Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 608 Electrical and Energy Project Progress Status

Ye Zishu returned to Xunyang again. Although he was just passing by this time, he still went to Qilin Electric Industry Group and held a meeting with them all afternoon.

Kirin Electric Industrial Group is mainly engaged in advanced power transmission business, industrial motors and terminal electrification equipment business, and Ye Zishu is mainly concerned about their power transmission business.

The most difficult part of the power transmission business is the production of conventional superconducting transmission lines. As for other products and equipment, the difficulty is much lower.

According to their report, Kirin Basic Industries Group is still developing related production equipment, which is expected to be supplied to them after November this year.

Therefore, their current main work is still on industrial motors, small generators and terminal electrification equipment, and quite a few products have been put into production.

In fact, they also have a lot of equipment related to power transmission that has completed research and development, and some have even been put into production, but the market has not yet been fully opened, and only equipment such as transformers are selling relatively well.

Therefore, they plan to produce most of the equipment related to power transmission next year, so that they can cooperate with the power transmission project of Kirin Energy Industry Group and save money at the same time.

He has no objection to their arrangement. At present, the shortage of scientific research personnel has always been an important factor that plagues the development of its industries. Of course, there is nothing wrong with arranging research and development plans according to priorities.

If you really want to develop rapidly, in fact, acquisition is the best way. First, you can get more experienced scientific researchers, and second, you can quickly get more market channels.

It's just that they don't have that much money at present, most of the funds are invested in scientific research and production, and the only funds they have are still needed for marketing.

The most important thing is that the relevant domestic enterprises are all state-owned enterprises, and they are still key state-owned enterprises. They may not necessarily be sold to Kirin Electric Industry Group. This is no longer a matter of money.

According to their report, the terminal electrical equipment was the first to be put into production, followed by industrial motors and small generators, which have been in production for a month.

During this period, the market sales were 20 billion yuan, and the sales were not as good as expected. Calculated according to their production capacity, if they are fully digested, the monthly revenue will be about 50 billion yuan, and the annual output value will be about 600 billion yuan.

Fortunately, they felt that safety was the main priority, and they were relatively conservative in terms of production capacity. Of course, this was due to the limited funds given to them by the head office.

After reading their data, Ye Zishu breathed a sigh of relief. Although the total sales volume is not very satisfactory, according to the data feedback, the growth rate is relatively fast, and the market is gradually adapting to their products.

Secondly, among the products, the sales of industrial motors and small power generation equipment are relatively satisfactory. Many companies will provide their own power generation equipment so that there is no need to stop the production line if there is a problem with the power supply.

Industrial motors are mainly used in industrial equipment, and there are many types, and the sales situation is relatively good, but they are still not as good as small generators.

The main reason is that industrial motors need word of mouth, and other manufacturers can’t rest assured just by listening to the introduction. In addition, the price is relatively expensive. Kirin Electric Industry Group has brought the concept of “you get what you pay for” to the extreme.

As for the terminal electrical equipment, Ye Zishu felt that there was no need to be particularly anxious. They still had a large customer who did not make large-scale purchases, and that was Wancheng Foundation.

With the successive construction of many projects of Wancheng Foundation, starting from the beginning of next year, they will need to purchase terminal electrical equipment successively. Whether it is a family residence or a commercial building, there is a great demand for advanced electrical equipment.

In addition, they are also actively promoting their own smart meters and other electrical equipment to grid companies, but the price of smart meters is relatively high, making it difficult to make decisions for a while.

In addition to the price factor, once the smart meter is used, how to arrange so many meter readers before has become a big problem for the power grid company.

Others include smart water meters and smart gas meters. Smart water meters need to cooperate with water supply companies. The situation is not particularly good, and they still face the same problems as power grid companies.

As for smart gas meters, the main reason why they cannot be popularized is that the domestic gas supply system is not perfect. Most urban residents still use gas tanks to solve the gas supply problem, and some even burn coal pellets, so they don't need smart gas meters at all.

After hearing this, Ye Zishu felt that it was necessary for Qilin Environmental Industry Group to speed up the development of the urban living facilities business. He was always begging others, which always made him uncomfortable.

Fortunately, these jobs are all done by the people below. If he is asked to do it, he will probably go crazy. This is one of the reasons why he likes to build the entire industry chain, because he doesn't want to deal with these nonsense.

Anyway, Kylin Environmental Industry Group has obtained the qualifications for the construction and operation of urban living facilities, and the power grid has no operating qualifications for the time being, so ignore it.

Kylin Environmental Industry Group is mainly engaged in urban water supply, waste water, solid waste treatment and other businesses, which are closely related to their own business.

