Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 165 Freshman Opening Ceremony

It was still a barbecue stand in an alley outside the school. After five people arrived, Sun Xiaodong immediately went to order food and buy wine.

There was one more person, and Sun Xiaodong actually ordered a dozen extra beers, which made Zhang Xiao roll his eyes.

But people are like this, they like to be brave in front of girls, especially beautiful girls, although Deng Jie is a female Tyrannosaurus, but there are people who don't care.

The barbecue tasted delicious and the beer tasted delicious. As time went by, Zhang Xiao also got to know Deng Jie.

Deng Jie, the beauty of Peking University School of Art, is currently in her junior year and has countless suitors. In Deng Jie's own words, she can go from Beijing University to Dawangzhuang.

But Deng Jie is really Deng Yi's biological sister. As for these suitors, like Deng Yi, no one has been able to win her heart so far. On the contrary, many outstanding students have been made a little autistic by Deng Jie's sharp words.

This made Zhang Xiao couldn't help being curious about Deng Jie's parents, what kind of genes passed down such excellent children.

Sun Jianxin had an average capacity for alcohol, but after being persuaded by Deng Jie, he was already lying on the table at this moment. Sun Xiaodong's alcohol capacity was quite good, and he was almost drunk at the moment, and he didn't know that Mongolian was mixed in between his words , still freely dedicated to hospitality.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking her head. She really admired Sun Xiaodong's acting, because although he was talking nonsense at the moment, his eyes were still bright, and it was obviously too early to get drunk.

Zhang Xiao never refuses Deng Jie's toast and persuasion, because even he himself doesn't know how much he can drink, because he hasn't drank too much since he was reborn.

Deng Yi drank on his own all night. He obviously didn't like Deng Jie, but he didn't dare to offend her, so he had to eat and drink a lot and pretend he didn't exist.

It wasn't until nine o'clock in the evening, when the dormitory was about to check the dormitory, that the big guys dispersed, and Deng Jie floated away alone. Sun Xiaodong carried Sun Jianxin on his back, and Deng Yi and Zhang Xiao walked side by side.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next day everyone had to go to target shooting training. This might be their first and last chance to touch a gun in their lives. All the students were enthusiastic, regardless of the dirt and dust on the grass, and everyone was in high spirits. training.

But it is a pity that they have been trained in the shooting posture all day, and they have not been given the opportunity to shoot. Everyone immediately shouted that it was unfair, because they heard that the previous sessions were all shot with live ammunition.

It's a pity that complaints belong to complaints. No one dares to violate the decisions of the school and the training instructors. They can only use silence to resist silently.

The following military training entered the final rehearsal time, and began to practice the formation of the queue. Every day, they alternately walked forward, walked in unison, and ran.

Until the end of the military training, everyone never had a chance to touch a gun.

After the military training exercise, Zhang Xiao was called aside by Li Yanyu.

"The opening ceremony will be held tomorrow, is your speech ready?" Li Yanyu asked.

"It's ready, do you want to take a look?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"No need, I believe you have sense." Li Yanyu shook her head, said something casually, and left in a hurry.

Zhang Xiao looked helplessly at the back of Li Yanyu's leaving, feeling that the opening ceremony was not that important, and blinded his carefully prepared speech for nothing.

On August 8, the opening ceremony of the 29 undergraduate freshmen was held in the square in front of the main building.

On the rostrum, all the leaders of the school are present, and Zhang Xiao doesn't know any of them. After all, he is just an ordinary student now.

The host announced the official opening ceremony, and everyone stood up to play and sing the national anthem.

The atmosphere of the whole square is solemn at the moment, and every student is full of pride and pride. This song is sung in the square in front of the main building so soul-stirringly that people can't help but feel excited.

"Welcome to the leaders, parent representatives and friends from all walks of life attending the opening ceremony. First of all, let me introduce the guests present today." The host said passionately.

When every school leader and heavyweight guest was introduced, there would be warm applause from the audience. After all, these people are rare to see.

After the introduction of the school leaders and guests, there will be various speeches and speeches.

The principal Wang Dazhong delivered a speech, not only introducing the situation of the school, but also encouraging the students. The speech made all the freshmen unable to bear the high spirits.

This is Huaqing University, and this is what we will call our alma mater in the future.

The following speeches were made by professors and representatives of senior students.

The freshmen and parents who sat at the bottom also listened with great interest. After all, this is the most intuitive understanding of Huaqing University.

When the old student representative was speaking, Li Yanyu quietly called Zhang Xiao away and asked him to prepare, because it was his turn to take the stage soon.

Sure enough, after the representative of the old students finished speaking, the supporter said on the stage: "Next, I invite Zhang Xiao from the Department of Electronic Information to speak as a representative of the freshmen of the 1997 class. Welcome everyone."

