Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 821 The Identity of Universal Robots

This is just one of many general-purpose robot production factories. If you want to produce more than 200 million general-purpose robots per year, you need 55 factories of this size.

Ye Zishu is not in the mood to go to other factories to see it. After seeing the situation of this factory, there is no need to go to other factories to see it, because they are all similar and there will not be a big difference.

After coming out of the production workshop, Ye Zishu looked at the security personnel in front of the door, and suddenly realized a problem, that is, how these robots walk the rivers and lakes.

Although there is no abnormality in the appearance of the robot, it is difficult to detect that it is a robot, but our country has a strict identity management system. Without a suitable identity, it is impossible for a robot to walk around the rivers and lakes.

What's more, such a real robot, even if someone is carrying it, others will not believe it is a robot. It seems to be a waste of time to check it every time.

Therefore, it is necessary to apply for an identity certificate for each robot, which can be officially recognized, and everyone knows that it is a robot by looking at the ID card, which also omits the process of proof.

In layman's terms, if these robots want to work normally like humans, they must obtain a robot ID card for them. Without an ID card, it is difficult to move a single step in China.

He told this idea to the management who came together, which made them a little confused. They really didn't think of applying for an ID card for the robot.

"It's really unheard of to apply for an ID card for a robot, but will the country agree?"

"If such a robot does not provide an ID card, how can the country be included in the unified management? Whether it is from the point of view that the robot can move freely and independently, or from the point of view of the convenience of state management, it is very necessary.

When the system was established, it was to meet the needs of social development at that time. Now that there are new changes, the relevant systems must naturally adapt to the new changes.

If you can't apply for ID cards for these robots, many things will not be so convenient. You can't be a robot that is a teacher, and you have to be taken to school every day.

Otherwise, even public transportation cannot be used, and travel to long distances will be restricted. If a large number of supporting personnel are required, the cost of use will be too high.

Moreover, in terms of management, we should not treat them completely like robots, but try to treat them as ordinary people as possible, and treat them as members of society, so that society will not appear weird in the future.

For example, a general-purpose robot that participates in work must also be equipped with a dormitory to allow it to rest like a normal person. Except for working hours, the remaining time needs to be given the right to freely dispose of it. "Leaf Book said.

The latter statement confuses the management even more. Does the boss know how much it will cost if this is done?

Not to mention buying a house for these robots, even if it is renting a house, it is a fixed expenditure every month, and if it is really allowed to move freely, it may also be consumed. These are all money.

Originally, the production cost of general-purpose robots is relatively high. On the one hand, the purpose of production is to make up for the lack of social posts and to make society run more orderly.

On the other hand, I also want these general-purpose robots to make money for them. Even if they don’t work 24 hours a day, they must work 16 hours a day, so that they can earn money back as soon as possible.

It turned out that the boss was fine, and wanted to treat these robots like ordinary people. Is there any money to be made?Even if the fixed consumption of robots is much less than that of people, it is unnecessary expenditure in their view.

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Ye Zishu explained: "There must be a reason for me to do this, in your opinion, this is just a robot, no matter how smart it is, it is still a tool.

But in my opinion, these robots are the most creative group of people in society. If such a group of people are busy working all day, do you think they are still creative?

The artificial intelligence you see is only what you can see. In fact, artificial intelligence is much more creative than you imagined, and to stimulate these creativity, it must be deeply integrated into human society.

In addition, it is necessary to simulate the living conditions of human beings. Only through personal experience can the creativity in line with human society be produced. Otherwise, it will become like a person who keeps inventing in the house all day, turning into a closed-door car.

Let me tell you this, although these robots are not intelligent life, their IQ is not bad, and you can actually feel whether they are good or not, but they have not fully awakened their self-awareness. "

The last sentence of Ye Zishu shocked everyone, and at the same time refreshed their understanding of these general-purpose robots, and at the same time felt a little scared.

These robots have not awakened their self-awareness and can still be controlled by humans. Once they awaken their self-awareness, whether they can live in harmony with humans is something they dare not imagine.

Although these general-purpose robots are still to a limited extent stronger than humans, when the number reaches a certain level, if they make a mess, even if they are finally controlled, it will be a huge disaster.

At that time, as the research and development unit of the universal robot, it will definitely peel off its skin if it is not dead. It doesn't matter, but they can't bear this responsibility.

Although they didn't say what was in their hearts, they could tell what they were thinking by looking at their expressions and reactions, and felt that it was necessary to clarify the matter to prevent them from feeling uneasy all day long.

So he said: "You don't have to be so nervous, since I have come up with such a technology, I can naturally control it. Although these robots are advanced, they are not as good as you think.

What I'm talking about is the total artificial intelligence behind it. The creativity of these robots also comes from the more advanced artificial intelligence behind it. The creativity of their ontology is very limited.

Although it is unlikely that what you imagined will happen, if it really happens, you only need to cut off the artificial intelligence behind it, which is not as complicated as you imagined.

Moreover, the entire robot operating system is not controlled by an artificial intelligence, but divided into at least three levels of artificial intelligence. Although they are closely connected, they are completely independent.

This is like the relationship between me and you. I can let you do things within the scope of your job duties, but you don't have to follow my orders for things outside the scope of your duties.

By the same token, these robots also have their own independent artificial intelligence system, although not that powerful, but it is not easy to be completely controlled by the artificial intelligence behind it.

What's more, the artificial intelligence connected to these robots is not particularly intelligent, but it has greater computing power support and can do much more than robots.

We can call the artificial intelligence of a general-purpose robot a first-level intelligence, which has a high degree of independence. The core will not be controlled by the second-level intelligence behind it, and it has relatively independent judgment.

