That night, Zhang Xiao slept in the dormitory.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao woke up from the university dormitory, feeling that she had a good night's sleep.

The wine is well-drinked, and the atmosphere in the dormitory is also very relaxed, and there are not many intrigues.

Zhang Xiao looked at his watch, patted the bed board and shouted: "Get up, the class meeting starts."

The three of them were woken up by Zhang Xiao, and quickly got up to get dressed.

"What time is it?" Deng Yi asked.

"It's seven o'clock."

Deng Yi couldn't help laughing and cursing: "Isn't the meeting held at ten o'clock? Why did you wake us up so early?"

"Aren't you running for monitor? Why don't you take a shower when you're smelling of alcohol, and don't go to the classroom to canvass votes for everyone!" Zhang Xiao said speechlessly.

"Nervous." Deng Yi said so, but he still got up. After all, he had planned to run for the squad leader a long time ago. This was his political task and no mistakes should be made.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, after half an hour of busy work, everyone went out.

Sun Jianxin wore a T-shirt and jeans, and his cute face gave people a lovely sense of sight.

Sun Xiaodong changed into a basketball uniform, but his strong body gave the feeling of a tiger coming out of the cage, and his eyes looked bright.

Deng Yi is still wearing a short-sleeved shirt and trousers. With his handsome and peerless appearance, the rate of turning heads is increasing.

Only Zhang Xiao herself is not as handsome as Deng Yi, not as strong as Sun Xiaodong, and even less cute than him, on the contrary, she is the least attractive to others.

At this time, there were not many students on the road. They came to the cafeteria, had breakfast with their meal cards, and sat in the empty cafeteria to eat.

Because of Deng Yi's existence, girls would sit around them from time to time, which reminded Zhang Xiao of the monkeys in the zoo. At this time, they were no different from the monkeys in the zoo.

Zhang Xiao, who had hurriedly finished breakfast, took them away with a feeling of running away.

At this time, it was only 08:30 in the morning, but for the election of Deng Yi's class leader, the four of them started to arrive at the classroom that was reserved yesterday, to clean and serve the classmates.

After a while, the counselor arrived, a young female teacher in her 20s, who should have been a teacher who had just graduated and stayed in school for a long time.

The name is nice, Li Yanyu, and she looks okay, not pretty, but not ugly, but her hot figure is very attractive.

After Li Yanyu knew the names of the four, she focused on Zhang Xiao, because he had heard Zhang Xiao's name from his elder brother.

"Ms. Li, I want to run for monitor." Deng Yi said solemnly.

"Yes, I will give you a chance to express yourself." Li Yanyu glanced at Deng Yi, nodded with a smile, "But your face is not very dominant in our class, after all, there are only ten girls in our class. indivual."

Deng Yi burst into tears, why did he emphasize his face, did he really have to rely on his face for food?

"Don't feel embarrassed, it's not ashamed to be able to eat with your face in this era, after all, this is your strength." Li Yanyu saw Deng Yi's embarrassment, but still said with a smile.

With the passage of time, the number of students in the classroom increased one after another. Deng Yi took advantage of the opportunity to get the sign-in sheet early, and became familiar with every student. After all, it was still very important for him to run for the monitor beneficial.

Before ten o'clock, people came together.

Li Yanyu stood on the podium, looked around at the students, and said, "Hello, everyone. I am Li Yanyu, the counselor of your class. Welcome to Huaqing Garden."

The students began to applaud. Even though they were all top academics from all corners of the country, they had to applaud at this time, not only to welcome the teacher, but also to welcome themselves.

This is a whole class of top students, needless to say the top scorers in the college entrance examination and champions, as well as some gold medal winners in various competitions.

"Entering Huaqing's electronic science and technology major has proved your excellence. I hope that everyone can continue to work hard in the next study and strive for a successful graduation!" Li Yanyu talked eloquently on the podium, and briefly introduced After learning the history of the school, we talked about the future study.

Li Yanyu's words also calmed down many people who originally thought that they could do whatever they wanted after being admitted to university. If they failed to graduate because they did not study hard, or were even dropped out of school, it would be embarrassing and embarrassing. can kill them.

"Next, please introduce yourself." After Li Yanyu said this, she gave up the podium.

The well-loved self-introduction session is also an opportunity for students to get to know each other.

Everyone is a top student, and in the country's always shy atmosphere, no one talks about their glory in high school. They only introduce their names, hometowns, ages, and hobbies. Some students even didn't mention their hobbies.

However, some of them were talkative, and they talked a lot, and they had a profound impact on everyone.

"Hello everyone, my name is Sun Jianxin. Sun is the grandson of Sun Tzu's Art of War. Jian is the construction of the motherland, and Xin is the new of the new people. People from Jin Province."

"I like singing and dancing. Of course, what I like most is making friends. If you have any interesting things, you can come to me."

