Zhang Xiao didn't disturb Academician Ni's train of thought, but waited quietly.

"To be honest, even I didn't expect Mr. Zhang to have such ambitions. You must know that the current domestic computer market is completely produced by assembling imported parts from abroad. Many computer companies don't even have the idea of ​​localization. "Academician Ni said with a self-mockery.

"To realize the complete localization of computers is the future development direction. No one can stop this trend. I believe that as long as we work hard, there will always be results." Zhang Xiao said with a confident smile, because the domestic computer technology in the previous life was also With each passing day, many chips and systems have appeared, but they are only used in a small range due to lack of market.

After stopping Zhang Xiao's words, Academician Ni couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion. Since Lianxiang Group came out, many people avoided him, and most of the people who came to visit were some troublesome media, so he didn't dare to go out casually. The pressure is really too great. I didn't expect that the young man who came today has even more crazy ideas than him. The realization of the localization of computers is of course meaningful, but the time and money required must be hundreds of millions. He It is not clear whether Zhang Xiao can bear such investment.

"I don't know how much Mr. Zhang is going to invest in research and development in this area?" Academician Ni was a little moved and couldn't help asking.

"I plan to invest [-] million yuan in the initial research and development, and then I will increase the funds at any time according to the situation!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile while stretching out a finger.

Academician Ni couldn't help being stunned, not because of the small investment, but too much investment. After all, even Lianxiang Group would not make such an easy commitment to a research and development investment of [-] million, but a young man like Zhang Xiao actually And such courage.

"I don't know who is in charge of your company's research and development?" Academician Ni asked. After all, investment in research and development is one aspect, but talents are more important.

"Currently, Mr. Tang is in charge of the company's research and development. After all, the company is small and cannot invite top domestic talents." Zhang Xiao said with feigned grief.

In fact, this is just his rhetoric. No one thought of recruiting R&D personnel in the past. On the one hand, it was because the company had insufficient funds, and on the other hand, the current production was just an OEM, which did not require too many R&D personnel.

Academician Ni believed this to be true, because if Zhang Xiao hadn't revealed his plan, he wouldn't have believed that such a company existed in the world, and recruiting high-tech R&D personnel would naturally be out of the question.

"You need to find it yourself, but domestic talents in this field are all in large enterprises. If you want to recruit people, you have to pay better treatment and salary." Academician Ni said with a smile.

"Mr. Ni, in fact, I have another idea when I come this time, that is, Mr. Ni, if you join our microelectronics technology, you will be in charge of the entire company at that time. Whether it is the recruitment of personnel or the development plan, you can make a decision with one word." , we will never interfere. Not only that, but we will fully cooperate with your work." Zhang Xiao joked that he did not think Academician Ni would join his small temple.

"Mr. Zhang's remark is not a joke. It is not an exaggeration to say that Chairman Liu of Lianxiang Group and I are enemies. If I join your company, you will definitely be targeted by Lianxiang Group." Academician Ni Can't help but speak.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then he was ecstatic. He didn't expect Academician Ni to really have the heart to join the company, so he couldn't help but said proudly: "Since I have acquired Microelectronics Technology, I have determined the plan for independent research and development. , then don’t be afraid of any challenge, whether it’s domestic Lianxiang Group or foreign Microsoft, they will all be our opponents in the future, can I stop doing it because I’m afraid?”

"Companies, like people, must not be afraid of competition, because only competition can develop, and competition is the driving force for enterprises to maintain vitality and progress. Only when we have competitors can we know where we are falling short, and we can continue to improve!"

"Well said! The great man once said that it is endless joy to fight against the sky, endless joy to fight against the earth, and endless joy to struggle with people! Why should we be afraid of challenges and competition! Let's make it clear!" Ni The academician was also full of pride at the moment, and said with a big smile.

"So Mr. Ni, you agree to join Microelectronics Technology?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"I agree, but we have some things to talk about first, so as not to cause trouble in the future!" Academician Ni nodded, expressing his agreement to join Microelectronics Technology.

In fact, Academician Ni is also aware of the bitterness at this moment. Since leaving Lianxiang Group, life has not been easy. The accusations and abuse of countless people have made him suffer. Some people even say that he has gone crazy for rights. He often cannot sleep, and even Most of the time, he dare not stay at home because he is afraid of being chased and scolded at home. At this moment, Zhang Xiao can invite him to join the self-developed research project, which undoubtedly gave him a brand new way out. He felt Zhang Xiao's sincerity.

