Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 795 Via Kirin Industrial Group

The land at the back of the village was purchased on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year. At that time, the price reached 10 yuan per mu, but there was a stalemate here, and some people on the other side were still not satisfied.

If one person is dissatisfied, this matter can't be done. Even if you agree superficially, they can make trouble for you. What's more, this place is very private, and it's impossible to let outsiders wander around casually.

In the end, his father quoted a price of 12 yuan per mu directly. If he disagreed, he would let it go and pretend that this had never happened.

The other party saw how determined his father was, and knew that this should be a psychological price. They wanted to make a business. After all, they couldn't sell so much money even if they wanted to sell it.

In the end, they discussed it internally and reached an agreement. Everyone agreed to sell it to him at this price. Seeing that everyone on the other side finally agreed, his father was relieved.

After everyone on both sides signed the agreement and pressed their fingerprints, the matter was finally settled. After signing the agreement, his father privately raised the price per mu to 15 yuan.

The reason is very simple, that is, because everyone is from the same township, the 3 yuan from most of them is to take care of the blind date, and it is also specially proposed by his son Ye Zishu.

The roles he sang during this time were not flattering at all, and he didn't want to gain a good reputation for himself. Instead, he gave his good reputation to Ye Zishu. speak ill of his son.

In addition to being moved by his father's little thoughts, Ye Zishu also feels that it is completely unnecessary, but he has no objection to the compensation of 3 yuan per mu of land, and more or less will not affect him much.

But everyone on the other side is very satisfied with this approach, and they always say that their family is righteous, saying that this cooperation is very pleasant, and each family can get about 10 yuan in funds on average.

Their village saw that every household in Ye Zishu’s village had built small western-style buildings, and they had long been a little envious. Although this amount of money cannot be used to build beautiful wooden villas, it is used to build two or three-story small western-style buildings with brick-concrete structures. Still enough.

After Ye Zishu got the land, it needed to be approved by the village committee, and then reported to the township to sign and agree, before the construction could officially start, but these were just a process, and no one made things difficult for their family.

After getting the land, Ye Zishu directly asked Wancheng Jiye to be responsible for the construction of this project. They had obtained the terrain and landforms before, so they didn't need to come to measure it. The remote sensing satellite system could measure it clearly.

After Wancheng Jiye obtained the data, it immediately invited domestic and foreign designers to design the garden, striving to be comfortable to live in, have high aesthetic value, and also have high technological content.

Although the difficulty of designing a private residence is not very high, Wancheng Jiye still organized 50 well-known domestic and foreign designers to design together. After all, it is the boss's residence. They dare not be perfunctory and strive to make all the details perfect.

After half a month of design, Ye Zishu looked at it and thought it was very good. It looks grand and quiet, echoing the unobstructed view of Poyang Lake in front of the land, and it will become a beauty of this place in the future.

In fact, Ye Zishu's requirements for living are not high. He agreed to it because he thought it looked good. In fact, he would agree to it if it was designed in other ways. He has no particular preference for it.

After the design was approved by Ye Zishu, Wancheng Jiye immediately organized a team with strong professional ability to start the earthwork.

Although the location of his land is very good, if he wants to use all the land, he needs to do a lot of earthwork work, not to mention that in order to ensure that all materials can enter the site, he needs to build high-standard roads.

In order to ensure the safety of the underground laboratory, it is not enough to just dig the soil. In short, the construction standard is extremely high, the construction difficulty is not small, and it takes a very long time. Don't think about being able to live in this year.

According to the estimates of Wancheng Foundation, it will take about two years to complete the construction. Ye Zishu doesn't care about this, but asks them to arrange as many people as possible.

After Ye Zishu finished sorting out the technical data of Universal Robots, he originally wanted to continue finishing up other research projects, but didn't think about going out for a walk.

However, there were still some things that he had to do in person. After about half a year, Baihu Technology finally set up the super quantum computer.

After a simple program test, all the design goals have been achieved, and it can be put into practical use, which is great news for him.

During this period of time, Baihu Technology Company also completed the construction of the virtual helmet industry chain, and the industrialized mass production of virtual helmets also met his requirements.

