Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 805 Mr. Ye, let's take it easy!

"How about the virtual world I created?" Ye Zishu said with a smile.

He is very proud of being able to create such a masterpiece. If you ignore the imperceptible unreality, it is almost the same as the real world. It is not an exaggeration to call it the second world of human beings.

In the face of Ye Zishu's words, many high-level leaders unanimously expressed their high approval. Only one high-level person said: "If I didn't know in advance that this is a virtual world, I would get lost in it."

"There's no need to worry about that. The virtual world has a complete protection mechanism. Once an abnormality is found, it should be reminded to make people in it realize that it is a virtual world.

Either directly pull people's consciousness back to reality, and deal with situations where major injuries may occur, without causing serious mental confusion and mental damage. "Leaf Book said.

"Then we can rest assured that this virtual world is used for military exercises, and casualties will inevitably occur. If it is harmful to the spirit, we must use it with caution." Another senior executive said.

"Now that the world structure has been completed, the remaining work is to set the parameters of various weapons and equipment to meet the conditions of use.

The next step for you is to reach a cooperation agreement with relevant departments. The result of our last discussion is that the annual subscription is based on the number of virtual helmets used. The virtual helmets are leased, and the annual usage fee is 100 million yuan.

You need to let them experience this virtual world this time, to make them feel that it is worth the money, and you also need to negotiate the number of rentals, of course, the more the better.

Now Baihu Technology Company is in urgent need of money. Although I have injected a lot of funds, we still owe a large amount of debt, and there are still many scientific research projects that have not been launched, and the money is the trouble. "Leaf Book said.

They didn't have any objection to Ye Shu's order, but they were surprised when they heard the rental price. If the quantity is small, the offer is not very high.

But once the quantity is large, the overall cost will be very high. For example, renting 10 virtual helmets will cost 1000 billion yuan.

However, during large-scale battle simulation exercises, the scale of 10 people is not particularly large, it is considered a relatively conventional number. Will the other party really agree to spend such a huge amount of money on it?

They asked this question, and Ye Zishu said: "As far as the effect is concerned, it is actually worth the money, but it can cultivate a heroic soldier with this amount of money.

If it is difficult to achieve such an effect in reality, and the material cost is not low, it is still the most cost-effective to rent a virtual helmet.

And we don't have any other income now. If we don't earn more from this project, many things will be difficult to do in the future. Various projects are waiting for rice to be cooked.

And even if I make money, I won't take any points from it, and it will still be used for the development of scientific research projects, which is regarded as the state's support for scientific research and development. "

Hearing what he said, the higher-ups agreed with his statement, mainly because there is really no place to make money in Baihu Technology Company, but there are many places to spend money.

After all, there is such a super project that can bring them a lot of benefits, so naturally they can't let it go easily, and this pricing is also the result of careful consideration, and it is not a random quotation.

"You have also experienced it just now. In addition to the good aspects, you can also talk about any deficiencies, so that you can improve it later." Ye Shu said.

Everyone fell silent when they heard this, and thought carefully about the shortcomings of the virtual world. After thinking about it for a long time, they didn't find any room for improvement.

However, a high-level executive said: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with the virtual world, and the results we experienced are all perfect, no different from the real world.

But the ultimate purpose of this virtual world is to be used for exercises. It is easy to reflect weapons and equipment, strategies and tactics, but how to reflect the personal qualities of each officer and soldier has become a problem.

In a real battlefield environment, tactical skill literacy is important, but personal physical fitness is equally important. If it cannot be reflected in real scenarios, the data may not be very accurate. "

Although this problem seems a bit nonsensical, if you want to restore it 100%, this problem really cannot be ignored, and it deserves his attention.

Ye Zishu thought for a moment, and said: "I really didn't think of your idea, there is indeed a certain reason, I will add this later, and plan to use three measures to correct it.

The first measure is dna testing. Through dna data, the virtual world is fully capable of simulating where the physical limit data of each soldier is.

The second measure is a body scan, through which the current physical condition of each soldier can be obtained, combined with DNA data, it can more truly reflect the individual's physical fitness.

The third is various physical fitness tests. Combining these data with dna data, the simulated results can basically be almost the same as the real situation.

When you are negotiating cooperation with relevant departments, you should also talk about this and see what the other party means. After all, these data are private to a certain extent, and whether you are willing to completely depend on their opinions.

However, we can also carry out certain data security protection. Later, I will modify the virtual helmet and store the data on the virtual helmet, so that the confidentiality will be much stronger.

At the same time, the dna analysis and body scanning functions are also built into the virtual helmet, so that data collection without special equipment is much more convenient. "

Although everyone felt that it was very difficult to integrate these complex functions into the virtual helmet, everyone did not question it, but agreed with his statement.

After saying this, Ye Zishu discussed the next scientific research project of Baihu Technology Company. At present, a large number of their scientific research personnel are conducting basic research and development of naval equipment.

But some projects have to start preparations. In terms of military equipment, there are still army equipment that have not been developed, and they plan to adopt the same approach as naval equipment.

Baihu Technology Company only provides technical support, and support for key materials, parts and components, and will not carry out the production of complete assembly, and will take this part out for cooperation.

Now he also wants to understand that Baihu Technology Company is not an appropriate way to do it all. Now everyone relies on Baihu Technology Company in technology, and everything is easy to discuss.

But no one can say for sure what will happen in the future. Only in-depth cooperation can meet the interests of all parties and is the long-term solution. This is quite different from the civilian field.

In addition to military scientific research projects, there is also the space program, which he has long wanted to carry out. The earth has increasingly made him lose interest. Wanting to explore the space field may give him a different feeling.

"What space project does Mr. Ye plan to carry out?" Lu Desheng asked.

