After Xu Zhiyuan hung up the phone, he couldn't help shaking his head. He didn't believe Lin Hemin said that the fab had nothing to do with him, and he could get some news from Lin Hemin's tone.

Even if the fab is not Lin Hemin's own, he has a certain interest relationship with him, otherwise his reaction would not be so big, but Xu Zhiyuan doesn't care much about it, after all, he is just a matchmaker, and he doesn't care about the specific results , he just wanted to get closer to Zhang Xiao.

At this time, Lin Hemin was very irritable, and she didn't even care about the beauties around her. She sat on the edge of the bed topless, lit a cigarette, and thought about how to deal with the affairs of the fab.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao met Xu Zhiyuan and Lin Hemin who came with him in the hotel suite.

Lin Hemin is in her 30s, wearing a gray casual suit, and her words and deeds seem very polite.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm Lin Hemin." Lin Hemin smiled and stretched out his hand, and said.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao and Lin Hemin shook hands and nodded.

After everyone sat down, Guo Feng quickly served tea.

"This is an invitation letter from the fab, and the number of inspectors is stipulated to be six." Lin Hemin took the invitation letter out of his briefcase and put it on the table.

"Yes." Zhang Xiao picked it up and nodded in satisfaction after looking at it. After all, there were only six people who actually went to investigate, and Guo Feng and the others could not only treat the factory area.

"Mr. Zhang, Mr. Xu said yesterday that you want to buy a fab for [-] million dollars?" Lin Hemin asked.

"Yes, after all, the fab's equipment is updated very quickly. I can't buy the equipment that will be outdated at too high a price, even if it is the most advanced now." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

"It's hard to talk about it. After all, the cost of building a fab is more than [-] million U.S. dollars." Lin Hemin shook his head and said.

"It has nothing to do with me. After all, all I need is the equipment, and the current value of the equipment is what I should consider." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Then I'll let the negotiating team try it out. After all, this requires the approval of the fab, but I don't think they will agree." Seeing that Zhang Xiao was very firm, Lin Hemin was unwilling to say anything more.

"Then thank you, Mr. Lin. If this acquisition is successful, according to the usual practice, the [-]% agency fee will not be less." Zhang Xiao said tentatively.

"The intermediary fee is unnecessary. I just hope Mr. Zhang can remember me as a friend." Lin Hemin shook his head and said, "After all, Zhiyuan is my good friend, and friends should help each other. Talking about money is too vulgar gone."

"Since that's the case, I won't see you anymore. After this matter is over, I'll treat Mr. Lin to drink." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile.

After talking about the matter, Lin Hemin didn't stay long, and left in a car soon.

"Brother Zhang, what do you think of the relationship between Lin Hemin and the fab?" Xu Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"It is certain that there is an interest relationship, but the fab should not be his." Zhang Xiao said after pondering for a while.

"I think so too. By the way, when are you planning to go to investigate, I will book tickets for you." Xu Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"I've bought the ticket, so I won't bother you about the flight this afternoon." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You, you are really resolute. I also said that I will show you the characteristics of Hong Kong Island tonight." Xu Zhiyuan said helplessly.

"There will be opportunities in the future." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao and his party flew to South Korea by plane.

The environment in South Korea is still good, and the scenery is also beautiful, but just after the financial turmoil, the economy of South Korea as a whole has not returned to the prosperity of the previous two years.

There are many bankrupt banks and financial institutions, not only that, all kinds of unfinished buildings are erected around the whole city, and unemployed people are everywhere.

The whole of South Korea looks very depressed, and the fab also sent a vice president to pick up people at the airport.

Zhang Xiao also got acquainted with this vice president along the way. The other party introduced the situation of the fab in proficient Chinese. Zhang Xiao also learned that this vice president, Li Fu, was originally from Hong Kong Island, but he is currently in South Korea. Just work here.

Zhang Xiao suddenly had different thoughts about this vice president. After all, if a chip factory wants to be built, it needs a person in charge of production, and Li Fu is undoubtedly more suitable, but Zhang Xiao didn't show it.

While the other receptionists in the fab and Academician Ni and his party were talking about the situation in South Korea, the receptionists were full of complaints.

After all, the financial turmoil this time has devastated South Korea's economy. Maybe they will lose their jobs after the fab is sold. Naturally, they are a little dissatisfied with the arrival of Zhang Xiao and his party, but they are more dissatisfied with Soros. The insults to the financier were indispensable.

