Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 89 Phoenix Operating System Beta Version

The R&D team of the Phoenix operating system rushed to the final realization of the leaf book. On December 12, the integration of various functional modules was finally completed.

Although the integration is only completed, it does not represent the quality of the final product, but he was surprised to be able to come up with the first test version in such a short period of time.

The reason why this time node was set at the beginning was mainly to keep the developers in the technical department in a state of tension, so that their learning and work efficiency will be greatly improved.

In fact, Ye Zishu was very pleased to be able to complete the first test version before the Spring Festival. Now that it was so much ahead of schedule, he wanted to see how the quality of their results was.

He followed the daily person in charge of the technical department to the test machine, which had an operating system installed on it. At first glance, the operating system looked pretty good.

From his previous life's point of view, even windows xp feels very rustic. When he designed it, he naturally didn't want his company's operating system to look like that.

So the Phoenix graphics operating system he designed looks similar to the vista operating system in his previous life at first glance, but the details are different. Overall, the effect is also very good.

Seeing such a cool graphics operating system paired with an ugly machine, it doesn't look like a good match, which makes Ye Zishu feel a little strange to this era.

Although the aesthetics of the operating system is the first impression of people, it is not the most important thing. The convenience of use and powerful functions are the basis for the survival of the operating system.

The current graphical operating system is basically just some gray frames. Compared with these graphical operating systems, the appearance of this operating system can indeed kill them in seconds.

After looking at the overall appearance, the first thing he saw was the desktop icons. In his previous life, he was a little disgusted with the densely packed icons on the desktop, and it was difficult to find an icon.

So when he designed the desktop of the operating system, he added the desktop icon classification management function. Just need to right-click the mouse and click the menu to create a new icon management area.

No matter how many icons there are in the future, as long as they are managed by categories, it will be much easier to find them. If there are many icons in the categories, it will still be troublesome.

It doesn't matter, just put the mouse on the search icon in the classification area, click it, you can call up the icon search box, enter the icon keywords to filter out, very convenient.

Then there is the taskbar. The default taskbar of the system is the same as the previous Windows operating system, but the Phoenix operating system also provides several options.

Users can set their favorite taskbar style according to their own preferences, and even customize the taskbar if they are playing very slippery.

In order to add these small details without taking up too many resources, he personally wrote the relevant algorithms and programming ideas when assigning tasks.

In fact, there are many such details. Although it will not affect the overall function of the operating system, it can greatly improve the user experience.

While the power of the operating system is important, he believes that the appearance of the product is also important, and it is not a bad thing to try more for this.

Then he took a brief look at the various modules of the operating system, but he didn't know how effective these functions were, because it was impossible for him to test them himself.

However, after a brief look, there seemed to be no major problems on the whole. The daily person in charge of the technical department who was with him saw Ye Zishu's satisfied smile, and his face was also full of smiles.

For them, being able to complete the research and development of such a great operating system in such a short period of time is a highlight in their lives.

That's right, in the eyes of all the developers in the technical department, the operating system they developed can indeed be described by the word "great".

"Overall it looks pretty good, but that doesn't mean there are no problems," Ye Shu said.

"We will step up testing and modification later!" said the person in charge.

"Don't let the programmers do the testing work for the time being, it is difficult to test the problems written by yourself." Ye Zishu said.

When programmers write programs, they often fall into the inertia of thinking. The testing work must be handed over to others for testing, so it is easier to find problems.

"Then I let them cross-test?" asked the person in charge.

"It's not that troublesome. I wrote a fully automated software testing system some time ago. Because I was busy during this period, I didn't complete it all, but the code testing part has been completed.

Therefore, we put aside the graphics test part of the operating system for the time being, and test all their codes first to avoid serious loopholes in the code. "Ye Shu shook his head and spoke out his testing method.

The daily person in charge of the technical department was a little surprised when he heard his words, but he was not surprised. In the eyes of the technical department, Ye Zishu is simply a master of software development, and there is no program that he cannot write.

The daily person in charge of the technical department followed Ye Zishu to the server where the source code of the operating system is stored. This is the most important place in the entire company, and many security measures have been taken.

Ye Shu inserted the prepared floppy disk into the server, then copied the program inside to the server, and then operated in a daze.

A black and white window appeared on the server, prompting questions began to appear in it, and then codes continued to appear from the window, and then quickly refreshed by new data.

"This is not something that can be tested in a short time. Let it run for a day, and the results should be available tomorrow." Ye Zishu said.

On January 1992, 1, the day of the New Year's Day holiday, all the technicians in the technical department of Phoenix Software Company arrived at their posts, and there was no holiday like other departments.

Ye Zishu was busy in his office. Seeing that everyone had come to work, he went to the technical department, called a few technicians and the person in charge of daily management, and went with him to see how the test was going.

When I came to the room where the server was placed, the code server was still on. This machine was basically running 24 hours a day. The black and white window with words that kept jumping on the screen yesterday stopped beating now.

A line of prompt text appeared at the bottom: "Phoenix operating system code testing has been completed, please enter the storage file path:"

Ye Zishu operated on it, then put the test results on an empty floppy disk, and handed it to the daily person in charge of the technical department to find a printer to print it out.

And said: "After testing, a total of more than 3400 code problems were found, including more than 500 important problems. The test software has been classified. You need to solve all these code problems next."

Everyone was a little surprised when they heard his words. The operating system, which seems to have no major problems, has more than 3400 code problems, which is completely beyond their expectations.

Seeing their expressions, Ye Zishu said: "Is it true? You can see the problem codes yourself. The test software has pointed out the cause of the error. Take a good look."

Let the technical department handle these code problems by themselves, he is not going to help them analyze the code problems, some are caused by carelessness, some are logic problems, anyway, the problems are varied.

When it was time to get off work in the evening, the technical department was still brightly lit, Ye Zishu felt that they should have read about it, and came over and said: "I should have read the questions, and then you will hand over these questions to the person and team in charge of writing.

Let them correct these errors as soon as possible. I hope this work can be completed within a month. You must know that there will be interface function tests later, and there may also be many problems. "

After urging them to revise quickly, Ye Shu returned to his office, preparing to finish writing the interface function test module of the automatic software test system.

If it is handed over to ordinary testers, it will take too much time just to test the interface function, and time waits for no one, and there will be multiple rounds of testing later.

Because it does not rule out that new bugs will be generated when programmers modify bugs, he does not want the Phoenix operating system to be the same as the Microsoft operating system in the previous life, with as many bugs as gorilla lice.

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