Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 822 Application Scenario Analysis of Universal Robots

Next, Leaf Book and the management discussed the distribution of robots. At present, the output of robots is not high, only about 17 per month.

It stands to reason that the largest employer should be the New Oriental Education Group. They have already received a large number of basic education schools from Wancheng Jiye.

At present, due to the shortage of teachers, only some schools have started to operate, and a large number of schools are in the process of preparation. Now they have missed the new school season and need to wait until September next year.

Therefore, New Oriental Education Group does not have much demand for robots at present, and now faces a problem, that is, whether robots need to be tested for teacher qualification certificates.

"You said that if these robots are used as teachers by New Oriental Education Group, do you need to take the national teacher qualification certificate?" Ye Zishu asked.

The higher-ups were taken aback when they heard this. They really hadn't considered this, because with the ability of a robot, it is more than enough to be a basic education teacher.

But now the country seems to be more and more strict about holding certificates for employment, especially in cities, and rural areas are better, but it is estimated that certificates will be required for employment soon.

Moreover, there is a big difference in treatment between those with a teacher qualification certificate and those without a teacher qualification certificate, but this treatment seems to have no effect on robots.

"I guess you don't need to take the test. How does the country take the test?"

Ye Zishu was also troubled by this problem, so he thought about it and said: "You should communicate with the Ministry of Education to see if robots need to be certified to work.

I guess what they are most worried about is whether these robots have the ability to serve as teachers. After all, outsiders will definitely not feel at ease about robots serving as teachers.

If you really want to work with a certificate, since each robot has such professional knowledge, you only need to send one or two robots to take the exam, and it should not be necessary for all robots to be certified. "

If these robots are teachers, the system behind them is the intelligent teacher system of New Oriental Education Group, and they have accumulated a wealth of data in education.

In the absence of robots, we have already been able to teach students, but now we just use the identity of robots to turn online business into offline business.

"After we go back, we will contact the Ministry of Education immediately."

"By the way, the number of robots is still very limited at present. You have asked the New Oriental Education Group to assign some to each school for the time being. Even for schools that do not need robots, robots must be used as inspectors.

There are so many schools and institutions under the New Oriental Education Group. If they only rely on people to manage them, their headquarters may not be able to manage them well.

If a robot is arranged, it can not only undertake the task of teaching, but also play a supervisory role, and can better understand the situation of the school.

In addition, their kindergartens also have to do the same, and even before there are no qualified kindergarten teachers, all robots are used as kindergarten teachers.

Compared with human kindergarten teachers, robots undoubtedly have the best temper. Kindergarten children do not necessarily need high knowledge, but they must have a good temper and patience. "Leaf Book said.

Everyone nodded after listening. Although there was a kind of malicious speculation, the reality is like this. The whole society is intertwined with sex, and problems will inevitably arise.

They can ignore other places, but the schools must be clean. The number of schools under the New Oriental Education Group is tens of thousands, and it may reach the [-] level in the future.

If urbanization is further accelerated, a large number of rural population will move into the city, and their children will also need to migrate to the city with their parents, and the number of schools will naturally increase significantly.

The number of schools in units of [-] is actually relatively light. If nothing else, the number of schools under the New Oriental Education Group is likely to be as high as one million.

If kindergartens are included, the number will be even more, because kindergartens are more densely set up than primary schools, and the number of kindergartens alone may reach millions.

Under his instructions, Wancheng Foundation has made good arrangements for public facilities such as education and medical care to ensure that everyone in the area covered by these facilities can enjoy urban public services.

Such a large institution, without a strict supervision system, is prone to chaos, and the school is a special place, so the impact of chaos will be too great, and it will also have great harm to children's physical and mental education.

"The second important use of robots is elderly care or accompanying care, which includes institutional care and home care, which is very helpful to improve the quality of life of the elderly in their later years.

As the saying goes, "There is no filial son before a long-term sick bed", let alone outsiders, because the elderly have poor mobility and even weak expression skills, they are in a disadvantaged position in all aspects.

Coupled with the various habits and eccentric personalities of the elderly, it is easy to have fierce conflicts with the staff, and the elderly may be abused in places that cannot be supervised. The children of the elderly cannot always keep an eye on them.

Therefore, in the field of elderly care, my suggestion is to use general-purpose robots for all, no matter in terms of management, or the family members of the elderly will feel more at ease.

If the old man's family is relatively rich and wants to provide door-to-door escort work, it is also possible, as long as the money is enough and it does not violate our principles. "Leaf Book said.