Sun Jianxin talked eloquently on it, with a sullen heart hidden under his cute appearance, this is Zhang Xiao's definition of Sun Jianxin.

There are those who are talkative, and there are those who are less talkative.

"Cai Jian, from Zhonghu." Cai Jian introduced himself in five words.

"Zhang Xiao, from Henan Province, is 17 years old this year. I am very happy to meet you all here." Zhang Xiao introduced herself with a smile.

It was Deng Yi's turn to take the stage. As soon as he stood up, all the girls couldn't help their hearts jumping with his handsome face. When he stood on the stage, it seemed that his whole body was glowing, and his hearty and humorous words sounded : "Hello everyone, my name is Deng Yi. There is nothing to say about my surname, because my father's surname is Deng, and Yi is the hope of my family and the direction of my efforts. I am a native of Beijing."

"I like swimming. Anyone who likes swimming can come to me. In addition, I like computers. I hope to find like-minded friends."

After Deng Yi finished, the students began to introduce themselves on stage one by one.

The follow-up continued for nearly half an hour, and more than 100 talents finished their introductions one after another.

Li Yanyu stepped onto the podium: "Everyone has gathered from all corners of the country, and we will study together in the future. For better management, today we will elect the class monitor, party secretary, study committee member and sports committee member. Those who signed up Classmates, please come to the stage."

As soon as the words fell, Deng Yi stepped onto the podium, bowed, and said: "I am applying for monitor, I hope I can serve you, and I hope everyone supports me."

As a top student, everyone has their own plans, and if they are not particularly interested, no one will fight for them.

However, there are still many people who are envious of the position of squad leader. Some gave up after seeing Deng Yi's appearance, while some were unconvinced and stood up to compete. Three of them ran for squad leader.

On the contrary, only one girl from the study committee signed up, and only Sun Xiaodong from the sports committee signed up.

The secretary of the Communist Youth League is another hot spot. After all, this is a leisurely and promising position, and there are five people who have applied for it.

However, although Li Yanyu was young, she was very decisive in dealing with the matter. Instead of asking everyone to vote by secret ballot, she asked everyone to vote by show of hands. After all, this would not only prevent students from forming cliques, but also save time.

Deng Yi deservedly became the squad leader, Sun Xiaodong became the sports committee member, the girl named Zhang Ke became the study committee member, and the league branch secretary was snatched by a boy named Li Junhao.

After the election, Li Yanyu said again: "The military training will start tomorrow morning. Everyone will gather in this classroom at [-]:[-] in the morning. Remember to change into your military training uniforms. The squad leader and the party secretary must do a good job in service, and remember to wake everyone up in the morning."

Soon, the first class meeting ended like this, and the students began to go out in twos and threes, discussing such routine topics as what to eat at noon and how to do military training.

Zhang Xiao was about to leave with Deng Yi and the others, but Li Yanyu stayed behind.

"Ms. Li, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked a little puzzled.

"It's a small matter for you. The school has arranged for you to give a freshman speech at the opening ceremony. You should prepare during your military training." Li Yanyu said with a smile.

"Ah? Why?" Zhang Xiao was a little surprised, after all, it was too sudden.

"How do I know, but I guess it has something to do with your starting a company, but it doesn't matter, you can write whatever you want." Li Yanyu didn't ask too much, and left after speaking, leaving only Zhang Xiao Messy in the wind.

After meeting with Deng Yi and the others, Sun Xiaodong asked, "Why did the beautiful counselor tell you to stay? The time is too short."

Zhang Xiao was a little helpless, but she still told the truth.

"Hey, freshman representative, this is something worth bragging about. You are going to be famous in the whole school." Deng Yi said enviously. After all, freshman representative is a very high honor for freshmen, and many people can't win it if they want to. I heard that this was decided by the school leaders.

"Trouble." Zhang Xiao felt that this was a trouble, after all, he just wanted to enter university life in a low-key manner and didn't want to be noticed.

Brother also wants to keep a low profile, but his strength does not allow it.

Zhang Xiao wanted to look up to the sky and sigh, but after thinking about it, she might be pretending to be thirteen, so she had to let it go, after all, things still had to be done.

"It's cheap and good-looking. Let's invite everyone to dinner at noon today." Sun Xiaodong looked at Zhang Xiao speechlessly, and then said.

"Okay, let's go to the cafeteria." Zhang Xiao didn't plan to go out to eat, so he dragged them to the cafeteria.

I have to say that the school food is still so cheap and affordable, four people can get it done for less than 20 yuan, which costs at least a hundred yuan outside, although Zhang Xiao doesn't take this money seriously, but he didn't pay attention The plan to spend money pretending to be thirteen.

On Zhang Xiao's way back to the dormitory, the mobile phone that Zhang Xiao had knocked into his pocket rang. Under the surprised eyes of the three, he took out his mobile phone and connected the call.

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