Now everything is ready, only Dongfeng is owed, and this Dongfeng is the virtual world he said, and he needs to go to Xi'an to deal with it in person, and no one else can replace it.

So, after staying at home for more than a month, he had no choice but to leave the house and drive to Xi'an with his own security team.

When passing through Wuhan, he stayed in Wuhan for more than a day to learn about the operation of Kirin Industrial Group.

Just after March, the first quarter financial reports of all the groups under Kirin Industrial Group have also come out. The total revenue in the first quarter reached 3 trillion yuan, with a quarter-on-quarter growth rate of 6%.

The size of Kirin Industrial Group is not small. Last year, its total revenue reached 16.8 trillion yuan. With this size, it can still have a growth rate of 20%, which is really terrifying.

Moreover, the revenue in the first few quarters of last year was not high, and the substantial increase in revenue will only happen in the second half of the year, with a quarter-on-quarter growth of 20%. If it remains unchanged, the annual growth rate will be much higher than last year.

The main reason for such a high growth is that the energy problem has been gradually alleviated, which has released a lot of production capacity under Kirin Industrial Group.

Last year, Kirin Energy Industrial Group completed the construction target of 4000 billion watts of solar power generation. This year, they will increase the construction target of 1 trillion watts of solar power, and realize the new power generation capacity of 2 trillion kWh.

As Kirin Energy Industrial Group continues to add solar power generation facilities, the domestic power shortage has gradually been alleviated. Although it has not been completely resolved, at least it is not as tense as last year.

Although there are still many production capacities that are not operating at full capacity, they are much better than last year. Last year, the operating rate was only 50% of the designed capacity, and it reached 80% in the first quarter of this year.

By the end of this year, Kirin Energy Industrial Group will basically be able to get rid of the shackles of energy, but their newly added production capacity may also face new energy difficulties.

For example, Kirin Basic Industries Group has added more metal smelting capacity this year to meet the needs of higher-speed domestic infrastructure construction and the demand for metal raw materials for industrial products.

For example, their previous iron ore smelting capacity was only 2 million tons, and this year they will expand this capacity to 5 million tons. As for whether to continue to expand in the future, it depends on the actual situation, but it will not be as crazy as it is now.

These new production capacity are carried out to fill the gap in the market, and minimize the impact on the existing metal smelting industry, because most of other metal smelting enterprises are state-owned enterprises.

It's not that they are afraid of these state-owned enterprises, but that these state-owned enterprises have a large number of employees. If they are directly ruined, it will be more difficult to deal with so many employees.

What's more, everyone has something to eat at present, there is no need to squeeze each other to death, and everyone's technical routes are completely different, which is conducive to market diversification.

All metal smelting industries under Kirin Basic Industries Group use electricity for smelting, while other metal smelting companies use coal smelting technology, not a technical route.

In the case of a serious shortage of electricity last year, their metal smelting business actually did not have full capacity. If it were not for the support of these smelting companies that use coal as energy, the price of domestic metal materials would skyrocket.

That's why he feels that we should not force everyone to be the same. Each technology route has its own advantages. At least for now, maintaining different technology routes is of great benefit to the stability of the economy.

Although he believes that electric power smelting technology is the future development direction, because it has many advantages, such as being more environmentally friendly, the quality of smelted metals is higher, and it is easier to achieve precise control and so on.

However, at present, electricity has been in a state of insufficient power for a long time. If everyone uses electricity, the demand for electricity will be greater, resulting in a shortage of electricity in the whole society.

Maybe the country feels that the domestic economy has reached a certain level, and the emphasis on environmental protection is getting higher and higher. It has already required all types of new fuel vehicles in the country to install exhaust filters.

This regulation is good news for Kirin Environmental Industry Group, and its media outlets spread the news all over the world, asking other governments whether to follow or not.

In addition, the country has also imposed relatively strict regulations on the use of daily plastics, and reducing the pollution of plastics to the environment will also be an important issue of environmental protection.

There is also industrial pollution, and the government has gradually paid more attention to it. It has begun to organize expert investigations on the environmental protection of industrial enterprises across the country, in order to find out the environmental pollution of domestic industrial enterprises.

These measures are all beneficial to the development of Kylin Environmental Industry Group. This year, their various environmental protection businesses have achieved great development, and the growth is not much slower than last year.

