Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 792 The Striking Large-Scale Particle Collider Project

The next day, the Science and Technology News under the Shengshi Media Group published the news that my country will independently build a large-scale particle collider, which aroused great repercussions in the country.

In the past two years, the Large Hadron Collider project in Europe has been very popular, with as many as 34 countries participating. my country also has scientists participating, but the number is very small.

The Large Hadron Collider is known as the best experimental device for understanding microscopic particles. It is an important part of basic physics research and plays an important role in basic scientific research.

Regarding our country's need to independently build such devices, the attitudes of various parties are very different, so the discussion is very intense, especially now that there is the Internet, everyone can express their views.

Opponents believe that my country's economic development has just improved, and residents' income has risen significantly in the past two years. When the national income is not high, spending huge sums of money to build such a device is a waste of money.

With such funds, it is better to use them to improve people's livelihood and welfare, and even to build large-scale economic infrastructure projects, which is much better than building large-scale particle colliders.

What's more, our country's basic physics is not very strong, and the relevant talent base is weak. It is still unclear whether it will produce results after spending a lot of money to build such devices.

Moreover, it takes a long time to build this kind of device, and they started several years earlier than us. If we invest a lot of money and fall behind others in construction speed, all the research that needs to be done will be done by others.

Supporters believe that it is because of our country's weak strength in the field of basic physics and the relative lack of talents that we should build such large-scale basic science facilities to train our country's basic science talents.

What's more, this is a systematic project, and a large number of technological products will be born during the construction process, and these technological products may also play an important economic role.

Our country should use large-scale scientific and technological projects as an introduction to organize a large number of talents to participate in research, which will play an important role in rapidly improving my country's scientific and technological development and form a starting point for scientific and technological development.

Without a large number of large-scale scientific research projects, it will be difficult for our country to form a joint force in scientific research, and it will be difficult to surpass other countries in the field of scientific research.

Moreover, sooner or later, our country will also strengthen research in the field of basic science. Now it is the right time to gradually carry out related research, because basic scientific research is long-term work.

It is not wasteful to use large-scale basic scientific research projects as the basis for the purpose of cultivating basic scientific talents, developing basic scientific industries, and promoting scientific progress.

What's more, although our country's per capita income is low, our country has a large population and can concentrate on major tasks and gradually build large-scale scientific research facilities, which is not a waste of money.

There are also visionaries who believe that this is the best period for the development of basic physics. If this period is missed, it will be more and more difficult for our country to make achievements in the field of basic physics.

It is precisely because our basic scientific research strength is weak that we should build such large-scale basic scientific research facilities to attract the world's top basic scientific research talents and play a role in cultivating relevant talents in our country.

In addition to discussing the pros and cons of the project itself, some people also noticed that the lead organization of this project is actually the Leaf Book Foundation.

Ordinary people don't know much about this foundation. One is that it has been established for a short time and only started last year. Compared with established foundations, it is not well-known.

The second is that this foundation is engaged in basic scientific research investment, which is far away from ordinary people. If it is a charitable foundation, it will be much easier to become famous.

Of course, the Leaf Book Foundation is not completely unknown, at least among the colleges and universities, because they are the sponsors of many basic scientific research projects.

In addition, people who pay attention to science and technology also know about this foundation, because the science and technology journals of Shengshi Media Group have reported on this foundation.

It’s just that the purchase fee of their scientific journals is quite expensive. If they are not particularly technology-loving, most people will not buy their journals. It’s better to spend money to buy fashion star magazines.

However, when you hear the name of this foundation, you will know who founded the foundation. It is not surprising that Ye Zishu invests a lot of money to support the development of basic science.

In addition to being linked to wealth, this name is also inseparable from technology, not to mention that so many people in the country are employees under his banner, it is not surprising.

Because he owns a large number of advanced technological products, some of which are closely related to the daily life of ordinary people, and some appear in various production situations. Some people even commented on Ye Zishu as the son of technology.

