Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 82 Looking for distribution cooperation

In traditional animation production, the artist draws frame by frame, which is very time-consuming, but it is much simpler to create animation through the film and television special effects production system written by Ye Zishu.

The artist only needs to draw the key pictures, and then there is an intelligent program to make up for the missing frames in the middle, which can realize intelligent evolution and reduce the workload of the artist by dozens or even hundreds of times in an instant.

In just one month, not only all the animation images of "The Lion King" were processed, but even the dubbing was completed. The dubbing is in Chinese with English subtitles.

When Ye Zishu heard the news, he rushed to the Phoenix Special Effects Company, and even Zhang Guoli followed him, wanting to see it quickly, because the film was produced under the name of Shengshi Film and Television Company.

Ye Zishu, Zhang Guoli, and the special effects production department watched the finished product of "The Lion King" together, and they were all very satisfied with it, especially Ye Zishu, who thought it was even better than the previous version.

"This animated film is very well produced and has fully achieved the expected goals. After the film is released globally, everyone will have red envelopes, big red envelopes!" Ye Zishu stood up happily and said.

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, the scene suddenly fell into a sea of ​​joy. The salary of the special effects department itself is not low. After all, they are professionals, and their salary far exceeds the domestic salary standard.

Now the boss actually said that he would give a red envelope, and it was a big red envelope. Naturally, they would not be disappointed. This made the employees who had just joined the company feel more at ease.

"However, as long as we know the production cost of this movie internally, we must not tell it to the outside world. Like the Lion King, according to traditional production methods, it would cost at least tens of millions of yuan to complete.

This is still in China. If it is placed in the United States, it will cost at least 4000 million US dollars. The reason why we can complete the production at such a low cost is mainly due to our technological leadership. "Leaf Book said.

He also wants the special effects company to undertake the special effects production business. If the production cost is known to the outside world, it will be more difficult when negotiating the price, so he emphasizes the importance of confidentiality.

With the guarantee of all the staff, Ye Zishu asked the staff of the special effects department to take a rest. After a period of high-intensity work, they should also be given a rest.

Only Ye Zishu and Zhang Guoli were left in the room. Ye Zishu said, "Mr. Zhang, how much box office do you think this animation movie can get?"

Zhang Guoli heard Ye Zishu's question, thought for a while, and said conservatively: "It's hard to say the specifics, I think it should be [-] to [-] million US dollars, the premise is to find a strong publisher."

"Although I don't quite agree with Mr. Zhang's box office prediction data, but you've got the point. If we want to get a high box office, we must find a strong distribution company.

And the most powerful distribution of animated films in the world is naturally Disney. This time, Mr. Zhang and I will go to the United States for a walk? "Leaf Book said.

"Of course I would like to go. To be honest, I haven't been to America yet!" Zhang Guoli said with a smile.

"We rushed to the United States as soon as possible, trying to make this movie available around Christmas." Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu’s passport had already been obtained when he went to Hong Kong, and he was already a celebrity, so applying for a visa was very simple. Last time Zhang Guoli went to promote a TV series, he also had it on his passport.

This time, I went to the United States with Ye Zishu again. It should be very easy to apply for a visa. If it was before, it would be extremely difficult to apply for a visa.

The visa is a business visa application in the name of Shengshi Records. After all, in terms of popularity, the record company is much bigger than the film and television company.

In just two days, the visa was approved. Ye Shu took a copy of "The Lion King", together with Zhang Guoli and four security guards, and a group of six boarded the plane to Hollywood.

However, there is no direct flight between China and the United States. The plane has to stop in Tokyo first, and then fly to San Francisco in the United States. The journey is still quite troublesome.

Set foot on American land, to be honest, apart from traveling here in the previous life, I didn't stay here for a long time, but compared to Zhang Guoli, I am still much more familiar with it.

There are many Chinese people in San Francisco. Through an intermediary company, Ye Zishu found a female Chinese tour guide who can speak Chinese as their guide to Hollywood.

After buying a plane ticket, he took a plane to Hollywood. When he arrived in Hollywood, Ye Zishu was not in a hurry to negotiate with these big film companies. Instead, he and Zhang Guoli followed the tour guide to start a tour.

"The United States is indeed much more developed than China!" Zhang Guoli said with emotion after shopping around.

"People have developed for hundreds of years, but our country has been in war before, and it has only been 40 years since peace was achieved. It is not normal, but I believe that we will not be worse in the future." Ye Zishu said.

The Chinese female tour guide heard that Ye Zishu is so good, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye is very confident!"

He didn't know if the words were mocking, but Ye Zishu still said: "Throughout history, China has always been one of the protagonists in the world, and has never been absent!"

After finishing speaking, he ignored the female tour guide, and took the staff back to the hotel directly, preparing to rest for the rest of the day, and will start talking to Hollywood film giants about cooperation tomorrow.

Early the next morning, Ye Zishu and Zhang Guoli got up and got ready, and brought a copy of the animated film "The Lion King" to the Disney company.

At first they thought they would be deliberately made things difficult, but when they heard Ye Zishu's name, they responded quickly, saying that their president happened to be free.

Ye Zishu never thought that his name would be so useful one day. After thinking about it, he felt that he should have held 100 concerts in Hong Kong, setting a historical record, probably a record that can be counted in the world.

After arriving at the office of the president of Disney, Ye Zishu didn't want to continue talking nonsense after the two sides chatted for a while, and said directly: "I came to the United States this time to find a movie distributor and help distribute movies."

Hearing Ye Zishu's words, the originally polite Disney president showed a hint of sarcasm in his eyes. Although it was very hidden, Ye Zishu still caught it.

Even the president of Disney admires Ye Shu's achievements in music, but when it comes to movies, they have reason to show a mocking expression, because the two countries cannot be compared in this regard.

Therefore, even if Ye Zishu felt uncomfortable, he couldn't directly attack it. After all, he wanted something from others, so he could only ignore it.

Although he was a bit disdainful of the movie that Ye Shu mentioned, the Disney president still said: "With Ye's talent, the movie should be very good!"

"Whether it's good or not, it's not what you said, nor what I said, but the facts. If it's convenient, how about organizing a movie viewing?" Ye Zishu said.

Seeing Ye Zishu's confident expression, the president of Disney didn't refuse. He immediately arranged relevant personnel to prepare, and at the same time asked important people from the company to come and watch.

Although the president of Disney is a bit disdainful of his movies, but what he did is nothing wrong with him. It can be said that he has written a letter to Ye Zi.

After everyone was seated, Zhang Guoli was arranged to stare at the video player to avoid being tampered with, while Ye Zishu and Disney people sat in the auditorium of the internal theater and began to watch the "Lion King" movie.

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