"Under normal circumstances, they think highly of themselves, and he will definitely not do it himself, but entrust it to others. I don't want to call him." Guo Feng lit a cigarette and said lightly.

"It's not him, it's his eldest son, who is now a department-level cadre." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"Since he is his own son, he will definitely not let more people know about this matter. After all, this matter is a stain on himself, and he will definitely find the closest person to deal with you. It makes sense." Guo Feng continued.

"First, he will ask people to report to the relevant departments about your personal or company administrative issues, such as taxation and other matters."

"The second aspect is that he will find someone to conflict with you or your family. In this way, the public security department will intervene, and the operability will be greater at that time."

"The last aspect is to create something out of nothing, to directly investigate you with national security and other non-existent matters, which can cut off your connection with the outside world, thus giving them a lot of maneuverability!"

The more Zhang Xiao listened, the more shocked he became. After all, these things were only seen in novels before, but Guo Feng said it easily at this time. It seems that such things really happen a lot.

"How to prevent it?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"There is no good way, but what you have to do now is to stay away from the jurisdictions under his previous jurisdiction. After all, he will have many former students and officials in those places. Once they do something, they don't think about the consequences at all." Guo Feng He shook his head and said, "Let's go to the capital. It's not just a random person who dares to behave wildly. After all, he is at the foot of the emperor."

"Then let's set off tomorrow, and leave early so that the family will not be noticed for the time being." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"I will arrange two people to come over to protect your family. Tell your parents. After all, the arrival of strangers is easy to be misunderstood." more comprehensive.

"Don't worry, I'll tell them in a while, what else do I need to prepare?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Also, do you have a well-connected bureau-level official? Tell him about the current troubles of the Li family, and ask him to help you spread the word in a small area. This will attract the opponents of the Li family to enter the game. The pressure on you will be greatly reduced." Guo Feng continued.

"I do know a leader of the Provincial Sports Bureau. After all, I am a track and field athlete of the provincial team, so the relationship is not bad." Zhang Xiao said after a while.

"That's fine, as long as the level is enough, as for the position, it's second." Guo Feng didn't expect Zhang Xiao to actually know him, and he originally planned to help Zhang Xiao find someone.

"Is there anything else that needs to be arranged?" Zhang Xiao continued to ask.

"That's all I can think of at the moment, but it's enough. After all, for the Li family, saving Li Kun is what they really want to do. But once the dust about Li Kun is settled, they will definitely try their best to come back." To deal with you, I hope you will have enough confidence to face all this." Guo Feng was not at ease, because after this incident passed, he and Zhang Xiao would be tied more and more tightly, and there was no possibility of pulling away and leaving.

Zhang Xiao nodded, took out her mobile phone and dialed Guo Yaxin's father, Guo Tianfeng.

After the phone rang for a while, the phone was connected. Zhang Xiao shouted: "Uncle Guo, I didn't bother you."

"What's the matter with you calling now, tell me quickly, I'm in a meeting." Guo Tianfeng said angrily.

Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate right away, and told about the troubles Li's family was looking for and the problems Li's family is currently encountering.

"I see. You've been quiet lately, kid. In addition, you have to represent the provincial team in the National Games." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile, Zhang Xiao was a little surprised by his joyful words.

"I will participate on behalf of the provincial team, but I don't know if I can represent the provincial team after going to university and changing my household registration." Zhang Xiao said with some lack of confidence.

"Then you don't have to worry about it, I will arrange it, as long as you are willing to represent the provincial team." Guo Tianfeng smiled happily. He thought it would take a lot of effort to convince Zhang Xiao, but he didn't expect him to come to his door. Also brought him a more valuable news.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao went downstairs and told his parents about the specific situation, telling them to be more careful in the future.

"Don't worry, we're fine, we're just ordinary people, they won't do anything to us, but you have to be more careful, although money is important, but your safety is the most important." Zhang Hongjun frowned, obviously I was worried about Zhang Xiao, but there was nothing I could do to help.

"I'll arrange for two bodyguards to come over, and it will be fine to call them distant relatives." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, signaling his parents not to worry.

"By the way, you promised Xiaokai and Xiaoping to go to the capital to play. Don't take them there this time. If something happens, we will regret it too late." Zhang Hongjun said after thinking for a while.

"Okay, I will explain it clearly to them, and let them go to the capital to play after this matter is over." Zhang Xiao said with some regret.

