Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 796 Construction of Super Quantum Computer Completed

After reading the basic situation of Kirin Industrial Group, I met with various departments of the Kirin Industrial Group headquarters, and then held a brief online meeting with the presidents of each group.

After finishing these things during the day, I went directly to the robotics laboratory of Kirin Basic Industries Group at night to answer questions about the robotics technology he provided.

Although the technical information he provided is much more detailed than the previous technical information. After all, the virtual helmet has greatly improved his work efficiency, but the entire technical system is very complicated, and it is not so easy to understand.

He personally narrated his design ideas, so that the R&D personnel have an overall grasp, and then proposed the difficult parts and explained them in detail to strengthen the understanding of the R&D personnel.

These scientific researchers were temporarily transferred from other departments. They had never done any research and development related to robots before, and they were completely newcomers.

Fortunately, after all the research and development tasks are broken down, there are various companies that are good at it. The most critical research and development tasks on their side are ultra-precision 3D printing equipment.

As long as this set of equipment is completed, the 3D model data of the robot is imported into it, and various materials are added to the equipment inlet, and the robot can be easily produced.

Kirin Basic Industries Group itself has a solid foundation for high-precision industrial equipment, and it can even be said that they have unparalleled advantages in this field.

Ultra-precise 3D printing equipment is not an insurmountable problem for them. After Ye Zishu explained the whole principle, they understood a lot, and after explaining the problem, they basically understood it. .

As for other supporting equipment, relatively speaking, it is much simpler, and Ye Zishu is too lazy to explain it. It is really not difficult for Kirin Basic Industries Group.

I ate breakfast here early the next morning, and then flew directly to Xi'an with the security personnel on an airliner. Things over there were even more important.

Now Baihu Science and Technology Company does not have a lot of income, and the expenses paid by the two satellite systems to pay for the salaries of scientific researchers and the purchase of scientific research materials have already cost seven or eighty-eight.

The 3000 billion yuan injected this year will need to spend hundreds of billions of yuan for the construction of the global satellite communication system, and the remaining funds will be used for the research and development of naval equipment.

If the funds they borrowed from the bank were not interest-free loans, the money they earned would not be enough to repay the bank interest, but the money is only for three years, which means that the interest-free loans will be repaid next year.

Therefore, the most important thing for Baihu Technology Company now is to make money, and the virtual world will be a very important project for them to make money, and it cannot be overemphasized.

Moreover, the establishment of the virtual world is also conducive to the sales of Baihu Technology's aviation and military equipment, because operators can operate unlimitedly in the virtual world, and it takes less time to understand the performance of the equipment.

After the plane arrived in Xi'an, he immediately went to the headquarters of Baihu Technology Company. At present, they still occupy the office space of Baihe Software Company and have not built their own headquarters.

Now it is not profitable to spend money, and the management of the company has no intention of building its own office building. They have borrowed office buildings from other software companies in other scientific research bases and branch personnel.

When I came to the headquarters of Baihu Technology Company, I immediately went to the super quantum computer research and development department. Now the number of people here has increased to 500, and the core staff is still the original 100 people.

Seeing his arrival, the project leader directly took him to the third basement floor of the data center, which is shared with Baihe Software Company, because this is the only data center in this place.

It's just that Baihu Technology Company occupies all three basement floors, and the above-ground building space is occupied by Baihe Software Company and other subsidiaries of Phoenix Technology Company.

Arriving at the third basement floor, after going through various security checks, we came to a room with a large space, in which a large number of servers were quietly placed, and these servers were composed of super quantum computers.

Unlike electronic chips, the heat generation of quantum chips is actually not high, and the energy consumption is actually much lower than that of electronic chips. Of course, this is also the result of extensive use of superconducting materials.

So the whole space seemed a little quiet. If they didn't see the flashing lights, they really couldn't connect with the computer room.

Ye Zishu checked the entire super quantum computer carefully, and it basically matched the technical information he gave, and went directly to the console after reading it.

This super quantum computer does not have a complicated operating system, but only a simple hardware control system, which is provided by Yeshu, otherwise it would take a lot of time to just use this simple control system.

Quantum computer programming is very different from ordinary computer programming, and it can even be said to belong to two completely different logical thinking. It takes a lot of time for researchers to adapt to this difference.

