Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 806 How to treat mental illness?

Back in his office, Ye Zishu immediately started modifying the virtual helmet, adding functions such as genetic testing and body scanning to make it more perfect.

In fact, the basic data of the user can be basically understood only by genetic technology, but the degree of acquired exercise is different, and the potential to be exerted is also different, so body scans and physical fitness data are needed as correction methods.

The genetic testing technology previously provided to Taiji Group is obviously not applicable here, because the technical equipment is too bulky and difficult to integrate with the virtual helmet.

The genetic testing technology used this time is not a biochemical technology, but a high-precision optical microscopic scanning analysis technology. The external performance is a small camera.

It does not require the user to perform complex operations, but only needs to be worn on the head. The virtual helmet will automatically scan the user's hair, and detect the user's gene through spectral data and microscopic imaging technology.

This kind of technology is much more advanced than what he gave Taiji Group, and the accuracy rate is actually higher, but it is more difficult to manufacture. It could have been used as an upgrade technology of the previous genetic testing technology, but now it is taken out in advance.

In addition to genetic testing, virtual helmets also need to be equipped with genetic analysis technology. After all, testing is only about knowing genetic data. How to analyze the characteristics of users through genetic data is equally important, which is the basis for building virtual images and data.

Fortunately, the virtual helmet itself has a thousand-qubit quantum chip, and the computing power for genetic analysis is sufficient, but the storage capacity of the virtual helmet does not meet the genetic data storage requirements.

To clearly store a person's genetic data requires a very large storage space, and the virtual helmet is not necessarily used by only one person, but may be used by many people in rotation.

Therefore, it is not enough to store the genetic data of one person. It is better to store the genetic data of about 10 people, so that it does not need to be tested every time.

As long as these 10 people are used in rotation, the virtual helmet can directly determine who the user is based on the brain wave characteristics, and can directly call out genetic data from the virtual helmet data storage space.

Then the analysis results are generated based on the genetic data. When connecting to the virtual world, carrying the characteristic data of the analysis results, a real image can be generated in the virtual world.

However, if you want to increase the storage space, you will invisibly increase the manufacturing cost of the virtual helmet, which Ye Shu thinks is too wasteful.

Leaf Book analyzed the technical solution and believed that there is no need to equip such a high storage capacity, it only needs to accommodate a person's genetic data, and there is a little storage space left.

Combined with the storage space required by the original system, only the genetic data storage space that can accommodate two people is required, because there is no need to store the original genetic data, only the analysis results of the genetic data need to be stored.

The process becomes, to detect the user's gene, store the obtained data in the storage space of the virtual helmet, and then analyze the genetic data by the quantum chip.

After obtaining the analysis results, store the analysis results in the storage space of the virtual helmet, and then delete the user's original genetic data, which can greatly save space.

In this way, the user's genetic information can be kept confidential, and even the original data will not be retained. The confidentiality must be higher, which will make customers more at ease, and at the same time solve practical problems.

After doing this, Ye Zishu immediately wrote a genetic analysis system, and after integrating it with the system that comes with the virtual helmet, the transformation is complete.

In this case, the cost after the upgrade is mainly on the genetic testing components, the increase in storage space is not large, and the change in storage cost is not too large. The entire storage space only needs 10g.

After sorting out the technology, Ye Zishu not only gave one set of new genetic testing technology to Baihu Technology Company, but also gave one set to Taiji Group and Kirin Basic Industry Group.

Baihu Technology can only use this technology for its own use. In order to save costs, there is a high probability that it will purchase it from two other companies. There is no need to build a special production plant.

The other two companies are currently for their own use. Taiji Group will integrate this technology into medical equipment and use it in its medical institutions, which can greatly reduce the cost of genetic testing.

Originally, the Taiji Group attached great importance to genetic data. As long as the babies were born in the hospitals under the Taiji Medical Group, they would be given a genetic test for free, and the genetic data would be encrypted and archived.

Based on their genetic data, Tai Chi Medical Group can determine what diseases the baby may have in the future, and can prevent these diseases in advance, which can greatly improve the health status of the baby.

As for the genetic testing equipment sold externally, their current technology is sufficient, and they have no competitors in this field, so there is no need to introduce more advanced technology.

