Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 146 Supermarket Opening

"You came at the right time. Xiao Hongmei is suspected of reporting a false case. We have detained her according to law. As his boyfriend, you need to cooperate with us in our investigation!" Director Sun said solemnly.

"What did you say?" Kang Hui was also a little confused at the moment. After all, he saw Zhang Xiao was taken away by the police, and Xiao Hongmei was the victim. Why did he change completely at this moment.

"Please come with us." Two policemen walked in and said to Kang Hui.

The people who came with Kang Hui didn't dare to stop the police from handling the case, they could only watch helplessly as Kang Hui was taken to the interrogation room.

"You all go out, leave if you have nothing to do, the police station is not a place you want to come in." Director Sun waved these people who followed Kang Hui out of the office.

With the video tape as evidence, and the company's lawyer also arrived, Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng went through the formalities and left the police station, leaving the lawyer to handle the follow-up matters.

But Zhang Xiao still wants to know who is behind this incident, who actually came up with such a vicious method. If Yuan Min didn't bring a video recorder to record what happened, and with Dai Tianmin's support, then he It's really hard to argue.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao began to reflect on his recent behavior. After all, it was still a little thoughtless. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Since he saw that Xiao Hongmei had a problem, he should not put himself in danger, but just stay away. she.

But this incident sounded the alarm for Zhang Xiao, someone was secretly watching his every move, this time he escaped by chance, but what to do in the future, this is what he should consider now.

Guo Feng blamed himself a little. After all, it happened right under his nose, and he didn't have a good way to deal with it.

"Boss, I think you should increase your security level and form a security team. I'll send a few people to protect your safety tomorrow." Guo Feng made a suggestion to Zhang Xiao. He didn't want what happened tonight to happen again.

"Okay, just look at the arrangement." Zhang Xiao has no objection to this. After all, the opponent is too rampant and shameless, maybe there are some sinister moves waiting for him.

But at the police station at this time, it was another scene. Xiao Hongmei refused to change her mouth when faced with the police's questioning. She felt that everything was done perfectly, and no one could expose her lies. This is also the confidence she dared to take on this mission. where.

But when the video tape was played on TV, Xiao Hongmei's face suddenly turned pale. She couldn't believe her eyes, but the facts were like this, and she couldn't tolerate sophistry.

"Xiao Hongmei, if you have anything else to say, just say it out loud. Maybe you can be lenient if you say it now!" Director Sun knocked on the table and said.

Xiao Hongmei had no choice but to tell what happened in detail, but it was exactly the same as what Zhang Xiao said.

"Who ordered you to do this?" Director Sun saw that Xiao Hongmei's psychological defense had collapsed, and continued to dig into the inside story. After all, this was what Director Dai told him, and he wanted to make it perfect.

Xiao Hongmei was shocked, but she didn't dare to say any more, because she knew Kang Hui's methods, if he knew that she betrayed him, her fate would be miserable!

In another interrogation room, Kang Hui sat on a chair indifferently, waiting for the lawyer to arrive, refusing to say a word.

The police have nothing to do about this. After all, Kang Hui is not an ordinary person, he is the second son of the Kang family, and they are unwilling to offend him too much. Moreover, Kang Hui's notoriety is outside, and he belongs to the type of revenge.

Director Sun saw that neither of them had made any progress, so he stopped insisting. After all, he could sue Xiao Hongmei with the help of the video tape. As for Kang Hui, he was just giving him a warning, and he really had no intention of detaining him. .

Later, Kang Hui's lawyer came and went through the formalities for Kang Hui, but Kang Hui was unwilling to leave because he wanted to find out why things turned out like this.

However, since Director Sun was here, no one dared to say anything to him, so Kang Hui had to leave by himself.

Director Sun took the opportunity to tell Xiao Hongmei the news of Kang Hui's departure, hoping to get clues about who was behind the scenes, but unfortunately his plan was doomed to fail. Xiao Hongmei remained silent and silently resisted the interrogation.

After going to work the next day, Zhang Xiao got to know the specific situation with yesterday's lawyer, and then handed over the full authority to the lawyer, and he began to make full preparations for the opening of Minmin Supermarket.

For the opening of the supermarket, Zhang Xiao used a lot of manpower to start distributing leaflets, promoting the opening of the supermarket, and publicizing the opening of the supermarket.

After all, as a new thing, the supermarket quickly aroused the interest of the surrounding people, and the preferential activities during the opening period attracted the attention of many people.

On the opening day of the supermarket, many people around were waiting at the entrance of the supermarket with coupons, invisibly promoting the supermarket.

