Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 768 It's good to be so worry-free!

Due to the great development of global advertising, especially Internet advertising, Shengshi's industry has also seen a relatively large increase in their overall revenue.

Shengshi Records doubled its revenue growth to 3000 billion yuan, of which music sales still accounted for the bulk, creating 2000 billion yuan in revenue.

The growth rate of music copyright revenue should be the fastest. Last year, music copyright revenue alone reached 500 billion yuan, and the remaining 500 billion yuan came from offline music performances and brand endorsements.

The reason for the doubling of revenue is mainly due to the rapid increase of Internet users, and the online music field has brought them huge benefits.

Moreover, with the rapid development of the Internet, the income from online music copyrights is also increasing rapidly, among which the income from advertising music and built-in music copyrights in movies and TV shows the fastest growth.

Although the offline performance business has also seen significant growth, it is difficult to compare with the previous two businesses due to space and time constraints, as well as personnel fatigue and other factors.

As the traditional music model is getting worse and worse, there are only three ways out for musicians. The first one is to join Shengshi Records, but the requirements are higher.

The second is to rely on the popularity accumulated over the years, focusing on offline commercial performances and brand endorsement activities. This approach is only suitable for musicians with a large fan base. It is difficult for ordinary musicians to find a way out in this regard.

The third is to make music on the music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company. Their incentive plan is relatively friendly to independent musicians and can bring them good income.

Among the many choices, most musicians choose the third one. There are many reasons, such as not needing connections, being more free, earning money according to their ability, etc., are one of the reasons for their choice.

In the past, through the music platform of Kunpeng Information Technology Company, about 500 billion yuan of income was distributed to independent music creators, which is still very impressive.

Nearly 10 independent musicians have gathered on this platform, making it the world's largest gathering place for independent musicians and the place where their music is first released.

Although some of these musicians earn more and some earn less, the average income can reach about 50 yuan. Although they can't be rich, they are not bad.

If it's not just a sham, especially those who are not suitable for this line of work, they can generally get a relatively decent income, but as the number of people increases, the competition becomes more intense, which is impossible.

Since most of the music sales and music copyright income are the company's own, their net profit margin can actually be higher than last year, but they have increased the salaries of their artists and staff.

Therefore, the overall net profit is still maintained at around 70%, with a net profit of 2000 billion yuan, and the net profit has basically doubled compared with the previous year.

If it is easy for Shengshi Record Company to make money, it is even easier for Shengshi Advertising Company to make money. Relying on a complete digital advertising platform, they can also make money while sitting at home.

Of course, they not only have online advertising business, but also offline advertising business, but the online advertising business is much higher than the offline advertising business, and this situation will never change.

Last year, the revenue of online advertising business alone reached 4000 billion yuan, the main income came from the commission of digital advertising platforms and the income of corporate advertising production.

Because all TV media and Internet media that cooperate with Phoenix Special Effects need to connect their advertising business to their digital advertising platforms, otherwise they will not be able to use the content of Phoenix Special Effects' film and television programs at all.

This regulation led to the cooperation between their digital advertising platform and the world's major TV media. At the same time, the largest online media is Kunpeng Information Technology Company, which naturally also connected to their digital advertising platform.

As for other Internet platforms, the largest share in the world is still in the hands of Phoenix Technology, which also has access to their digital advertising platform.

In addition, all the media they cooperate with feel that their digital advertising platform is very easy to use, and the cost is much lower than the traditional advertising agency model.

So in fact, a monopoly situation has been formed. Even if the middle fee of about 8% is charged, they can make a lot of money, and they also have a large amount of corporate advertising production business in their pockets.

The operation of the entire digital advertising platform is managed by artificial intelligence, and the maintenance cost is very low. If it does not require a large number of advertising practitioners to provide advertising creative support, the maintenance cost will be even lower.

Most importantly, the digital advertising platform directly transformed them from a domestic advertising company into a global advertising company, which is the biggest breakthrough development.

Compared with the many advantages of online business, the development of offline advertising business is relatively more difficult. Fortunately, they have not given up on the development of offline advertising business.

In addition to the fact that the offline advertising business market is not bad, the main reason is that the offline advertising business requires a lot of manpower, which is in line with the tone set by the boss.

Therefore, even if the offline advertising business does not make money, it still needs to be done, not to mention that they are not short of money as a whole, and there is no difficulty in developing offline advertising.

Offline advertising business includes advertisements in residential areas, commercial areas, traffic arteries, paper platforms, etc. The first three are basically based on billboards or LED advertising screens.

Compared with the internationalization of online business, offline advertising business is only operated domestically, and there is no plan to go abroad to operate offline advertising business. It is completely unnecessary, not only difficult to do but also less expensive.