But limited to its own hardware, although its ability is stronger than that of humans, its strength is also limited, and it is easier to be controlled by humans, not to mention that each robot is an independent individual.

The possibility of connecting together to cause chaos is very low. If there is a single case of chaos, there will be no splashes at all, and it will not pose a serious threat to human society.

On top of the second-level artificial intelligence, there is a third-level artificial intelligence, which is more intelligent and has a certain degree of creativity, but this artificial intelligence will not directly command the robot, and needs to complete the command work through the second-level artificial intelligence.

In this way, risk isolation is formed. Although the third-level artificial intelligence has ideas, it has no action power. Although the robot has action power, it will not be too against the sky.

These are just precautionary possibilities that are impossible in terms of probability. In fact, with human technology, it is still impossible for artificial intelligence to produce intelligent artificial intelligence similar to human beings.

So you don't have to worry at all, if one day you really have this ability, the human's own ability will be far stronger than it is now, and you are fully capable of controlling the situation.

The reason why these robots are made to live and work like humans is actually to provide more social information for the artificial intelligence behind them, and to have a more comprehensive understanding of human society.

This information is the source of the creativity of artificial intelligence. Only when we have enough understanding of the details of social operation and the needs of human society can artificial intelligence understand what kind of innovation is needed by society. "

At this point, everyone understands that these general-purpose robots are only providing information for the more advanced artificial intelligence behind them, and their own capabilities are actually not high.

They also thought that there was information that they did not control. After all, artificial intelligence is only in the hands of the boss, and everyone is just using it, and they don't know much about the situation inside.

According to the boss, there is no need to worry. Compared with the fickleness of human beings, robots are undoubtedly much more loyal, which is commonly known as being more loyal.

It is still difficult for humans to be completely controlled, let alone robots, and the boss also said that the current artificial intelligence is not up to the level they imagined, let alone worry about it.

After understanding the logic behind this, I naturally understand why Ye Zishu has arranged it in this way. If it can really have a steady stream of innovation, spending some money is nothing.

What's more, the money is only part of the money earned by the robot, and it makes sense to spend part of the money on the robot. You can't be too Huang Shiren, and you have to let the laborers get something.

Seeing that everyone's mood has improved a lot, Ye Zishu said: "The current stage of economic development is still in the stage of productivity development, and everyone is desperately expanding production capacity.

But as productivity gets higher and higher, this stage will eventually pass, and excess productivity will become a problem that we must consider, but the things produced cannot be digested by society.

Making these robots work and live like human beings not only makes robots become social productive forces, but also makes them act as social consumers and generate certain consumption power.

Therefore, from the perspective of the entire social economy, it is of great benefit to treat robots like normal humans, and it can also adjust the social consumption structure with the help of robots. "

This statement sounds a bit unbelievable at first glance, but it makes sense when you think about it carefully, especially the ability to adjust the social consumption structure. If humans can adjust it, it will take a long process.

In fact, Ye Zishu still has another worry that has not been expressed. If the general-purpose robots are not treated as ordinary people, human society is likely to return to the "slave" society.

It's just that the "slaves" are not human beings, but robots. It seems that there is no big problem, but in fact he thinks the problem is very big.

From the perspective of human beings, this is a retrogression in thinking. If human beings want to stand at the top of creatures forever, they must maintain a certain degree of respect for all life, even intelligent robots.

From the perspective of artificial intelligence, although he can guarantee that the current artificial intelligence does not have self-awareness, everything is the result of algorithms.

But there is no guarantee that this will be the case in the future. We should not only focus on the present, but also on the future. Treating robots well may also be treating ourselves well.

This is not his unfounded worry, but the result of thinking about the future based on the knowledge he has learned. Others can't see it, and it doesn't matter if they don't understand it, as long as he thinks it is beneficial to do so.

"Since Mr. Ye said that an ID card should be arranged for the robot, what format should the ID card be in?"

"Actually, this is very simple. It is done according to the logic of the human ID card, but the meaning of the first 6 digits of the ID card is different from that of the resident ID card.

The first six digits only need to indicate the production company code, production plant number and robot type, and then arrange them according to the robot's factory date, factory number and gender identification code.

In this way, the ID number of the robot can be kept consistent with that of a human being, but at the same time, people can know the basic information of the robot at a glance, so as to achieve the purpose of identification. "Leaf Book said.

Next, Ye Zishu explained in detail how to operate in detail. The current ID number is not the name, but the social security number, and the number of digits is still 15 instead of the usual 18.

He didn't care about this, he just implemented 18 digits, and he even asked Kirin Basic Industries Group to research more advanced ID card production technology.

The current ID card has become more and more difficult to adapt to the needs of the information society, and a more advanced ID card is very necessary. Just taking advantage of the opportunity to replace the ID card, the 15-digit number was changed to 18-digit number, and relevant standards were formulated at the same time.

This matter will not involve great interests, but it will be beneficial to society after it is completed, so there will be no great resistance, and it will not be difficult to do it.

I just thought about it and felt that it was a bit late for them to prepare these now, and now that the robot is about to go on the market, it was a bit too late.

So he intends to provide them with a set of technology himself, which can ensure that the complete set of technology and equipment can be produced in the shortest time, and the effect will definitely be better than that developed by themselves.

As for the robot press conference that was originally planned to be held, it is now decided to suspend it. After some problems are dealt with first, it will not be too late to develop the conference, but it will not affect these robots' participation in social labor.

It's just that they can't wander around the country like humans, and can only move around in a limited area. At the same time, they need to be equipped with human hands to help robots handle some things.

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