Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 166 Hongyuan Security

After the freshman opening ceremony, Zhang Xiao's name resounded throughout Huaqing Garden for the first time, and was known by countless new and old students.

However, after the school officially started, Zhang Xiao's enthusiasm quickly subsided, and no one paid him more attention when he was walking on the road. After all, schoolwork is the eternal pursuit of students.

Besides, the students of Huaqing University are all talented academic masters, and it is common for them to be dissatisfied with each other. It is the most impossible thing to expect them to admire one person.

Zhang Xiao began to attend classes honestly on time, and went to the library to look up some electronic science and technology materials.

Freshmen have to take thirteen classes a week, all of which are public courses. Except for the two afternoons when there is no class, Zhang Xiao will go to the company to deal with affairs. Most of the rest of the time, Zhang Xiao stays at school to study. After all, credits are such a thing. It's better to finish it sooner.

Hu Wenjing had already left during military training, and Zhang Xiao didn't bother to go back to the courtyard every day, except that he would live in the courtyard on weekends, and Zhang Xiao would still live in the dormitory from Monday to Friday.

The five stores of Minmin Supermarket in the capital are all open. Each store has a daily turnover of about 300 million and a profit of about 35. It can be regarded as a real cash cow. Zhang Xiao has already asked people from the investment department to cooperate with Li Mingxuan to go to other stores across the country. After all, now is a good time for supermarkets to expand rapidly.

Under the management of uncle Yang Lei, Xingsheng Glass Factory has returned to normal. Not only has a large number of architectural glass orders, but also automobile glass production, and is in the final negotiation with the automobile factory.

Only microelectronics technology is still doing OEM. After all, although Academician Ni has officially started his work, and some high-tech talents are also constantly joining under his call, the research and development of computer components cannot be successful overnight. There are several prototypes, but their localization is not high, the cost is still high, and there is no possibility of mass production at all.

Zhang Xiao is not in a hurry about this, he knows that one bite will not make him fat, not to mention that his goal is to develop some domestic parts and replace the existing computer parts, so as to improve the localization rate of computers. It takes a long time of research and experimentation, even if it is imitation, there is no rush.

Time passed quickly, and two weeks passed quickly.

Zhang Xiao is used to the life in the university. She wakes up every morning and goes to the teaching building with her classmates. When there is no class, she goes to the library to study, and goes back to the dormitory to sleep at night.

Such days are relaxed and comfortable, and Zhang Xiao enjoys such a life very much.

But many things always backfired. A phone call broke Zhang Xiao's originally peaceful life.

"Boss, all the main members of the Li family were taken away this morning. According to the information we provided, they will be doomed this time." Guo Feng said excitedly on the phone.

"Did you expose yourself?" Zhang Xiao said calmly.

"Of course not. Don't worry, I'll take care of things." Guo Feng said with a smile.

"If that's the case, then you guys should withdraw and don't need to stare. In addition, I agree with your previous proposal. You should contact the finance department to establish a security company as soon as possible, so as to accommodate these newcomers. The company's veterans." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao is very satisfied with the efficiency of Guo Feng and the others. In addition, under Guo Feng's call, more and more veterans joined the company. At present, there are more than 80 people. If they all stay in the company's security department, it is obviously already Not very suitable.

And Guo Feng's proposal to set up a security company was just in line with Zhang Xiao's wishes, so he decided to set up a security company. He also thought of the name, and it was called Hongyuan Security.

"Okay, boss, I'll do it now." Guo Feng was in high spirits at the moment, after all, the establishment of the security company meant that they would have more things to do, instead of being kept in the company by Zhang Xiao now.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao shook his head, ignored the surprised eyes of the people around him, and continued to eat.

"Brother Arrogant, we are going to set up a new company again? If there is any good position for us, let's arrange it." Deng Yi put that handsome face in front of Zhang Xiao, and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and said solemnly: "This time, the establishment is a security company. The company is short of a training partner. Do you want to try it?"

"Forget it, I don't want my handsome face to be ruined." Deng Yi said stinky, and shook his long hair.

"Tch, I didn't see you hooked up with a little girl when you're so handsome, and you blinded your face for nothing." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but yelled.

"That's right, I thought you would show off your powers, but who knew you were not worth it, and the sorority meeting with Li Meiling and the others in their dormitory was ruined." Sun Xiaodong asked angrily.

"Who said, this Friday night, we will have a party in the two dormitories, and Li Meiling has already agreed." Deng Yi said with a smile, "I originally wanted to give you a surprise."

"Really? From now on, you will be my own brother!" Sun Xiaodong quickly flattered Deng Yi, and Zhang Xiao admired him so quickly.

Li Meiling is a first-year student in the Department of Fine Arts. She is beautiful, at least from Zhang Xiao's perspective, she can give her a score of 95.

After Sun Xiaodong met in the library, he was shocked for a moment, and then he instigated Deng Yi to contact him.

