Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 67 The Hung Hom Concert

I wrote all night. I didn’t go to bed until 4 o’clock in the morning. I got up on time at 8 o’clock in the morning. After a simple wash, I went downstairs and had breakfast.

After breakfast, he said to the people of Shengshi Records and Rolling Stone Records: "Can you install four receivers on the stage, and according to the sound level of the scene, the sound from the loudest voice can be received by the receivers. "

"Boss Ye, what is the use of these radios?" the staff of Rolling Stone Records asked.

"Isn't there a song session at the concert? With so many audiences, it's natural that it's hard to hear who ordered what song. The louder the voice, the more people will be represented." Ye Shu said.

"Although this idea is very good, it is estimated that there is no such equipment on the market, because it is not very useful. There is a sound tester, which can only test the decibel level of the sound." The staff of Rolling Stone Records said.

Ye Zishu heard what they said, and knew the reason. Now that time is tight, it is definitely not possible to customize, and in this era, customizing electronic products is very troublesome.

So he agreed with them to install a sound tester, and at the worst, he proposed a few candidates, and judged which song to sing based on the loudness of the audience's support.

After Ye Shu had no objection, this matter was handled by Shengshi Records and Rolling Stone Records. Ye Shu didn't need to go to the concert before the start of the concert.

After breakfast, he returned to his room and continued to write tutorials on the f programming language. He was busy until 6 pm before driving to the concert site.

The Hung Hom Stadium is actually not that big, it can only accommodate 12500 people, but when he arrived, the spectators here had already started checking tickets to enter the stadium.

He went to the backstage directly through the cast and crew channel, where the makeup artist was already in place, and began to paint his performance makeup, which lasted for half an hour.

Then began to change clothes. Rolling Stone Records prepared a lot of performance costumes for changing during the concert. The purpose of doing this is not only to make the audience feel fresh, but the most important thing is to be able to take a break while changing clothes.

After getting ready for the backstage, wait quietly for 8 o'clock to arrive. It is close to [-] o'clock in the evening, and the auditorium outside is already full of people.

Ye Zishu stood at the backstage exit, and as soon as eight o'clock arrived, he took the microphone and came to the stage, and said to the dark audience, "Hi everyone, I am Ye Zishu!"

He was just saying hello, but he didn't expect the audience in the audience to be so enthusiastic, and he yelled, "Leaf Book! Leaf Book! Leaf Book!"

The heat wave of the sound of mountains and tsunami hit him in an instant. If the mental quality is poor, it is estimated that he will be startled by this sound wave. It is really shocking.

"Once there are more than ten thousand people, there is no limit." What's more, if they gather in such a small place, the voice can turn into a weapon and stab directly at the people on the stage.

Stabilizing his mind, Ye Zishu said happily: "I can feel the enthusiasm of the fans at the scene, thank you for coming here to support my concert.

Although I have released several albums, this concert is the most serious concert in my life. Before that, it was just an open-air concert on the campus of Tsinghua University.

It can be said that you have witnessed my debut concert. In order to thank fans and friends for their support, I will definitely perform hard tonight. Now please listen to "Love Jiangshan More Love Beauty". "Leaf Book said.

Hearing his words, the originally noisy scene began to slowly quiet down. Only the background music of this song was played slowly.

"There is no end to the extravagant love in the world of mortals, and there is no end to the grievances and grievances of the world. It is fate from generation to generation;

Flowing the same blood, drinking the same water, this road is long and long;


He sang the title songs of four albums in a row, and after each song ended, he received warm applause from the audience, which shows that everyone loves to listen to these songs.

Especially when he sang "Chi Ling", the audience who had been skeptical about his female vocals before had no such doubts at all.

Moreover, this song was sung live, and the sadness revealed behind it was incomparable to music tapes, and the effect was much more explosive.

Then it entered the first round of song-ordering sessions. There were three rounds of song-ordering sessions in the whole concert. In each round of song-ordering sessions, the audience could order four songs, which added up to twelve songs.

"In the past, when ordering songs, we could only ask the audience in the front row what song they wanted to hear. Today I am going to do something different. We have a sound detector in each of the four corners of the stage.

I will directly give the names of the three songs. If you want to listen to that song, just shout it out with your voice. The song with the loudest voice will be selected. "Ye Zishu said the rules of the song request session.

"Now, we have three candidate songs "My Sky", "Drunk Beauty", and "I Met You for the First Time." After speaking, Ye Shu turned the microphone to the audience and put his hand next to his ear.

Seeing his action, enthusiastic roars erupted from the auditorium. The audience, who were still sitting upright, started shouting regardless of their image, and even competed with the people around them to see who had the loudest voice.

What he wants is this kind of effect. Although when singing, he hopes that the audience will listen to the song quietly, but there is no hoarse concert, and the bland one is like boiling water, tasteless.

In addition to the song ordering session, the audience will be invited to come on stage to sing with him from time to time, which can be regarded as a benefit for the audience in the front row.

The tickets in the front row are the most expensive. In addition to being able to listen to the singers singing at a closer distance, they can also enjoy the joy of interacting with the singers, making them feel that the high-priced tickets they bought are worth the money.

When he went backstage to change his clothes in the middle, the singer arranged by Rolling Stone Records came on stage to sing, and Xin Xiaoqi was arranged for the first concert.

Originally, the audience didn't have too many expectations, but after singing "Taste", the audience still applauded a lot. Obviously, this song also exceeded the audience's expectations.

After Xin Xiaoqi finished singing, Ye Zishu changed his clothes in the background, drank the water in the thermos that he brought with him and was carried by the temporary assistant arranged by the company, and then went on stage to perform energetically.

When all 30 songs were sung, three and a half hours had passed, and everyone thought the concert was coming to an end.

"Originally, 30 songs were prepared for the concert, but for the end of each concert, I created Easter egg songs that have not been published yet.

Since my debut, I have received the support of fans from all over the world, which has brought me to this day. This easter egg song is also a thank you to the audience who came to watch my concert live. "

Before he finished speaking, the audience suddenly became lively, some shouted "I love you", some just wanted to vent, but everyone was very satisfied with his arrangement.

"Since everyone is so enthusiastic, then I won't talk nonsense, the name of this song is "Thousands and Tens of Thousands", I hope you like it.

But before singing, I want to hear from the audience, do you like female singing or male singing?

Those who like female vocals start to roar now! "Leaf Book said.

After the votes of the audience, it was obvious that female voices were more popular, so he began to sing the song "Thousands of Thousands" with female voices.

After the song was sung, the concert was completely over, and the audience once again used their roars to send Ye Zishu off the stage before leaving.

As Ye Zishu entered the backstage, the originally rather dim concert site was suddenly brightly lit, and the audience stopped roaring, leaving the auditorium one after another with joyful expressions.

Backstage, whether it was the staff of Shengshi Records or the former staff of Rolling Stone Records, they all welcomed the perfect curtain call of his first concert with applause.

To be honest, they admired Ye Shu's stamina very much. During the nearly four-hour concert, except for Xin Xiaoqi who came on stage to sing a song in the middle to give him a break, he sang for the rest of the time.

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