Compared with the Phoenix programming language, the quantum programming language he provides is all in Chinese. The reason for this is that there is no need to manually write the program, and only need to hand it over to artificial intelligence.

Under such a premise, the convenience of writing is not considered. The quantum programming language he developed is a natural programming language based on artificial intelligence.

I saw him come to the console, turn on the input device, and directly input a long series of mathematical formulas to let the artificial intelligence incorporate them into the calculation to test the performance of the super quantum computer.

If this string of formulas uses the current classical computer, it may take trillions of years for all the computers in the world to calculate, and it may not be able to complete the calculation.

But he just asked the artificial intelligence to execute this command, and the execution was completed before it could react, and the time spent was only 0.005 milliseconds.

If it weren't for the need for resource allocation and data transmission, it is estimated that this time would be less, and then he asked the artificial intelligence to call up the analysis results of the running data and carefully inspected it.

Through these operating data, he was able to have a comprehensive understanding of the performance of this super quantum computer, and the results were almost the same as what he originally designed.

This marked the final completion of the super quantum computer of Baihu Technology Company. The project leader who came down with him stood silently by the side without saying anything, but the inner tension was inevitable.

When Ye Zishu said: "You have done a good job. All the indicators of this super quantum computer have met the design requirements. The project you are in charge of has been a complete success!"

The project leader was as happy as a child when he heard this, and couldn't help hugging the boss Ye Zishu, and said happily: "We have finally accomplished a feat. We have the most advanced supercomputer in the world!"

For his excitement, Ye Zishu understood very well, not to mention him, even Ye Zishu himself was the designer, and he had experienced it in the virtual laboratory. He was still very excited when he saw the big guy in front of him.

This represents the world's advanced computing power. Unlike the supercomputer developed by Qinglong Technology Company, they still belong to one level at least, but Qinglong Technology Company's supercomputer is faster.

The super quantum computer of Baihu Technology Company is no longer on the same level as the current supercomputing, and it is no longer a product of the same dimension. It is absolutely not too much to call it a black technology.

"Don't just be too happy. All of you who participate in this project will be restricted in their actions in the future, which may bring a lot of inconvenience to your life," Ye Zishu said.

The person in charge of the project said: "Actually, those of us who participated in this project have such awareness, and we have already made mental preparations. Mr. Ye doesn't have to worry about us feeling inconvenient."

Hearing what he said, Ye Zishu patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's best for you to think this way. With such a black technology product with core competitiveness, you can't be too strict with it. It's not that the company is deliberately embarrassing you. .

But I promise here that as long as the White Tiger Technology Company exists for a day, you participants will have no worries about food and clothing. Even if the White Tiger Technology Company is gone, as long as I still have money, I will not lose you. "

Since their freedom is limited to a certain extent, it is natural to give generous compensation to make them feel that it is worthwhile to do so. It is definitely not enough to rely on personal awareness.

The project leader is very satisfied with this promise. Compared with giving a large amount of rewards suddenly, this promise makes them care more. After all, stability is the goal pursued by most of them.

What's more, their income itself is not low, and with various benefits and benefits, they are much more comfortable than outside bosses, and their mentality is also calmer.

If their children are very talented, they will be given priority in recruiting into the company in the future. Even if they don't work in Baihu Technology, they will be arranged in other companies under his company.

After reading this, I was satisfied with everything, so there was no need to stay here, so I went out with the project leader, and finally came to the ground after several inspections.

This entry and exit is really too troublesome. In addition to complicated identification, you also need to change special clothes, and you have to perform the same operation when you come out.

If there is nothing to do, I really don't want to go in and out of such a place frequently. After returning to the ground, the two of them returned to the project team's laboratory.

Ye Zishu convened the core R&D personnel to express their recognition for their outstanding task, and gave a commendation at the same time, which made everyone very satisfied.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Zishu asked about other projects, such as their need to cooperate with the global communication satellite system to develop ultra-large-capacity quantum communication components, and the development of ground quantum communication modules.

With the experience of developing super quantum computers and virtual helmets, these tasks are not very difficult for them. During the process of assembling super quantum computers, personnel have been arranged for research and development.