As for the city gas supply business, it was handed over to Kirin Energy Industry Group, and the business license in this area has been obtained by Kirin Energy Industry Group.

In the end, Ye Zishu encouraged them to continue to strengthen market development, especially channel construction, and recruit more market talents to join in.

Then, while the sky was still dark, I drove directly to Nanchang. After having dinner here, I had a meeting directly to learn about the situation of Kirin Energy Industry Group.

At present, their main work is still around the solar power generation business. At present, they have completed the laboratory research and development of solar panels and understood the entire manufacturing process.

It's just that they still need to wait for Kirin Basic Industries Group to provide advanced manufacturing equipment, and the supply of these equipment will not be available until the end of the year, which delays their retreat.

As for other power generation equipment, research has not yet started. First, the number of scientific researchers is insufficient, second, funding is tight, and third, the market will not open immediately.

Like hydropower equipment, they are less likely to use it for themselves, and it is not their turn to intervene in domestic hydropower resources, so they can only sell equipment.

If they want to sell it, they must build a hydropower station. Currently, the largest hydropower project in China is the Three Gorges Dam. They hope to use their own hydropower equipment in this project.

As for wind power generation, it has not been put on their daily research and development, and it is estimated that it will not be put on the agenda in a short time, because it is not necessary.

Wind power generation is mainly costly. Even the technology developed by Ye Zishu is much more costly than solar power generation, which is not cost-effective.

As for thermal power generation, they have arranged a follow-up research and development plan, but the urgency is not so high at present, and it will be delayed for a while.

There are two types of thermal power generation, one is traditional thermal power generation equipment, and the other is the thermoelectric conversion thermal power station brought out by Ye Zishu.

The former is mainly for foreign markets, but even if the efficiency is higher, it will not be much higher, and it can reach about 50%, which is already the limit.

As for the thermoelectric conversion thermal power generation system, due to the particularity of the material, it has a certain degree of confidentiality. It is only for internal use in a short period of time and will not be sold to third parties.

And if you want to use this kind of thermal power generation equipment, you need to wait until the solar power station is built and transmitted to the outside world before it is necessary.

It also depends on whether the power supplied by the solar power station exceeds the current social needs. If not, it does not need to be converted into chemical energy products for storage, so there is no need for supporting thermal power stations.

In addition to the research and development and production arrangements of solar panels, it is the site selection of solar power plants and the preparation of power transmission.

At present, they have negotiated with the Qinghai Provincial Government on the supply of land for solar power generation. The land there is sparsely populated, so there is not much difficulty in land supply.

Since the place chosen by Kirin Energy Industry Group belongs to the Gobi land, it does not occupy grassland and fertile land, and the provincial government also intends to introduce solar power generation projects, and is willing to supply these lands for free.

Don't look too generous, if a large-scale power generation base is really built here, the tax paid every year will be enough for the Qinghai Provincial Government to earn a lot of money.

According to the original plan, the solar power base will produce 10 trillion kWh of electricity per year. Even if it charges 0.01 yuan per kilowatt-hour, it can get hundreds of billions of yuan in taxes and fees every year.

The actual taxes and fees are higher than this, and the local government is not at a disadvantage. Especially for a province with a large area and a small population like Qinghai, the annual tax revenue of several hundred billion yuan is a huge fiscal revenue.

What's more, these power generation equipment also require a large number of personnel to maintain, and it is expected to bring 5 jobs to the local area. This number is not small for Qinghai Province.

At present, they have talked with the Qinghai government about the land supply of 1 square kilometers, and are currently carrying out infrastructure construction, such as necessary land leveling and construction of living facilities for employees.

In addition to the work on solar power stations, it is the construction of power transmission projects. Since the problem of superconducting transmission lines has not been resolved, all they can do is to determine the transmission lines and build transmission towers.

Because superconducting power lines are different from traditional power lines, they are sprayed with super insulating paint and wrapped with a layer of super insulating shell, so the danger is not as high as traditional power lines.

Therefore, the construction height of the transmission tower is not high. In fact, if possible, it can even be buried in the ground, but it is more difficult to construct in this way, and it may be damaged by ground animals.

The height of the transmission tower is generally about 20 meters from the ground. Because superconducting transmission lines are used, there is no need to use UHV transmission like traditional transmission lines.

The purpose of UHV power transmission is to reduce the loss of resistance to power transmission. The resistivity of superconducting transmission lines is negligible, so there is no need to use UHV power transmission.

The short-term plan is to connect the transmission line to Hunan, Jiangxi and Hubei. The official plan is to establish a main transmission line throughout the provinces of the country, which is conducive to its energy layout.

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