Offline advertising is not just a simple billboard, it would be too simple and rude, and the efficiency of advertising will not be very high.

Although Shengshi Advertising Company is not a pure technology company, they are enjoying the dividends brought by technology, so they naturally thought of using technology to solve it.

So they carried out a comprehensive digital transformation of the offline advertising business, from the form of spray-painted advertising to digital delivery, but the investment scale is relatively large, after all, the price of various electronic display screens is not cheap.

If it was before, they had to weigh their own strengths, but now with the support of online advertising revenue, they are fully capable of digitally upgrading their offline advertising business.

The digital upgrade is not simply replacing the display screen, and then placing advertisements in the background. If this is done, the true meaning of offline advertising digitization will not be brought into play.

So they put forward the concept of scene, no matter how developed the Internet is, most of the time is still spent offline, and users should spend more time contacting advertisements offline.

So a scenario-based analysis was carried out to form a scenario-based chain. For example, when you get up in the morning and take the elevator, there are elevator advertisements, when you take the bus, there are bus advertisements, and there are even advertisements at the exit of the community.

When you go back to the company and take the elevator, there are also elevator advertisements, and there are also office space advertisements in the company. After get off work, you go to the supermarket or convenience store to buy something, and there are also advertisements.

To put it simply, it is to make offline advertisements occupy all the actions of a person in a day, so that offline advertisements appear to be ubiquitous.

This is how many offline advertisements were done in the previous life, which greatly increased the revenue of offline advertisements, but Shengshi Advertising Company is definitely not satisfied with this.

Because they also have artificial intelligence, a behavior analysis system built using artificial intelligence, which can more accurately predict the actual needs of offline users.

You only need to use a camera function and a radio function at the offline advertising place to get a lot of information and provide a data basis for intelligent analysis.

And these data can completely judge the user's attitude towards a certain type of advertisement from the expression and length of time the user watches the billboard, so as to judge their actual needs and preferences.

Moreover, the billboards on a certain road section can analyze the behavior of the people passing by, and it can be concluded which advertisement is better to place in this place.

These measures will not involve security issues. First, these are done in public places, and there will be obvious prompts. Second, the data will not be open to people to watch, but will be handed over to artificial intelligence for management.

This more precise delivery model has a higher conversion rate, and Shengshi Advertising Company can also have greater bargaining power with advertising delivery companies to increase advertising revenue.

Moreover, this advantage is exclusively owned by Shengshi Advertising Company. It is more difficult for other companies to make their offline advertising business more competitive, not just rich.

In addition to the above methods, they can also realize the mode of online and offline linkage delivery. By analyzing online user behavior and offline user behavior, they can be more prepared to judge the needs of a certain user.

More accurate delivery can be achieved online, and the optimal solution for group delivery can be realized offline. This will further improve the accuracy of online and offline delivery and further increase the conversion rate of advertisements.

Of course, the whole approach must allow users to do it in a relatively comfortable environment, so as not to arouse user disgust, so there is also a comfort perception algorithm to grasp this degree.

These practices have indeed had a great effect on their offline business. Last year, the offline advertising business reached 200 billion yuan. Although it cannot be compared with online advertising, this result is already good, and the growth rate has directly doubled. .

Last year, Shengshi Advertising Company achieved a revenue of 4200 billion yuan. Although it had a huge offline investment, its net profit rose instead of falling, reaching more than 2900 billion yuan, with a net profit margin of nearly 70%.

Seeing this, Ye Zishu couldn't help complaining, as expected, collecting tolls is the most profitable. No wonder this business has been in the ascendant since ancient times, and it is much better than hard work in production.

However, Shengshi Advertising Company has achieved such a good result. Although he has contributed a lot, they are also very active in their own initiative, which makes him very gratified.

It shows that Chen Xiaoxu, as the president of Shengshi Advertising Company, is very business-minded, and he was able to achieve such a great success in the advertising field in his previous life, and it really is not for nothing.

In particular, the creativity of the digital advertising platform is simply a stroke of genius, and the use of the momentum is also very precise. Without Phoenix Special Effects Company, it would be difficult for them to succeed alone. Of course, the support of many brother platforms is also very important.

They should be a company that Yeshu doesn't worry about very much, and they don't even go to their company a few times, and they don't provide technical support, let alone provide a lot of financial support.

Everything started from the first investment. With their understanding of advertising and keen insight, they have come to this point and become the world's largest advertising agency and production company.

Thinking of this, Ye Zishu even sighed, if all the companies under his banner were such a worry-free company, he wouldn't have to be so busy, but this can only be thought about, if the bosses are so easy, then they all become bosses.

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