Li Mingxuan also understood Zhang Xiao's determination, so he said, "Okay, boss, I will do my best."

"It's not about doing your best, but you have to do it. Tell me now if you can do it. If you can't do it, you can abdicate. I believe someone in the company can do it." Zhang Xiao didn't give Li Mingxuan If you have a chance to fish, ask directly.

"Boss, I promise to complete the task." Li Mingxuan was shocked and quickly agreed.

Only then did Zhang Xiao nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "This is what you promised, I hope you don't break your promise!"

Li Mingxuan shook his head with a wry smile. It seemed that he was going to work hard again, and the huge profits of the supermarket were enough to make people crazy.

Zhang Xiao, who had arranged the affairs of Minmin Supermarket, returned to the company and asked Li Xuejiao to hurry up and train the newly recruited financial personnel. After all, after the supermarket opened, the financial personnel would immediately enter the supermarket and start working. However, Zhang Xiao owns all the shares of Minmin Supermarket at the moment, so the training matters are temporarily handled by the HR department of the investment company.

In addition, this is also Zhang Xiao's careful thought, intending to control the finances of each company in his own hands.

7 month 25 day.

The score of the college entrance examination came down, and Zhang Xiao, who was holding a meeting with new recruits in the supermarket meeting room, glanced at the vibrating phone, told Li Mingxuan to continue the meeting, and left the meeting room with the phone.

"Ms. Li, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao answered the phone and said with a smile.

"Zhang Xiao, the results of the college entrance examination are out. You really look good on me, you are the number one student in science in the province!" Li Yuliang shouted excitedly, the voice was so loud that Zhang Xiao couldn't help but keep the phone away from his ears.

"How much is the score?" Zhang Xiao asked excitedly, after all, he was also looking forward to his own results.

"The standard score is 750, and the original score is 739!" Li Yuliang said with a smile, "You are really famous in the whole province this time!"

"How many points are there for each subject?" Zhang Xiao also wanted to know the results of each subject, so he asked directly.

"148 in Chinese, 150 in Mathematics, 147 in English, 146 in Physics, and 148 in Chemistry!" Li Yuliang couldn't help but sigh with emotion at Zhang Xiao's score.

"Hehe." Zhang Xiao smirked and said, "Thank you, teacher."

"Why are you being polite to me? In addition, the teachers of the Provincial Admissions Office have already called the school. I have already given them your mobile phone number and your home phone number. They may contact you soon. You should pay attention to answering the phone." Li Yuliang After exhorting twice, he spoke.

"I see. When I return to the provincial capital, I will treat you to dinner, teacher." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your big meal." Li Yuliang said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao returned to the conference room with a smile on his face and continued the meeting, but his mood improved a lot.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao didn't go to the company, but stayed in the courtyard to rest.

Under the grape arbor, I brewed a pot of tea and lay on the deck chair leisurely, enjoying the rare leisure time.

Guo Feng looked at Zhang Xiao with a relaxed face, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional. He had never seen Zhang Xiao in such a leisurely time. Ever since he followed Zhang Xiao, he had been running around all the time. Even he felt tired sometimes, but Zhang Xiao Never rested, like a tireless machine.

He wakes up at six o'clock in the morning and goes to bed at ten o'clock in the evening. He seems to be busy all the time, either working or studying, which makes Guo Feng feel inferior.

Zhang Xiao didn't have so many thoughts at the moment, but was very happy, happy from the bottom of his heart.

From rebirth to the present, in more than a year, he not only achieved the top score in science in the college entrance examination, but also earned several small goals and bought a lot of real estate. Although many procedures are still being processed, but This is already a certainty.

Just then, the phone rang.

Zhang Xiao glanced at the incoming call, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and after answering the call, he heard his father Zhang Hongjun's laughter.

"Dad, what are you happy about?" Zhang Xiaoming asked knowingly.

"Brat, you have such good grades in the college entrance examination, and you are the number one student in science in the whole province. Now that the leaders of the Education Bureau are at home, when will you come back!" Zhang Hongjun said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it in a few days. Let's talk about it when the admission notice comes out." Zhang Xiao thought much more than Zhang Hongjun. After all, his task has been completed, and the rest will be left to his parents to perform. Besides, there are a lot of things going on here in the capital recently, and he can't do without them for the time being.

"Okay, be careful in the capital, and don't make trouble for your master." Zhang Hongjun was still a little worried about Zhang Xiao, and always felt that he was still a child.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao became inexplicably happy. After all, compared with the failure in the previous life, this was undoubtedly a bright moment.

No matter how happy his father Zhang Hongjun is, it is only right for him, after all, this is his glory.

Just as Zhang Xiao put down the phone, it rang again.

Zhang Xiao could only pick up the phone again and connected the call.

