Tang Zhenhao heard Huang Meifen's demand for the supermarket cash register system, and said with a smile: "Boss, it is not difficult to realize this in terms of hardware. First, we can assemble the personal computer terminal by ourselves. Secondly, it is not difficult to manufacture the scanning gun. I The company has its technical reserves, but if it wants to produce, it needs the authorization of some patents. The third is the small ticket printer. We don't have to take it as a must-have, but just purchase it directly. We don't have to think about it for the time being. "

"But I'm not good at software development. I don't think it's easy to package it on a computer, but isn't the boss a shareholder of Jinshan Software? You can let them develop it for you, as long as you sign a non-disclosure agreement. OK."

"In this way, after you go back, make a set of samples first, and then we will proceed to the next step of software development. How long will it take you for a set of samples?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I can bring it over tomorrow. After all, assembling a computer is very simple. You only need to purchase spare parts." Tang Zhenhao said with a smile.

After listening to Tang Zhenhao's words, Zhang Xiao nodded and said nothing more.

After this small meeting was over, Zhang Xiao called Tang Zhenhao to his office, and said, "Old Tang, can our microelectronics assemble computers?"

"Of course, as long as all the parts are purchased, it is enough to assemble the computer." Tang Zhenhao shook his head and said.

"Then why doesn't the company produce computers? I think the company has a business scope." Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"Boss, you are taking it for granted. Just like me before, I originally established this company to produce computers, but as the profits of assembling computers continue to decline, and Lianxiang Group has a lot of money, it continues to squeeze us small computer companies. Profit margins, in exchange for profits in exchange for market share, I have to transform, and now I can barely survive the manufacturing of some integrated circuits, and many computer companies established with me have died, only I Turn around quickly, and barely survived." Tang Zhenhao said with some bitterness.

"Have you ever thought about returning to the computer market? After all, the next ten years will be a period of rapid development of computers. If we can seize the opportunity to reduce the production cost of computers, we still have the strength to cooperate with Lianxiang Group. After all, His computer's independent productivity is not high." Zhang Xiao said meaningfully.

"Boss, Lianxiang Group wants money and people, and now it has a monopoly of more than 70.00% of the computer market. It is very difficult to compete with him." Tang Zhenhao shook his head and said with a wry smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded. He is well aware of the strength of the Lianxiang Group, but he has a little disdain for the subsequent methods of the Lianxiang Group. The investment in research and development is pitifully small, and everything is used for doctrine. He would rather pay expensive patents Fei, and has no intention of developing his own products, perhaps because of technical barriers, but Zhang Xiao knows that this is not the root cause.

The most fundamental reason is that the strategic policy of Lianxiang Group has become trade, industry and technology instead of technology, industry and trade at the beginning. It was originally an enterprise that wanted to transform technology into practical applications. After entering the market, everything has undergone fundamental changes. , since others authorized him, it would be superfluous to do research and development by himself, which is why the executives of Lianxiang Group did not do research and development.

Lianxiang Group optimizes things, optimizes the performance of the computer, makes the compatibility between various components stronger, and adds some fancy little research inventions to increase its cost performance. All of these seem extremely natural and gradually occupy the The global computer market has become the leader in the computer industry. From the perspective of enterprise development, there is nothing wrong with it. After all, enterprises are pursuing profit and profit.

But he has forgotten his original intention and his original mission. This is what Zhang Xiao can't understand the most, and what he despises the most.

Zhang Xiao, who has lived a new life, feels that she should do something, not for anything else, but for the former middle school two, the former cynic, and the dream of the past.

"Restarting the computer plan, we need to make computer parts more localized and increase research on computer parts. We may not be able to make profits at first, but this is a good thing for the country and the people, and it can also promote the technology accumulation of enterprises. I It will increase the company's capital investment!" Zhang Xiao said leisurely.

"Why?" Tang Zhenhao asked a little puzzled, because this is not the attitude of running a company. Can the company survive without making a profit?

"All the key components of Lianxiang Group's computers are purchased. They are just an assembly company. I don't think this is a good thing for the development of the country's computers, so we have to do the opposite. Maybe at the beginning we I will lose money, but I always believe that owning one’s own key technology is the attitude of being a business, and can truly make profits.” Zhang Xiao said with a smile, this is the first time he has expressed his feelings.

