Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 19 Meta Chain Energy

Until the progress bar reached 101, the energy was finally absorbed.

Zhang Xiao, who was notified that the absorption was complete, immediately turned the cobblestone under his feet, but he didn't see anything special about this stone.

"Could it be that the energy comes from the inside of the stone?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking to himself.

"What should I do? Break it open?" Zhang Xiao looked at the big rock the size of a washbasin in front of him, and felt a little discouraged.

This kind of cobblestone, which has been scoured for countless years, does not mean that you can break it if you want to. It is difficult to break it without professional tools.

Zhang Xiao lifted the cobblestone with both hands, and felt that its weight was about thirty or forty catties. Since he couldn't break it now, he would take it home and study it, so that he wouldn't be afraid that someone would discover his secret.

After making up her mind, Zhang Xiao hugged the pebble, put it on the back seat, and tied it around with a rope after urinating.

"Zhang Xiao, what are you doing with the stone back?" Just as Zhang Xiao was tying the stone, the classmates gathered around, and a girl named Hu Lan looked at the ordinary cobblestone with some puzzlement.

"What do you know, this is the stone carefully selected by Zhang Xiao, so don't talk nonsense if you don't understand aesthetics." Another male student looked at this cobblestone carefully, wanting to discover its beauty.

"It's just an ordinary cobblestone, but I think its shape is a bit strange, so I pull it back and carve it to have a look." Zhang Xiao lied without redness, but made all the students feel bored and then automatically dispersed.

Zhang Xiao, who had something to worry about, didn't stay here for long. After saying hello to his classmates, he rushed home with Guo Tong.

"You are not tired of taking a broken stone back, throw it away!" Guo Tong said with some disgust.

"You don't understand, but then you will know that this stone is of great use." Zhang Xiao ignored Guo Tong's complaints and said with a smile.

"Whatever you want!" Guo Tong pedaled fast on the bike, surpassing Zhang Xiao by a large margin.

Zhang Xiao also kicked twice and chased after Guo Tong.

While the two were chasing after each other, they came directly to Zhang Xiao's house.

"Auntie, let's make fish soup today, we caught fish." Guo Tong said to Yang Lan as soon as he entered the door.

"Okay, I'll make it for you in a while. Where did you go to play in the afternoon?" Yang Lan took the small leather bucket, poured the fish into the pond on the south side of the yard, and asked casually.

"I went fishing in Shimen Reservoir." Guo Tong moved a small bench, and took the half-dead white stripes from the pond one by one into the basin and began to tidy them up.

"If you go again, don't go deep, just play in the shallow water." Yang Lan also knows the nature of the children, and she can't let the children stop going completely, but she set a limit.

"Understood, auntie, how many fish can you get?" Guo Tong agreed casually.

"Peel off all the white strips, or you will die tomorrow, and you won't be able to support yourself."

Zhang Xiao took the pebble from the bicycle, threw it under the peach tree, and then peeled the fish with Guo Tong.

After a while, Zhang Hongjun also came back from the outside. Seeing Zhang Xiao and Guo Tong peeling fish, he said, "I went fishing today, and I caught a lot."

"Not much." Zhang Xiao stood up and changed the water twice to clean the fish.

In the evening, Guo Tong drank two bowls of fish soup at Zhang Xiao's house before leaving satisfied.

And Zhang Xiao had already picked up the sledgehammer and threw it at the pebbles the size of a washbasin.

After four or five hammers in a row, the cobblestone finally cracked from the middle, and Zhang Xiao didn't smash it again. Instead, he pushed the cobblestone apart with his hands, and carefully observed whether there was any abnormality in the cobblestone.

However, Zhang Xiao observed it again, but found nothing. There was no difference between the material inside and the surface, just like a stubborn stone.

Zhang Xiao was a little discouraged, threw the stone that had been smashed in half to the ground, and was about to put the hammer away.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao suddenly discovered that the stone thrown on the ground seemed to emit a faint light, which revived the dead hope in Zhang Xiao's heart, and quickly picked it up to inspect it carefully.

Until later, Zhang Xiao took out a strong flashlight from the house, and after Zhang Xiao checked carefully, he found that there were some things in the cobblestone that looked like jade fragments from the previous life, and the light just now should be the same thing as these jade fragments In reflective.

This made Zhang Xiao, who saw everything clearly, couldn't help cursing angrily.

Could it be that Yuanlian energy refers to some special substance in jade fragments?Or is it the jade itself?

Zhang Xiao was devastated by the news. Whether it was jade or a certain substance in the jade, it was not something he could easily get now. If Yuanlian really needed jade to replenish energy, he would need a lot of money Go to buy jade to replenish energy for the Yuan Chain.

"I can't live through this day." Zhang Xiao muttered in his mouth. He just earned tens of thousands of dollars and thought he could improve his life. Who knew that when he looked down, there were pits in front of him. The pits were 899 deep. How much jade would it take? to be filled.

