Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 607 Kirin Basic Industry Group

After sending off the inspection team, Ye Zishu needs to inspect other group companies under the Qilin Industrial Group to understand the real situation of each group company.

The first one to go is Kirin Basic Industry Group. Whether the entire business of Kirin Industrial Group is developing smoothly or not, Kirin Basic Industry Group occupies half of the position.

Many of its advanced industrial equipment are provided by this company. In addition, they also have many research and development and production tasks of basic materials.

For the catalysts needed by the previous group companies, Kirin Basic Industry Group undertakes half of the research and development tasks, and the other half is handed over to Xuanwu Technology Company for research and development.

However, he intends to merge the catalyst research and development team of Xuanwu Technology Co., Ltd. into Kirin Basic Industry Group to form a subsidiary specializing in the development and production of various catalysts.

Catalysts play a pivotal role in the chemical industry and are widely used. It can even be said that in the chemical industry, catalysts are almost everywhere.

In the industries under Kirin Industrial Group, catalysts are used in the production process of almost every company's products. There is a huge difference in production costs with or without catalysts.

There are two main functions of catalysts. The first type is to break through the energy barrier and make the entire chemical production process smooth, which can reduce energy consumption.

This effect has been well verified by Kirin Industrial Group. Under normal circumstances, material conversion does not change linearly in energy demand, but has a sudden peak.

If you want to break through this peak, you need to consume more energy, but these consumed energy will not be brought to the next industrial link, but will be dissipated in various ways.

If there is a suitable catalyst to change the chemical reaction with energy peak into no peak, it means a huge saving of energy, which can often save more than double the energy consumption.

The second category is to make chemical reactions easier. Originally, there was no direct chemical conversion relationship between two chemical substances, but after adding a catalyst, subsequent chemical substances can be produced through intermediate conversion.

This can greatly reduce the difficulty of production, and at the same time save a lot of cost. Catalysts are more widely used in this type of application, and the most typical one is photocatalyst.

In addition, it can also improve production efficiency, because this type of suitable catalyst can increase the speed of chemical reactions and even help to improve the purity of chemical substances.

There is no need to talk about other catalysts here, but we will talk about two very important catalysts. The first one is the electrocatalyst widely used by many companies under Kirin Industrial Group.

It can be said that in the current world, Kirin Industrial Group uses the largest amount of electrocatalysts and has the most advanced technology. The scale of the catalyst industry alone can reach hundreds of billions of yuan.

This is still used by its own industry. If it is sold externally, the market size of electrocatalysts will be larger, so the importance of electrocatalysts is self-evident.

The second type is photocatalyst. The most typical one is to use sunlight to decompose water to produce hydrogen. When sunlight shines on the photocatalyst, the water attached to the surface will be decomposed.

If it weren't for the more advanced electrocatalysts owned by Kirin Industrial Group, it is estimated that photocatalysts will be used to split water to produce hydrogen as one of the industrial raw materials.

Although they don't need to use photocatalysts in the energy industry now, they can be used in the environmental protection industry. The most typical example of using photocatalysts is sewage treatment.

A lot of sewage can be directly decomposed into carbon dioxide and water through the intervention of photocatalysts and sunlight. Although carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, it is at least not directly harmful to the human body, nor is it directly harmful to the land environment.

It may have its limitations in the treatment of factory sewage. It is better to directly use electrocatalysts or biological filtration membranes to treat factory sewage, but it can play an important role in the process of sewage treatment in the natural environment.

For example, there is a stinking ditch at the door of the house. Just put a photocatalyst into it, and the stinky and filthy sewage can be turned into crystal clear water.

For these two catalyst categories alone, the annual output value in the future may exceed one trillion yuan, and they will play a huge role in the fields of energy, environmental protection, and chemical industry.

As for other types of catalysts, there are too many to enumerate. Although the scale is not as large as these two types, they also play an extremely important role in the global chemical industry.

For example, biocatalysts, which are various enzymes we see in our lives, play an irreplaceable role in the degradation of organic matter.

The most typical example is our commonly used washing powder, which contains grease-decomposing enzymes, which can quickly decompose the grease on the clothes and make the clothes cleaner.

Therefore, he felt that it was necessary to establish a professional catalyst research and development and production enterprise to provide practical catalyst products for the world.