"That doesn't matter. After all, they are still young, and there will always be opportunities in the future." Zhang Hongjun said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded and agreed, and then Zhang Xiao went to discuss with his younger siblings.

The younger sister, Zhang Ping, was very sensible, and said that it didn't matter whether she went or not, after all, she had to hurry up to study, but Zhang Kai was in some trouble, and finally Zhang Xiao gave him a thousand oceans to calm down.

After the home was settled, Zhang Xiao felt relieved. In his opinion, home is everything after all, and everything outside is the external product of struggle.

Early the next morning, after Zhang Xiao ate the dumplings made by her mother, she left home by car and embarked on the road to the capital.

When getting into the car, Zhang Xiao felt sad, but she still forced herself to say goodbye to her parents with a smile on her face. It wasn't until the distance from her hometown that Zhang Xiao calmed down, and her gaze became determined again.

And just when Zhang Xiao rushed to the capital, the two people sent by Guo Feng had already set off. They were very happy on this business trip, because the salary was 3000 yuan more per month, but the things to do were relatively more important. Simple.

The Li family, in the living room.

Li Xianming's father, Li Han, a former high-ranking provincial official, ate his breakfast slowly, but his eyes didn't stay on things, he was a little scattered, obviously thinking about something.

Li Xianming, who was sitting opposite him, didn't dare to speak out, for fear of disturbing Li Han's thoughts, and he would inevitably be punished.

At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps from outside, and a middle-aged man in a suit walked in, and said to Li Han with a serious face: "Boss, something happened, and the matter of the second son is now being rumored." , Many people in the entire provincial capital know about it.”

Li Han's right hand, which was holding the chopsticks, gave a slight pause, and the food it was holding fell on the dining table, which was obviously unexpected for him.

"Check it out, look at the source of the news, there is no storm without waves!" Li Han's face was calm as usual, but his words were full of wind and rain.

"I've checked, and I've found the exact source. It's said that it was inadvertently spread during a gathering of a prosecutor in the capital who was visiting relatives in his hometown." The middle-aged man is Li Han's life secretary, Sun Haimin. Not fully retired, just relegated to the second line.

"It's ridiculous. These people are really willing to do anything to make trouble." Li Han frowned slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction.

Li Xianming and Sun Haimin didn't answer the call, because they didn't know how to answer it themselves. After all, they were not qualified to judge people at the same level as Li Han.

"Xianming, what happened to Li Kun's matter? Is it possible to reconcile?" Li Han grasped the essence of the matter at once and asked.

"The other party didn't agree, saying that he would make Li Kun pay the due price." Li Xianming told the truth, but he still concealed the threat to Zhang Xiao, maybe he forgot, after all, it is his opinion to say a few cruel words to a poor boy Not a big deal.

"Increase the compensation by [-]%. This matter must be resolved as soon as possible. We don't have time to chat with him. After all, if this matter is not handled well, it will have a certain impact on your future promotion." Li Han's thoughts were It's different, he knows that many things develop from small things to big things that are out of control.

"Dad, there is no need for us to compromise with him. In my opinion, we are sincere enough to be responsible for the compensation. Is it true that our Li family is afraid that a poor boy will fail? I don't believe he can cause any trouble." Li Xianming finally couldn't calm down at this moment Yes, because adding [-]% to the money is too much, and he doesn't want to just admit defeat like this.

Li Han slammed the chopsticks in his hand on the table, and scolded loudly: "Now, I have already retreated to the second line. It is not the time to be in the position. At this time, we must keep a low profile and spend money to buy peace." Don’t you understand the simple truth? Don’t forget, if it wasn’t for you making troubles, how could I have retired early.”

Li Xianming looked at his angry father, his expression tightened, and he said quickly, "I'll send someone to talk in the morning, and get this matter settled as soon as possible."

"You must pay attention to this matter. Kun'er can't have any accidents. Once he goes in, his temper will inevitably be used by others. It will be even more difficult for us to end at that time. Where are you and Director Guo of the Provincial Sports Bureau in Yaning?" Communicate again, find someone to take the blame and settle this matter, the Asian Games will start soon, once this matter is exposed, we will fall into a passive position again." Li Han took a deep breath and said.

After Li Xianming agreed, he hurried to work.

Li Han looked at Li Xianming's hasty pace, his expression was difficult to understand, but a trace of uneasiness emerged from his heart, he hadn't felt this way for a long time, and the last time it appeared was before he retired.

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