Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 107 Winning the Bid


The reminder that the time is up in the auction hall sounded. Although the sound was soft, it was clearly audible at this moment. Many people held their breaths and looked at the big screen.

At this moment, the numbers on the big screen finally stopped beating, and everyone was staring at the big screen, wanting to see if they had won the bid.

"Yeah!" Zhang Xiao couldn't help shouting excitedly when he saw that the price of No. 1037 wool was fixed at 30.

There are many people who are as excited as him, and it doesn't seem abrupt, but more people are a little lonely and helpless.

"I hit it, I hit it."

"Damn, why are you so tall, have you taken any medicine?"

"Isn't money money? Someone paid 300 million for this broken stone. You're crazy!"

All of a sudden, the auction hall became noisy. The successful bidders were elated, while those who failed to win the bid were downcast, muttering and cursing. Laughter and loss were very obvious at this moment. miniature.

At this moment, the bid-watching area outside began to be cleared. Soldiers with guns on their backs drove away the crowd of bid-watchers. Mo Boqi ran fast, and ran to Zhang Xiao's side in two or three steps.

"Xiaoxiao, did you get hit?" Mo Boqi asked excitedly, not caring about the sweat on his face.

"I won a piece, good luck." Zhang Xiao said cheerfully.

Although Zhang Xiao can perceive how much energy is contained in the woolen material, but the bidding method of auction is too uncertain. Before the bid opening, no one can say that he can win the bid steadily, so Zhang Xiao was inexplicably excited, he felt that this was more exciting than cutting stones.

Although gambling stones is a sword of heaven and hell, it still takes time to wait for the knife to go down, but this open bid auction, in just a few tens of seconds, made people experience heaven and hell, and that feeling is really amazing. Somewhat subtle, adrenaline is secreted in a large amount in an instant, making people feel excited.

"That's good, that's good." Moboqi said with some emotion, after all, there is a harvest, as long as the stone is cut up, it is not in vain.

Looking at the numbers on the big screen, Moboqi couldn't help sighing: "This year's price is much higher than last year's. The first round showed a high price of 600 million!"

No. 1658 wool was auctioned for 600 million US dollars, which is almost 500 million yuan when converted into national currency. This value is really high, but Zhang Xiao has no interest in this piece of wool, because the energy contained in this wool It's more than 3000, but it can't be said that it will definitely be cut, and it is possible to get back the capital. It is more difficult to make money.

However, Zhang Xiao's mood at the moment has become a little heavy. The price on the first day is so high, so the subsequent price will naturally not be lower, and the auction with hidden bids is even more troublesome. Zhang Xiao can't help but sigh a little. The money was still too little, otherwise he would have taken all the targets he valued, and it would definitely be a profitable business.

Now that the auction was over, the winning bidders stayed to go through the formalities, while those who did not win the bids left quickly. After all, they had to go back to discuss tomorrow's auction.

Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi were chatting in the auction hall, while waiting for his number plate to be called on the radio, preparing to go through the formalities later, but at this moment the radio in the hall had already called for someone to go through the formalities.

"Brother, Gu Tianxin sent someone to watch me today. If I hadn't discovered him, I would definitely not be able to take pictures of this piece of wool." Zhang Xiao said in a low voice.

"Damn, it's really shameless, Gu Tianxin is getting more and more despicable." Moboqi suddenly became angry. After all, this matter is really unbearable, but he has nothing to do.

"Brother, I'm going to apply for on-site stone cutting with the organizing committee." Zhang Xiao said with a cold expression, he decided to fight back, he can't go on like this, otherwise they will get nothing, and return to China, with Gu Tianxin's status in the southern jadeite world , the probability of Moboqi wanting to obtain high-quality emeralds will be even lower.

"Okay, I support you, don't fight for steamed buns, we can't just sit and wait!" Mo Boqi decided to call Mo Wenxin after returning to tell him the situation here.

Half an hour later, Zhang Xiao's number plate was called, and Zhang Xiao was led by the staff to go to the background to go through the formalities.

Zhang Xiao chose to pay on the spot. Since Zhang Xiao’s payment exceeded 30 US dollars, the staff of the organizing committee immediately became enthusiastic. After learning that Zhang Xiao was going to cut stones on the spot, a supervisor in military uniform came over. , and began to negotiate with Zhang Xiao. After all, not many people choose to cut stones on the spot, not to mention that Zhang Xiao himself proposed it.

"Mr. Zhang, at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, we will cut stones on the spot at the gate, what do you think?" the supervisor said in stuttering Chinese.

"Okay, let's see you tomorrow morning." Zhang Xiao also breathed a sigh of relief at the moment, and the organizing committee organized it, so there is no need to worry about safety.

