Afterwards, several students performed the show, but with Zhuyu in front, although their performance was very exciting, it seemed a bit dull at this moment.

At 10:30, under the urging of the service staff, everyone left separately. When they went back, everyone took a taxi and left. In the end, only Zhang Xiao and Li Yuliang were left behind.

"Let's go, Teacher Li, I'll take you home." Zhang Xiao waved to the Mercedes-Benz and said to Li Yuliang.

Guo Feng had already driven the car over at this time, Zhang Xiao opened the car door, invited Li Yuliang, who was still a little drunk, into the car, and then he got into the car from the other side.

"Mr. Li, sit there at your house. I'll take you home first, and then I'll go back." Zhang Xiao asked.

"In the community at the south end of Fengyu Road." After Li Yuliang answered, he asked in shock, "Zhang Xiao, don't tell me that this car belongs to you. Isn't your family from a rural area?"

"Of course, this car is not mine, but it is under the name of my company." Zhang Xiao unintentionally pretended to be aggressive.

Li Yuliang shook his head, and didn't ask any more questions. After all, he is only Zhang Xiao's teacher now, so there's no need to go to the bottom of it to avoid being suspicious.

After sending Li Yuliang home, Zhang Xiao returned to the hotel, and Hu Wenjing had already taken a shower, waiting for him to come back.

"Have you been drinking? With whom?" Hu Wenjing, who threw herself on Zhang Xiao's body, smelled of alcohol and couldn't help asking. At the same time, she felt a little uneasy.

"Teacher Li Yuliang invited all the students in our class to have dinner at the Yuxing Hotel tonight. How could it be possible not to drink on such an occasion?" Zhang Xiao said indifferently, not noticing Hu Wenjing's uneasiness at all.

After taking a bath, just as Zhang Xiao went to bed, Hu Wenjing made the bed.

For a moment, the earth trembled, the sky thundered and the earth fired, and water and fire blended...

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Zhang Xiao couldn't help being speechless after waking up. He didn't know what Hu Wenjing was doing so crazy last night, and he unlocked many postures that he resisted before, which made him want to stop.

As a result, it was already ten o'clock in the morning when he woke up, and he somewhat understood the difficulties of those kings in the past who didn't go to court early. If he couldn't wake up, how could he go to court early, as if he didn't get up for morning exercises.

When Zhang Xiao went out to eat breakfast, Guo Feng said meaningfully: "Take it easy, drink mutton soup, get some lamb kidneys to nourish your body."

Zhang Xiao suddenly looked depressed. Could it be that his complexion is very bad?I didn't notice anything unusual when I washed it.

In the end, Zhang Xiao went to drink the mutton soup and ate two big lamb kidneys in one go.

When going back, Zhang Xiao also brought a copy for Hu Wenjing. After all, he was going home in the afternoon, and it was impossible for Hu Wenjing to go back with him. She would go to the capital first and wait for him to come.

Of course, Zhang Xiao estimated that he would stay at home until the college entrance examination scores came down, so Hu Wenjing also asked Hu Wenjing to take advantage of this time to buy a house and a villa in the provincial capital, as Zhang Xiao's foothold in the provincial capital in the future. Living in a hotel in the city is not a long-term solution. At the same time, Zhang Xiao also transferred her 200 million as the cost of buying a house and decorating it.

Since it was going home, it was inevitable to go to the mall to buy some gifts to take back. Hu Wenjing stopped shopping until the trunk of the car couldn't fit.

Among them are not only gifts for relatives and friends, but also some books on electronic science and technology. Zhang Xiao is ready to start previewing when he has time, after all, this is his future.

After sending Hu Wenjing to the tube building where she lived, Guo Feng drove Zhang Xiao directly to Xinglin County.

In less than three hours, Zhang Xiao returned home, and Guo Feng did not leave, but followed Zhang Xiao to the house with bags and bags.

"Xiaoxiao, you're back, and I said you won't be home until evening." Yang Lan said happily when she saw Zhang Xiao.

"I originally wanted to come back yesterday, but last night the teacher in charge of the third year of high school treated me, so I stayed overnight." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Then Zhang Xiao introduced to her mother Yang Lan: "Mom, this is my driver and bodyguard Guo Feng, you can call him by name."

"Guo Feng, come in quickly, it's too hot outside." Yang Lan beckoned Guo Feng to enter the room, treating him like a guest.

"Thank you, auntie." Guo Feng said naturally, as if it had been brewing for a long time.

The air conditioner in the room was on, and Zhang Xiao didn't bother to move as soon as he entered. He nestled on the sofa and ate the watermelon his mother had cut.

After eating, Zhang Xiao went to his grandparents' house, while Guo Feng stayed at home temporarily.

Grandpa and grandma are both in good health, Zhang Xiao presented the gift she bought, grandma immediately smiled, but grandpa complained a little: "How much money do you spend on these things, do you have any clothes at home?"

