Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 92 Film and Television Company New Project

Zhang Guoli was intimidated by Ye Zishu's idea of ​​acquiring Shanghai Animation Film Studio, although due to market and system problems, the operation of this old animation studio became more and more difficult.

However, it is a state-owned enterprise at any rate, and has produced many representative works, and its animation production level is definitely first-class in China.

Could such a business be sold to a private company?Zhang Guoli feels that Ye Zishu is a whimsical idea. Even if they lose money every year, they will not close their doors. This is the confidence of the state-owned enterprises.

"You look like you don't agree with it. If you don't talk about it, how will you know that others won't sell it? Even if the acquisition is not successful, we have no loss. Why don't you give it a try?

Besides, "The Lion King" produced by Shengshi Film and Television Company is currently showing in North America. If nothing else, this animated film is likely to be the annual box office champion in North America.

If it is successfully released in other countries and regions and has such box office results, it is likely to become the world's annual box office champion. This is a real achievement.

Now the country is at a critical moment of reform and opening up. As a model of the successful export of domestic cultural products, we also have a lot to learn from, so don't belittle yourself.

Besides, what is the purpose of the reform? The purpose of the reform is to make the people rich and the country rich, not to keep a number of state-owned enterprises.

As long as it is our own enterprise, no matter who owns it, it is in the domestic pot, and it is beneficial to the people and the country, rather than caring about public and private issues. "Leaf Book said.

In fact, he really needed to tell Zhang Guoli about the latter part. Just saying these things could make Zhang Guoli more confident, instead of feeling impossible when he heard about state-owned enterprises.

The so-called crossing the river by feeling the stones does not necessarily mean crossing the river by feeling for the stones of foreigners. We can touch any stone that can help promote domestic reforms and make the economy and industry more dynamic.

It's just that there were not many stones that could be touched in China before, and only foreign stones could be touched. This created an impression that crossing the river by feeling the stones was like crossing the river by feeling foreign stones.

If there are stones that can be touched in China, who likes to touch foreign stones? Is there any stone that is more suitable for domestic conditions than domestic stones?

When Zhang Guoli heard him say this, although he still felt that the possibility was relatively low, it was not as inconceivable as before. As he said, it was a talk anyway, and whether the talk was successful or not was another matter.

After seeing Zhang Guoli write down this matter, Ye Zishu continued: "The TV drama market is still dominated by the domestic market, there is a gap and market for domestic TV dramas, and there is great potential for development in the future.

Cartoons or animated films can achieve diversified development, and can produce cartoons for the domestic market, and can also produce cartoons and animated films for foreign markets.

Our "The Lion King" was produced for the North American market. In fact, the most popular place for animation is the rb next door to us. You can produce some animations in a targeted manner according to their market characteristics and style of painting.

As for movies, we also take into account both domestic and foreign markets. For movies in the domestic market, film and television companies can invest in new films directed by domestic directors, while the movies we produce are mainly aimed at foreign releases. "

Seeing what Ye Zishu said, Zhang Guoli asked in puzzlement, "Why don't we make films for the domestic market?"

"This is called specialization in the art industry. The films shown in the domestic film market basically have obvious localization characteristics. Let alone whether we can make good ones, even if we can make good ones, our energy is limited.

There are external resources available, we are just paying some money, why bother to fight in person?But we'd better hold the movie rights in our own hands.

You can invite many domestic directors to hold a gathering similar to a symposium, and pass on the idea that our company is willing to invest in domestic films, so that domestic directors who are short of money will come to them by themselves.

As for why we have to produce films for foreign markets, because domestic directors are not yet good at making industrial blockbusters, so we can only do it ourselves. "Leaf Book said.

When Zhang Guoli heard Ye Zishu say that Shengshi Film and Television Company can shoot industrial blockbusters, he was a little stunned, why didn't he know that the company could shoot such blockbusters.

Although the animated movie "The Lion King" was indeed a box office hit, this movie has nothing to do with industrial blockbusters, and the company has never made industrial blockbusters.

Although he didn't say he didn't believe it, but looking at Zhang Guoli's expression, you could tell what he was thinking, and Ye Shu had to continue: "You imagined the industrial super blockbuster too high, but actually making such a movie is not difficult.

Before there was no film and television special effects production system, it would cost a lot of money to make such a blockbuster, but with this system, making such a blockbuster is actually not much different from making a TV series. "

Although his words were a bit exaggerated, they didn't make much difference, because of the existence of the film and television special effects production system, the special effects needed for blockbuster movies were not worth mentioning at all.

The only limit is imagination. Now domestic writers are writing works with the theme of social reality, and directors are also keen on filming social reality and parents' short film and television works.

It is difficult for such a director to shoot sci-fi, fantasy, and fantasy blockbusters. At most, he would make a fuss about martial arts, like "Hero" shot by Lao Mouzi in his previous life.

Looking at Zhang Guoli's unbelieving expression, Ye Zishu knew that they would not be able to imagine the power of the film and television special effects production system if they did not personally create a blockbuster movie.

And if I don't give them a sample, they may never get started, and it will be impossible to ask them to shoot Hollywood special effects blockbusters.

"Looking at your expression, it seems that you don't quite believe it. In this way, I plan to shoot a Hollywood-style movie "Titanic" after the Spring Festival. You will be the executive director of this movie, and I will be the director of this movie." Ye Zi The book said angrily.

Originally, he had planned to personally lead the domestic production team to produce a pure Hollywood blockbuster, but he had too many things to do and couldn't spare the time.

Even if he says he wants to direct a blockbuster like this, in fact he only takes care of the on-site affairs and leaves all other chores to Zhang Guoli, so that he doesn't actually spend a lot of time.

"What story does this movie tell?" Zhang Guoli asked curiously.

"Tell the story of the sinking of a cruise ship sailing from England to the United States." Leaf Book explained simply and clearly.

"That's it?"

"You still want me to explain it all? The core element of Hollywood movies is simplicity, so that everyone can understand it without thinking about it.

If the content is too complicated and contains various deep meanings, the audience will not be able to understand it, and it will be impossible to sell a high box office. "Leaf Book explained.

Then Ye Zishu told Zhang Guoli about the scene requirements for the shooting of "Titanic", and asked him to find someone to build the shooting scene.

In fact, it is very simple, just find a place, just use wood to build the scene according to the appearance on the Titanic cruise ship, there is no need to make it very similar.

Even for this scene, it is to allow the actors to have a sense of being there, otherwise it is enough to shoot directly on the flat ground, which saves more money.

Ye Zishu simply drew the outline of the scene to be built on the paper, and let Zhang Guoli build it according to this outline. The total cost is estimated to be 200 million yuan.

Then there is the actor. Now Leonardo Li has made his debut and has acted in some movies. The heroine Kate Winslet in her previous life has not made a movie yet, but she has graduated from film school.

For a person like him who has never been a director, it is definitely impossible for the actors to recommend themselves by making an announcement, so these leading actors have to be contacted by Shengshi Film and Television Company.

Fortunately, the current Shengshi Film and Television Company is not unknown because "The Lion King" is showing in North America. It is not a big problem to actively recruit actors.

The reason for using the protagonist from the previous life has no other meaning, it is because it is cheap, and he is familiar with the original protagonist at least.

After explaining some things in the preparatory work to Zhang Guoli, let Zhang Guoli directly prepare. As for his position as general manager, he will take up the post from now on.

As for Ye Zishu, he needed time to finish writing the script of "Titanic", and he was going to make an animated film of "Toy Story", so that the people from Phoenix Special Effects Company could do it in their spare time.

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