Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 791 Semi-biological Robot Technology

After dinner, Ye Zihua reported on the communication with the neighboring village this time. This time, it was basically the same as usual, with some people singing bad faces and others bad faces. Anyway, things were difficult.

Ye Zihua knew that this visit was just a formality, and he listened to all their grievances, but he didn't let go of the offer, it felt like he was just recording their situation.

The previous few times, each time I went to raise the price, it might have given the other party the impression that it was easy to raise the price. Ye Zihua thought that if he raised the price again this time, there would be no end to it.

Now is not the time to gradually increase the quotation, either to let everyone calm down for a while, or to just buy it now, sign if you agree, and let go if you don’t agree.

After his father heard this, he approved of Ye Zihua's strategy, but he didn't plan to continue the conversation before the year, and the day after tomorrow will be Chinese New Year, and he will go there after the Chinese New Year to give the other party more time to think about it.

He is not particularly anxious about building a personal laboratory. He has a lot of things on his body now, and even if it is built, he may not have time to fiddle with these things.

Ye Zishu plans to stop working in the evenings during the Chinese New Year, and instead go to the virtual library to learn something. The mechanical robot he saw last time gave him a lot of inspiration.

He did not expect to be able to make a robot using an almost purely mechanical structure. It can be seen what level of precision it has reached, and the ingenious conception also made him amazed.

This time he did not go to other places, but directly came to the robot-related technology book area, directly next to the robot he read yesterday, and picked up another robot technology.

The robot technology he saw this time uses semi-biological technology, that is to say, the materials used have the application of biological cell technology, and at the same time, the signal transmission also adopts the bioelectrical signal transmission mode.

However, bionic materials are used in the main skeleton and skin technology. The advantage of this is that it retains the low power consumption of biological robots and can more realistically imitate humans.

At the same time, it has the characteristics that biological robots do not have, and has wider adaptability. Ye Zishu actually doesn't care about these. What makes him sigh is that from this technology, he saw the cyborg scene in the movie.

Although this technology is used to make robots, there are many technologies that can actually be used on humans to transform humans into cyborgs and make humans stronger.

Although he disagrees with this evolutionary model that makes humans stronger, it feels like a crooked way in the movie, which will eventually make people become neither human nor ghost.

But there are still many technologies worth learning from, such as the bionic material technology inside, which can be used to make bionic creatures or bionic machines.

For example, the most typical one is the dragonfly helicopter. The flying method of the dragonfly is actually very unique and has many advantages, such as hovering, flying upside down, fast speed and so on.

The flight principle of dragonflies has actually been clearly studied, but the material is the hurdle to make a dragonfly the size of a helicopter.

At present, there is no material that can be used to make the wings of this kind of helicopter. It simply cannot withstand such high-intensity vibrations. It is estimated that the wings will be broken a few times.

Although the bionic material involved in this semi-biological robot does not mention the bionic material of dragonfly wings, it mentions the research and development principles of bionic materials, which has a strong reference value.

Not to mention these things, the bionic bone mentioned in it can also be used in the medical field to help treat bone damage and can be well integrated with human bones.

It can even be said that most of the bionic materials here can be used in the medical field, such as severed limbs and disabilities. These technologies can be used to produce prosthetics without any sense of difference.

Moreover, the control system used is not a traditional control system, but can be connected with the human nervous system and directly controlled by the brain.

In other words, there will be no obvious difference between the prosthetic limbs made with this technology and our flesh and blood limbs, and the users will not feel anything, and the movements are very flexible.

The only disadvantage is that the cost of treatment is very high. First, the operation is very demanding. It needs to connect the control system of the prosthesis to the nervous system of the human body, and ordinary people really cannot operate it.

Even with fully automatic surgical equipment, it is not easy to complete this precise operation, and it takes a long time to complete such an operation.

The second is that the production is relatively complicated. This kind of bionic material not only has high strength, but also is resistant to corrosion and wear. It has the obvious advantages of long service life, and it can also have non-exclusive properties.

When the human body enters the foreign body, it will enter the protection mechanism, and there will be a phenomenon of rejection. In severe cases, not only will it not solve the pain of the patient, but it may also aggravate the pain.

Such an excellent bionic material, even if the production cost is relatively low, cannot be sold at the price of cabbage, so the price will not be very cheap, and ordinary people really cannot afford it.

The material is only one aspect, and the internal structure is very complex on the other hand, because it mimics the operation of human tissue, which cannot be produced by general technology.

It can be said that even if there are materials and designs, they cannot be produced with the current level of technology outside. If he takes them out, he needs to build a whole set of more advanced supporting industries.

The scale of these investments is not small. If there are more users, the cost can be reduced a lot. If there are fewer users, it is impossible to lower the price.

The third is that it needs to be customized. Everyone has different disabilities and different degrees. As a result, the production of prosthetics cannot be standardized, and it needs to be specially made according to the actual situation of each patient.

Therefore, he does not think it is a good idea to use bionic technology to solve disability problems, because it is not universal, and it will cost millions of dollars, or even more, and few people can afford it.

In addition to ordinary bionic technology, there is also enhanced bionic technology. As the name suggests, it is to achieve more powerful capabilities through bionic technology.

Take prosthetics as an example. If enhanced bionic technology is used, it is possible to obtain abilities that exceed human limits. For example, prosthetics made with enhanced bionic technology can easily surpass the speed of the world sprint champion.

If the hands made of enhanced bionic technology can make people have an amazing grip, a piece of steel may be squeezed in the hand like mud.

It's just that this is out of the ordinary application category, and it may be used for special purposes in general, and the price is naturally also high, and it is not affordable for ordinary people.