When everyone heard this, they also nodded in agreement with his statement. Although they also speculated on others maliciously, the situation he said was very likely to happen.

To be honest, there are many reasons why children in previous lives did not want the elderly to go to nursing homes for the elderly, but the most important reason is that they are afraid of being called unfilial.

Because nursing homes give people the feeling of loneliness, no freedom, bad environment, etc., only the elderly without children will choose to go to nursing homes for the elderly.

If all general-purpose robots are used as employees of nursing homes, the image may change a lot. Children will send their parents to nursing homes for the elderly without worrying about being abused.

If the reputation of the operator is very good, the huge pension system in our country in the future will not have to be as entangled as in the previous life. Not only will it not become a drag on the society, but it will be able to do well.

If these high-level executives were allowed to choose, they would not hesitate to choose a universal robot to work as a nurse for their parents, and they felt much more at ease in their hearts.

Now he also has a charitable elderly care institution led by Qinglong Technology Company, but it is only built in regional cities, and only accepts lonely elderly people. If the elderly have children, they are not within their consideration.

Now he believes that it is necessary to treat the elderly care as a serious business, not just as a charity, so that they can get an income and the elderly care problem can be solved.

However, Qinglong Technology Company is obviously not suitable for this business. He plans to hand over the pension business to Wancheng Foundation, and at the same time merge the charitable pension system established by Qinglong Technology Company.

"The third application scenario of robots is a position with a high risk. There are many scenarios involved, and there are positions with a high risk factor in all walks of life.

But I would like to mention one post in particular, that is, the high-risk police post. When the output of robots is relatively sufficient, you should communicate with relevant departments to see if they can be used in their systems. "Leaf Book said.

In the police system, the criminal police and anti-drug police are very dangerous, especially the front-line police, who suffer some casualties every year. If general-purpose robots are used instead, this situation can be avoided or alleviated.

As for other industries, there are also such jobs, not to mention the coal mining industry, even the construction industry of Wancheng Foundation, there are relatively dangerous jobs that need people to fill.

Although it does make money, it is better to minimize this kind of life-threatening work. Of course, before doing so, there must be systematic arrangements, rather than a ban. After all, the whole family also has to eat.

Seeing that all the high-level officials agreed with his statement, Ye Zishu did not discuss it in depth. After all, this is an obvious thing, so he continued.

"The fourth application scenario of robots is the odd job market. I don't know how big it is, but the entry of robots into the odd job market is definitely conducive to social and economic development.

Of course, in this market, human employees should be given priority as much as possible, and robots are only used when no one can be found in the short term. "Leaf Book said.

The babysitter market that Yeshu thought of before is actually a part-time job market. Since the part-time job market is very complicated, Yepshu didn't plan to give examples. How to develop this market is something that the people below should worry about.

So he went on to say: "The fifth application scenario of robots is confidential work or supervision and inspection work, which is determined by the characteristics of robots.

As for confidentiality work, it can only be used temporarily under our industrial system. After all, others may not necessarily trust our robots to keep secrets for them.

However, there is a vast external market for supervision and inspection work. Robots that have no desires and desires and are not afraid of life and death will definitely make people feel more at ease when using them, and they are not afraid of being tricked by the people below.

Here I also want to remind you that the supervision and inspection of robots will be applied first in my industries. As company executives, you must make preparations in advance. "

Ye Zishu's last words made a kind of high-level executive look a little weird. This is considered to be shooting himself in the foot, but if the boss wants to do it, it seems that they are powerless to stop it.

And this is also in line with the character of the boss. With such a large industry under his banner, he has no energy to participate in management. If he doesn't even dispatch supervisors, it is really unreasonable.

Now that the entire industry is booming, everyone is profitable in it, but all industries will not always develop vigorously, and will always encounter bottlenecks or enter a stable period.

At that time, chaos may start to breed. Even if there is an online management system, it may not be enough. It can only help to a certain extent, but it cannot solve all problems.

If these high-level executives were allowed to choose, as long as they had the right mind, they would still choose to use general-purpose robots to replace real people in performing supervision and inspection work.

After all, people have their own desires, even the supervisors and inspectors have their own desires, and there is no guarantee that they will not be favoritism in the process of performing tasks.

Robots don't have this concern, and they don't need to be charged with trumped-up charges. As long as they work conscientiously, they don't have to worry about robot supervisors making trouble for them, and there will be no "false edicts".

"Using robots as inspectors is the result of my long-term thinking. Although I don't trust you a bit, it's also for your own good.

