xiao's family, so she has no choice.

"Happy cooperation!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

With the determination of the amount, the following things became much easier. The staff of both parties quickly finalized the contract. After Lin Hemin and Li Jingyan signed and stamped the contract, the acquisition case was considered finalized.

After the acquisition was settled, the two parties did not make a big publicity, but left separately to prepare for the next equipment split and reception.

"Boss, what's the final price?" Academician Ni asked Zhang Xiao.

"1000 million and 5000 million will be paid within one year, and the first payment will be within a week, and the payment amount will be [-] million." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile.

"It's finally taken down, that's great." Academician Ni immediately felt relieved. What he cares about is not the price, but whether the fab can buy it.

"The next step is to disassemble and accept the equipment. After all, we have to assemble the equipment after it comes back. This will be a big project!" Zhang Xiao said to Academician Ni.

"Don't worry, I will go to South Korea immediately and take over the fab as soon as possible." Academician Ni agreed without hesitation.

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