Now his popularity is much higher than when he was a star. After all, he wears the title of the world's richest man on his head. It is difficult not to be famous.

This also led to a large number of followers on his social platform accounts. For example, the Weibo platform of Qingluan Information Technology Company has more than 1000 million followers, even though he basically does not post any news.

He didn't want to register a personal account at the beginning, because there was no time management at all, and it was difficult to get a lot of attention when registering. This was his original idea.

However, Qingluan Information Technology Company strongly urged him to register a personal account and play a leading role, so that other celebrities would be more willing to open personal accounts, and companies would be more willing to open corporate accounts.

Before it was revealed that he was the richest man in the world, there was also a period of rapid fan growth. These fans were basically his fans, and he accumulated more than 100 million fans in a short period of time.

These are not fans for buying. All social platforms under Qingluan Information Technology Company strictly prohibit operations such as buying fans. The system will also detect these accounts, and once found, these gouache will be automatically removed.

In fact, the number of fans like this is not particularly large. There are many accounts with more fans than him. They are not outstanding, but since becoming the richest man in the world, the situation is completely different.

It has only been about half a year now, and the number of fans has reached 1200 million, making it the account with the largest number of fans on this platform.

However, his account only posted less than 10 messages in total, which is no different from a zombie account, but still has accumulated so many fans.

If it is actively operated, his personal account may have more followers. Such influence, in the eyes of many companies under his umbrella, is not a bit wasteful.

During the meeting with Taiji Medical Equipment Group this time, someone raised this question, thinking that he could use his personal account to do some publicity for them, which would at least save a lot of publicity costs, and the effect might be better.

He didn't agree on the spot, because he wanted to see their own abilities, and he knew that it would be better if he helped promote it, but he didn't approve of this shortcut.

Because he was unwilling to do these things in the first place, once he opened his mouth, many industries under his control might want to use his influence to promote it, and he would have no peace at that time.

As for the request from Taiji Medical Equipment Group, he thinks that they should do it by themselves first, and if there is really no other way, it is not too late to help them publicize it. He hopes that they will not come to this point.

After eating here at noon, I immediately set off for Yichang, and arrived at the headquarters of Qilin Paper Products Industry Group at 10:11 p.m., and it was already [-]:[-] p.m. after dinner.

Ye Zishu is nothing, but the older people, after such a toss, can't bear it, so they hurried to rest after eating, but he felt that it was a waste of time to do so.

It would be great if every city had an airport. A small city would build a small airport, and a big city would build a big airport, so that he could get a private jet and save a lot of time.

According to the current number and density of airports, even if he got a private jet, it would not be of much use. It would be more refreshing to take a commercial airliner directly.

He continued to work as usual in the evening. According to the current progress, he estimated that the equipment assembly design work would not be completed until the end of September, which still involved two areas.

In the field of missile technology, he emphasized miniaturization, light weight, longer range, greater power, and faster speed, all of which are based on more advanced explosives and more advanced propellants technically.

Once these goals are achieved, whether it is ground vehicles, air vehicles, or surface and underwater vehicles, they can carry more weapons and ammunition and perform more tasks.

According to the many missiles and rockets he designed, the goal of reducing the size by 10 times is basically achieved, the weight is reduced by more than 15 times, and the range is generally increased by 2 times. The power depends on the use of the missile, but it is basically 2 times. above.

It can be said that around the new high-power explosives and more advanced propellant technology, the entire system is very different from the previous one, which can be described as change.

The work in this area is not particularly complicated for him. After all, there are relatively few parts and components. As long as the engine matching the advanced propellant is solved, most of the problems can be solved.

The rest is how to know more accurately, how to achieve intelligent target recognition, etc., in his opinion, they are all auxiliary functions, and the difficulty is even lower.

These are conventional missiles, in fact there are also strategic missiles, which Baihu Technology Company will not directly produce, but he is going to provide a complete set of technical support to relevant units.

It is foreseeable that it will take some time to realize the large-scale deployment of conventional weapons, and it will not be achieved overnight.

In terms of national defense and security, it is best to have an immediate deterrent force, and these strategic deterrent forces are particularly important, at least in his opinion, that is the case.

This part of the work should be able to complete all the design work by the end of August. This is done in the evening, and the progress is relatively fast.