It is said that he is a typical person who has made huge wealth by relying on technological development, and he is also the most successful person in the world in creating wealth by relying on technology. The positive evaluation is very high.

Through the deeds of Ye Zishu, many people have fully understood the true meaning of technology to create wealth, and guided a group of people with scientific research strength and dreams to plunge into the wave of technology to create wealth.

Tidal Investment Company invests a considerable part of its investment in these talents in China. Compared with ordinary people starting businesses, they believe that such people have a higher success rate in starting a business.

And because it is a scientific research enterprise, once the research results are obtained, it means that there will be rich returns. Of course, if it fails, the loss will be even more.

Due to the involvement of Ye Zishu, people seldom discuss whether it will be successful, because he can always create miracles, and the company itself has strong industrial scientific research capabilities, so it is really difficult to judge success or failure.

If it were someone else, everyone might not be so polite, and they would turn into prophecy emperors one after another, but facing Ye Zishu, they really didn't dare to speak nonsense.

If it is done, their predictions of failure will be dug out. Isn’t this a slap in the face, so the main discussion is still focused on the project itself.

It's just that there is not much information revealed so far, and the newspaper of Shengshi Culture Media Group only spent a small amount of space reporting this matter.

If it weren't for the relatively high popularity of large-scale particle colliders in the past two years, it is estimated that such news would not have caused such a big discussion.

In fact, everyone is more concerned about how much money will be invested, because I heard that lhc will invest a very high amount of money, which will reach more than 600 billion yuan.

It is really hard to predict how much it will cost my country to build such a facility. In terms of labor costs, my country still has an advantage, and it stands to reason that it should be cheaper.

But according to the overall strength of our country, if we want to meet other people's standards, we should invest more manpower to participate, and it stands to reason that the overall cost will be higher.

The main reason is that everyone is a little confused about the industrial strength of Ye Zishu. The technological products displayed in front of them are very advanced, and it stands to reason that the scientific research strength should be very strong.

However, after all, our country has a very short development time, and it is still in a state of catching up in the field of science and technology in general. Many people judge that our country is only outstanding in certain fields of science and technology.

The reason for this understanding is mainly that the top technologies under Ye Zishu are generally not sold to foreign countries, let alone foreign countries, and even other domestic companies will not sell them.

And compared to other technology companies, if there is a technological breakthrough, the whole world would like to know about it, so that their stock price will rise a wave, and they will gain greater benefits from the financial market.

However, the technology companies under him generally wait for mature products to be released before publicizing them. This is mainly for consumer business. If they are internal business-oriented, they will not make any publicity even if the technology is mature.

Discussions on the Internet can't actually change anything. This project will not be canceled because of the opposition of the Internet people, nor will it be launched in a hurry because of their support.

Everyone just used this as a talking point, and at the same time sighed that not only the economic development in China has been very good in the past few years, but also the technological field has blossomed, an unprecedented prosperity.

What is really related to this project are the relevant government departments of Science and Technology Port, as well as the scientific researchers who are capable of participating in this project.

Although Ye Ziqi contacted the colleges and universities connected with the foundation yesterday, it has not been communicated to the specific scientific researchers. After all, it is the Chinese New Year now, and it will not be too late to hold a special meeting to discuss it after the year.

When these people saw the news, they immediately called their superiors, thinking that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and they would benefit a lot if they participated.

In addition to these scientific researchers who have the opportunity to participate, relevant local governments have also paid attention to this matter and want to introduce this large-scale scientific research project into their own jurisdictions.

Although this kind of scientific research project may not necessarily bring a lot of financial revenue to the local government, it can increase the local cultural atmosphere and promote the development of local universities.

It can be said that from the perspective of Ye Zishu, this project is actually a very simple project, but the installation is relatively large, but to the outside world, this project is very eye-catching and has many followers.

Ye Ziqi has received many calls from local governments today, and I don't know how they got Ye Ziqi's phone call, because Ye Ziqi usually doesn't need to deal with local governments.