Kirin Basic Industry Group needs this genetic testing technology, mainly for the use of Kirin Agricultural Development Group. They have an important task, which is to detect and collect plant genes around the world.

If there is such a small, fast and highly accurate detection device, and then combined with a satellite communication system, it will be much easier to collect plant genetic data around the world with it, and many unnecessary obstacles can be avoided.

He thought about it, and felt that there was no need for separate production, and asked Baihu Technology Company and Taiji Group to put the technical equipment in Kirin Basic Industry Group for production.

In the field of high-precision equipment, Kirin Basic Industry Group has more advantages. Putting them together for production can also save a lot of cost, and a set of production equipment can meet the requirements.

After finishing this work, Ye Zishu started to sort out the drugs for the treatment of neurological diseases. This matter had been thought about the year before last, but compared with other things, he felt that this matter could be postponed for a while, so he never started to do it.

Now, taking advantage of some time, this matter has been settled. Now that it is sorted out, Taiji Group will be able to develop and produce it this year, and can collect enough clinical data.

If it is soon, it will be officially listed early next year, which will also allow Taiji Group to continue to maintain its status as the world's top pharmaceutical company, and at the same time maintain their revenue status.

After the rapid growth last year, although the pharmaceutical business this year has not shown a significant decline, it has hardly grown much. Considering that the domestic growth rate is not small, the growth rate of the international market is actually negative.

The reason is very simple, that is, the products of Taiji Group can really cure the patients' diseases, instead of dragging the patients along like other pharmaceutical companies' drugs and treatment methods, and will not cure the patients' diseases for a long time.

When the patient's disease is cured, naturally there is no need to use Taiji Group's medicines. The main reason for the high revenue last year is that the patient stock is relatively large.

Now there are basically no existing patients, only incremental patients, and the incremental patients can be detected in advance with the personal diagnostic equipment they launched, and can be treated at an early stage, and naturally the cost is less.

This is also what Pei Qing is worried about. If Taiji Group does not launch new drugs to solve new disease problems, it will be too difficult to increase the revenue of the pharmaceutical business.

And the number of mentally ill patients is extremely large, not to mention the 10 billion in previous lives, there are still [-] to [-] million people, if you can earn tens of thousands of yuan from each person, this is several trillion yuan in revenue.

Mental diseases are mainly divided into two categories, one is the disease caused by damage to the nervous system, which can basically be cured by advanced drugs.

It is nothing more than promoting the self-repair and regeneration of damaged nerves. Although the regeneration ability of nerve cells is weak, he has a way to solve this problem through special drugs.

Another type of mental illness is not a nervous system problem, but a problem with the mind. Generally, this kind of treatment is to see a psychiatrist, and then assist with some stress-relieving drugs to solve it.

But the overall effect is not very good. Fengming Technology Company actually has psychological counseling services, most of which can only relieve the symptoms of the other party at the time, and will relapse after a while.

For this reason, Fengming Technology Company has made a lot of money. From the perspective of profit, he should not launch effective treatment methods in this area, but from the perspective of a doctor, he is not allowed to think so.

In fact, it is very difficult to cure. Even if he has a way to cure mental problems caused by a certain factor, mental problems caused by other reasons will also appear.

Therefore, in order to treat such diseases, it is difficult to achieve a radical cure through drugs, so the method he is going to take is to use instruments and equipment to perform mental intervention on patients.

We often see psychiatrists hypnotizing patients from film and television dramas, which is actually a method of mental intervention treatment, but this kind of practice is in the film and television dramas after all, and it is difficult to achieve effective hypnosis in reality.

However, the device he developed was able to do this. It could even develop such heaven-defying equipment as a virtual helmet, not to mention a device that creates illusions for mental patients.

This kind of equipment actually intervenes in the patient's thinking through electromagnetic waves, which can expose the most secret things in the patient's heart, and then intervene through illusions to achieve the purpose of treatment.

There are several key technical points. The first key point is how to read the patient's thinking. This technology is available in virtual helmets. Otherwise, users will not be able to operate in the virtual world through their thoughts.

The second key point is how to understand the things that caused the patient's mental disorder. This is rather difficult, because the brain has a self-protection mechanism. The more traumatic memories are, the deeper they are hidden.

This is also the reason why many patients are reluctant to see a psychiatrist, because if they want to be treated by a psychiatrist, they must understand why the patient is like this, so that they can start to enlighten the patient.

