Moboqi came over, patted Zhang Xiao on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry about what they say, someone will come to curry favor after you become strong."

Zhang Xiao nodded and asked with a smile, "Elder brother, after the auction in the afternoon, can I cut stones if I want?"

"Of course. Why, do you want to cut stones after the auction? My dad said it's best not to cut stones on the spot." Moboqi asked with a serious face.

"The money I brought is too little, I think if the cut stone can be cut at a higher price, then I will sell it directly!" Zhang Xiao said with a firm expression.

"It's okay, it's just that it's too high-profile, and it's easy to be targeted!" Mo Boqi was worried, after all, Gu Tianxin was already targeting them now.

"We have been targeted by someone now, so I want to take a gamble. If we win, we can talk about everything. If we lose, it will be treated as a trip." Zhang Xiao was furious at the moment, and he wanted to challenge.

"That's true, well, it's up to you." Moboqi couldn't help but sighed, he no longer had much confidence in this public auction.

Afterwards, the two settled their lunch in a nearby shady place, rested in the shade of a tree, and waited for the shooting to start at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The bodyguards were also resting at the side, but it was daytime after all, and they were near the public market, so there was nothing unsightly to cause trouble.

After resting for a while, Zhang Xiao and Mo Boqi went inside again. After all, the rough jade stones that were auctioned in the Ming Dynasty still need to be seen, after all, part of them will be auctioned today.

When it was almost three o'clock, Zhang Xiao went to pick up an auction plate, number 18, which was quite auspicious.

Moboqi did not follow, but continued to look at the rough jadeite.

The auction is held in an auditorium of the Jade Trading Center. The area is very large and divided into three areas. Each area can seat 300 people. However, there are not many people participating in the auction. There are only three to 400 people in total. It seems that there are many people I am not optimistic about these large jadeite rough stones.

Zhang Xiao has only one goal, and that is the rough jadeite marked No. 1037, which contains almost 4534 energy, which is extremely rare among the rough jadeites auctioned in open auctions. The other rough jadeite marked No. [-] is auctioned It should be tomorrow.

Zhang Xiao found the seat number of No. 18, looked at the auction machine next to it, a very advanced electronic device nowadays, the original number and auction price of the auction were entered here, and it was also specially customized for the auction house Yes, it is different from previous auctions and more efficient.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a middle-aged man in a white short-sleeved shirt came to the rostrum and announced the start of the auction, and he was also the supervisor of the auction.

At this time, all of today's auction numbers began to be displayed on the big screen. As Zhang Xiao expected, the numbers range from 1 to 2500, which are today's auction items, and each number has the latest auction price.

As the auction started, everyone stared at the screen, and some people began to enter the number and price for the auction.

The base price of the rough jade stone numbered 1037 is [-] US dollars, and the price is increased by no less than [-] each time. However, Zhang Xiao did not enter the price immediately. After all, the auction time is very long, a full two hours, so Zhang Xiao is not in a hurry, but I am constantly observing the increase in the price of rough jadeite, after all, this can also be used as a vague reference.

But what Zhang Xiao didn't notice was that behind him, there was a person who stretched his head and observed his auction machine, as if monitoring his bidding.

Looking at the constantly beating numbers on the big screen, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sigh, so many people are waving banknotes to buy, it's hard not to make money.

In the past, mines were all excavated manually, and there were only so many rough jade stones every year, but now it is different. A large number of machines have been put into use, and a hill will be excavated to level ground in a short time. The efficiency is not high. How many times, even so, the price of jade wool is still rising, which is due to the domestic pursuit of jade in recent years.

Zhang Xiao looked at it for a while, and had a rough estimate of the No. 1037 jadeite rough in his heart. It should be worth about 30 US dollars, but he was not in a hurry to bid now. After all, the winning bid was at the highest price at the last moment. In the last 1 minute, bids will be made according to the auction price.

In fact, it is not only Zhang Xiao who is planning to do this, but many people around are preparing to bid at the last moment. Those who are bidding now are just testing the waters and exploring the way. They have many bidding targets and have to be watched by multiple people.

Because Zhang Xiao only had one target, he was a little bored for a while, so he couldn't help but look around, and soon he noticed something strange, a middle-aged man behind him kept staring at him, as if he was watching him.

Zhang Xiao's heart moved slightly, and he randomly found a target with a relatively fast price change and added a thousand dollars. He wanted to see if the people behind would follow. As long as he dared to follow, he would dare to add a thousand dollars to all the targets. Dollar.

The middle-aged man looked at Zhang Xiao's betting target, and raised the price without even thinking about it. This was the order he received in the first place, and Zhang Xiao would never be given a chance to succeed in the auction.