Among these bionic technologies, the most amazing thing for him is the bionic brain, which uses bionic materials to make products similar to the human brain.

Although it is not a real human brain, it has many advantages similar to the human brain, such as high computing power, which far exceeds the current chip, and it is an integrated computing and memory technology, which has more obvious advantages.

In addition, it also has the characteristics of low power consumption, low heat generation, and higher utilization rate of energy, which made him feel excited when he saw it, and felt that the application prospect of this technology is very broad.

He was very troubled by the computing power and storage of general-purpose robots before. With the current chip and storage technology, it is difficult to meet the needs of general-purpose robots.

He also planned to use optical chip technology to solve the problem of insufficient chip computing power, but data storage is also a big problem, otherwise the general-purpose robot created is easy to forget.

If everything is stored according to conventional data storage, the requirements for storage space will be too high, because massive amounts of data will be generated every second.

No matter how advanced compression technology is used, this demand cannot be met. No matter how much storage space there is, it is only a matter of the length of forgetfulness.

However, this bionic brain imitates the way of human memory. Although it is not exactly the same, it has the essence of it. As a result, the limited storage capacity can always store the scene data seen and heard by the robot.

There are only two cores of this storage technology, one is associative trace storage technology, that is to say, there is no need to record all details, and the error correction ability of data is strengthened through associativity.

The other is associative data extraction technology, because the data stored in the bionic brain is not completely stored, but superimposed and stored with other data, causing a lot of information to be mixed together.

Conventional data extraction technology is definitely not enough, the extracted are all garbled characters, so this set of associative data extraction technology that imitates the way of human memory is developed to solve the problem of information extraction.

These two sets of technologies allow a fixed-capacity storage space to store almost unlimited data without worrying about running out of resources.

Of course, with these advantages, there are also disadvantages, that is, the more data is superimposed, the higher the data distortion rate, and the longer the time, the more serious the distortion.

This is the same as human memory. The longer the time, the less clearly you remember things, but as long as there is a reminder, you can still vaguely remember some, but you can't recall all the details no matter what.

In fact, in our daily life, the people and things we meet and the scenes we see are all useless scenes. We only need to remember the general outline, know where we have been and who we have met, and we don’t need to deliberately remember all the details.

These two technologies can be said to be born for robots, and they have the greatest value only when used on robots. They are not necessarily applicable to conventional memory storage systems.

It’s just that if you want to make better use of these two technologies, you must cooperate with a specially constructed storage hardware structure to achieve faster data storage and retrieval.

The bionic brain structure technology is used here, and the bionic materials are used. Obviously, the manufacturing difficulty is also extremely high. With the current technology outside, it is very difficult to make such components.

Different bionic materials are provided here, and different manufacturing technologies are also provided, making full use of the characteristics of bionic materials for manufacturing, so as to reduce the difficulty of manufacturing.

For example, there is a bionic material with self-fixing shape characteristics. The best way to use this bionic material to make a bionic brain is to use technology to let it grow naturally, but the growth process is very slow, and the advantage is that it is difficult to manufacture and the cost is low.

Moreover, it is difficult to guarantee the yield rate of this kind of production method, that is to say, the quality of the produced products will not be completely consistent, just like people, some people are smarter, and some are more stupid.

There is also a bionic material, which has good plasticity and is easy to change its shape. The technology used is high-precision 3D printing technology.

Compared with the above technologies, the cost is much higher, and the manufacturing difficulty is also much higher, but the advantages are also very prominent, that is, the manufacturing speed is faster, and the quality control is easy to do, and the quality of the produced products can basically maintain the same.

And he feels that high-precision 3D printing technology has inspired him a lot. Before that, he was still worrying about how to manufacture high-precision robots, how to make the cost acceptable, and the product can meet his requirements.

This technology made him have many associations, and many ideas appeared in his mind instantly. He felt that it is possible to use high-precision 3D printing technology to realize the production of the entire universal robot.

To achieve this, there are two key points. The first key point is advanced high-precision 3D printing equipment. The reason why it is not called 3D printing technology is that printing technology is more efficient, faster, and more precise. higher.

The second key point is suitable materials. If you want to use high-precision 3D printing technology to manufacture, you must have good heterogeneity and excellent stable characteristics.

And he thinks that the difficulty of high-precision 3D printing equipment is not particularly difficult. Don’t you have related technologies on hand now? Moreover, Kirin Basic Industries Group has high-precision 3D printing technology before, but it’s just a matter of upgrading now.

It is a rare and suitable material. At least he did not see the bionic material he wanted from the information of this semi-biological robot. The only suitable material is the material of the bionic brain, which can be regarded as a solution to his problem.

The mechanical robot he saw yesterday gave him a new understanding of precision manufacturing technology and greatly inspired many of his precision manufacturing.

The semi-biological robot he saw today inspired him even more, especially since he can use it in the general-purpose robot he is about to develop, which is even more helpful.

So I read these materials more seriously, instead of scanning quickly like before, but seriously, for fear of missing key details.

Before entering the virtual library, he thought it would be early to read books today, and he could read more robotic technologies, but he didn't expect to meet his favorite robotic technology.

So throughout the night, he was looking at the technical information related to this semi-biological robot, trying to figure out all the details, because whether he could use it directly or not, it would be of great help.

It can be said that solving the calculation and storage of universal robots will solve the biggest problem of universal robots, so he takes the technical information in this area very seriously.

Fortunately, his intelligence has been greatly developed, and his theoretical knowledge is also very rich. He spent a whole night reading all the technical materials on a whole bookshelf.

If it is someone else, if you want to read so many materials, and you have to study and understand, one year may not be enough time.

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