Fortunately, Ye Zishu was not disturbed, because his private phone number was never given to anyone else, and only his family members and a few group leaders knew that it was difficult to get his private phone number.

Ye Zishu, who thought he had nothing to do, was wrong. In the afternoon, the top leader of the county government suddenly came to his house, nominally to express his gratitude to him for supporting the economic development and construction of his hometown.

After all, the development of the county in the past two years is obvious to all, and although the county government seized the opportunity to make great efforts to achieve these achievements, the most important reason is the support of its industries.

But at this juncture, it's not just that. They still thought about Ye Zishu's temper. As long as they are for the sake of the people, they don't need to be courteous to him.

Last year, the county government came here collectively for the Chinese New Year. It stands to reason that this year's Chinese New Year should also come after the next year. There must be something strange coming here now.

Sure enough, after the polite greetings, they mentioned the matter of the large particle collider, thinking that the county government has the ability to promote the local implementation of this matter.

Originally, this kind of thing had nothing to do with them, but the county government has formulated a development strategy to revitalize the county through science and education. At present, the county already has a college and a vocational school.

They are thinking about whether they can bring in more scientific research and education resources and continue to strengthen the county's scientific and educational strength, although they do not have much hope for the establishment of new colleges and universities.

But they think that the county can undertake more scientific research institutes, and they are very pleased with their ambitions. After all, it is the most regrettable to have no dreams.

It's just that this really can't be implemented in the county. If the university in the county is Tianwen Institute of Technology, the problem of landing in the county is not a big problem. As the project leader, Ye Zishu Foundation can still make this decision.

However, Tianwen Medical College has nothing to do with this project, and there is no plausible reason to settle here. Although it will greatly help the county's scientific and educational strength, it is generally not cost-effective.

Thinking from a higher level, you need to consider maximizing benefits, not just for your own interests, or for the interests of your hometown. Such people are hard to convince.

If it is forced to do this, although everyone will not say it face-to-face for the sake of money, they will definitely not agree with it in their hearts. There is no valid reason, this is really not okay.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, the head of the county government showed disappointment, but he didn't continue to insist. He felt that there was little hope when he came here, but he had to fight for it no matter what.

Now the work style in the county is different from the previous work style, but they are willing to try and fight for any opportunity, instead of lacking the initiative as before.

It is also the change in work style that led to the industrial park where there was only Taiji Group, but now many other companies have settled in, and the development of the industrial park is getting better and better.

Of course, the change of working style is also based on the improvement of strength. If it is changed to before, even if you want to do this, you will not have much to attract companies to come in.

Now, in order to create better traffic conditions, they are not satisfied with the improvement of traffic in the county. They have started to negotiate with Nanchang to build a bridge across the lake to shorten the distance from the county to Nanchang.

Now the country is becoming more and more strict about environmental protection. If enterprises settle in industrial parks in the county, the county government will provide environmental protection subsidies, which greatly reduces the pressure on environmental protection costs of some enterprises.

In addition to improving infrastructure and reducing the burden on enterprises, they have also worked hard on administrative management, streamlining the handling process in the county, and establishing a service center for centralized business handling.

It is proposed that it can be done once, and at most no one can run it more than twice. At the same time, it introduces the intelligent customer service service of Fengming Technology Company to improve the business communication service experience.

Because for enterprises, what they ultimately value is not saving money, but a stable business environment, efficient government services, etc. These practices are also in line with the development of the times.

Of course, their advanced governance experience certainly did not come suddenly. One is the experience they gained from visiting developed areas in China, and the other is the appeal they got from visiting companies.

Among them, Taiji Group has played a big role. Streamlining government procedures, seeing unnecessary links, using information technology to improve government service efficiency, and establishing a transparent government are all powerful measures.

Although the top leader of the county did not achieve the purpose of coming this time, he was a little disappointed, but what Ye Zishu said was objective facts, it was easy to let go, and chatted with Ye Zishu about topics related to economic development.

It is an extremely rare opportunity to discuss economic development issues with Ye Zishu in person, and it will be of great help to the economic development of the county.

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