"I bought it for you and you can wear it. Why are you talking so much nonsense." Grandma said angrily.

Grandpa frowned, but did not refute. Although he has a bad temper, he can always bear with his family members.

After sitting for a while, Zhang Xiao took his younger siblings home. After all, they couldn't wait to see what gifts Zhang Xiao bought for them.

After returning home, Zhang Ping picked up the two dresses, and happily went back to his room to change. However, Zhang Kai’s present was not only clothes, but also a thick pile of study materials, which made Zhang Kai not even have the heart to change clothes. up.

Zhang Xiao is well aware of this, after all, they will be in the third year of junior high school soon, and they will take the senior high school entrance examination in less than a year, which is very important to them.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao went to his grandma's house again, and sent them gifts and some cigarettes and alcohol. After all, he hadn't visited them for a long time.

Grandma and grandpa's health is very good, it depends on their old age, but Zhang Xiao knows that people will always get sick when they get old, and if they don't pay more attention, a small illness may lead to a serious illness.

Zhang Xiao returned home after wandering around with relatives and friends.

"Xiaoxiao, someone called home just now, please call him back, this is the number." Yang Lan handed Zhang Xiao a piece of letter paper with the phone number on it, and said.

Zhang Xiao looked at the number in his hand with some surprise. Looking at the area code, he could tell that it was a landline in the provincial capital. Zhang Xiao didn't know who called, but he still called back with his landline at home.

"Hello, who was looking for me just now?" After the call was connected, there was a moment of silence, and Zhang Xiao asked.

"I'm Li Xianming, and Li Kun is my younger brother. I want to ask what price we have to pay before you can withdraw the lawsuit?" Li Xianming looked gloomy, because he found many connections, and the last person said to him. To untie the bell, the person who tied it had to be tied, which also forced Li Xianming to find Zhang Xiao to discuss Li Kun's affairs.

"I have already appealed, and I have no intention of withdrawing the lawsuit. After all, they cheated me of so much money, and they must pay the price." Zhang Xiao said calmly.

"What exactly do you want? My brother Li Kun is not something you, a poor boy from the countryside, can offend. Don't forget, you have family too!" Li Xianming couldn't help but burst into anger when he heard Zhang Xiao's refusal, and his tone changed. A lot colder.

"Can I understand that this is a threat?" Zhang Xiao's face darkened. He didn't know what Li Xianming was thinking, but he threatened him on the phone.

"Whatever you think, I have to get the news of your withdrawal of the lawsuit before ten o'clock tomorrow morning, otherwise I don't think you can resist the anger of my Li family." Li Xianming said viciously.

Zhang Xiao was silent, because he didn't know what kind of revenge the Li family would launch, but compromise is impossible. Once a person kneels down, it will only be more difficult to stand up again, but he is a little worried about the safety of his family.

"Then come on, let's see who can have the last laugh." Zhang Xiao didn't say a word, hung up the phone, secretly ruthless in his heart, he must make the Li family pay the price.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao felt that she couldn't sit still and had to fight back. It would be best if she could bring down the Li family all at once. Even if she couldn't, she would find a way to cause trouble for their family and make them take care of themselves to deal with her.

Zhang Xiao picked up the phone, dialed the number of the legal department, and said, "I am Zhang Xiao, is lawyer Yi Mengping here?"

"Mr. Zhang, Lawyer Yi is here. I'll call her for you." Minister Sun Tiansheng of the Legal Department answered the phone, and immediately called Yi Mengping over when he heard Zhang Xiao's voice.

"Mr. Zhang, it's Yi Mengping." Yi Mengping said after picking up the phone.

"How far has the case between Zong Rui and Li Kun progressed?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"The lawsuit has been filed, and the court has accepted it." Yi Mengping said.

"Speed ​​up, we can't afford to lose our project, every day of delay is a big loss." Zhang Xiao exhorted.

Yi Mengping agreed, and she would do her best.

After Zhang Xiao hung up the phone, he took Guo Feng to his room upstairs and asked, "Now I have a financial dispute with the son of a former high-ranking provincial official, and I have filed a lawsuit. Now the other party is calling and threatening me, what should I do?" how to respond?"

"The best solution is actually very simple, and that is to reach a settlement, so that they won't be able to cling to you in the future." Guo Feng looked at Zhang Xiao and said solemnly.

"I don't want to reconcile. Compromise won't end once it starts!" Zhang Xiao said with a condensed expression.

"Then you plan to fight to the end?" Guo Feng didn't expect Zhang Xiao to be so stubborn. He dared to fight against the provincial officials. Even Guo Feng himself had to admire Zhang Xiao's courage.

"I believe there is still justice in this world. If legitimate interests cannot be guaranteed, then I will be very disappointed." Zhang Xiao said in a solemn tone, and at the same time he also wanted to see if this world is what many people expected that dark.

"Okay, since you have decided, as a soldier, I can only tell you about their methods." Guo Feng, as a former special soldier, has some understanding of the behavior of some officials.

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