Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 88 Facing Manufacturing Dilemma

Without entering the manufacturing industry, I can't believe how cumbersome the manufacturing industry is. No wonder, after the improvement of my country's manufacturing industry chain in the previous life, many manufacturers saw the rising labor costs and did not intend to move away.

Without the support of a complete and available industrial chain, wanting to independently develop the manufacturing industry is like going to the sky. Ye Zishu is now really feeling this difficulty.

Three-in-one digital switchboard is much more advanced than the current so-called digital switchboard. Correspondingly, the requirements for the manufacturing industry are also more stringent.

There are some words that the technical person in charge has not said yet, the circuit board is only the most basic, and other components are also estimated to have more or less problems.

It's not that it can't be used, but the quality is relatively poor. If the service life is short, it will lead to an increase in the cost of use, which will eventually be fed back to consumers.

However, judging from the current income of residents in our country, if the terminal price is too high, the market size will naturally be limited, which will eventually be fed back to the manufacturing side, and the profit scale will also be limited.

According to his thinking, PHS is just a product of the transitional stage. If he wants to make more money from the transitional product, he needs to expand rapidly and form a large-scale advantage in a short period of time.

After earning enough money from Xiaolingtong, he immediately turned to 3G research and skipped 2G network research directly, so as to realize overtaking in curves.

The reason why I want to get a digital switch with three networks in one is mainly to build a high-speed Internet in China as soon as possible, not like in my previous life, it didn't start until after 2000.

PHS and digital switches are just his first involvement in the electronics manufacturing industry, and there will be a lot of industries that need strong manufacturing support waiting for him.

Therefore, entering the field of manufacturing equipment and manufacturing technology research is the path he can't avoid, unless he is willing to work in the software and Internet industry all his life.

Although relying on these two industries, he also has the confidence to become the richest man in the world, and no matter how bad he is, he can also become the richest man in China, but just like this, life seems to be incomplete, at least for him.

Most importantly, with the current domestic strength, it is still unknown whether western forces will make him the richest man in the world. He doesn't quite believe that those capitals will watch him grow up.

Unless he is willing to give up his industrial interests to others and be a puppet of capital, then what is the purpose of his hard work after his rebirth?Just to be a qualified chess piece?

Therefore, if you want to make money easier for yourself, you must choose a difficult path instead of avoiding it when you have difficulties, which will eventually make his subsequent development more and more difficult.

This is different from the previous life. Throughout the 90s in the previous life, we were at the low end of the industrial chain, and Western forces did not take us seriously. This gave us time to slowly accumulate strength.

Even in the first decade of the 21st century, in the eyes of Western capital, we were just qualified wage earners, but they never imagined that in the previous decades, we had accumulated a large number of talents.

As long as there are talents and the capital accumulated in the low-end industrial chain in the early stage, higher technology can be developed in a short period of time, and thus the second decade of the 21st century has appeared, showing an explosive development state.

So you can't think that the difficulties you are encountering now have nothing to do with you. Everything should be done in the long run instead of focusing on immediate interests. Therefore, he must go to the manufacturing industry, and he must also embark on a broad road.

To understand these, he has already made a decision, and then asked the head of the technical department to break down the problems in the manufacture of digital switches one by one.

Some can be manufactured with the current domestic capabilities and meet the standards, use domestic products, if not, establish a manufacturing industry and produce related machinery and equipment by yourself.

After he left Lingtong Technology Company, he immediately returned to Phoenix Software Company and asked people from the administrative department to help register Xuanwu Technology Company. This company focuses on the infrastructure construction and manufacturing business of the manufacturing industry.

After explaining this matter, Ye Zishu began to research related technologies in the field of digital switch and PHS equipment manufacturing.

Before, he only provided systematic technical support, but did not involve the manufacturing industry, nor did he consider this aspect, and left it to Lingtong Technology Company to handle it.

Ever since Ye Zishu came to work at Phoenix Software, the employees found that the boss, who usually worked passionately, often fell into thinking, and then started working for a while, so repeatedly, it was very different from before.

Seeing Ye Zishu's performance, the technicians who originally wanted to come to ask for advice did not dare to come to ask for advice, for fear of disturbing the boss's thinking.

When he was about to get off work, Ye Zishu approached the person in charge of the personnel department and asked him to help recruit talents in the equipment manufacturing industry for Xuanwu Technology Company, especially those who are familiar with the domestic manufacturing industry.

It is impossible for him to make all the equipment himself. He only needs to focus on the key equipment manufacturing industry, and then purchase other non-critical equipment to assemble a complete manufacturing line.

Therefore, a talent who is particularly familiar with the domestic equipment manufacturing situation is very important for rapidly building the manufacturing industry of Xuanwu Technology Company, and can also clearly understand the future development trend, so as to organize R&D and production tasks in advance.

Ye Zishu's previous focus was on the learning of software and business management knowledge. He is not a superman, and it is impossible for him to be able to specialize in all fields.

This time he is going to tackle key technologies in the field of electronics manufacturing. In fact, he did not come up with it himself, but looked for relevant technical information from the talent training system.

In the talent training system, there are two important functions. One is the virtual library, which contains all-encompassing knowledge, which far exceeds the current knowledge level of the earth.

The other is the virtual laboratory, which can provide advanced laboratory equipment and environment for the training objects according to the needs, so that the training objects can carry out relevant experimental research work.

The employees saw that he was thinking from time to time, but in fact, he was looking for relevant information from the talent training system, copied it, and then organized it into information.

Since I came to the capital to go to university, I have less and less opportunities to use the talent training system. It is rare to sleep and read books like before.

And in the future, he probably won't have such leisure time, because the industry under him has not been fully on the right track, he must participate, and he doesn't have much time for himself.

When he was lighting up the night battle for the manufacturing industry, Disney in the United States, shortly after he left the United States, began to launch a powerful promotional campaign for the animated film "The Lion King".

After nearly a week of intense publicity, the film was finally released nationwide on Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas, and won the single-day box office champion on that day.

On the first day, it can be said that Disney’s publicity in front of it was in place. Everyone may be attracted by curiosity, but all the famous film critics gave very high evaluation.

Of course, these film critics don’t know whether they took Disney’s money or not. Anyway, on Christmas Day, the box office hit a new record, far ahead of other movies, and it can be described as the best.

In the early hours of December 12th, just after a week passed, Disney announced the box office situation of "The Lion King" for the week. Although it was released on Tuesday, it still firmly occupied the weekly box office championship and achieved a box office revenue of 29 million US dollars. .

In the following period of time, "The Lion King" really relied on the powerful power of "The Lion King" to become the biggest winner of the North American Christmas file in the North American market.

When "The Lion King" won the box office championship in the first week, the president of Disney personally called to tell him the good news and let him know the box office situation of "The Lion King" in North America.

Seeing "The Lion King" get off to a good start, he has more confidence in the film's income. He wants to enter the manufacturing industry, just when he needs money, and he hopes to get a wave of blood.

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