"I know that what you are thinking of is definitely a regular space project like the space station. It's really meaningless to go the other way. I plan to go straight to the space city project.

The first phase plans to build a space city that can accommodate 1 people to live and work, and at the same time carry out space tourism projects. I think this should be able to make a lot of money, and may be able to support the continuous operation of the project.

The goal of the second phase is to continue to expand the space city, expand the capacity to 5 people, and at the same time equip the necessary space factories to produce parts that are difficult to achieve in the earth environment.

The goal of the third phase is to expand the space city to a scale of 10 people, and launch a relatively complete advanced industrial chain. At this scale, there is no need for the space city to continue to expand.

Then it is to build a space port around the space city, which can dock space warships and cargo spacecraft, and is a key port for the transfer between the earth and space. "Leaf Book said.

Ye Zishu's first goal surprised everyone. He really dared to say, how big would it be to build a space city that can accommodate 1 people?

Regardless of whether the technology can be realized, the cost alone is unbearable. Although the cost of domestic rocket launches has indeed been reduced a lot, the transportation cost per ton of materials is still high, but it is cheaper than before, and it has not yet reached the price of cabbage. the point.

What's more, there will be the second and third phases. 10 people live and work in space at the same time. They dare not even think about it.

Although the prospect is bright, the reality is very skinny. Lu Desheng was not dazzled by such a bright prospect, but said eagerly: "Is this too radical? I think it is better to formulate more realistic development goals.

I'm not saying Mr. Ye's plan is bad, but with our current capabilities, we simply can't afford it. No matter how advanced the rocket launch technology is, the cost of fuel alone is still very high.

Moreover, the more space there is in the space city, the lower the per capita cost will be. If there are not enough people willing to pay for it by then, it is still a matter of whether it will be able to pay back.

I think it is more appropriate to follow the conventional space program, and build the space station first. If Mr. Ye thinks the space station is too small, we can build a space station that can accommodate 100 people. "

This is why Lu Desheng is not in a hurry. He doesn't know where Ye Zishu's confidence comes from, but he thinks that even if the project is successfully implemented, Baihu Technology will lose half of its life.

What's more, the domestic economy has not yet developed to a certain level. If too much money is invested in the space field, the promotion effect on the economy will be diminishing. It is better to invest more money in economic development.

As long as the size of the domestic economy continues to grow, and after reaching a certain stage, it is not too late to start this work, and there is no need to be too advanced.

Moreover, if such a huge space city is built, if the supporting measures cannot keep up, it will still not be able to play the role of the space city, and the space port will become a decoration.

The construction of supporting measures also requires a large amount of funds, which may even be higher than the construction cost of the space city. No matter how you calculate it, Baihu Technology Company does not have that economic strength.

This project is really going to be launched, and the funds invested are in trillions. If it goes well, it will be better, if it doesn't go well, it will be completely discontinued.

When Ye Zishu heard Lu Desheng's words, he wanted to say that he was sure, because what he was thinking about was not the current space technology at all. A rocket fueled by traditional chemical propulsion would definitely not be able to bear such a heavy responsibility.

But when the words came to his lips, he still held back, and he suddenly realized that walking too fast is not necessarily a good thing, just like the separation of the soul from the body, there may not be a good result.

So he nodded and said: "It seems that I'm still a little Meng Lang, Mr. Lu's words are mature and prudent, so we will follow Mr. Lu's meaning, and we will develop step by step.

But we can’t do it alone, and there is no need to do it alone in the field of space. We still need to concentrate our domestic power so that we can develop faster.

You can cooperate with the domestic aerospace department to carry out the construction plan of the space station. For the time being, the scale of the space station with a full staff of 100 people is the goal. "

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, Lu Desheng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Mr. Ye would be stubborn and insist on launching projects that are currently unrealistic. Then they, the management, would be in trouble, and they might have to resign to persuade them. .

Fortunately, Mr. Ye followed the good advice and did not stick to the original approach. He was also worried that it would be difficult for a genius like Mr. Ye not to listen to other people's opinions.

"What Mr. Ye said is that we will study it later, and at the same time, we will actively cooperate with the domestic aerospace department to strive to complete the construction of the space station as soon as possible." Lu Desheng said quickly.

"Since we want to carry out such a project, I naturally can't let it go. I will take the time to study it later and see if there is anything I can help." Ye Zishu said with a smile.

Hearing what he said, the managers were even happier. Although they don't know what Ye Zishu's space technology is, but with his talent, it can still play a role to some extent.

"The space station is part of our space program, and we also need other space exploration programs, such as the lunar exploration program and the Mars exploration program.

The lunar exploration project is carried out with the goal of establishing a permanent base on the moon, which allows our personnel to carry out scientific research projects and resource collection on it.

The first goal of the Mars exploration project is also to establish a permanent base, but the ultimate goal is relatively long-term, and that is to transform Mars into a second planet suitable for human habitation. "Leaf Book said.

Seeing the stunned look of these high-level officials, it may be that the goal of transforming Mars into a habitable place for human beings is too ambitious, which makes them unbelievable.

So he added: "If it is just to go to Mars for investigation, it is not worthwhile to spend so much manpower and material resources, and transforming Mars is also a graduation ceremony for human beings to enter space.

If we can’t even transform Mars, it means that we haven’t made all the preparations for going into space, so transforming Mars is not only a need for us to expand our living space, but also a test of our technical capabilities.

Of course, this process may take a long time. We can take it slowly and achieve it step by step, but the goal must be ambitious, and only when it is implemented can we achieve overall planning. "

His statement is still acceptable to the management. Next, everyone had a collective discussion on cooperation with relevant departments. After the discussion, the meeting ended.

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