But I agree, I agree, but some things must be made clear. He doesn't want to be like in Lianxiang Group. In the end, not only parted ways, but he and Liu Dong also became enemies.

"Mr. Ni, please tell me. After all, for many things, it is much easier to agree in advance than to discuss later." Zhang Xiao actually knows what Academician Ni wants to say, but these things must be brought up by Academician Ni. It's easy for him to explain to Tang Zhenhao.

"Mr. Zhang, you want to be a computer. You know that my goal has always been technology first. I firmly believe that only technology can lead everything. The development of an enterprise without core technology is a castle in the air." Academician Ni said excitedly, "So I We hope that the company's development plan will be technology-oriented, and that both production and sales are for technical services!"

Zhang Xiao is well aware of the reason why Academician Ni said this. After all, the dispute between Ni and Liu is not just a matter of the company's management direction, but Academician Ni feels that his authority has been challenged, because the approval of his research projects is not in his hands. , Many project plans have been stranded for no reason, and many successful R&D projects have been diverted funds, making research unsustainable.

"I agree with your request. Not only that, we can write this request in the company's rules and regulations. Only with a basis can the company develop better and faster." Zhang Xiao made a final decision and accepted Academician Ni's proposal without the slightest hesitation. Require.

Academician Ni's lips trembled slightly, which was the expression of extreme excitement in his heart. Finally, someone understood his painstaking efforts. He felt that Zhang Xiao was his bosom friend.

Since ancient times, bosom friends have been hard to find.

His own voice can be heard, respected, and interpreted. This is the reason why Academician Ni is excited at the moment.

Tang Zhenhao looked at Academician Ni with some excitement, because for a man of science and technology whose research is better than business, Academician Ni is his idol. From now on, he can work with Academician Ni, and if he speaks out, he can make countless People envy, envy and hate.

Tian Xiaodan couldn't help being very wary of Zhang Xiao's trickery at this moment, because she knew that the computer project was just Zhang Xiao's temporary idea. Less than 300 million, where did the 1000 million R&D funds come from?

Is it really worth following such a boss who always comes up with ideas?

Tian Xiaodan was caught in suspicion at this moment, but at this moment she could not ask, let alone speak out, otherwise it would become a sabotage.

"Mr. Zhang, the primary plan for making a computer is the research and development of chips. Let's talk about it in front of us. If the company develops by then, the research and development of chips will not be on the agenda. This is not what I want to see." Academician Ni reiterated own point of view.

"Of course, didn't I say that the future development of microelectronics technology is based on your will, and I will not interfere without authorization. Not only that, I think the development of chips should start now, we can develop while producing, After all, chip research and development does not happen overnight!" Zhang Xiao said with a smile, in fact, his heart is more urgent than Academician Ni, the chip research and development can be launched one day earlier, and the results can be produced one day earlier, which plays a key role in the localization of computers role.

"Mr. Zhang is really my bosom friend. From now on, Mr. Zhang, you will be my boss!" Academician Ni didn't expect Zhang Xiao to be so supportive of chip research and development, so he couldn't help but said.

After all, in this way, his own chip plan finally saw hope again.

Zhang Xiao stretched out his hand and held Academician Ni's hand tightly. At this moment, he finally recruited the first heavyweight talent, paving the way for the development of microelectronics technology.

"It's a pleasant cooperation. I will arrange a house and a car for you near the company. As for the company's funds, I will immediately arrange them so that your research will not be delayed." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll thank Mr. Zhang." Academician Ni was not pretentious at the moment, and directly agreed. As for the salary, he didn't care, after all, he believed that Zhang Xiao would never treat him badly.

What's more, for Academician Ni, money is not his pursuit at all. If he is after money, he doesn't need to bother at all. Lianxiang Group's shares are allocated as much as Dong Liu's at the beginning.

It was already past the lunch time at noon, but academician Ni was in the middle of a conversation, and he didn't let Zhang Xiao and the others leave at all.

Zhang Xiao then arranged for Tian Xiaodan to find Guo Feng and Lu Huaping downstairs, and let them go shopping and cook.

And Zhang Xiao and Academician Ni started to drink the peanuts they had at home, and drank the Moutai from Academician Ni's home, you and I drank one cup at a time.

Later, Tang Zhenhao also joined in, only Tian Xiaodan started to serve tea and water, and started her own job.

And when Guo Feng and Lu Huaping finished frying the dishes, the three of them were almost drunk, leaning on the sofa and chatting, everything seemed so harmonious and natural.

But the age of the three is like a ladder. They are three generations of old, middle-aged and young people, but they have a common dream, which is to realize the localization of computers.

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