To be honest, for him, he has sung these two songs, because he sings too many songs now, if every song can pour his emotions, then he is too emotional .

So when he saw that the team spoke highly of these two songs, he would also smile. In addition to being nice and sincere, these two songs also have his evil taste in them.

The people who came to watch the concert came happily, and even made fun of him as a singer, so he wanted them to cry too, at least it wouldn't feel good if they didn't cry.

As a result, early the next morning, people from the team told him that when the media reported on him today, although there were many people who were full of praise for his two songs.

Regarding his two songs, no one has said anything wrong. If the level is there, if you insist on picking bones from eggs, it will seem too low.

However, several media outlets unanimously said that these two songs were relatively negative. Those who went to the concert yesterday complained about this, and it would be more appropriate to sing more inspirational songs.

He had thought about it a lot, but he never thought that someone would criticize these two songs from this angle, possibly including "Horse City" from the day before yesterday.

Although this kind of criticism is harmless and can even be said to be a well-meaning suggestion, he still pays more attention to it. It is not because he is afraid of saying so, but because he wants to realize it immediately, satisfying his evil taste and the wish of the person who wrote this report.

Because this comment seems to be a well-intentioned suggestion, but it actually feels like an afternoon call. Aren’t you very capable, then hurry up and create some nice and inspirational songs.

Although he didn't know what the people who wrote this report really thought, but he saw the meaning from it, so he naturally wanted to satisfy them.

So he returned to his room after breakfast, and immediately wrote out "Youth" and "My Dream", two very popular inspirational songs from his previous life.

When there are songs that have been proven in previous lives, there is no need for him to create songs that have not been verified. If his own ideas are different from those of the audience, wouldn't he be caught blind?

After finishing writing, he immediately went to the recording studio to record the accompaniment of these two songs, and then returned to his residence to continue writing his book with peace of mind.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, after the previous normal performances ended, it was the last easter egg song. He said with a smile: "I saw reports this morning that the two easter egg songs I sang yesterday were a bit negative.

I thought about it, and it was indeed a little bit, so I hurriedly wrote two songs today, and at the end of this concert, let me sing the freshly released inspirational song "Youth" to everyone! "

Sure enough, when the song was sung, the applause at the scene overwhelmed any previous concerts. The applause and shouts seemed to break through the roof and reach the sky.

This made Ye Shu, who originally planned to return to the backstage immediately after singing, had to wait for the applause to stop, and kept shouting thank you.

After five or six minutes, the applause finally began to fall slowly. He guessed that the palms of the audience were hurting. Anyway, he was not the one suffering. He was happy to stand on the stage and accept the applause.

The reason why this song is popular is mainly because it is very different from current Chinese songs. The most different thing is that there are many changes in a song.

In the current mainstream Chinese songs, a song is basically a melody, and it is sung in the same way from the beginning to the end. Obviously, in this song, not only the fast and slow transitions are smooth, but the rap and lyrics are also seamlessly connected.

Coupled with a tune full of power and rhythm, this song is very brilliant. At least in today's music scene, it is considered a very alternative style of song, and it is not surprising that it is popular.

In addition, this song was written and recorded by Ye Zishu during the day, which added another legendary color to this song.

The easter egg song "My Dream" at the second concert also gained super popularity. He imitated Jane Zhang's voice on the spot. The lazy singing style is also very different from the current female singing style.

Backstage, not only the team applauded his two outstanding songs, but even Liming and Aaron Kwok, two assistant singers, also gave thumbs up to these two songs.

They had listened to the two concerts backstage. They had only heard about them before, but now that they experienced it personally, it seemed that Ye Zishu was brilliant and radiant.

In fact, his concerts don't have so many dance parts, just simple dance moves. Generally speaking, it is difficult to achieve explosive effects in such concerts.

That's why many singers hold concerts, women wear revealing clothes, and men like to go shirtless, just to increase the visual impact, increase the atmosphere of the scene, and make the audience feel that buying tickets to watch is worth the money.

But like him, although he is not dressed strictly, it is still a very normal attire. Most of the time he stands on the stage and sings, but the effect is still surprisingly good.

The main reason is that his songs are good and don’t need other embellishments, just singing is enough. This is the effect that many singers want to achieve when they hold a concert, because dancing around is very tiring.

It is precisely because there are not too many dancing parts that he dares to hold two concerts in a day, otherwise even if he is a superman, he will not be able to carry it.

Back in the car, the staff told him that his concert has already reached 60 games, and according to their estimates, there may be another 20 or so in the future.

This made Ye Zishu completely dumbfounded, so there is a high probability that it will reach 80 games?Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia are so many local tyrants willing to fly to Hong Kong to watch the concert?

You must know that the ticket price of the concert itself is not cheap, with an average unit price of 80 US dollars, which is more than 620 Hong Kong dollars based on the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollars to U.S. dollars.

You must know that there are so many local tyrants, he will definitely increase the ticket price of the concert, which can effectively reduce the number of concerts, so you don't have to be so tired.

"Continuing like this is not an option, we have to find a way to stop the trend from continuing!" Ye Shu said.

If it continues, there will be an unknown number of performances in the end. There are too many performances, and the audience is not bored. He, a singer, will vomit.

"Then what should we do? The words have already been spoken." The staff member said.

He really wanted to say that he didn't care, he wanted to end this situation anyway, but after thinking about it, he still said: "If there are less than 3 new concert tickets for a day, the ticket sales will stop the next day."

"Will the fans not agree to this?" asked the staff.

"What can I do if I don't agree? Do I really want to keep singing? Just say that after so many concerts, I am really tired, so I can only say sorry." Ye Zishu said.

In fact, through so many concerts, it is enough to prove his strength. No matter how many concerts there are, it doesn't make much sense. Except for those who raise the bar, most people don't care too much about it.

Hearing what Ye Zishu said, the staff had no choice but to agree, and after returning home, they began to make public announcements, because what Ye Zishu said was the truth, and it was impossible to go on indefinitely.

In fact, after the announcement was released the next day, although it caused some controversy, most people said it was understandable. After all, Ye Zishu is also a human being, and it is not made of iron.

Some senior fans even think that he has worked very hard, as his fans, they should hope that he is in good health, instead of directly destroying him.

As Ye Zishu said, the people who raise the bar belong to the minority after all, and most of them are reasonable. In addition, his current statistics can already be described as tough, so there is nothing to say.

In the next few days, the average number of new tickets per day was about 5, and the total number of shows reached 80. In the next two days, there were finally two new shows in a single day, and the concert ticket sales officially ended.

In the end, the total number of concerts was fixed at 86, which also made Ye Shu heave a sigh of relief. Although such a total number of concerts still made him feel a bit much, at least there was an exact number.

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