Zhang Xiao, who was lying on the bed back in the house, was in a complicated mood at the moment. Since Yuanlian needs such energy, it must have an extraordinary meaning. From the point of view of being able to bring him back to the past and rebirth, no matter how much money it costs is worth it.

Zhang Xiao, who figured this out, felt better, and began to think about how to quickly replenish the energy of the Yuan Chain, so as to obtain the secrets brought by the Yuan Chain.

If I have time, I have to go to the jewelry store to see if there is any energy to go whoring for free, otherwise I have to fill the hole by myself, and I can't fill it even if I am exhausted.

Although Zhang Xiao didn't know what the Yuan Chain energy was, since he had guessed it, he needed to verify it one by one.

In the early morning of the next day, after Zhang Xiao carefully looked at the cobblestone brought back by him, he was somewhat sure that the energy of the Yuan Chain came from the jade fragments in the cobblestone. The formation of jade has something to do with it.

After Zhang Xiao walked around the streets of the town while getting up early in the morning, he found that there is no jewelry store in the town at all, even in the county. This discovery made Zhang Xiao a little frustrated. You can't go along the river beach to try your luck!

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao suppressed the irritability in his heart and continued to study high school courses.

Chinese, Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology are compulsory subjects for science students. This is what Zhang Xiao is currently studying. He mainly focuses on physical chemistry, supplemented by Mathematics and Biology. On the contrary, Chinese and English spend the least time, because These two doors are mainly based on memory.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, a man in his 30s who looked like a teacher in an indigo shirt came to Zhang Xiao's home under the guidance of a school teacher.

"Mr. Sun, you are here, my father is not at home." Zhang Xiao thought they were looking for his father Zhang Hongjun, and said.

"This is Zhang Xiao, right? I'm Chen Hongwei, a teacher from the Foreign Language School in the provincial capital. This time I'm here mainly for you." Chen Hongwei said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

Zhang Xiao quickly put away the books on the table and poured a cup of tea for both of them.

"Mr. Chen, what's the purpose of your visit this time?" Although Zhang Xiao knew the reputation of the foreign language school in his previous life, it's better for him to pretend not to know now.

In this era of underdeveloped communications, people have limited ways to obtain outside information. Television, radio and newspapers are all ways to obtain information at present.

"Student Zhang, it's like this. Our school is one of the best key high schools in the province, and you are the top student in the province's senior high school entrance examination. Our school has decided to make an exception for you." Chen Hongwei said straight to the point without going around in circles.

Zhang Xiao had no exceptions to this, and this was part of his plan, but he thought that the first place to come was the County No. [-] Middle School, but unexpectedly, the foreign language school in the provincial capital came to the front.

"Are there any preferential conditions?" Zhang Xiao was not polite, and directly asked what preferential treatment the school gave him. This is also the privilege of the top student in the high school entrance examination.

No matter how good the school is, in order to maintain the entrance rate of the college entrance examination, in order to ensure the ranking of the school, the excellent source of students is the basis for determining the enrollment rate.

Only a good student source can maintain a school's ranking, and a higher-ranked school can have a good student source. This is a virtuous circle, but this is only part of it. What is more important is that the competition between high schools is more intense, and the competition in the same province is Needless to say, the number one student in the high school entrance examination in a province is the target of these key high schools.

Just like the provincial capital foreign language school, although it is currently ranked first, there is not a big gap with the second provincial experiment and the third provincial capital No. [-] middle school. It is the first sequence of high schools in the province.

The competition among their three high schools is extremely fierce. From admissions to examinations, each large-scale examination is a ranking of the three high schools. This is not only related to the ranking of the school, but also has a lot to do with the economic and political resources the school obtains. relation.

"Tuition, books, and materials are free for three years, accommodation is free, and meal allowance is [-] per month." Chen Hongwei began to tell Zhang Xiao about the school's preferential policies, "In addition, as long as the school's major exams include Scholarships, the higher the ranking, the more scholarships."

Zhang Xiao nodded, took a piece of letter paper and arranged all the preferential policies on it one by one.

Tuition: 1200 per semester, 7200 for three years.

The cost of books and materials is almost 2400 for three years, and the accommodation fee is 1800 for three years.

The meal allowance is almost 8000 a year, and 24000 in three years.

All the expenses add up to save at least 35400 in three years, which can save a lot of expenses for Zhang Xiao's family.

However, Zhang Xiao didn't feel much about it, but felt a little less, but this was only the first school, and she should be reserved.

The next offer from other schools is the beginning of their competition, and all of this is within Zhang Xiao's expectation.

When Zhang Xiao listed all the expenses, Chen Hongwei thought that Zhang Xiao would agree to their school's conditions. After all, such conditions are already very generous for rural children like Zhang Xiao, which is equivalent to four years for an ordinary family. of all income.

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