It was close to 11 o'clock in the evening, and the concert finally ended. Even though Ye Zishu was in good health and had a strong recovery ability, he still felt a little tired, and fell asleep in the car back to his residence.

When he arrived at the hotel, he called for supper to replenish his physical strength. During the performance, he didn't dare to eat too much, and he ate mainly vegetarian food, so it was difficult for him to sustain long-term physical exertion.

After eating supper, and taking a nap in the car before, after taking a shower, he was revived with full blood and continued to write tutorials for the Phoenix programming language.

When he got up in the morning, he didn't need to ask for the newspaper in person, the team members had already handed him the newspaper about his report this morning, letting him know what the outside world thought of him.

Yesterday's concert, it can be said that the time was very rushed, the rush here is not the routine preparation, but his easter egg songs.

Most of today's newspapers also focus on his two new easter egg songs at yesterday's concert, and some of them report on the total number of concerts.

Although the two easter egg songs prepared yesterday seemed a bit hasty, but from the media reports, almost all of them gave positive comments.

Many music critics even highly praised the two easter egg songs he sang yesterday in the newspapers, saying that the two songs by Ye Zishu have always been of a high standard.

We must know that most people may not be able to memorize the lyrics proficiently in such a short period of time, let alone create two high-level new songs.

But judging from his performance yesterday, it can be said to be impeccable, with almost no flaws. You must know that there is no teleprompter for his concert, because he doesn't need it at all.

This 19-year-old boy, whose actual age is only 18, has already amazed everyone, which is one of the reasons why many people like him.

Young and promising, talented, super-student and other nouns piled up on one person, the halo bonus is undoubtedly huge, it is a state of full attributes.

It’s just that he basically didn’t participate in any business activities at that time, and everyone could only hear some news about him from hearsay, which is already very legendary.

But after yesterday's two concerts, not only has his legendary aura not been broken, but it has become more solid, allowing his fan base to further expand.

Especially in the Hong Kong entertainment industry, most of the entertainers are actually not very educated, at least not highly educated, and some even used to be gangsters on the street.

Compared with them, the halo of Ye Zishu's super academic master is even brighter. At least for most parents, if their children insist on chasing stars and worshiping idols, of course people like Ye Zishu are the most in line with their expectations.

Not to mention that our country attaches great importance to children's cultural education, it can be said that there is no country in the entire Confucian cultural circle that does not pay attention to children's education, which is why these countries can develop so fast.

It can be said that in the eyes of many people, Ye Zishu is a very high-quality idol, not only talented, but also very inspirational.

He came from the countryside. As he said, before he was admitted to university, he had never been to a big city. The most prosperous city he had ever seen was the county seat.

It is such a child who came out of the countryside. With his own talent, he has swept the entire Chinese music scene in just over half a year since his debut, becoming the fastest rising singer.

Even during this period of time, those so-called old-fashioned stars have to avoid his edge, and can only rely on their old qualifications and long-term accumulated popularity to overwhelm him.

Sure enough, his popularity finally made the artists in the Hong Kong entertainment circle a little restless. The guest singers arranged by Rolling Stone Records were still singers from their own company.

But I heard from them that some record companies and brokerage companies in Hong Kong want to arrange for their artists to come on stage to assist in his subsequent concerts.

There are two main purposes for doing this. The first one is to build a good relationship with Ye Zishu, a popular fried chicken. After all, I don’t know when I will need help.

The second is to take advantage of his current rising popularity to gain a sense of presence at his concerts, so that he can also appear in such a hot topic, which is very important for many artists.

No matter which country or region it is in the entertainment industry, there are more icing on the cake and less timely help. He has long been mentally prepared to enter this industry.

Faced with such a request for cooperation, he naturally has no objection. Anyway, his company does not have so many singers, and it is basically cheaper than Rolling Stone Records.

As long as Rolling Stone Records has no objections, he naturally has no objections either. Anyway, it's just changing songs during the intermission. There is no need for too much interaction, and naturally there is no need to spend time on rehearsals.

The guest singers arranged that day are still the singers of Rolling Stone Records, but starting tomorrow, a considerable number of Hong Kong singers or singers from other regions will be arranged as guest singers.

He didn't know what benefits Rolling Stone Records had gained from this, but he himself had established a wider network of contacts from these cooperations.

No matter how useful this connection can be, as long as his reputation is still strong, it will naturally have a great effect. If he is really cold, he doesn't care about it.

Anyway, he came to the entertainment circle to make money, not to hang out in it for the rest of his life. In fact, he didn't think much of his status in the entertainment circle.

But he was a little surprised when he heard the two guest singers arranged for today, they turned out to be two heavyweights, Jacky Cheung and Andy Lau.

As Alan Tam faded out of the music scene and Leslie Cheung withdrew from the music scene at the beginning of last year, the popularity of Jacky Cheung, Andy Lau and other four heavenly kings suddenly soared, and gradually there were rumors about the four heavenly kings.

But at this time, their popularity is still not as high as Ye Zishu's, at least in the music world, because Ye Zishu himself has not entered the film and television industry, and his influence is impossible to talk about.

The fact that these two came to perform on stage fully proved how popular Ye Zishu is now, especially the data on the increase in the number of concerts that burst out every day, which is the best proof.

And every day, a large number of newspapers report in detail on his Easter Egg and new songs, which seems to have become the daily work of the Hong Kong press, and there is a scene of Luoyang paper expensive.

It was fine that he didn't come out to participate in commercial performances before, but the record sales were a bit exaggerated, but there was a strong sense of distance from the audience, and the audience couldn't connect the singers in the songs with themselves, just because the songs were good.

But this time he came to Hong Kong to hold a concert, but it broke the original state, and the image of Ye Zishu instantly became three-dimensional in the hearts of fans.

In addition, these days, there are a large number of newspapers reporting his news almost every day, and there are almost no newspapers that do not report him, but the layout and length of the newspapers used are different.

From this point of view, it is understandable that Jacky Cheung and Andy Lau are willing to come to his concert as assistant singing guests. After all, in the entertainment circle, it is very important to know how to take advantage of the situation.

And because he was greedy for Mao Buyi's "Horse Herding City" yesterday, he became a little addicted, and decided to use Mao Buyi's "Sorrow" and "People Like Me" for the two shows today.

It seems that he is a little obsessed with this faint sense of decadence and self-deprecating sense of freedom, and singing these two songs can also save his energy.

As the ending song of a concert that has consumed a lot of physical energy, it is obviously more suitable. Everyone sits together quietly, one sings, and the others listen to the song. Isn't it a harmonious picture.

Since there are very few songs like this style in modern times, after these two songs came out, they were warmly welcomed by the audience just like yesterday's easter egg songs.

Moreover, these two songs are not only sung by the singers, they seem to be sung by themselves, as well as thousands of ordinary people themselves, and the sense of resonance is simply full.

The lively concert finally came to an end, backstage, almost everyone in the team gave him a thumbs up, because they also had a great resonance when they heard these two songs, especially "Someone Like Me" .

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