The meal didn't end until 03:30 in the afternoon. Mrs. Ni, who had just rushed back from the outside, felt a little puzzled when she saw the situation at home, but she couldn't help crying when she saw Academician Ni, who was full of energy and high spirits. head.

Mrs. Ni knew her husband's dream, and she also felt unfair about her husband's experience in Lianxiang Group. During this time, he could see her husband's depression. Today, her husband regained his fighting spirit again, and she was happy for him.

Zhang Xiao left shortly after Mrs. Ni came back. After all, it was getting late, and he had to go to the company to arrange microelectronic technology.

After Zhang Xiao left, Mrs. Ni finally found out who Zhang Xiao and the others were from her husband, and also understood why her husband was so energetic and full of fighting spirit.

On the way back to the company, Tian Xiaodan couldn't help asking: "Boss, the company only has about 1000 million funds in its account. Where do you come from for the research and development funds of microelectronics technology?"

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said, "Isn't it enough for me to inject capital into the company again? What a big deal."

Tian Xiaodan froze for a moment, and his original doubts about Zhang Xiao disappeared immediately. It seemed that Zhang Xiao wanted to use his own money to inject capital into the company, and it seemed that his worries were completely unfounded.

After returning to the company, Zhang Xiao called Tang Zhenhao to his office, closed the door and said, "Old Tang, you originally held [-]% of the shares, but after this capital injection, your shares will become about [-]% , I can give you another three percent option, what do you think?"

"Thank you, boss. I won't be polite. Anyway, you have money!" Tang Zhenhao said with a smile. His microelectronics technology has undergone tremendous changes in less than half a year. Although his shares have decreased, But the value has not changed at all, and he has cashed out millions of dollars, which is like a dream.

"Okay, anyway, my reputation of being taken advantage of has spread throughout the investment world." Zhang Xiao said angrily.

Because Zhang Xiao didn't know from Tang Zhenhao that his reputation in the investment world was so bad until today when he was drinking.

Tang Zhenhao couldn't help laughing, but at the same time he was also a little embarrassed, after all, he also slipped his tongue for a while today.

The next day, Tang Zhenhao found Academician Ni's car and house, and even assigned him a full-time driver.

And Zhang Xiao also asked the finance department to further increase the registered capital of the investment company to [-] million. After all, whether it is the people's supermarket or microelectronics technology, rapid development will require a lot of investment, and tomorrow he will School is about to start, and he won't have much time to deal with it all.

So far, Hongyuan Investment Zhang Xiao has invested a total of 2 million yuan, Xinyu Jewelry Company Zhang Xiao has spent [-] million yuan, and still has more than [-] million spare funds in hand, but Zhang Xiao is not going to use it for the time being, after all, the stall is a bit big now Yes, it is not clear when a large amount of funds will be used.

August 8th is the day for freshmen to register at Huaqing University.

At the main entrance of Huaqing University, Zhang Xiao walked into the school carrying a backpack and dragging a suitcase.

Both sides of the long avenue are bustling with activity. Banners for receiving new students from various colleges are stretched on the trunks of old trees, and tables for welcoming new students are placed under the banners.

In front of the table are the freshmen who came to the school, and some students are followed by their parents who are carrying the salute, their faces are full of pride, and they are looking at the campus in high spirits.

Behind the desk are brothers and sisters from various colleges, and they are also the main force to welcome freshmen to register.

This scene is similar in colleges and universities all over the country, but the difference is that this is Huaqing University.

Zhang Xiao searched for the location of the Department of Electronics. After a while, Zhang Xiao found the location of the Department of Electronic Engineering.

"Hello, junior, which major do you major in?" A beautiful girl sat behind the table and looked at Zhang Xiao with a smile, and asked.

"Major in Electronic Science and Technology." Zhang Xiao took out his admission letter from his backpack and said.

"Then you are my junior, let's get to know you, sophomore Gu Xiaojuan." Gu Xiaojuan immediately fell in love with this junior, not only because of Zhang Xiao's handsome appearance and handsome face, but also because of Zhang Xiao's body that other people might not like. Not sure, but designer watches and clothes she recognized immediately.

"Hello senior sister, my name is Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao stretched out her hand and shook Gu Xiaojuan's hand.

"Come with me, I'll take you to go through the formalities." Gu Xiaojuan stood up and was about to take Zhang Xiao away after speaking.

"Junior Sister Gu, let me go, after all, it takes a lot of walking all the way down." A boy said.

"I'll go by myself, just to get to know the new student." After Gu Xiaojuan said casually, she led Zhang Xiao towards the registration office of the Department of Electronic Engineering.

When going through the procedures, Zhang Xiao went through them very quickly. After all, there were not many people at this time, so the procedures were completed in a short while.

Zhang Xiao also got the dormitory key and the receipt for picking up the items, as well as the freshman enrollment handbook.