It is now nearing completion, and it only takes a few days to complete, and then it can be integrated into the communication satellite modified by him.

Then he started to assign a new research and development task, which is to develop a more advanced super quantum computer. He didn't set a specific goal, and it all depends on their own performance.

At the same time, the miniaturization of quantum computers needs to be considered. On the basis of miniaturization, the computing power and communication capabilities should be improved as much as possible. This is also their main scientific research goal.

In addition, research and development of quantum computing systems for unmanned military equipment is also required. Although it may not be used now, it still needs to be done as a technical reserve.

The current unmanned equipment does not need to be so advanced. The existing computing chips are sufficient, and it is not yet necessary to use quantum chips.

However, all military equipment communication modules need to use quantum communication modules, miniaturization is imminent, and they need to invest in research.

After arranging these, Ye Zishu returned to his office and began to inspect the development progress of the communication satellite of Baihu Technology Company. After reading it, he was basically satisfied.

According to their progress, they will basically be able to launch into space in the middle of this year. In half a year, 256 communication satellites will be launched, and an advanced satellite communication system covering the whole world will be formed by then.

After reading the development progress of the communication satellite here, he also looked at the development of the smartphone of Qinglong Technology Company. In fact, their research and development work has already been completed.

It's just that he hopes to add a satellite communication module to all smartphones, so that each mobile phone can seamlessly use the satellite communication system and increase Baihu Technology's income.

Before that, he gave Qinglong Technology Company the communication satellite chip standard, allowing it to be integrated into the 3G communication chip. At the same time, he provided a more sensitive signal receiving antenna, allowing smartphones to receive satellite signals indoors.

The action of Qinglong Technology Company is still quite fast, it has already integrated the two together, and now it is letting Xuanwu Technology Company to produce the whole machine to prepare for the upcoming global release.

The smartphone business is handed over to their two communication companies, and the two companies will be in a state of competition in the smartphone field to promote the development of the smartphone market.

In terms of smartphone technology, there is no generational gap between the two companies. The competition is more intense than enterprise communication equipment, and it is not known who will win in the end.

In terms of 3G communication network construction, all countries have reached cooperation with two communication companies. Even some European countries no longer insist on the original 2G mobile communication network, and have begun to build 3G networks one after another.

There is no way, if other countries in the world use 3G networks, they are still using 2G networks, not to mention whether it will cause dissatisfaction among the people, and it will also cause great damage to economic development.

The general trend is like this. Before the absolute strength changes, we can only accept other people's game rules, and the two communication companies under Qinglong Technology Company are the rule-makers of the global communication industry.

At present, they have reached 3G mobile communication network cooperation agreements with almost all countries, and the trend in the field of 3G mobile communication networks has become a reality.

Now the whole world is building a 3G mobile communication network like a competition, expecting to be the first in the field of mobile Internet, and even China is speeding up the construction of a 3G mobile communication network.

It’s just that they are currently mainly building base stations in cities and densely populated areas. It would be very wasteful to build base stations in uninhabited areas. Satellite communications can be introduced as a supplement.

With this fund, the country might as well provide satellite communication subsidies to residents in scattered residential areas, and it will save a lot of money than building base stations here. The construction cost of communication companies can also be greatly reduced, and the cost of residents' use will not be so high.

Of course, communication operators can also purchase satellite communication bandwidth from Baihu Technology Company, so that they don’t need to build base stations all the way, but just install base stations in residential areas, which can also save a lot of cost.

Regarding the coverage rate, each country has different approaches. There is a high probability that the country will purchase satellite communication bandwidth to provide communication services in remote areas, which can reduce the cost of direct purchase by residents.

Most of the residents in other countries are responsible for their own expenses. Communication operators will not build base stations or purchase satellite bandwidth for them. After all, their business is to make money.

Doing so will not have a big impact on the communication business of Qinglong Technology Company. At most, the domestic income will be a little less than the expected income, and the foreign income will not change greatly.

However, after all, this has caused some damage to the interests of Qinglong Technology Company. It is best to compensate it so that there will be no complaints from its top and bottom.

He thought about it carefully, and suddenly there was a very good idea in his mind. He wanted to do it before, but he was too busy to forget it, and he could take it out as compensation.

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