After getting into the car, seeing Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia's excited faces, he smiled and asked, "How do you feel?"

"This is just like a concert, the auditorium is completely dark!" the outspoken Liu Jinpeng said excitedly, while Lin Jia on the side kept nodding his head in agreement.

"If you can maintain such enthusiasm in the future, even if you don't know how to write songs, you can go further!" Ye Zishu said.

"That's for sure, Lin Jia and I are serious about music!" Liu Jinpeng said, patting his chest.

"That's good, go back and rest quickly, the next few days will be tough battles, don't be greedy for the colorful world of Hong Kong." Ye Zishu reminded.

"In other words, Hong Kong is indeed much more prosperous than the mainland. It would be great if the mainland is so prosperous!" Lin Jia, who had been silent at the side, said with emotion as she looked at the high-rise buildings and the bustling shops and shopping malls outside.

"It won't take long, and it's time to get tired of the hustle and bustle of the city again." Ye Zishu said with an affirmative tone.

There was nothing to say along the way. Although Liu Jinpeng and Lin Jia had seen the night view of Hong Kong yesterday, they still looked at the scenery outside with interest through the car window as if they hadn't seen enough.

And Ye Zishu squinted in the car for a while, arrived at the hotel, took a shower, and continued to write the tutorial of the f programming language. He hoped that he could finish this work here.

During this time, the Rolling Stone Records Company sent someone over to bring honey tea to Ye Shu, saying that it was good for the throat.

Ye Zi woke up in the morning and went downstairs to eat breakfast, and found that everyone was more excited than yesterday. When I asked why, I realized that it was the media from Hong Kong and Macau that collectively reported his concert.

This kind of situation was rare in the past, and now so many media seem to have negotiated, and all of them are positive reports, how can this not make the team happy.

And according to the news that Rolling Stone Records received from the other side, there were also many media reports on the concert, which made him a little confused. What's going on?

He also specifically asked the people from Rolling Stone Records if they bought the news reports, otherwise there would be no such thing, but their answer was no.

After breakfast, he asked someone to find a representative newspaper. Seeing that almost the headlines on the front page reported the concert, he felt that it was not easy.

Although Hong Kong's current entertainment industry is very developed, it doesn't feel so real to focus on a concert held by a mainland singer like this.

But no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out the key point, so he could only put the newspaper aside. No matter what the reason was, "soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up".

Taking advantage of his free time during the day, he still nestled in the hotel room, writing his own f programming language tutorial, and never thought of going outside to take a look.

He has seen all the bustling metropolises in his previous life, and he is already immune to high-rise buildings. In addition, he doesn't like the glamorous life so much, so he is naturally not interested in shopping and going to entertainment venues.

But when it was almost noon, people from Rolling Stone Records came over and said that it was their ticket sales system in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. News came, and many people called to ask if they could continue to open more concerts.

The Rolling Stones couldn't make their own decisions, so they came to ask Ye Zishu if he would like to continue to increase the number of concerts, and even took the initiative to reduce the share ratio to [-] to [-] to make him make up his mind.

To be honest, he was a little moved. The price of concert tickets is not low. On average, the price of each ticket is as high as 80 US dollars. If the concert is full, the ticket revenue of a concert is 100 million US dollars.

The purpose of his coming to Hong Kong this time is to make money. Since he has already held 5 more concerts, he doesn't mind opening a few more. Anyway, he has come all the time, and it doesn't matter if there are more concerts.

Moreover, I write Phoenix language tutorials at my residence during the day, and I only have time for the concert at night because I am busy with the concert, and it is not too much to delay my own affairs.

Because the Phoenix programming language tutorial has to be written no matter what, it’s just a matter of time, and it happens to be in Hong Kong to get this matter done.

"But, there aren't that many concert guests now?" Ye Zishu asked.

"Don't worry about that, we will definitely solve this problem, you just need to agree." The person on the Rolling Stone side said straightforwardly.

That being the case, he naturally had no objection. After getting his approval, the people from Rolling Stone Records began to work hard to increase the number of concerts.

I don't know if they misunderstood it, or if they did it on purpose, and even released the news to the outside world, as long as there are people buying concert tickets, and the concert will be held when the venue is full, regardless of the number.

It means that as long as there are still people who buy concert tickets and there are enough audiences for a concert, it will continue indefinitely and let the audience have fun.

Hearing their announcement, Ye Zishu almost spit out old blood from his mouth. If the audience is too enthusiastic according to this announcement, will he have to hold dozens of games and leave it in Hong Kong in a month?

Even if he is willing to spend more time here, it is still unknown whether his body can bear it. I don't feel much about a concert, but once there are dozens of concerts, it is estimated that it will be useless.

However, he didn't immediately go to the Rolling Stones to make a theory. He really wanted to see how popular he was in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. This was the best way to test his popularity.

He himself feels that even if this announcement is made, it should not increase the number of shows too much, because he only released albums before and never participated in related activities.

I think there is still a certain gap between the influence and those of the long-famous Tianwangge. After all, they have been around for so long, and many of them are multi-dwelling developments, and the accumulated popularity lies there.

So he didn't pay attention to these, and still stayed leisurely in the room to write a book, but he didn't know, but the outside world was blown up because of this announcement.

When people in the industry saw this announcement, they generally laughed it off. They didn't think that Ye Shu, who just debuted not long ago, could hold too many concerts in a row.

Although he has indeed shown his talents through several albums since his debut, but after all, the time is still short, and he only developed in the music scene, which is very different from the multi-habitation development in Hong Kong.

Even many fans can't remember his face clearly, and they can't compare with veteran singers in terms of familiarity, so this announcement is just a joke.

However, the news obtained from various ticket sales channels is completely different. Many fans who were hesitant before heard that Ye Zishu will sing new songs in every concert.

Many people came here for the easter eggs, and they really like Ye Zishu's songs, and most of them are under 30 years old, and these people are more willing to spend.

During dinner in the evening, the people from Rolling Stone Records told him excitedly that they had sold tickets for three concerts in less than one afternoon.

Even Ye Zishu, who didn't care about it at first, was shocked by the speed of ticket issuance. There is still a long time ahead, and it is unknown how many more games will be added in the end.

The concert at [-]:[-] p.m. was held as scheduled, and the process in the middle was basically the same as the first one. But at the end of the concert, he sang a new easter egg song, which received warm applause from the audience.

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