When the door of the supermarket opened, many customers rushed in, which made Zhang Xiao feel tense, and quickly told Li Mingxuan, the person in charge of the supermarket: "To ensure sufficient goods, the tally staff must always pay attention to the situation of the goods and carry out the inspection. Supplement it and make a record."

"Okay, I'll make the arrangements now." Li Mingxuan hurriedly made the arrangements with a promise.

And Zhang Xiao didn't stay in the office, but went to the supermarket, wanting to listen to customers' comments on various varieties of products.

"The vegetables sold in this supermarket are cheaper than the vegetable market, and they are very fresh!"

"Not bad, and the price is clearly marked, so there is no shortage of money. I will come here to buy vegetables in the future."

In the fruit and vegetable section, Zhang Xiao heard the discussion of two middle-aged women, and immediately understood that there should be no problem with this area, so the fruit and vegetable section alone can bring a stable customer base.

You must know that the people who come to the fruit and vegetable area to buy vegetables are the elderly or women at home. They are the main force of supermarket consumption, and they are extremely sensitive to the price of commodities, even if it is a few cents, they will see it in their eyes.

After walking around the supermarket, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt dissatisfied with the line at the checkout gate, because although there are eight checkout windows open here, the queue has already started in just an hour. Once another hour passes, shopping If a large number of people leave the venue, the queue will be longer.

"Store manager Li, the settlement window is fully open, and all the cashiers who help with the tally should go to the settlement window, and they must be cleared and leave as soon as possible!" Zhang Xiao instructed Li Mingxuan.

"Boss, there aren't many people at the settlement window, so there's no need to open it all?" Li Mingxuan said with some doubts.

"Many people have not finished shopping now, so naturally it seems that there are not many customers, and it won't be long before there will be more people." Zhang Xiao said to Li Mingxuan, "And many people come to the supermarket for the first time to shop. When they see the price is cheap, they will naturally buy more. There are too many items, but if they wait for a long time to checkout, they will calm down and remove some items that they don’t need very much from the shopping cart, so that there will be fewer things to sell.”

When Li Mingxuan heard this, he immediately understood, and hurriedly went to make arrangements. After all, this is an era where notifications are all based on words.

Sure enough, with the passage of time, more and more people made settlements. Even if the twenty settlement windows were all open, people began to line up one after another. After all, the settlement windows now rely on people to calculate the total price.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but have the idea of ​​developing a supermarket shopping system. After all, it can save a lot of manpower and material resources, and it is faster and more convenient.

After leaving the supermarket, Zhang Xiao returned to the company and planned to ask the investment department to investigate whether there are any shopping systems that have appeared on the market. If there are, he can directly purchase applications. developed.

However, Zhang Xiao also understands that it is impossible to develop an advanced shopping system in the future, but a simple purchase, sales and storage system should not be difficult. At most, if the cash register system can be developed, it will not only be ahead of the peers , You can also build your own software company based on this, which will be a blue ocean again.

With a plan in mind, Zhang Xiao approached Zhao Hongjie, the director of the second investment department, and said, "Let everyone in the second investment department go to the market to see if there is a suitable computer software company to invest in. I am going to invest in a Such a company."

After Zhao Hongjie kept the computer software company in mind, he asked, "What are your requirements?"

"There is no requirement. As long as it is a computer software company that can be found, we will conduct investigations to find companies with development potential to invest in." Zhang Xiao can't remember which software companies are at this time, so he can only let the people in the investment department go investigation.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." After Zhao Hongjie agreed, he left Zhang Xiao's office and went to the investment department to assign tasks.

After being idle for half a month, the second investment department finally ushered in a busy time. More than a dozen people began to go all over the country to find a suitable software development company for Zhang Xiao.

That night, when the turnover of Minmin Supermarket was aggregated, Zhang Xiao was stunned by the data.

With a turnover of 420 million, the gross profit reached as much as 52. This data made Zhang Xiao understand the horror of the supermarket industry, and made Zhang Xiao, who had high hopes for the supermarket, pay more attention to it.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao rushed to the office of Minmin Supermarket on the second floor before the supermarket opened, and said to Li Mingxuan, "We are now speeding up the renovation of the supermarket in Beijing, and strive to complete the renovation within half a month. In addition to recruiting a large number of salesmen and tally staff for training, we must speed up the pace!"

"Boss, it's impossible. The renovation will take at least a month, and it will take two months to open." Li Mingxuan couldn't help but said with a look of embarrassment.

"Is there anything impossible, add money to the decoration company, add money to the production unit of the shelf, let them go all out and work overtime 24 hours a day! I believe that as long as the money is in place, everything will be no problem." Zhang Xiao's eyes were hot, He waved his big hand.

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