After going through the formalities, Zhang Xiao’s USD certificate card was also marked. Not only that, but Zhang Xiao also filled out a form. In the future, even if he is not in the name of the Jade Association, he will be invited by the organizing committee and regarded as a distinguished Zhang Xiao became even more happy because of the guests, after all, this was a surprise.

When Zhang Xiao finished the formalities and left, he was escorted out by two soldiers with live ammunition, which made Zhang Xiao a little nervous.

From the auction hall to the gate of the jade trading center, you still have to pass through a rough stone area. At this moment, there is no one except the patrolling soldiers.

After meeting Mo Boqi at the gate, Zhang Xiao told Mo Boqi the details of the stone cutting, and Mo Boqi said excitedly: "It seems that the organizing committee also hopes that you can cut stones, after all, this is a very good stone cutting project." publicity opportunities."

Zhang Xiao nodded and said: "If the price of cut stones rises sharply tomorrow, I will choose to auction it on the spot to get more funds. At that time, I will have the confidence to fight against Gu Tianxin and others, otherwise we will go further and further There will be no gain."

Moboqi didn't speak any more, he dragged Zhang Xiao into the car driven by the bodyguards, and headed towards the hotel.

"That's fine, but I still need to talk to my dad and discuss it." Moboqi continued the topic just now after getting into the car.

Zhang Xiao also knew that it was best to get the master's approval for this matter, so she agreed without hesitation.

Back at the hotel, Mo Boqi dialed Mo Wenxin, turned on the speakerphone, and after explaining what happened, he continued: "Dad, do you think there will be trouble cutting stones on site?"

"Gu Tianxin, an old thing, is shameless enough. There is nothing wrong with cutting stones on the spot. Before, I was mainly worried that it would be troublesome to bring back the best jadeite after cutting out. But since Zhang Xiao plans to sell it, there is no problem. But I still have to Be careful." Mo Wenxin said on the phone.

"Well, we know." Moboqi heaved a sigh of relief, and got his father's consent, and the rest is to operate.

Then the two of them went back to their rooms to rest after having a big meal in the restaurant.

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi got up early. After breakfast, they drove to the gate of the jade trading center. At this time, the staff of the organizing committee had arrived. , the organizing committee began to arrange the site for stone cutting.

Not only did a stone cutter be transported to the gate of the jade trading center, but also the No. 1037 wool material photographed by Zhang Xiao was transported out, and a cordon was pulled up, and there were soldiers around to maintain order.

And Zhang Xiao started to draw lines on this piece of jade wool, and Mo Boqi was also making suggestions. After all, in terms of stone cutting, Mo Boqi is a real expert, and his level of distinguishing jade wool is much higher than him.

Soon, Zhang Xiao drew the line, and the staff also put the No. 1037 wool material weighing two tons on the stone cutter and fixed it. However, the stone cutting did not start. After all, the organizing committee wanted to cut stones on the spot when there were many people. Promote.

As time passed, there were more and more people around, even Gu Tianxin brought a group of jewelry and jade owners to the outside to watch.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the piece of rough jadeite that I'm about to unravel is the No. 1037 wool in the Ming Bid Auction yesterday. I would like to thank Xinyu Jewelry Company and wish them good luck..."

In order to publicize and build momentum, the organizing committee specially dispatched a staff member who is proficient in multiple languages ​​as the moderator. The main purpose of the call before the stone cutting was to let the jewelry and jade owners pay more and support more.

Mo Boqi's self-analysis of stones has also attracted the attention of many people. After all, Mo Boqi's Jade Association is also a director. Almost everyone knows his name, but the most important thing is that his father is Mo Wenxin. Lord.

The Xinyu Jewelry Company was established by Mo Wenxin, and now it is divided into Mo Boqi, which is also the most important industry under the name of Mo Boqi. The reason why Xie Shi used the name of Xinyu Jewelry Company this time is also to promote publicity.

Of course, there are pros and cons to this. If the price rises, Xinyu Jewelry Company will naturally rise, which will bring huge benefits to the company's future development. It can also deter some jewelry and jade bosses.

Moboqi stood in front of the stone cutter, and after the host finished speaking, he pressed the start button of the stone cutter without hesitation, and began to cut along the line.

With the operation of the stone cutter, the originally noisy site has become much quieter. Only the sound of the stone cutter rubbing against the wool is left on the thousand-square-meter site. As time goes by, the broken stone chips continue to fall down.

After 15 minutes, the stone cutter stopped, and the smooth cut surface was suddenly revealed to everyone.

"Damn, it's soaring, this luck is no one else."

"That's right, the cracks on the outside are so obvious, but there is no crack on the inside, it's against the sky."


The originally quiet venue suddenly became lively as if a pot had exploded. All the people present were experts in betting and cutting stones. Seeing such cuts, everyone understood that Xinyu Jewelry Company had found a treasure this time.

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