Zhang Xiao looked at the number on the screen that he had just increased the price, and the price immediately increased by another [-] US dollars, and sighed in his heart, it was really aimed at him, but it seemed that Gu Tianxin had planted someone to monitor him.

Zhang Xiao's heart was a little restless, he didn't want to cause trouble at first, he was a handsome man quietly, he could make money, but he didn't want to shoot a gun, who knew that he had no chance to make money quietly.

"It was you who provoked me first." Zhang Xiao secretly felt ruthless, and began to frantically operate the ticker in his hand.

As long as it was an active target, Zhang Xiao began to increase the price, and the price increase of each target was [-] US dollars. Following Zhang Xiao's operation, the quotations on the big screen suddenly changed wildly.

It's okay for Zhang Xiao to disrupt the situation deliberately, but it made everyone in the hall unable to sit still.

And the middle-aged man who monitored Zhang Xiao was also dumbfounded. He didn't expect Zhang Xiao to see so many bids, so what should he do, follow or not, this is a big problem.

The middle-aged man hurried out, he wanted to report the situation and let Gu Tianxin make a decision.

After the middle-aged man left, Zhang Xiao calmly added a thousand dollars to the unbetted lot 1037 to test the waters.

But at this moment, there was chaos in the hall. From time to time, someone picked up the mobile phone and began to contact people. Obviously, these were the people sent by the bosses to be in charge of quotations.

Some people also began to constantly calculate the next auction price, and some people looked around, hoping to see the person who just made a random bid.

You know, no one's money is printed by themselves. Although these people in the auction hall waved the banknotes with all their strength to get a few pieces of rough jadeite, they were relatively restrained, except for a few pieces that performed particularly well. Except for the emerald wool, the rest of the wool basically did not bid randomly. Now Zhang Xiao stepped in and quoted bidding prices on dozens of pieces of wool one after another, which immediately caused an uproar.

Zhang Xiao felt a little guilty. After all, this matter was not genuine. Once someone found out, he would offend too many people and become a public enemy. However, Zhang Xiao was also a little worried that the people who watched him would talk nonsense, and he was very uneasy.

"Whoa, $100 million?"

Suddenly, a voice rang out in the auction hall. No matter how good the quality of the wool fabrics on the open mark is, it is all relative. It is still much worse than some wool fabrics on the hidden mark. That's more than 100 million US dollars, which is considered a very high price in the open bid.

Zhang Xiao looked at the number of the wool material with a price tag of 100 million US dollars. That piece of wool material was considered to be one of the first 2500 rough stones that contained a lot of energy. It can pay back, but it should be a little difficult to make money.

"Damn, I pressed the wrong button!" A well-built old man cursed with a slight cry.

Immediately, everyone's eyes turned to him, and someone immediately smiled and said, "Boss Huang, you didn't mean to say that on purpose, did you?"

In fact, this kind of thing will be done every auction, intrigues, fun, but there are all kinds of possibilities, but after everyone's attention is attracted, Zhang Xiao is relieved, at least no one pays attention him.

"If you increase the price, as long as it is higher than mine, I will definitely not bid." Boss Huang went over madly. He indeed pressed the wrong price. He pressed an extra zero, and the price increased tenfold.

As soon as Boss Huang said this, no one was talking anymore, and everyone was ready to see his jokes.

As time went by, the numbers on the big screen became stable again, and no one bid randomly anymore, and the number 1037 that Zhang Xiao was concerned about had already been knocked down to the bottom, after all, the quality of that stone was not very good .

Zhang Xiao was a little overjoyed, after all, it would be great if the price was only increased by one thousand dollars to get it.

"There are still 5 minutes..."

Zhang Xiao looked at his watch and felt a little nervous. At the same time, he filled in the price on the ticker and waited for the price to be sent out at the last moment.

At this moment, the price of bid No. 1037 rose from the previous [-] to [-] US dollars, which made Zhang Xiao's heart flutter slightly. It seemed that someone had made an offer, but he didn't know how much he valued this piece of wool. degree.

Zhang Xiao sighed, and decided to bet according to the expected price in his heart. After all, he didn't have time to think about it at this time.

Time passed by in a hurry, and the numbers on the big screen began to jump crazily. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little depressed when he saw the rising numbers of No. 1037, but fortunately, the price didn't rise too fast.

When the staff reminded that there was 1 minute left in the auction time, Zhang Xiao did not hesitate to press the auction price of 30 US dollars.

The remaining tens of seconds were extremely long. When Zhang Xiao watched the price on the screen become the price he bet on, he stared at it intently. After all, success or failure depends on one move, and his palms began to sweat slightly.

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