The reason why Fengming Technology's psychological counseling is so popular is because the two do not know each other, and patients are more likely to open their hearts, so as to better guide patients.

There is no such technology in the virtual helmet. The relevant data must be collected by the user. If the user does not think about it, the virtual helmet cannot collect it. This is to protect the privacy of the user.

And this kind of equipment is equivalent to reading other people's memory, which may involve security issues. Although the purpose is to treat patients, it may not pass the audit in many countries.

Therefore, he can't use the memory reading mode, and can only use brain wave intervention to make the other party automatically recall the secret memory that caused the patient's mental disorder.

The advantage of doing this is that on the one hand, it avoids the security problems caused by memory reading, and on the other hand, it also reduces the manufacturing cost of the equipment.

Because the human memory is very large, if you want to find the required memory from the brain, it means reading all the memories of a person. The amount of data is too large, and storage alone is a problem.

In addition to the storage problem, it is difficult to analyze memory associations. Unless quantum chips are used for analysis, ordinary chips do not have such high computing power and cannot support such huge computing requirements.

At present, he has no plans to use quantum chips for civilian use. He can only use current chip technology, or even off-the-shelf chip products, which can save costs.

So the best way is to let the patients remember these memories by themselves, so that there is no need for too much analysis, the requirements for chip computing power are very low, and at the same time, there is no need to read a large number of patients' memories, and there is no need to store a large amount of data.

Therefore, to solve this key difficulty, advanced brain wave intervention and guidance technology is required, so that the other party will unconsciously recall these unbearable memories, similar to the legendary bewitching technique.

The technology of actively reading patients' memories can become mind reading. It is estimated that many people will oppose this technology when it comes out, and everyone has secrets that they don't want others to know.

Once the mind reading technology comes out, it will be difficult to avoid being abused. At that time, everyone will feel like running naked, and it is strange if they do not object.

Moreover, the higher the level, the more they object. If they object, no matter how good the technology is, the Tai Chi Group will not be able to spread it. People will not allow this kind of technology and equipment to enter their country at all.

The third key point is also very important, that is how to keep it confidential, which not only involves the safety of patients, but also involves the key to whether it can be exported to other countries.

The way he came up with was to use more advanced encryption technology to protect the data generated during the treatment and avoid being taken away during the process.

After the patient is treated, the data will be completely deleted immediately, leaving only the characteristic code related to the disease, recording the basic information of the patient and the treatment situation, and these data are also encrypted and stored.

Even the storage of these data requires the consent of the patient. If the patient does not agree, the device will be automatically deleted without asking the opinion of the medical institution.

The fourth key point is how to intervene. Creating illusions is one aspect of technology, but the cost of creating illusions is relatively high, and it also requires high computing power support, otherwise it will be unreal.

The cheapest way is to let the patient forget this unbearable memory, and let the patient's brain automatically delete this memory through brain wave intervention technology.

The other is to modify memory, which is much more difficult than forgetting memory. The principle is to create new memory to replace old memory through brain wave intervention. The difficulty lies in how to make the new memory appear more real.

Therefore, he does not intend to use memory modification to achieve the purpose of treatment. First, the cost is too high, and second, he will face legal risks, so there is no need to cause trouble for himself.

Even erasing memories is not mandatory, but needs to be done according to the patient's own wishes, and will only be done if the patient has a strong desire to forget this memory.

As for how to ensure the integrity of the patient's memory after deleting these memories, it still needs to be done by the patient himself, rather than forced by the device.

The principle is to guide the patient to think in a more positive direction, and fill in the deleted memory with the good memory in his heart according to the patient's own imagination.

Deleting memory is only used as a last resort. In general, it is not necessary to do this at all, but to achieve the goal by means of ideological intervention.

In fact, many people don't really want to forget these memories, but they can't turn their minds around and can't enlighten themselves, so enlightenment is still one of the main methods of treatment.

In addition to treatment equipment, Ye Zishu also prepared a lot of auxiliary drugs, which can adjust the patient's body hormone status, because changes in body hormones will also have a great impact on the patient's mood.

Even for many patients with mild symptoms, the use of hormone-regulating drugs can achieve the purpose of treatment, without the need for such complicated treatment methods.

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