Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 156 Zhang Xiao's Ambition

After the negotiation, Zhang Xiao and Qiujun signed the contract. Zhang Xiao was happy that this capital injection accounted for [-]% of the shares, and Qiujun finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, if the company cannot obtain funds, many employees They will all leave, which is even more unacceptable for Qiujun.

That night, people from the two companies had a friendship at the big hotel. After the banquet, Zhang Xiao, Qiu Jun and Lei Jun went to the side room to talk.

"Gold Flash does have a great advantage in text editing software, and it also builds a new text editing software based on the WIN system. However, facing the impact of piracy and Microsoft, Gold Flash is facing a dilemma. Have you thought of a solution? ?” Zhang Xiao asked while drinking tea.

"There is no good way yet, but I believe that with sufficient funds, the company will be more effective in promoting Pangu components, and the company's game business will also be launched. This will be a development opportunity for the company." Qiu Jun said with a smile, no In addition to the financial troubles, he has indeed become more passionate.

"I am also optimistic about the future of Jinshan Software, so I will invest, but I hope that Jinshan Software's market share will reach at least 50.00% within one year." Zhang Xiao put forward his request.

"We will do our best." Qiu Jun nodded and said.

"Then I'll wait for good news from you two." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Then everyone started chatting, and Zhang Xiao also learned a lot about the current status of the software industry from Qiu Jun and Lei Jun.

After Microsoft entered the domestic market, it had a great impact on the software industry. Many software companies went bankrupt, and Jinshan Software was also deeply affected. After all, only [-] sets of Pangu components developed in three years were sold. , directly caused the collapse of Jinshan Software, and now many employees are already looking for a way out. If it is not for Zhang Xiao's capital injection, then the future of Jinshan Software is unknown.

As for Lianxiang Group, he is indeed interested in investing in Jinshan Software, but his goal is to turn Jinshan Software into the second software division of Lianxiang Group, which is why Qiujun and the others refused.

After all, they had a better choice, so it was reasonable to reject Lianxiang Group.

On the second day, the news that Hongyuan Investment invested a huge amount of 300 million to occupy 30.00% of Jinshan Software was reported by many newspapers, and there were different opinions about this investment on the online forums that started to emerge.

Hongyuan Investment became famous all of a sudden. After all, an investment of 300 million is a very large sum of money for many companies. people shocked.

Gold Flash Software, which was invested, has once again become the focus of people's discussions, and the latest product of Golden Flash Software, Pangu Components, has been accepted by more companies with the news of this investment, and its sales have skyrocketed. Unexpected.

At this time, Chairman Liu of Lianxiang Group looked at the reports in the newspaper and couldn't help being a little angry. He didn't expect that Lianxiang Group, which was in full swing, lost to a little-known small company in this negotiation. , which made him a little angry.

For Jinshan Software, Chairman Liu is bound to win. Originally, he wanted to boil the eagle and bring Jinshan Software under his command. But halfway through the cooking, the eagle flew away and nested again in a small tree.

"Manager Yang, look up the details of this Hongyuan investment, and find out what his origin is, he dares to pull out his teeth!" Chairman Liu summoned General Manager Yang Yuan and said.

Yang Yuan smiled wryly and said: "I know about Hongyuan Investment. The Zongrui case that caused a lot of noise in the investment circle before was the case of Hongyuan Investment. At that time, I thought this company was just a joke. It's over."

"Is there any latest investigation report?" Chairman Liu asked with his eyes narrowed.

"Maybe not the latest one. I will ask the people from the Strategic Investment Department to investigate, and I will give you the detailed information this afternoon." Yang Yuan shook his head and said.

"Okay, let's do it as soon as possible. In addition, we will speed up the [-] yuan plan and push it to the market as soon as possible to occupy more market share. Now some large foreign companies have begun to pour in, which is a very big challenge for the group. .” Chairman Liu understands that the company is not a software department at all, but a computer market.

"I'll make arrangements now." Yang Yuan nodded and began to arrange the next stage of Lianxiang Group's development plan.

At this time, Zhang Xiao also saw the report in the economic newspaper in the company, and couldn't help being amazed at Lei Jun's showy operation, and he didn't miss any opportunity to promote and develop himself. This is Lei Jun's better than Qiu Jun It is more clever, and the reason why it will develop more successfully in the future.

However, this is a good thing for Hongyuan Investment. At least it has established its reputation and let more people know about it. In the future, more people will understand and pay attention to the company, which is also good for the future development of the company.