"You are in the 306 dormitory in Building [-], I will accompany you." Gu Xiaojuan said with a smile.

"No, thank you senior. I can go there by myself." Zhang Xiao refused Gu Xiaojuan's company.

"Okay then, I'll remember you." Gu Xiaojuan who was rejected blushed and left.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and headed towards the dormitory according to the instructions.

After arriving at the dormitory, Zhang Xiao found that he was the first person to come to the dormitory. The dormitory is a six-person room. Zhang Xiao began to make his own bed. After all, this will be where he lives in school, even if he may live outside in the future. But at least for now, Zhang Xiao doesn't intend to be a maverick.

Zhang Xiao finally got the quilt from downstairs and went to the small shop next to her to buy daily necessities. When everything was tidied up, the dormitory ushered in the No.2 freshman.

A handsome guy in a snow-white short-sleeved shirt, black trousers that were ironed straight, and a parted hair came in dragging a suitcase.

"Hey, there are others who came earlier than me." The handsome guy said with a smile as he came over from a Beijing film shop.

"Hello, my name is Zhang Xiao, from Yu Province." Zhang Xiao took the initiative to introduce herself, after all, this is a classmate and roommate in the university.

"Deng Yi, a native of the capital, if you need my help in the future, just ask." Deng Yi said with a cheerful smile.

"Then I'd like to thank you very much." Zhang Xiao also agreed with a smile.

Deng Yi opened the suitcase, took out a box of red pandas, opened it and threw one to Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xiao was not polite, and lit it skillfully.

"How long have you been smoking?" Deng Yi laughed suddenly, lit a cigarette and took a deep puff, then asked with a smile.

"Less than a year." Zhang Xiao told the truth, usually he doesn't smoke much, he is considered a smoker.

"I'm almost the same, the family is too strict." Deng Yi started to make the bed, talking in a rambling manner.

After smoking a cigarette, the two of them got to know each other a lot. Alcohol and tobacco are the tools of communication.

Then Zhang Xiao followed Deng Yi and brought him bedding and toiletries.

After a while, another roommate came in, not tall, wearing a pair of round black framed eyes, like a red panda, with his father behind him.

"Our little Liu is only 17 years old, and I will trouble you to take care of him more in the future." Liu Jianxin's father said with a smile.

"Uncle, don't worry, we are destined to live in a dormitory, and we will be brothers from now on." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You all reported it yourself?" Liu Jianxin's father said in surprise.

The two nodded.

"You guys are much more independent than my Xiaoliu. He used to live at home and has never been a boarder. I will really trouble you in the future. Jianxin, let me tell you something." Liu Jianxin's father sighed,

Liu Jianxin pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Liu Jianxin, please take care of me in the future."

"He just doesn't talk much." After Liu Jianxin's father helped Liu Jianxin make the bed, he began to chat with them about homework.

Not long after, the last student came in, with beads of sweat dripping from his body, a basketball jersey that exploded from his strong body, holding a basketball in one hand and a huge suitcase in the other.

"Hey, I'm here, I thought I was early. Hello everyone, my name is Sun Xiaodong, and I like basketball." Sun Xiaodong said familiarly, throwing the suitcase aside, holding the basketball and said.

Zhang Xiao and the others also introduced themselves. At the same time, Zhang Xiao was slightly relieved. After all, they didn't meet any strange roommates. This is considered good luck.

Near noon, Sun Jianxin's father insisted on inviting everyone to dinner, but Zhang Xiao and the others couldn't refuse, so they had to agree.

Originally, they thought they would have a meal on campus, but they didn't want Sun Jianxin's father to insist on taking them to a good meal, saying that they always wanted to taste the delicacies of the capital when they came to the capital.

Zhang Xiao and the others couldn't refuse, they could only accept it, but after seeing Sun Jianxin's father's car, Zhang Xiao finally realized Sun Jianxin's father's confidence. There were two big Benzes, not only the driver but also the bodyguards.

Sun Jianxin's father and bodyguard got into one car, while Zhang Xiao got into another car and headed for a private restaurant.

"Jianxin, what does your family do, so rich?" Sun Xiaodong sat in the co-pilot, he was the biggest after all, turned his head and asked.

"It's not worth mentioning to do some small business." Sun Jianxin said with a wry smile and shook his head.

"Small business, are you selling socks in a big business again? Tell me honestly, be lenient when you confess, and strict when you resist!" Deng Yi stretched out his hand, put his arm around Sun Jianxin's neck, and joked viciously.

"Your family is from Jin Province, so your family has a mine!" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said.

"No way, your family really has a mine owner." Sun Xiaodong said exaggeratedly. After all, he was deeply impressed by the coal bosses who opened the mine. Sun Jianxin's father image did not match the appearance of a big mine owner.

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