Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 163 False alarm 1 game

"Zhang Xiao, come to Xinglin head office as soon as possible, something has happened." Mo Boqi's voice was very anxious, as if something serious had happened.

"I'll be there right away, but I'm at school and it will take about an hour." Zhang Xiao said, he heard the commotion over the phone.

"Come here as soon as possible." After Moboqi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Deng Yi and the others looked at the mobile phone in Zhang Xiao's hand, and they were all speechless. After all, mobile phones are still a rarity now. Even Sun Jianxin has no plans to buy a mobile phone. He is still using a Hanxian pager.

Ignoring Deng Yi's surprise, Zhang Xiao dialed Guo Feng's cell phone and said, "My master may have had an accident, come pick me up at the school gate, hurry up."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao said helplessly to Deng Yi: "Something happened, I'll go out for a while, if I can't come back tomorrow, remember to ask the teacher for leave."

"I see, go get busy." Deng Yi could see Zhang Xiao's anxiety, and stopped Sun Jianxin and the others from asking questions.

Zhang Xiao immediately turned around and ran towards the school gate.

After Zhang Xiao left, Deng Yi looked at Zhang Xiao's leaving back with a complicated expression, and shook his head. Although he had guessed about Zhang Xiao's identity before, he didn't know that his guess was right until now.

"Aren't Zhang Xiao's parents teachers and farmers? How can he afford a mobile phone?" Sun Jianxin asked with some doubts.

"Let's talk about it when we go back to the dormitory. He should have something to do." Deng Yi shook his head. After all, it's not very good to discuss on campus, there are too many people talking.

After arriving at the school gate, Zhang Xiao opened the door of Guo Feng's car, sat in it, and said, "Go to the headquarters of Xinglinzhai."

In less than half an hour, the car stopped at the gate of Xinglinzhai headquarters.

Before Zhang Xiao got out of the car, he saw a group of people gathered around the entrance of Xinglin Zhai, as if they were asking for something to say. Although the police were present to maintain order, the matter had obviously not been resolved.

Under Guo Feng's support, Zhang Xiao walked towards the headquarters of Xinglinzhai.

According to Xinglinzhai's clerk's explanation, the police did not stop Zhang Xiao from entering.

"Brother, what happened?" Zhang Xiao found Mo Boqi on the second floor and asked.

"A clerk in the store decided to collect a few antiques. The old master appraiser of the store had no problems before, but now after selling them, he accused us of selling fakes. This is not coming to make trouble." Mo Bo Qi said helplessly.

"Does the master know?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I know, I'm on my way back, but this time there are many people involved, the amount of money is relatively large, and the matter is very difficult!" Moboqi scratched his head and said helplessly.

"Where are the troublemakers, are they still outside?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"They're all in the meeting room, and the outside is full of onlookers and the people they brought."

"How many antiques are involved and how much is the amount?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Eight pieces, the amount is more than 600 million. But these people don't want money, they want real products, so they are in a stalemate. After all, where are we going to find so many of the same antiques in a while?" Mo Boqi had a headache. , and it was obvious that someone was doing this to ruin Xinglinzhai's reputation on purpose.

Once the reputation of Xinglin Zhai is damaged, many people will take the opportunity to make trouble, and I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to deal with it.

Zhang Xiao also felt troubled at the moment. After all, if the matter can be solved with money, it is not a big deal. After all, the business has losses and profits, but if they just want to make trouble, it is really difficult to solve.

"Let's go in and have a look. This stalemate is not the solution to the problem. Let's go in and have a look at the situation. Maybe we can find a solution." Zhang Xiao said.

Mo Boqi also nodded, what Zhang Xiao said might be the only way to solve the problem.

After entering the meeting room, Zhang Xiao found that all the customers sitting in the meeting room were face-stricken at the moment, and there was a box in front of each of them, which was commonly used to hold antiques, and its shape was indeed a box specially made by Xinglinzhai .

This kind of special box can not only preserve the antiques in good condition, but also has a high value. Xinglin Zhai generally charges for antiques worth less than 100 million.

"Everyone, making trouble like this is actually not the solution to the problem. You all need to bring out the invoices for purchasing antiques and the certification documents for antiques. If it is really our Xinglinzhai's problem, we Xinglinzhai will definitely give you an explanation." Mo Boqi After cupping his fists and saluting, he spoke.

"Boss Mo, we believe in Lord Xin, that's why we bought antiques from Xinglinzhai. Who knew that they were fakes after being appraised by others. This is not your way of life at Xinglinzhai." A bearded man in his 50s The old man spoke first.

"Boss Long, let's take the antique out if it is a fake. If it is a fake, I, Xinglinzhai, will be responsible to the end. Whether you want compensation or similar antiques, I, Xinglinzhai, will take all of them. But if The antiques in your hands are not sold by our Xinglinzhai, or they have been replaced by others, and our Xinglinzhai is not easy to bully, let you trample on our reputation." Mo Boqi is extremely tough at this moment, because he Knowing that if this matter cannot be resolved today, it will be a huge blow to Xing Linzhai's reputation.