In addition to the above businesses, Kirin Basic Industry Group also operates various basic chemical products and material products, and currently they mainly operate chemical products.

Since chemicals are related to many businesses of Kirin Industrial Group and have a strong technical foundation, it can be said that they are quite suitable for basic chemicals and high-end chemicals.

For example, they use air separation technology to separate nitrogen from the air, and then use nitrogen as a raw material to produce ammonia, and then use ammonia to produce various chemicals, the most typical being urea.

With this good foundation, they naturally want to make the fertilizer industry bigger and stronger. They will not only produce nitrogen fertilizers, but they are also planning other fertilizer products.

Our country has a large population. Even though Kirin Industrial Group has a grain and oil industry, agricultural production is still an important industry in our country, and the use of chemical fertilizers is an indispensable industrial product.

Take the cultivation of medicinal materials under the Taiji Group as an example. At present, soil cultivation is still used. In order to achieve precise control, it is necessary to accurately detect and control the composition and structure of the soil.

This will actually lead to higher costs. In the future, soilless cultivation will be realized, and the nutrient control will be more precise, and it will also reduce a lot of construction costs.

The cultivation of these crops requires more nutrient solution support, and the chemical fertilizer we often say is an important part of it. In the future, soilless cultivation will become more and more popular.

Especially after the problem of water resources is solved, there will be a basis for large-scale promotion of precision agriculture, and the cost will be further reduced.

If it is combined with advanced plant breeding technology, all agricultural production in the future will be completed in a factory environment, even for fruits.

It's just that they are currently limited by the scale of funds and market problems. At present, their chemical product production capacity is not large, and the main purpose is to cultivate the industrial base.

After Kirin Industrial Group makes money as a whole, it will be able to rapidly expand its production capacity. Maybe next year will be a stage of rapid development of their chemical business.

In addition to chemicals, Leaf Book also handed over the basic material business to them. For example, steel products, which are the most used, will be one of their important businesses.

They are currently developing advanced metal smelting equipment. Ye Zishu deliberately learned about their research and development progress in this area, and it is nearing completion.

Now they are choosing suitable places to build smelting bases all over the country. For them, the excellent transportation conditions are the best choice for choosing a base.

In the past, coal and metal ore were needed for metal smelting, but now they use pure electric smelting technology, so there is no need to use coal as smelting energy.

It is only necessary to transport the iron ore in and the smelted products to be transported out, so they plan to put the primary processing industry of metal smelting in the domestic coastal areas, as long as the port conditions are good.

As for the metal reprocessing industry, it is planned to be placed in cities along the rivers and rivers in the inland. The most typical ones are the Yangtze River system and the Pearl River system, both of which have the transportation conditions for the construction of secondary processing of metal materials.

In addition, they are also engaged in the production of non-metallic materials, which is not too restrictive. For example, the synthetic rubber they produce is arranged to be produced in Jingzhou.

The synthetic rubber produced in Jingzhou can be directly transported down the Yangtze River to the tire production base of Huanyu Group for further processing.

It's just limited to the issue of funds. Currently, in the field of materials, only the artificial rubber industry has a large scale, and the production of other materials industries is still under planning.

However, their material research and development work has been going on. Except for avoiding the existing material industry of brother companies, other material products will be their research and development goals.

For example, Wancheng Jiye owns the building ceramics industry and cement industry. Naturally, Kirin Basic Industry Group will not operate these industries, but they can develop and operate special ceramic products.

In addition to these inorganic non-metallic materials, they will also operate organic non-metallic materials and composite materials, but many of them are still in the laboratory stage.

After listening to their explanation, Ye Zishu checked their research projects. There are as many as 2300 types of material research, which is quite ambitious.

At present, the research and development and production process design of more than 200 materials have been completed, among which metal materials account for the largest proportion, because the research and development in this area is relatively easier.

In fact, many metal materials are ready-made. They only need to use their own technological advantages to improve the production process and reduce production costs. It is not a big innovation.

In the field of non-metallic materials, it is much more complicated. The completed research and development and process design of non-metallic materials are mainly developed based on the relevant material technology given by him, and the independent research and development capabilities are relatively weak.

After reading these situations, Ye Zishu is basically satisfied, because they have not been established for a short time, and their current performance is already good. According to their current development momentum, the future is still promising.

Regarding their future development plan, Ye Zishu didn't give any pointers, and completely left it to them to make their own decisions.

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