Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 769 Obtaining Development Opportunities Under Heavy Pressure

Maybe domestic and foreign film and television practitioners really realize that the film and television industry is undergoing a major reshuffle. The year before last, Phoenix Special Effects Company was just a small test, and they didn't have such personal feelings.

Last year, Phoenix Special Effects Co., Ltd. started to make efforts all over the world, and produced a total of 2 films and TV programs. This number was completed with relative restraint.

According to their production efficiency, there is no big problem in doubling this number, but considering the market capacity, they still have some restraint in production planning.

However, such a huge production volume of film and television programs has severely impacted the original traditional system, and many small and medium-sized film and television enterprises have closed their doors one after another.

Among the many film and television companies, Shengshi Film and Television Company is very difficult to fight against. After all, they also have an advanced film and television special effects production system. Although they are not as smart as Phoenix Special Effects Company, they have also greatly saved costs.

Faced with the changes brought about by advanced technology, traditional film and television practitioners also have to make self-adjustments in order to survive in the new era, and changing careers is often the last choice.

In such an environment, Shengshi Film and Television Company also ushered in a new round of rapid development, and a large number of mature artists joined their banner, or chose to cooperate with them.

The reason is very simple. At present, only Shengshi Film and Television Company can start work normally, and its production of film and television dramas has steadily increased. It is the film and television company that has been least affected.

Since everyone is looking for a backer, they naturally look for a backer that doesn't seem likely to go bankrupt. Among the many film and television companies to choose, Shengshi Film and Television Company is undoubtedly their best choice.

If creative personnel such as screenwriters and directors can still find a job in Phoenix Special Effects Company, even as a freelance creative provider, they can still live happily.

So for the entertainers, scene recorders, lighting, costumes, props and other personnel, the new era has dealt them a heavy blow. These are the people who joined Shengshi Film and Television Company the most last year.

Of course, there are quite a few people who choose to enter the national unit. Although they may not be able to make a lot of money, their income is very stable, so there is no need to worry about being eliminated by the market accidentally.

However, the situation of state-owned enterprises cannot allow so many people to edit, so most of them can only be selected by the market, which is impossible.

For these people in China, there are still state-owned units to choose from. Foreign practitioners have no such choice and can only passively accept the test of the market.

The headquarters of Shengshi Film and Television Company, as well as many overseas subsidiaries, have become the biggest beneficiaries of this change, and a large number of high-quality practitioners have been brought under their banner.

Shengshi Film and Television Company implements a salary system that combines fixed salary and performance in China. Even if employees have no movies to film, they can still live a normal life.

However, the remuneration system of foreign subsidiaries is not like this, but adopts the method of film remuneration, so that the film and television company does not have to bear too much responsibility. If there is no filming, the employees can only eat the northwest wind.

The advantages and disadvantages of the two systems are obvious. The first one is that employees cannot make huge profits, but they are very stable, and within a limited range, there are also levels, which can play a certain role in motivating.

The second is that the polarization is very serious. Those who can make money earn too much, and those who can't make money have difficulty solving even food and clothing, and the involution is even more serious.

Ye Zishu didn't know which of these two systems was better. The domestic system of Shengshi Film and Television Company was designed by him himself. The purpose was very simple, that is, to maintain the relative stability of an industry.

At that time, although he did not foresee the use of artificial intelligence to create film and television dramas, he believed that market-oriented behavior could not exist in the cultural field, but that it needed to be controlled and could not be completely market-oriented.

Fixed salary + performance, not only takes care of stability, but also takes care of competition, so that everyone has something to eat, and those who are really strong can get more returns. It is a relatively compromised one among many plans.

It's just that I didn't expect that the opening of Phoenix Special Effects Company would directly stir up the situation in the global film and television industry, making the system that was originally considered backward by many people instantly become a favorite.

After the reform and opening up, the ideological trend of foreign film and television industry is also scouring my country's film and television industry. In the past, many people who thought they were capable did not look down on the salary system of Shengshi Film and Television Company.

Because this kind of system will delay their making money, this is also the reason why Shengshi Film and Television Company has not developed well without the support of Ye Zishu, even with advanced technical support, it is still very difficult.

Today is different from the past. In the past, the system of Shengshi Film and Television Company delayed everyone from making money and looked down upon it, but now it has become the best safe haven. Many people even want to sign lifetime contracts.

Because of the advent of the new era, it is no longer possible to go back to the past. Everyone has recognized the situation, and being able to sign a lifetime contract is more secure for them.

It's just that Shengshi Film and Television Company is not a state-owned unit after all, and there is no such thing as a lifetime contract. The longest contract is only five years, but generally speaking, after the contract expires, it will automatically renew the contract.