Zhang Xiao started and walked towards the stage with a steady pace, but she still felt a little nervous. After all, she was facing more than 2000 academic masters from all over the country, as well as many well-known guests and representatives from all over the country, as well as all the leaders of the school.

The students in the audience had not heard of Zhang Xiao's name, but no matter what they thought, their applause was warm and full of enthusiasm.

Zhang Xiao first bowed to the rostrum, then bowed to the students in the audience, and then stood behind the speech table.

"Respected leaders, ladies and gentlemen, dear students, hello, I am Zhang Xiao. I know that you don't know me, but it doesn't matter. From today onwards, we know each other!" The tension that was originally there has disappeared at this moment.

There was warm applause from the audience. After all, such an opening remark is different from the old students and professors who gave speeches before, but such a relaxed opening also made them very interested.

"For me, it is actually a great honor to have such an opportunity to stand on the stage of Huaqing University's freshman opening ceremony and speak as a freshman representative. I think the school asked me to speak, not because of what I have done, but because What I'm doing now, I want to share with you my thoughts on the future."

"I think we are lucky. We were born in this ancient civilization that strives hard for governance and prosperity. The 5000-year-old spirit of learning has never been cut off in this ancient country and has been continuously passed on."

"Rejuvenating the country through science and education has not only created Huaqing University, a dream-like institution of higher learning, but also provided a fair path for students to enter higher education. I was lucky to come here through this path."

"For more than ten years, the rapid development of the motherland has made everyone realize the importance of knowledge. My parents believe that reading is good and that knowledge can change one's destiny. They do their best to support my study and study. I am very lucky to grow up in such a Ordinary and warm family."

Zhang Xiao's words expressed the feelings of many people, and the students and parents sitting below began to put themselves into it.

"But I still want to say that I work hard, and so do you. Three points are destined, seven points depend on hard work, hard work will win."

"So I think we should cherish it all the time. Cherish the opportunity to study and improve in such an institution of higher learning where masters gather, cherish the opportunity to make great achievements in such a vibrant country, and cherish the hard-won four years from now. time."

"From now on, I hope we study for the rise of the nation; from now on, I hope we study for the four modernizations; from now on, I hope we study for the rapid development of science and technology!"

"Here, the seniors of the school will tell you that you should have loftier ideals in this life; here, countless books in the library will tell you that you still have more knowledge to learn, and you should yearn for the ocean of knowledge; Here, the data in the laboratory will tell you that only tireless research can lead to the door of science."

"This is the Huaqing Garden where we are, and this is Huaqing University. As much effort as you put in, you will gain as much!"

The school leaders on the rostrum looked at Zhang Xiao with surprise in their eyes, because Zhang Xiao's words at this moment reminded them of their own hardships and hardships on their way to school.

The students sitting at the bottom also recalled the time when they had to study hard day and night in order to come to this institution of higher learning.

"I cherish this learning opportunity very much! What I cherish is not that when I come here, I will be able to bear the halo of Huaqing in the future, how much money I can earn, and how many honors I can get. Sitting here, unless we are willing to Degenerate and indulge in enjoyment, we will not worry about daily necessities in this life."

"But life is not just about living, there is also poetry and distance. As Huaqing people, we can't just seek a stable life and be free and easy. What we should pursue is the never-ending road of scientific and technological development, which is an advanced step out of the technological blockade. In the future, our wealth, our honor, our status, and the heights we can achieve depend on our aspirations and our efforts!"

"Ideals are not for empty talk, but to be realized step by step. So I hope that I can contribute to the development of science and technology in the future and work hard for the rejuvenation of the nation."

"As classmates who have won thousands of students and came to Huaqing Garden to become the pride of heaven, what kind of ideals will you have in your arms?"

"I hope everyone can find their ideals, fight for them, realize them, and change the world!"

"Please also remember that history will eventually be created by us."

Crazy applause resounded from the square in front of the main building, broke through the sky, and spread to all directions.

After Zhang Xiao finished his speech, he silently bowed to thank him, as if the passionate words just now were not what he said.

When Zhang Xiao returned to his class area, other students looked at him with admiration, only Deng Yi said with a bright smile: "You are very good, you are excellent!"

The host glanced at Zhang Xiao who stepped down with emotion, and said, "Student Zhang Xiao's speech is very exciting! Yes, you have come to Huaqing University, and your future has unlimited possibilities. Where you go depends on your ambition and hard work."

After Zhang Xiao finished his speech, the opening ceremony for freshmen came to an end, but all the students were full of enthusiasm.

Zhang Xiao's blood was boiling at the moment, since God gave him a chance to live again, Zhang Xiao said to himself seriously at this moment: live up to the years of this life!

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