Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 81 Advertising Contract

After Ye Zishu received the news, he immediately went to Shengshi Advertising Company to find Wang Changtian. After Wang Changtian came back, he asked Wang Changtian not to leave Beijing for the time being, because he was afraid that it would be troublesome to find someone.

Since the beginning of the year, the development of Shengshi Advertising Company can be said to be rapid. Not only has it won the unified brand advertising orders from major domestic banks, but also many other large domestic enterprises.

This year's contract value has reached 1 million yuan, which is a remarkable achievement in this era, and the profit of the advertising industry is very high.

What he cares most about is the enterprise customer information accumulated by Shengshi Advertising Company. No matter what era it is in, mastering information will be the key to the success of an enterprise.

This time he asked Wang Changtian to come back because he wanted to know this information, because enterprise users were very important to reach an advertising contract agreement with CCTV.

Taking Wang Changtian to the CCTV building, the two parties still sat in the original meeting room to negotiate, but the number of people on both sides was much larger than before.

"Mr. Ye's proposal last time, after discussion, we think it is a very feasible solution. This time, we invite Mr. Ye to expand the scope of cooperation." The director said.

"Oh, I don't know how the director wants to expand the scope of cooperation?" Ye Zishu asked curiously.

The director pondered for a while, and then said: "Last time, Mr. Ye's proposal was to cooperate in advertising on the TV series "Legend of the New White Snake".

Although the conditions proposed by Mr. Ye are a bit difficult to accept, this suggestion has opened up our minds, and we feel that on this basis, we can carry out more extensive cooperation.

Since Mr. Ye made that suggestion, there is naturally a way to get enough advertising fees, so we want to entrust the company under Mr. Ye's company to operate the prime-time advertisements. "

"How to entrust?" Ye Zishu was a little confused.

"We want to entrust your company to help us operate prime-time advertisements, and we can give you a certain percentage!" the director said.

Although such a proposal brought certain benefits to Shengshi Advertising Company, Ye Zishu was not particularly satisfied with it, at most it was just earning hard money.

But he still asked: "I don't know what percentage of commission I can get?"

"We discussed it, and it should be more appropriate to give a ratio of 10%." The director said.

Hearing his words, Ye Zishu couldn't help but didn't roll his eyes. 10% seems like a lot, but the cost involved is quite a lot. In fact, 5% is very good.

The time period is only the prime time period. Although the advertising value of the prime time period is higher, the total amount is actually very limited. For Ye Zishu, the benefits are too little, and it is not worth mobilizing a large number of teachers.

Right now, the entire Shengshi Advertising Company is running all over the country, and the business is a little too busy. If the benefits are not enough, there is no need to spend too much energy on this aspect.

So Ye Zishu said: "The director is joking. With such a sharing ratio, we have to bear the cost of attracting investment, and the actual benefits are even smaller. There is no way to do it."

"How much does Mr. Ye think is appropriate?" the director asked.

This is a matter of bargaining. Ye Zishu thought about it, and if he opened too much, CCTV would definitely disagree. If he opened less, he would feel very disadvantaged.

So he didn't want to continue to limit the topic to this one issue. Since he felt that the overall interests were too small, and it was impossible for CCTV to share too low a ratio, he would expand the scope of cooperation.

"Director, may I take the liberty to ask, how much is CCTV's total advertising revenue this year?" Ye Zishu asked.

Hearing what he said, the director didn't know whether he should tell him that the income of any enterprise is a secret of the enterprise, and generally he would not casually tell outsiders.

Seeing the director's hesitation, Ye Zishu said: "The income of CCTV should not be considered a secret, and those of us will not spread it everywhere."

Hearing what he said, the director finally said: "This year's advertising revenue is about 1 million yuan."

Ye Zishu thought that the huge CCTV should have a lot of advertisements, but unexpectedly, there was only a mere 1 million yuan, no wonder they were reluctant to spend 500 million yuan to buy "Legend of the New White Snake".

Not to mention CCTV, even his company has only such a small amount of revenue, but its expenses are very large, so it needs to save some money, and spend less money if it can.

It seems that CCTV was basically unable to make ends meet before. If it has been like this, the possibility of selling TV series at a good price in the future is relatively low.

"In this way, since the director has said that he wants to expand the scope of cooperation, why don't we expand it further, and not just focus on prime time." Ye Shu said.

"How do you say that?" asked the master.

"Currently, CCTV has two free channels, namely General Channel [-] and Finance Channel [-]. I want Shengshi Advertising Company to contract all the advertising operations of these two channels." Ye Zishu stated his purpose.

The director was really shocked when he heard his words. He didn't expect him to have such a big appetite that he wanted to contract all the advertising operations of the two CCTV channels.

But even though he was shocked, the director still asked: "I don't know how Mr. Ye wants to contract?"

"According to the general growth curve, there is a high probability that CCTV's advertising revenue next year will not exceed 1.5 million yuan. We will pay 1.5 million yuan to buy all the advertising time of CCTV's two channels next year.

Then Shengshi Advertising Company operates these advertising time slots by itself and sells them to specific companies. In this way, CCTV has achieved excess revenue growth, while Shengshi Advertising Company needs to look at its own operating capabilities.

If their advertising ability is excellent, they will naturally be able to earn the benefits they deserve. If their ability to operate is not good, they may face losses. "Leaf Book said.

The meaning of these words is obvious. CCTV does not need to take too many risks, and An An can make money with peace of mind, while the risk is left to Shengshi Advertising Company.

What Ye Zishu didn't expect was that the director didn't refuse immediately after hearing his words, but thought for a while and said: "President Ye's ideas are always shocking, but when you think about it carefully, it's also a way of thinking.

At present, we can't give you a clear answer. How about going here first and replying to you after our internal discussion? "

Now that I've said this, it doesn't make much sense to continue talking, because no decision can be made at this meeting, so the two sides suspended the negotiation.

After leaving the CCTV building, Wang Changtian hurriedly pulled Ye Zishu and said, "Would it be too risky to do this? The advertising fee has increased by 50% at once, which is outrageous."

"If it doesn't improve so much, do you think CCTV will agree to our request?" Ye Zishu asked rhetorically.

Seeing that Wang Changtian didn't speak, Ye Zishu continued: "The advertising revenue of CCTV is so low, it doesn't mean that the domestic advertising market is just that big.

You have also worked in this industry for a period of time, and you should understand that the advertising market is actually very large, but it is not well developed.

Therefore, the early stage works well, and the growth rate of the advertising market is astonishing. It is impossible to lose money. However, as the advertising market gradually matures, the growth will gradually slow down. "

Wang Changtian heard Ye Zishu say this, and after thinking about it, it was indeed the truth. If Ye Zishu hadn't mentioned something, Shengshi Advertising Company would not have developed so fast, and no one had discovered this advertising market before.

Therefore, if you want to have high advertising revenue, you need to actively discover the market and actively intervene instead of passively waiting for the merchants to come to advertise on their own.

Not all merchants understand marketing, and there are still quite a few domestic enterprises that adhere to the concept of "the fragrance of wine is not afraid of deep alleys", but this concept is gradually becoming inapplicable in an increasingly market-oriented environment.

What's more is that bad money drives out good money, and crudely made cheap goods will be slightly more expensive, but genuine goods will be dried up to the point where there is no scum left.

Ye Zishu and the others walked away in style, but the inside of CCTV was full of turmoil because of this proposal, but these Ye Zishu didn't know, and didn't need to know.

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