Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 20 Intense Competition

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, I've already found out about the school's preferential conditions. I'll discuss it with my family and give you an answer."

Chen Hongwei was taken aback by Zhang Xiao's words, but he also knew that he had taken the lead. If he couldn't negotiate the conditions now and win Zhang Xiao to the foreign language school, once other schools came over, the competition would be even more intense.

Chen Hongwei looked at his watch anxiously, calculated the arrival time of his colleagues, and then said to Zhang Xiao with a smile: "Student Zhang, besides the above conditions, you can also ask if you have any needs. It's all negotiable."

"Ms. Chen, it's like this. After all, I'm going to the provincial capital to go to school. I still need to discuss it with my family. Besides, when I applied for the exam, I applied for our county No. [-] middle school. After a while, the notification letter should come down. Not being able to transfer is also troublesome." Zhang Xiao had to find some reasons to delay the time, after all, he didn't know what treatment the school could give him at this time, and what conditions the top student in the high school entrance examination got last year.

Chen Hongwei originally thought that Zhang Xiao was just a child, and his own conditions could be regarded as preferential treatment, but he didn't know that Zhang Xiao, as a reborn person, had a maturity different from this age group.

Just when they were tangled, Zhang Hongjun came back and saw Teacher Sun and a stranger in his home, and Zhang Xiao was obviously entertaining them, so he smiled and said, "Old Sun, why are you here, who is on duty during summer vacation?" sky."

Sun Changxi laughed and said, "Old Zhang, Zhang Xiao did so well in the high school entrance examination. Isn't this because the teacher of the foreign language school found the school? I happened to be on duty today, so I brought him here."

"This is Mr. Chen from the foreign language school, and this is Mr. Zhang Hongjun, Zhang Xiao's father." Sun Changxi introduced the two to each other.

Zhang Xiao didn't sit down at this time, but poured a glass of water for his father, and listened from the sidelines.

Zhang Hongjun cleared the smoke for the two of them, and the three of them began to puff. After a while, Zhang Hongjun figured out the purpose of Chen Hongwei's visit.

However, although Zhang Hongjun discussed this matter with Zhang Xiao, he also knew that Zhang Xiao wanted to study in a key high school in the provincial capital, but in the past few days he also asked some classmates who were also studying in the normal school, and he also got some candidates who were the top students in the senior high school entrance examination in previous years. Treatment and conditions, but most of them are rumors.

"Ms. Chen, it's like this. In fact, it's the same wherever the child goes to high school. The only requirement of the parents is that the child can be admitted to an ideal university. This is the most important thing." Zhang Hongjun said after thinking for a while, "Salary is simply money. Based on Xiaoxiao's grades, no matter which school she goes to, the salary will not be bad. It's just that the money is more and less."

"Mr. Zhang, you are right. Our foreign language school ranks first in the province, and the provincial experiment and the provincial No. [-] middle school have been behind our school for the past two years, let alone the county No. [-] middle school in your county. So it is absolutely right to choose our foreign language school. Whether it is the faculty or the learning environment, our school can give the best to the children." Chen Hongwei also knows that now is the critical time, as long as Zhang Hongjun can be persuaded, Zhang Xiao should also will not object.

Just when Zhang Hongjun was thinking about it, a man ran in sweating profusely, and said as soon as he entered the door: "Yo ho, Mr. Chen, you came very quickly. Fortunately, I didn't come too late."

As soon as Zhang Hongjun heard the mandarin he spoke, he also knew that he was from another place, so he asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"This is Teacher Zhang, right? I'm Li Feng, a teacher from the Admissions Office of the Provincial Experimental Middle School, and I'm in charge of the school's admissions work." Li Feng put the briefcase on the table and said loudly while holding Zhang Hongjun's hand.

"Ms. Li, let's wash up first, it's too hot today." Zhang Xiao fetched a basin of water for Li Feng and said with a smile.

"You are Zhang Xiao, you are indeed a good-looking talent. Come to our province for an experiment. With your current study situation, as long as you are willing to work hard, you can get into both Yanda and Huaqing." Li Feng said while washing his face.

"Ms. Li, your province's experiments are so powerful, how many of you can go to Yanda and Huaqing this year? Last year, there were only twelve of you online, which is less than half of our foreign language!" Chen Hongwei started fooling around when he heard Li Feng Zhang Xiao couldn't bear it anymore, and began to display the data.

"Mr. Chen, you are talking about last year. This year, our school's online rate must exceed yours. Just wait." Li Feng wiped his hands with a towel and said with a smile.

"It seems that you said the same thing last year." Chen Hongwei immediately countered.

Li Feng was a little embarrassed, but he saw the preferential conditions written on the table at a glance, and couldn't help but take a look at it for a while and said sarcastically: "Mr. Chen, you are not kind. Last year's top scorer in the high school entrance examination paid much more than this." Now, you are bullying people."

Chen Hongwei said with a red face, "This is just the most basic preferential condition, and every top scorer in the high school entrance examination who comes to the foreign language school will enjoy it."