I have to say that Deng Yi's handsome face is indeed a killer for girls, and almost everything is going smoothly, but this time the two dormitory's friendship has been delayed for a week, which makes Sun Xiaodong feel uneasy about it. Taunt Deng Yi.

"There is no class this afternoon, I am going to the mall to buy a set of clothes." Sun Jianxin also said excitedly at this time.

"You are not yet an adult, don't learn from Sun Xiaodong." Deng Yi said a little speechlessly.

"Zhang Xiao is only 17 years old, and he is also a minor. Why don't you talk about him, just talk about me." Sun Jianxin said pretending to be wronged.

"He is so tall, you are so tall, there is no comparison." Deng Yi gestured at the height of the two, shook his head and said.

Sun Jianxin stopped talking immediately. It has to be said that Sun Jianxin's current height of 1.6 meters [-] is indeed the shortest among the four people, and it has become something he doesn't want to mention. At this moment, Deng Yi said it in public. I feel bad all of a sudden.

"Don't make trouble, Li Meiling is mine. Don't fight me when the time comes, especially you Deng Yi. When the time comes, put away your handsomeness and don't flout like a peacock." Sun Xiaodong's focus will always be In Li Meiling, a beautiful woman, she turned a blind eye to Sun Jianxin's grievances.

"I can't help it. My handsomeness has reached the point where I can't hide it." Deng Yi said narcissistically, stroking his own clean face.

"Ugh." Sun Jianxin pretended to be vomiting, but at the moment when he was eating, his disgusting actions suddenly caused Zhang Xiao and the others to stare at each other.

Sun Jianxin saw that he had provoked everyone's anger, and quickly promised him to treat him to the party on Friday night, so Zhang Xiao and the others spared him.

After returning to the dormitory, Sun Xiaodong began to search for clothes that suit him, but to Zhang Xiao's surprise, Sun Xiaodong didn't even prepare any other clothes except basketball clothes and sportswear.

"Let's go shopping for clothes together in the afternoon." Sun Xiaodong said to Sun Jianxin dejectedly.

"Okay, do you two want to go together?" Sun Jianxin said to Zhang Xiao and Deng Yi.

"I'm going too, but the problem is that I don't have any money, and my living expenses for this month have been exceeded." Deng Yi took out his wallet, and there were only some loose notes left in it.

"You don't need to go, lest your face can't be concealed." Sun Xiaodong said with a strange smile to Deng Yi gloating.

"I'll go too. I've grown taller recently, and my trousers are a little short, so they won't last long." Zhang Xiao said helplessly as he looked at his trouser legs, which looked like cropped trousers.

"I'm going too, and I want to buy new clothes, so please lend me 300 yuan first." Deng Yi said to Zhang Xiao with a flattering expression at the moment.

"Don't lend it to him, he has too many clothes, don't give him a chance to dress up." Sun Xiaodong wailed suddenly, because as far as he knew, Zhang Xiao would never refuse Deng Yi's request to borrow money.

"Here, take it yourself, where is the wallet?" Zhang Xiao ate an apple, and pointed to the coat hanging on the bed.

"Thank you, Brother Arrogant." After Deng Yi said cheaply, he skillfully took out the wallet from Zhang Xiao's jacket pocket, took out three hundred-yuan bills from it, and put the wallet back.

"I'll pay you back next month." Deng Yi flicked the banknote with his hand and said with a smile.

"Okay." Zhang Xiao said indifferently, throwing the apple core into the trash can.

In the afternoon, the four of them took the car called by Zhang Xiao and headed for the busiest shopping mall.

The shopping of the four of them was very fast, there was no woman to tell them what to do, and the shopping was very efficient. In less than half an hour, the four of them came out of the specialty store.

Zhang Xiao bought the most, because he was too lazy to go shopping and he was not short of money, so he bought clothes for half a year.

"Hey, I'll have to save money again next month." Deng Yi, who only bought one coat, said helplessly.

"Clothes are so expensive. I don't look at the price when I buy clothes, but now I need to look at the price before trying them on." Sun Xiaodong couldn't help but start complaining.

Zhang Xiao chuckled, and pretended not to hear Sun Xiaodong's pretense, because it was the most boring discussion, especially when a group of men discussed the quality of clothes, which was even more unacceptable.

"It's still early, what are we going to do?" Sun Jianxin looked at the watch he just bought, and said with a smile.

"Go back to school and start doing homework. I have high math tomorrow, and I haven't finished my homework yet." Sun Xiaodong chuckled, stretched out his wrist to look at the watch he had just changed, and responded to Sun Jianxin's pretending to be thirteen.

"The two of you are boring enough, you both have new watches, and you show them on purpose for me to see, is that interesting?" Deng Yi said with some taste.

"Handsome Deng's watches are all given by beauties. You bought them yourself, so they are incomparable." Zhang Xiao said leisurely.

Sun Jianxin and Sun Xiaodong suddenly lost the intention of showing off, got into the car with self-pity, and returned to school.

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