"Student Zhang Xiao, I'm Xu Wenchao from the Admissions Office of Huaqing University. Are you in your hometown now? I want to discuss admissions matters with you." In the Admissions Office of Huaqing University, Xu Wenchao said kindly.

"Hi Director Xu, I'm in the capital right now." Zhang Xiao didn't expect that it was Huaqing University's admissions office calling, which was beyond his expectation.

"Are you in the capital? Okay, tell me the exact location, and we'll talk about it in detail." Xu Wenchao was overjoyed. He thought he had to travel a long way, but he didn't expect that Zhang Xiao was in the capital, which would save him a trip.

After Zhang Xiao explained the specific location, Xu Wenchao was slightly taken aback. The location of the courtyard house is not too far from the school, only three or four kilometers away, and it will be there soon.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smile a little. This is the benefit of being the top student in the college entrance examination, and the school even asked him to choose a major, although Zhang Xiao didn't plan to change.

Not long after, a middle-aged man who appeared to be in his 40s and wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses walked in, followed by a young woman who looked like a student.

"Hello, classmate Zhang Xiao." Xu Wenchao greeted Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"Mr. Xu, senior sister, please sit down." Zhang Xiao led the two to the living room and asked them to sit down.

"My name is Li Wenji, and I'm a staff member of the admissions office, not a student." Li Wenji smiled with a plain face, looking extremely glamorous and charming.

"It doesn't look like it. You are at most 20 years old." Zhang Xiao looked Li Wenji up and down, and said with a smile.

"The mouth is so sweet." Li Wenji smiled. Almost all women like to be praised for their youth, even Li Wenji is no exception.

Xu Wenchao coughed lightly, and couldn't help but feel a little depressed, the topic was misleading, and he didn't know whether the decision to bring Li Wenji here this time was correct.

"Student Zhang Xiao, you are the No. [-] student in the science college entrance examination in Henan Province this year. You are applying for the electronic science and technology major of our school. Your admission to the school has been confirmed. I have brought the admission letter." Xu Wenchao changed the subject When he came back, he put a large envelope containing the admission notice on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Thank you, Teacher Xu." Zhang Xiao was also very happy about this. After all, being able to go to Huaqing University has already fulfilled his goal, but he is still looking forward to Huaqing University's preferential treatment policy.

Seeing that Zhang Xiao was very calm, Xu Wenchao didn't ask about the school's admissions policy, which made him a little confused about what Zhang Xiao meant, but he also knew that for a champion like Zhang Xiao, there must be many schools offering Olive branch, as for which school Zhang Xiao will choose in the end, he has no confidence. After all, the strength of Beijing University next door should not be underestimated.

"The school still treats you champions in the college entrance examination very preferentially. The four-year university tuition and accommodation fees are free. Other scholarships will not be confirmed until you get the test results after you enter the university. I can't do anything about it. But the school provides living allowances. I will give you a living allowance of 500 yuan per month." Xu Wenchao briefly explained the school's policies, and he said everything that should be said.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and understood that this was the preferential treatment policy of Huaqing University, there was nothing to be surprised about, and this was also the strength of Huaqing University.

After all, they are also a strong side, and there is no shortage of students at all.

The conditions are very good, and it doesn't cost much to study, but if you want to ask them directly for money, there is definitely no money, and of course he is not short of money.

Just when Zhang Xiao was about to agree, the phone rang.

"Sorry, I'll answer the phone." Zhang Xiao said to Xu Wenchao and Li Wenji, and then went to the yard to answer the phone.

"Mr. Xu, this classmate's family is very rich. This courtyard house is worth at least several million, and I think the person serving tea just now seems to be a bodyguard!" Li Wenji said in a low voice.

"Yeah, I originally thought that the number one student in the college entrance examination in Yu Province should be in a hotel even if he was in the capital. Who would have thought that he would actually live in a courtyard with three entrances." Xu Wenchao was also a little curious about Zhang Xiao's identity, after all, at this time Not everyone can afford a courtyard house.

"There is no shortage of money, so when he chooses a school, he will definitely consider the teaching conditions of the school. I think we should work hard on this aspect." Li Wenji said in a low voice.

"You're right, we should hurry up and take it down, after all we have the upper hand." Xu Wenchao said with a smile.

In less than 10 minutes, Zhang Xiao finished the phone call and returned to the living room.

"Sorry, the call came at an untimely time." Zhang Xiao said apologetically.

"It's okay, but there are not many people who can afford a mobile phone to take classes. It seems that Zhang Xiao's family is in good condition." Li Wenji said with a smile.

"Generally speaking, the mobile phone is also for the convenience of contact, but sometimes it is very annoying, and the call comes whenever you want." Zhang Xiao complained helplessly.

But it sounded so harsh to Xu Wenchao and Li Wenji's ears. If you don't like mobile phones, you can give them to me.

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