Li Feng pulled the briefcase in front of him, handed a piece of letter paper to Zhang Xiao, and said: "This is all the conditions of our provincial experimental middle school. Take a look and see if you are satisfied."

Zhang Xiao opened the letter paper and took a look, and immediately took a deep breath. It wasn't that the conditions were too few, but that the conditions were too much.

Free tuition and miscellaneous fees for three years, free accommodation, and 800 monthly meal allowances, which are the same as the conditions of foreign language schools, but there is the last item on it, which is an entrance scholarship of [-].

You must know that this was 1996, and Zhang Hongjun's salary was only 8000 yuan a year. Even with bonuses, it would not exceed 5 yuan a year, and the Provincial Experimental Middle School dropped [-] yuan to get Zhang Xiao to enroll.

Seeing Zhang Xiao's face change, Chen Hongwei immediately understood that the conditions for the provincial experiment were much higher. He couldn't help but took out the letter paper from Zhang Xiao's hand and looked at it. He glared at Li Feng angrily, and said, "Mr. The conditions are too outrageous, the entrance scholarship is actually [-], I don't know if this is your own idea!"

Li Feng raised his eyebrows, laughed and said: "Of course this is my idea, but it was approved by the principal of our province's experiment. A special office meeting was held for this purpose, and it was discussed at the meeting. Why, do you have any ideas?" Opinion!"

Chen Hongwei frowned, and put the letter paper on the table, as if he had let go of a heavy burden. He didn't expect that even if he took the first opportunity, he failed to grab the person first, but was severely beaten by the provincial experiment a slap.

Chen Hongwei looked at his watch. It was already 11:30. Even if he wanted to contact the school leaders, he might not be able to, but he still had to work hard.

Chen Hongwei's face was a bit ugly, but he still asked with a smile, "Do you have a phone at home?"

Zhang Hongjun shook his head and said: "There is no phone, but there is a supply and marketing agency not far from my house, where there is a phone."

"Then I'll make a phone call and ask for instructions to see what the school leaders mean. You must wait for me to come back and don't agree to them. Their provincial experimental strength is not as good as our foreign language!" Chen Hongwei is at a loss for words at the moment. To put it bluntly, it is because your foreign language is not as courageous as the provincial experiment, and the entrance scholarship alone overwhelms him, leaving him speechless.

Chen Hongwei left, but Li Feng was still nervous. He wanted Zhang Xiao or Zhang Hongjun to enter the provincial experiment. After all, this was an opportunity he spent 5 yuan on, and he and the school leaders made sure that Zhang Xiao would go to the provincial experiment. Yes, if Zhang Xiao went to the province for an experiment, then he would naturally get promoted and get rich, but if Zhang Xiao didn't come, then he would be miserable.

"Student Zhang Xiao, our Provincial Experimental Middle School did not perform as well as the foreign language school in the past two years, but there are objective reasons for this, but our school's teaching strength and hardware facilities are definitely not weaker than his, and we are directly under the Provincial Department of Education There is no doubt about the quality of the teachers in the school, and the foreign language school has been brilliant in the past two years because they forced top students in the high school entrance examination from all over the country." Li Feng was working hard for his school, talking dryly, Spit flying everywhere.

"Teacher Li, don't worry, drink some water first, and listen to me." Zhang Xiao said after pouring another glass of water for Li Feng.

"Say, tell, you can discuss whatever demands you have." Li Feng had already regarded Zhang Xiao as a good medicine to save himself at this moment, so he had no choice but to curry favor.

"Actually, I know that the top-ranked schools are all good and can meet my needs, and I believe that no matter which school I go to, with my strength, my goal must be aimed at famous schools like Yanda or Huaqing. , and I am also confident to be admitted to these schools.” Zhang Xiao is very calm at the moment, because he knows that no matter which high school he goes to, there is no big difference, high school is just a transition, and the ultimate goal is to get a good one. the University.

Li Feng couldn't help but nodded, he understood Zhang Xiao's meaning, that is, it doesn't matter where you go, the main thing is the sincerity of the school.

However, this is difficult. What is sincerity, isn't it just asking for money?Whoever gives more money goes where, isn't that what it means?

"Zhang Xiao, you make up your own mind. The schools are all good schools. You won't be wronged by which one you go to. You can choose for yourself!" Zhang Hongjun took it easy and gave Zhang Xiao the right to choose again.

"Student Zhang Xiao, I think the sincerity of our province's experiments must be the greatest, and if you are not planning to study abroad, there is no point in going to a foreign language school." Li Feng said suddenly, "Of course, if you really want to study abroad , the foreign language school is indeed a good choice.”

Zhang Xiao nodded. Since he was reborn, he has no plans to study abroad, especially the experience of studying abroad is not a big advantage in China, and sometimes it will become a disadvantage. This is related to the country becoming stronger. Great relationship.

However, it is indeed a craze to go abroad at present. As long as you can study abroad, you will be overwhelmed. I think the brilliance of the foreign language school in the past two years and the brilliance in the future are not unrelated.

Although Zhang Xiao is not a pure nationalist in his previous life or in this life, his patriotism has never changed, and he still wants to be an excellent successor to communism.

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