Power without supervision will eventually be controlled by power, and it is difficult to get a good death. Everyone has various constraints in this world. Without constraints, chaos will only arise.

Compared with establishing a monitoring system dominated by real people, too much power may be like the Dongchang in the Ming Dynasty, which is more detrimental to you.

If the power is too small, it will not play any role, it will only become a vassal, and even collusion will occur, which is very detrimental to my boss.

Only use robots to dominate the monitoring system, you just need to do your job well, and I don’t have to keep an eye on you all the time, everyone is safe, why not be happy! "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

All the senior executives nodded in agreement. They still understand the principle of choosing the lesser of two evils, and this action is a matter of time. The boss can wait until now to start establishing a monitoring system, which is already broad-minded.

"The sixth application scenario of robots, which you may not have thought of, is industry leaders, or entrepreneurs.

The industrial system under my umbrella is already very large, so huge that even I, the boss, cannot understand all the business. While I am happy, I am also deeply worried.

What makes me happy is that I and your colleagues were able to create such a huge industry in such a short period of time, and created huge wealth for myself, the country, and the people.

The worry is that my personal energy is already very limited compared to the huge industry, and it is becoming more and more powerless to lead the development of the entire industry as before.

The year before last, I put forward the idea of ​​internal entrepreneurship, hoping to stimulate the development momentum within the industrial system, but the results proved to be not very good, at least not up to my expectations.

There are many reasons for this. For example, employees like stability. This is not the fault of employees. As long as they are human beings, or even living things, there is no one who does not like a stable living environment.

But shopping malls are like battlefields. If the employees of the entire system think so, then sooner or later, this huge industry will become lonely and gradually be eaten away by competitors from all directions.

Since everyone likes stability, I don't intend to take a whip to spur the employees under the banner to develop desperately, as long as the work assigned is completed and completed according to quality and quantity.

The task of opening up markets and innovating products is handed over to artificial intelligence, and robots are the executors who execute the will of the artificial intelligence industry.

Cooperating with artificial intelligence, robots have all the qualities of an entrepreneur, both technical and management capabilities, as well as strong executive power. The success rate of entrepreneurship is much higher than that of ordinary people. "Leaf Book said.

The idea of ​​Ye Zishu stunned everyone. They never thought that the robot could help the boss expand his territory in the mall. They didn't know whether they were happy or disappointed.

The joy is that they only need to work in peace and stability in the future, and they don't have to think about starting new businesses all day long, and they have much less to worry about.

But this also means that their managers can also be replaced at any time, and those who can start a business are one in a million.

If these managers go out to start a business, they may not be successful. From this perspective, the ability of robots is actually higher than them.

Leaf Book now uses robots as the pioneers of its own industries, which just confirms what I said before, that is, the current artificial intelligence already has a certain degree of creativity.

Ye Zishu didn't pay attention to their thoughts. Anyway, he thought it was very clever to do so, and in the case of unbalanced domestic economic development, the robot entrepreneurial army was even more important.

At that time, they will send a large number of robots to the north and south of the motherland to investigate the feasibility of various industrial developments, and then use super artificial intelligence and super quantum computers to conduct industrial simulations, and the success rate will be much higher.

"The seventh application scenario of robots is in the field of scientific research. The combination of artificial intelligence and general-purpose robots may not be a top scientist, but it is definitely a top engineer.

It can even be said that the combination of the two will produce scientific research productivity that exceeds the combined capabilities of all engineers in the world. This will be the source of technological power for our industrial development.

So don't be surprised that robots are busy in the laboratory in the future. This will be a common scene in the future. They will work together with human researchers for the cause of science.

Of course, if you have children and are capable enough, try to choose the field of basic science in the future. In the future, human beings will have a great advantage in this area.

As for other academic advantages, not to mention that they will be completely suppressed by artificial intelligence, but they will not be able to obtain comprehensive advantages. You can consider this issue later. "Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Ye Zishu's statement once again shocked many high-level people present. They originally thought that the use of robots in business development was already fantasy enough.

Unexpectedly, the boss told him that artificial intelligence can be engaged in scientific research with the help of the robot's body, and it sounds very powerful.

They really dare not imagine that if robots and artificial intelligence are so powerful, why do we need humans? Everyone can't study basic science.

What humans can do, robots can do, and what humans cannot do, robots can still do. Most human abilities and social roles tend to be replaced by robots.

At that time, unless they are top talents, ordinary people will have no competitiveness in front of robots and artificial intelligence. How the future society will work, they, the management, are a little confused.

"You don't have to worry, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and it will not make everyone more sad, it will only make life better!" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

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