Tang Zhenhao somewhat understood Zhang Xiao's plan, but now that the company lacks both research and development capabilities and production capacity, how can it accomplish the goal Zhang Xiao said, because the goal Zhang Xiao said is really ambitious.

"Boss, I think we should proceed from reality. The sales of complete computers cannot be completed overnight, and we should determine a direction, such as storage and other categories, research one by one, and then produce." Tang Zhenhao suggested.

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, "This is too slow, and it takes too long. Even if we produce products by then, it will be difficult to compete with the Lianxiang Group, which has already dominated the market."

Tang Zhenhao was silent, because he knew what Zhang Xiao said was right. According to the current trend, Lianxiang Group is likely to dominate the market in the near future, and if you want to compete with him, the best way is to fully Entering the market, you will face Lianxiang Group directly from the very beginning, and there may still be a chance to stand out from the encirclement.

"Boss, maybe we should find an expert to analyze the current computer market?" Tang Zhenhao said suddenly.

"Who are you looking for?" Zhang Xiao was also very interested in this, and couldn't help asking.

"Of course I'm looking for Academician Ni. After all, he has great resentment towards Lianxiang Group, and he has already sued everywhere." Tang Zhenhao said with a slight smile.

Zhang Xiao's eyes suddenly brightened. As a future generation, of course he understands the strength of Academician Ni. If Academician Ni can be persuaded to join the company, then the company will not only get a lot of R&D personnel who were dismissed by Beilianxiang, but also have more confidence to face Lianxiang Group. With sufficient financial support, Zhang Xiao believes that even if he can't surpass Lianxiang Group, he can still occupy a place in the computer market, thus providing a research center for domestic chips and computer systems.

Even in the near future, it can accelerate its entry into the mobile phone market, and grab the richest and sweetest cake when smart phones are popular.

"Do you know how to contact Academician Ni and his elders?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I don't know how to contact him, but someone does. It's not hard to find Academician Ni's residence. You can find out after a little inquiry." Tang Zhenhao said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to you. I'll go with you to ask him for advice. It would be great if he can join our company." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, but whether Academician Ni is willing to join the company , Zhang Xiao didn't hold out too much hope. Being able to listen to Academician Ni's future development of the computer industry is already the biggest gain.

Tang Zhenhao left with a smile, because he knew that Zhang Xiao's ambitions were far beyond his imagination, and maybe he could really find another way.

After Tang Zhenhao left, Zhang Xiao began to think about the company's future development.

As an investment company, Hongyuan still needs to change the composition of its staff. When the stocks can be traded online, the first investment will come in handy. At present, they are still learning the trading rules of the stock exchange. The second investment is too much for Zhang Xiao. Too loose, it must be changed.

However, school is about to start, and Zhang Xiao plans to make changes to the second investment department in the future. After all, all changes need to be paid.

The next morning, Tang Zhenhao brought good news. Not only the computer had been assembled, but a scanning gun was also built.

Not only that, Tang Zhenhao also inquired about Academician Ni's current residence, and knew that Academician Ni was recuperating at home recently.

"You bring the computer to the company first. After meeting, let's go to Jinshan Software Company to see if they can develop a cash register system." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, I'll be there right away. I'm on my way to the company." Tang Zhenhao said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao said to Tian Xiaodan: "Tang Zhenhao will arrive later, let's go to Jinshan Software first, and then we will visit Academician Ni. You will prepare the gift for Academician Ni."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." Tian Xiaodan said.

Not long after, Tang Zhenhao arrived at the company, opened Zhang Xiao's office door and said, "I have used the best computer accessories on the market for this computer, and it will definitely not be eliminated within three years. The cash register system that has been researched can be used continuously for at least three years."

"It's still your consideration." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile. At the same time, he also understood that Tang Zhenhao is really a rare talent, whether it is research and development ability or the company's management ability, it is considered good.

"These things are what we have to consider as subordinates. Otherwise, the boss will have to consider everything. How can we as subordinates reflect our own value." Tang Zhenhao said jokingly.

"I found that you can talk, you don't look like a man of science and engineering!" Zhang Xiao couldn't help joking, but he willingly accepted Tang Zhenhao's flattery.

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