As for aviation equipment, it is more complicated, involving helicopter platforms, fighter platforms, bomber platforms, reconnaissance aircraft platforms, early warning aircraft platforms, transport aircraft platforms, and so on.

There are also different types of each platform, each type has different purposes, and there are still great differences in design, such as fighters are divided into stealth fighters and heavy, medium, light fighters and so on.

The same is true for bomber platforms, which are divided into strategic bombers, strategic stealth bombers, and conventional bombers. Even reconnaissance aircraft are divided into strategic reconnaissance aircraft, conventional reconnaissance aircraft, and stealth reconnaissance aircraft.

There are also different categories according to the flight reconnaissance altitude. Like conventional strategic reconnaissance aircraft, the maximum flight altitude only needs to reach 2 meters.

But there is also a super strategic reconnaissance aircraft that can realize super high-altitude reconnaissance, that is to say, it almost walks on the edge of the atmosphere, with a ceiling of 10 meters.

Then there are more advanced aerospace planes, which can freely travel between the atmosphere and the earth's orbit, becoming spacecraft. This switching mode allows them to accomplish many strategic goals that conventional aircraft cannot accomplish.

It's just that the necessity of this area is not high at present, and it is not an urgent task at present, so it can only be arranged later, but he feels that aerospace aircraft will be very necessary in the future.

Not to mention being used for military purposes, even if it is used for ordinary space missions, it is of great value. Human beings have a strong obsession with being able to easily enter planetary orbit space.

Forget it, there are more than 20 types of aviation equipment platforms alone. This is still a platform, and different configurations on the platform can exert different specific uses.

For example, a light helicopter platform can be used not only as an army ground support unit, but also as a naval ship reconnaissance unit. The difference is that the devices on it are different, but it can be regarded as a platform.

This has not included unmanned combat equipment, because there is no plan to do so at present, not his own problem, but the current number of scientific research personnel is too small.

Being able to complete the current scientific research goals has put a lot of pressure on the existing scientific research personnel. They can only postpone some parts that are not very urgent. They cannot eat hot tofu in a hurry, and some things need to be taken slowly.

What's more, unmanned equipment is not enough to be equipped with unmanned equipment. It needs a complete set of advanced infrastructure support. The most typical one is the space-earth communication system. Without this, there is nothing to think about.

According to his estimation, it may take until the end of October to complete the design work in this area, and it will take him at least two months to complete the work.

This is not the most troublesome thing. The problem of batch manufacturing will be solved later, and the design of the production line is even more troublesome, because almost all the equipment needs to be designed by him in order to realize fully automated parts production and equipment.

Some can be improved with existing equipment and technology, but this ratio is not high, and the number of parts for any aircraft is in units of [-].

More importantly, he hoped that instead of designing equipment based on manufacturing capabilities, manufacturing capabilities would adapt to equipment design requirements, which required the design of a large number of non-standard manufacturing equipment.

Non-standard manufacturing equipment is technically complex and has high technological content. If it is combined with automation, it will be more difficult. If artificial intelligence management is implemented with the entire production line, the difficulty will be even higher.

Fortunately, there is no need to sort out the technical information of these manufacturing equipment and production lines this year. The previous technical information is enough for all the current scientific research personnel of Baihu Technology Company to work until next year.

Regarding the number of scientific researchers before, Ye Zishu did not propose a specific number. He just said that the more the better, but he did not have a specific number for how many people will be seconded in the end.

He expects the number of scientific researchers to be around 5. It would be even better if there are 10, but he knows that this is not realistic. If this is the case, it will almost empty out other scientific research units.

So after November, he will start preparing to write the course books of Tianwen Medical College, hoping to complete this work before Tianwen Medical College recruits in the second half of next year.

With the faint moonlight outside, Ye Zishu was completely immersed in his work, and with the assistance of the intelligent auxiliary design system, he was rapidly advancing his work progress.

He worked so hard not only because these tasks were more urgent, but in fact, it was okay to procrastinate for a while.

But he doesn't know what else is waiting for him in the future, he must be able to deal with the currently determined tasks as soon as possible, and there may be new tasks waiting for him in the future.

Just like after the last conversation, the business of Baihu Technology has been advancing very quickly. Originally, it only needed to carry out satellite technology research and development and manufacturing business, but now it has suddenly added so many businesses.

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