Zhang Xiao has his own plan, which is to invest in more famous companies in the future and become a bigwig in the domestic investment circle, so as to build his own business empire. Investing in Jinshan Software will be the first step, and he will invest in more in the future. More companies to improve the business map.

"Boss, this is the development strategy of Minmin Supermarket planned according to your request. Please take a look at it." Tian Xiaodan put a development plan on Zhang Xiao's desk and said.

"Okay, put it there, I'll watch it later. Now let me talk about your work arrangement after school starts." Zhang Xiao asked Tian Xiaodan to sit opposite him, and said.

"In two days, I will go to school to report, and I will not have much time in the company, so I hope you can send me the company's situation, including the status of the following projects, by email every day. mailbox." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"That's no problem." Tian Xiaodan immediately understood that Zhang Xiao wanted to give himself more rights. After all, what Zhang Xiao said was not what he should do as a secretary, but more like an explanation to an assistant.

Zhang Xiao nodded. He is still very satisfied with Tian Xiaodan's recent work. According to Yuan Min's investigation, Tian Xiaodan has nothing wrong with him, so it is reasonable to let him get in touch with more important content in advance.

However, in order to appear fair, Zhang Xiao didn't adjust her position now. After all, Tian Xiaodan had only joined the job for half a month, and she still couldn't meet the conditions for adjusting her position.

Besides, Zhang Xiao knows more clearly the reason why Sheng Mi's kindness fights against Mi's hatred.

Tian Xiaodan has just joined the company, so it is reasonable not to adjust her position. It is natural and reasonable to wait for her to make some achievements, and then promote her position.

But if Tian Xiaodan's position is promoted now, after one or two years, his position will naturally have to be adjusted. Then in a few years, when the current position cannot be promoted, the shares must be given peace of mind, and the shares It was the thing that Zhang Xiao was least willing to use as a bargaining chip, especially the shares of the investment company, which Zhang Xiao was not willing to sell at all.

Once that time comes, conflicts will naturally arise. Now that Zhang Xiao doesn't adjust his position, he will naturally delay the emergence of this conflict.

Zhang Xiao plans to deal with the affairs of the supermarket again in these two days. After all, the development of the supermarket must be bold and radical. Only in this way can the layout be completed at a relatively small cost in the early stage and more profits can be obtained.

Now the People's Supermarket has five stores in the capital, one of which has opened, and the other four have been almost renovated, and they can open for business only after the goods are on the shelves.

However, after contacting UFIDA, Zhang Xiao discovered that the purchase, sale and storage system of the supermarket can directly use the purchase, sale and storage system of the enterprise. It is just that in view of the variety of commodities in the supermarket, it is necessary to establish a server and add product codes to operate, but the supermarket's The cash register system requires the joint research and development of hardware and software. This is not something that UFIDA can accomplish. It must be introduced by the enterprise where the hardware is located for joint research and development.

The first one is the scanning gun, and the second one is the receipt printer. In addition, it needs the cooperation of the computer company. Zhang Xiao has a headache about this. After all, this is the future of the supermarket. Zhang Xiao doesn't want too many people to know about it.

Moreover, if the system cannot be developed, the patent of the supermarket cashier system will definitely not come down. Although Zhang Xiao has organized people to apply for the patent, but in the process of review, they still need to provide real objects. Zhang Xiao plans to use this time difference to successfully develop the supermarket cashier system. Once the system is successfully developed, it will greatly promote the development of supermarkets, and Zhang Xiao's nationwide distribution of supermarkets will no longer be a dream, but something that can definitely be realized.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao called Tang Zhenhao, wanting to ask his opinion, after all, he is an expert in hardware.

"Old Tang, are you busy? If not, come to the company. I have a project for you to do." Zhang Xiao said.

"Boss, I just finished my work, and your call is really timely." Tang Zhenhao complained.

"Come to the company, I have a project for you to do, if you can do it, there will be a lot of purchases in this area in the future." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll be there in a while." Tang Zhenhao yawned, and said helplessly, it seemed that the thought of taking a good rest was in vain again.

Zhang Xiao then called Huang Meifen, the financial director of the supermarket, because she is a person who is relatively familiar with the supermarket business and understands the software requirements.

Not long after, the two came to Hongyuan Investment. Zhang Xiao asked the two to meet in a small conference room to discuss the possibility of realizing the supermarket cash register system, and Tian Xiaodan was in charge of recording.

At the same time, Zhang Xiao also had high hopes for this, hoping that Tang Zhenhao could meet the hardware requirements of the supermarket cashier system.

The reason why UFIDA didn't come over was that Zhang Xiao had his own selfish intentions. He wanted to package the supermarket cashier system to become a benchmark in the industry.

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