Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 91 Work Arrangement for Film and Television Company

Not long after Guo Dongsheng left, Zhang Guoli came to Fenghuang Software Company to look for Ye Zishu. In addition to telling him that "Legend of the New White Snake" was awarded the first-round broadcast right by CCTV at a price of 500 million.

In fact, although this TV series did not make a lot of money, the last time Zhang Guoli went to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, he already recovered the cost and made a small profit.

So the film and television company itself is actually not so anxious, but CCTV is now in a hurry. Of course, it also has money. Last month's advertising bidding meeting gave birth to CCTV's first bid winner.

This advertising bidding meeting directly made CCTV's advertising revenue reach 1 million yuan. In addition to the advertising time resources provided in the bidding meeting, CCTV still has a lot of important advertising resources that it has not provided.

For example, the TV commercials during the prime time period, because the advertisements in this time slot need to be determined according to the ratings of the TV series, and only TV series with high ratings can sell these commercial slots at a good price.

However, the production of TV dramas in our country is generally relatively small, which means that the output of TV dramas is relatively low, and even many TV stations have no TV dramas to broadcast at all.

In the previous life, many TV channels were broadcast all night long. In this era, many TV channels turned off their signals before 12 o'clock in the evening. The most important reason is that there are no programs to broadcast.

Some TV stations are unable to produce their own programs, so they can only broadcast TV dramas in a loop throughout the day, and they don’t even buy the copyright for the TV dramas they broadcast. This kind of situation usually occurs on county-level TV stations or unpopular channels of provincial TV stations.

CCTV said before that it was short of funds, but now it has received advertising fees that are comparable to last year's advertising revenue for just one advertising bidding event. This year's advertising revenue will surely exceed 2 million yuan.

In addition, the TV series "Legend of the New White Snake" is also considered unique in China. It has mythological elements, singing and dancing elements, and the special effects are not bad. The 500 million purchase of the first round of broadcasting rights is definitely worth the money.

Zhang Guoli specially came to Ye Zishu, not because he sold the broadcasting rights of this drama, but because he came here for the next work of the film and television company.

Since the production of the "Lion King" animated film was completed last time, the film and television company has completely run out of projects, and even the Phoenix special effects company is also in a half-rest state.

Zhang Guoli himself is also a person who can't be idle. Seeing that the Spring Festival is coming soon, he hopes to make a good plan for the next work of the film and television company, so that he can deal with it calmly later.

At the beginning, Zhang Guoli said that he was unwilling to be the management of Shengshi Film and Television Company, but in fact, apart from participating in the filming of a few MVs and the first 40 episodes of "I Love My Family", he basically did the management work.

"Mr. Zhang, I think it's more appropriate for you to be the general manager of Shengshi Film and Television Company. I have too much work on my side, and I can't take care of things over there!" Ye Zishu persuaded straight to the point.

"That's fine!" Zhang Guoli said very simply.

Now it was Ye Zishu's turn to be a little dazed. He thought it would take another effort to let Zhang Guoli take charge of Shengshi Film and Television Company, but he agreed without hesitation.

Seeing him stunned, Zhang Guoli said: "Actually, it's not right. I'm doing a job similar to this position. I might as well be the general manager. At least I can get more salary."

Hearing what Zhang Guoli said, Ye Zishu laughed. The reason why he let Zhang Guoli do all the important things was to make him gradually familiar with the affairs of the film and television company.

In fact, the business of a film and television company is not complicated, that is, filming, selling, copyright management, etc. As for signing actors, although it is also possible now, most of the actors are actually in state units.

It's just that actors are very free, and it's very common to take plays outside, but few of these actors are willing to sign their relationships with private companies.

"Since Mr. Zhang agreed to be the general manager of Shengshi Film and Television Company, that would be great, and the next work will be easier to arrange.

Before, it was because I didn't have the energy to keep staring at that side, and I didn't dare to implement many ideas at all, and I couldn't separate so much energy. "Leaf Book said.

"Then how does Mr. Ye plan to arrange the work of the film and television company?" Zhang Guoli asked.

"The company's current main business has three aspects: the production of TV dramas, animated films, and animated TV dramas." Ye Zishu said.

Zhang Guoli nodded, expressing his agreement. As for the artist manager, don't think about it for the time being. They are all about shooting something. The actors they are looking for temporarily can only be replaced if they don't have time.

Not to mention the actors, all the staff of the entire crew are now temporary teams and have to borrow people from state-owned units. This is a characteristic of the times.

"These businesses all belong to content production, and content production must have a content source, and the source is basically an adaptation of a novel except for direct script writing.

"The Lion King" made the film and television company a lot of money, so the next most important task for the film and television company is to purchase a large number of novel copyrights suitable for adaptation.

In addition to novels written by mainland writers, novels written by writers from Hong Kong and Taiwan are also the targets of our purchases, especially their martial arts novels, which will become the key content of TV drama production by film and television companies in the future.

At this stage, if film and television companies want to achieve leapfrog development and form their own film and television industrialization in China, they must focus on overseas markets, and then they must cater to the tastes of overseas audiences.

Therefore, it is not enough to simply purchase the copyright of Chinese novels. It is also necessary to look at the world and screen novels written by writers from various countries around the world to find novels suitable for adaptation. "Leaf Book said.

Unless Shengshi Film and Television Company has a large number of screenwriters and can produce a large amount of content, it cannot do without the purchase of the copyright of novel adaptation, which is also the foundation of a film and television company.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, Zhang Guoli wrote down the work of purchasing the copyright of the novel adaptation in his own notebook, and also specifically noted that he paid attention to the copyright of overseas novel adaptations.

"Then let's talk about the production of film and television dramas. Almost all productions of film and television dramas now require the entire crew to go on location, so the shooting speed and cost are undoubtedly very high.

You should be very clear about how powerful our film and television special effects production system is. In fact, the production of "The Lion King" is just a sledgehammer, and the strength of this system has not been fully utilized.

It can be said that not only the special effects part, but even the location of the entire TV series, etc., can use this system to complete the production, and there is no need to shoot real scenes at all.

What is called the industrialization of film and television is to reduce external dependence and use industrial methods to produce film and television content, which can not only produce more cool film and television content, but also reduce costs. "Leaf Book said.

Zhang Guoli was shocked when he heard that TV dramas would not need to be filmed on location in the future, and all the work could be done by the film and television special effects system.

He has already seen the power of the film and television special effects production system, but he did not expect that this system can cover almost all parts except the part performed by actors.

"So, next, the film and television company needs to build its own film and television shooting base, which has a large number of indoor studios and provides all equipment for film and television production. In addition to its own use, it can also provide external services." Ye Zishu said.

"Regarding animation production, at present, children's animation production is mainly used in China, but in fact animation is only different in form, and the content can cover everything, and even the content can be more surreal than live-action TV series and movies.

But animation production is all about imagination, and the source of content requires strong self-creation ability in addition to purchasing animation adaptation rights from children's writers.

Now the domestic animation production units are not having a good life, you can see if they can recruit their experienced employees to set up a special animation production department.

Of course, it would be even better if you have the ability to acquire the entire company, such as Shanghai Animation Film Studio, you can try to talk to them about the acquisition. "Leaf Book said.

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