For example, their fab, if not for this financial turmoil, they would not have sold the fab at all.

Academician Ni subconsciously agreed. After all, the receptionist was right to say so, and they came here this time to take advantage of the fire.

Zhang Xiao and his party soon arrived at the fab, but they didn't go to the hotel first.

The fab is worthy of being a high-tech enterprise, and the control from entering the factory is very strict. The person in charge of the fab came over to meet with Zhang Xiao and the others in person, and then gave Li Fu the task of accompanying them again.

This is a fab with an annual output of [-] wafers, but it is currently in a state of shutdown.

Academician Ni's eyes lit up with joy when he heard the production capacity introduction. He wished he could immediately take down this fab and turn it into their own industry for Shenhua Computer. However, he also knew that production capacity is one aspect and equipment is another aspect. , If the equipment is old and it is time to replace it, then the acquisition is meaningless.

Even so, Academician Ni was very excited to be able to visit the fab. After all, he has never been to any other chip fab except for this fab that has been discontinued.

When he got here, Zhang Xiao handed over the initiative to Academician Ni. After all, he didn't know much about these equipment and production capacity.

Perhaps because of Hong Kong people, Li Fu didn't hesitate to ask Academician Ni's question, and told the situation of the entire fab in detail without hiding anything.

Although Academician Ni was excited, he knew that he could not express his emotions at this time, so he began to ask questions about all the equipment. Later, Li Fu had to ask more professional staff to introduce the situation to Academician Ni.

Regarding this acquisition case, it seems that the fab is attaching great importance to it. After all, production has been suspended, and the resumption of work is nowhere in sight. At this time, the intention to sell is very heavy. Take it very seriously.

And now that the investigation has started, it means that the negotiation is not far away from success, which is also the hope of the fab.

The products produced by the entire fab actually include two major parts, one is the wafer slice, and the other is the VLSI chip, which is what people call the chip.

A wafer is a smooth circular sheet like a mirror. Wafers have no practical application value, but are only raw materials for deep processing in the chip production process.

The chip is the final product that is directly applied to many industries such as computers, electronics, and communications. It can include CPUs, memory units, and various other professional application chips.

The technical person in charge of the fab is also introducing to Zhang Xiao and others. Of course, it is mainly for Academician Ni. People are obviously not experts.

Academician Ni listened very seriously. In fact, he still knows a lot about these production techniques, but knowing more does not mean that he really understands, and what he understands is not so detailed.

With the introduction of the technical person in charge, Academician Ni couldn't help being a little depressed. He knew that the production process of this wafer was very complicated, but he didn't expect it to be so complicated. This is almost becoming a laboratory product. If the whole If the fab is relocated to the mainland, recruitment will be a big problem.

There are so many processes, and they are all high-precision processing processes. If there are no suitable workers, it will be a nightmare to start from scratch.

However, Academician Ni also knows that no matter how difficult it is, you have to go on. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but once you succeed, the benefits you will get will be insignificant.

In the next three days, Zhang Xiao no longer went to the fab, but completely handed over the inspection task to Academician Ni. After all, he had already understood the basic production process of the fab. I don't understand either.

Academician Ni was investigating stealing teachers in the fab, while Zhang Xiao started to contact Lin Hemin to ask about negotiations. After all, price is what he cares most about now!

"Mr. Zhang, the negotiations have come to an impasse. The final price offered by the fab is 6000 million US dollars, and they are unwilling to lower the price. What should we do?" Lin Hemin said on the phone.

"Mr. Lin, I'm going back tomorrow, let's meet and discuss in detail, but I think about 6000 million yuan is still acceptable, but the price of [-] million yuan is a bit high. You must know that many equipment in the fab are If it is not because of the complete production process here, I would not consider buying this fab." Zhang Xiao said seriously.

"Alright then, I'll wait for you to come back on Hong Kong Island." Lin Hemin said helplessly.

The fab at this time is far less attractive than later generations. After all, there are very few chip foundries now, and they are all designed and produced by themselves. This fab was originally produced by Samsung Electronics, but now Samsung Electronics is also in the In the precarious, let alone this fab.

It was precisely from Li Fu that Zhang Xiao learned about the situation that he dared to bargain so firmly. After all, with [-] million US dollars, he basically didn't need to borrow or raise money, and his own funds were almost enough.

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