The conditions for automatic contract renewal are also very simple, that is, it is enough to complete the reasonable tasks assigned by the company, without the consent of other people, and there is no need for performance appraisal.

The reason why this rule is formulated is very simple, that is to avoid hiding evil people and evil practices. The film and television industry is the place where this kind of situation is most likely to occur.

This rule is tantamount to positioning the relationship of all personnel on the working relationship. As long as the tasks assigned by the management system are completed, no one can do anything against the employees.

Don’t worry if you are caught in the snow. Anyway, you can get a fixed salary in a safe and secure way. There will definitely be no problems in life, and you can occasionally earn some extra money.

This model not only solves the rigidity of the establishment, but also provides a relatively stable environment for practitioners, allowing them to improve their capabilities with peace of mind.

There are so many talents under the banner at once, so naturally we can't keep them for nothing. At least we must ensure that each employee participates in at least one film and television drama every year, otherwise it will be a waste of resources for the company.

Therefore, last year, Shengshi Film and Television Company's production of film and television dramas also reached a new high. In China alone, 300 film and television dramas were produced, and 500 film and television dramas were produced overseas.

Not to mention the quality, this output alone is a huge leap for them, not to mention that there are quite a few high-quality film and television dramas, and the revenue generated by a single film and television drama is higher than that of Phoenix Special Effects.

Last year's annual revenue was 1000 billion yuan, and a single film and television drama created 1.25 million yuan in revenue. These are all incomes. Although the movies that Ye Zishu provided at the beginning were incomparable, it is not bad that they can achieve this result.

Because a considerable part of them are literary films, it is difficult to have a high box office, and the salaries of film and television personnel around the world have dropped a lot, and the company's profitability is still very good.

Just for future consideration, they are going to carry out diversified development and get rid of the previous situation of relying solely on film and television dramas to generate revenue, in case the market changes and cause operational difficulties.

As for their diversified operations, the most important measure is to build a film and television tourism industry, including film and television scene experience, film and television theme parks, and so on.

The domestic construction of these industries adopts the sole proprietorship construction model, and the foreign countries adopt the cooperative construction model. The reason is not that they have no money, but that it is safer.

The construction of such a theme park is an investment-heavy industry. Unlike other industries that can withdraw at any time, ensuring the stability of the industry is the first choice, and making money is the second.

It is the best choice to cooperate with powerful local forces, or to cooperate directly with the local government, and it can also save a lot of money. Some of them only provide brand and design solutions without any funds.

These theme parks and film and television tourism scene experience industries not only have their own film and television content elements, but also have been authorized by Phoenix Special Effects Company to use their film and television scenes.

As a result, they have a large number of realizable scenes in their hands. If they are piled together, not only will the content be too much, but it will also appear messy and unable to highlight the theme.

So they classified their film and television content to form multiple themes, such as a children's animation theme park suitable for children to play, and a future science fiction theme park suitable for sci-fi fans.

There are also theme parks suitable for couples. Anyway, they have a wealth of content at hand, and they can tap market demand at any time, and as the content becomes richer, new content can be added continuously.

They plan to build the first batch of 10 theme parks and film and television scene experience bases in China, with an average investment of 200 billion yuan and a total investment of 2000 billion yuan.

Fortunately, they don't need to take it all at once, but divide it into five years of investment. On average, they only need to invest 5 billion yuan per year, which is acceptable.

And not all the funds are paid by them, but they cooperate with Wancheng Foundation to combine theme parks and real estate to enhance the value of the industry, so a considerable part of the funds are paid by Wancheng Foundation.

Wancheng Foundation will obtain the right to operate the commercial facilities inside, as well as the surrounding real estate management rights, while Shengshi Film and Television Company will obtain income from tickets, props, and other income rights that have nothing to do with the property.

The investment is half of the two companies. Shengshi Film and Television Company owns the ownership of the theme park, Wancheng Foundation owns the ownership of the surrounding real estate, and the operation of the theme park is allocated according to the agreement between the two parties.

In foreign theme parks, they basically don’t pay, and local partners provide funds, and they provide design, branding and operation. This can not only ensure safety, but also make money without losing money.

So their net profit margin is only 30%, and their net profit is 300 billion yuan. Seeing these data, Ye Zishu is quite satisfied. Under such pressure, they can still maintain profitability, and the profit is not small.

His requirements for Shengshi Film and Television Company are not high, as long as the operation is stable, the traditional film and television industry can be stabilized, and it will not collapse. Artificial intelligence is not omnipotent, they are the source of artificial intelligence creativity.

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