The reason why Xinglinzhai has been able to stand in the antique market for so many years is because of its reputation of being innocent and genuine. Mo Boqi will never allow anyone to tarnish the reputation of Xinglinzhai.

Long Tiansheng frowned, because he heard some unfavorable information from Mo Boqi's words, and couldn't help but said: "Boss Mo means that my antiques have been sold?"

"It's possible, but I can only be sure after seeing the antiques, because every antique sold from Xinglinzhai has our unique imprint on Xinglinzhai." Mo Boqi said solemnly.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar. After all, this kind of thing was unheard of. No one had heard of Xinglinzhai having such a mark. But now that Mo Boqi said it, then such a mark must exist. Everyone couldn't bear it. They looked at each other in blank dismay.

Long Tiansheng opened the box, took out the antiques inside, looked carefully, but found no mark, couldn't help but said: "Boss Mo, I didn't find any marks on the antiques."

"Boss Long, you don't think our unique imprint is something you can find with just a glance, right? Knowing whether Boss Long believes in Mo, Mo can help you check whether this antique was sold from our Xinglin Zhai!"

Long Tiansheng nodded. In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he still believed in Xinglinzhai, otherwise he would not spend a lot of money to buy antiques from Xinglinzhai. What he likes is the authenticity of Xinglinzhai. The origins are clear and clear, which is something that many antique shops dare not say easily.

Mo Boqi carefully took the antique to his desk, and after looking at it carefully, he found that this brush washer was not made by Xinglin Zhai, and this brush washer could be seen to be a fake at a glance, and it was Modern crafts that haven't been distressed.

"Boss Long, I don't know if you understand antiques or not, but this brush washer is not made by me at Xinglinzhai, because no matter how stupid I am, Xinglinzhai can't sell such modern handicrafts at the price of antiques. Yes." Moboqi sighed and said, "I can be 100% sure that this brush washer was replaced by someone, so you should not be looking for our Xinglinzhai, but the person who replaced your brush washer !"

"It's impossible. I've been friends with him for many years. How could he lie to me?" Long Tiansheng didn't believe what Mo Boqi said was true, but his heart was already shaken, because during the identification process , This brush washer was once taken away for three days.

The expressions of the rest of the people present changed, because the same thing happened to them, and they didn't realize that they were cheated, and not only that, but also used by others.

But at this moment, how to recover the loss is what they want to do.

"Everyone, can you tell me which institution or individual tested you?" Zhang Xiao asked, because it is more important for Xinglinzhai to know the information about the people behind the scenes from them.

"Tianxin Testing Co., Ltd., the boss is Gu Tianxin." Long Tiansheng's eyes were red at the moment, because Gu Tianxin was his old friend, and the friendship between the two was not a day or two, but decades of friendship.

Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi looked at each other, they didn't expect that Gu Tianxin would dare to make such a move, is this desperate?

"Boss Long, did Gu Tianxin personally test it for you?" Mo Boqi asked.

"No, Gu Tianxin introduced me, and a middle-aged man named Li Yunqing tested me." Long Tiansheng shook his head and said.

"Boss Long, you can call the police first, I think you have been cheated." Moboqi shook his head and said.

Long Tiansheng hurriedly took out his mobile phone and walked aside to make a call, while Mo Boqi began to check for other bosses whether the antiques they brought had been exchanged.

Zhang Xiao also started to help. After inspection, four antiques were dropped, and three antiques were completely genuine, not fakes.

"Did the three of you go for the test too?" Moboqi asked with an ugly face.

"We didn't. We heard that Boss Long and the others bought fakes, and we bought them with him, so we came here together." The three of them said a little embarrassed.

"The antiques you are holding now are real, and they also have the unique imprint of our Xinglinzhai on them. If you are still worried, I, Xinglinzhai, can buy them back at the original price!" Moboqi said with a smile.

"No need, we believe in Xinglinzhai, and we also believe in you, Boss Mo." The three bosses said with a smile.

The hearts of the three of them were at ease at this moment, but they all looked at the other five people whose antiques had been exchanged with pity.

This is human nature. As long as you don't suffer from being fooled, your mentality will change all of a sudden.

But Long Tiansheng and the other four people all called the police, and the people who were originally surrounded left after Long Tiansheng and the other four clarified the facts.

Xing Lin Zhai went through this farce, although it was a false alarm, it also sounded the alarm for everyone in Xing Lin Zhai.

At the same time, Zhang Xiao also realized the importance of reputation. If it weren't for the reputation accumulated by Xinglin Zhai over the years, it would never be so simple to solve the problem in a short time.

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