It is also through these winds that their urban water supply, sewage treatment and garbage treatment businesses have also been greatly developed, and relevant agreements have been signed with more than 300 cities in China.

So this year they have a lot of construction plans. Fortunately, they made a lot of money last year, and Ye Zishu didn't take out their money. Their own funds are enough to meet these construction plans.

The most notable thing is their northern seawater desalination project. The first batch of seawater desalination plants built last year are about to be completed, which can provide 100 billion tons of fresh water supply every year.

This year they will continue to build seawater desalination plants. The overall production capacity is 10 times that of last year. After completion, it will be able to supply more than 1000 billion tons of freshwater resources to the entire North China and Northeast China annually.

In view of the strong seawater desalination capacity of Kirin Environmental Industry Group, the original South-to-North Water Diversion Project has also been adjusted. Of the three planned routes, only one route will be constructed for the time being.

The first goal of Kirin Environmental Industry Group's seawater desalination project is to supply desalinated seawater to all cities in North China and Northeast China, so that these cities no longer depend on surface water and groundwater.

Excess surface water can be properly allocated for agricultural irrigation, reducing the exploitation of groundwater by agricultural irrigation and protecting groundwater resources.

The second goal is to realize the water supply to the cities in the western region, alleviate the shortage of water resources in the western region, and promote the economic development of the western cities.

The third goal is to realize the ecological water replenishment measures in the west and promote the overall development of the ecology in the west. However, this goal cannot be achieved by themselves and requires the support of national policies.

In order to alleviate the ecological water shortage in the west, the amount of water needed is very large. It is impossible for the Qilin Environmental Industry Group to pay the bill, but it is also impossible for the western regional government to pay the bill completely. Their finances are not that rich.

The best way is to achieve national overall planning, and extract a few cents from every ton of water used in the country as an ecological water replenishment fund. With such a large population in the country, the combined water consumption is terrific, and the ecological water replenishment funds generated will also be huge.

The ex-factory price of fresh water produced by the seawater desalination plant of Kirin Environmental Industry Group is 0.3 yuan per ton. After being sent to cities in North China and Northeast China, the price can be controlled within 1 yuan.

After further purification, the pollution caused by long-distance transportation is reduced, and then it is transported to every household through the urban tap water network. The total water price will not be higher than 2 yuan per ton.

If this price was placed a few years ago, it would have been very expensive for residents or industries, but it is not so unbearable to afford it due to the large salary increase every year in the past few years.

It can even be said that this tap water price is much cheaper than the previous city tap water price, mainly due to the advanced seawater desalination technology owned by Kirin Environmental Industry Group.

They use advanced filtration membrane technology, and the cost of seawater desalination per ton is 0.1 yuan, and the follow-up costs are mainly the energy consumption of transporting fresh water and the construction cost of transmission pipelines.

In addition to earning 0.2 yuan per ton of fresh water ex-factory price, Kirin Environmental Industry Group also has a lot of minerals filtered from seawater, which can also be sold for money.

They use the layer-by-layer filtration mode, which can filter all the minerals in the seawater layer by layer, and the obtained substances are also very pure. After they are fished out, they can be directly processed into various industrial raw materials.

In addition to obtaining some industrial raw materials from seawater, urban sewage treatment and garbage disposal will also be important sources of industrial raw materials. Almost every substance can be effectively extracted and utilized.

In Yeshu's view, if you want to easily feed more than one billion people in the country, or even more, the key point is not how many natural resources you can buy from outside, but how much you can recycle these resources.

Therefore, in his eyes, any garbage can be turned into treasure, and it depends on whether it has the ability to dispose of these garbage at a lower cost. This is the test for Kirin Environmental Industry Group.

He hopes that Kylin Environmental Industry Group will not only be a leader in the domestic environmental protection industry, but also an important provider of domestic industrial raw materials.

In order to achieve this goal, he provided Kirin Environmental Industry Group with a complete set of waste-to-treasure technology, so that it has the ability to do this job well.

At that time, any garbage generated by the city can be used rationally, and no resources will be wasted. Even raw materials such as carbon and nitrogen, which are of little value, can be used by the industries under the Kirin Industry Group.

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