Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 604 The medical industry is emerging from the cocoon

To be honest, it was a waste of time to go back and forth like this. If it was according to his itinerary, Ye Zishu's next stop should be Nanchang, where Kirin Energy Industry Group is located.

Although this company has not yet put into production, it will soon be able to mass-produce solar power panels before the end of the year, and will be able to fully build my country's first large-scale solar power station by then.

The next morning, the delegation did not leave immediately, because it took more than eight hours to drive from Xunyang to Yichang. Anyway, sooner or later, they had to go on the road. It would be better to leave after lunch and arrive at the destination in the evening.

In the morning, a delegation was arranged to continue looking at the textile industry here, while Ye Zishu held a meeting with the management of Taiji Pharmaceutical Group Company and Medical Equipment Group Company under Taiji Group.

Taiji Pharmaceutical Group is better. He just learned about the business development here. At present, many medicines have not been developed yet, and the production plants are basically being built here.

The pharmaceutical production factories built in the province mainly meet the supply in the southern part of the country. It is not yet known how much the domestic demand will be. This will be used as a national supply base in the early stage.

After the demand increases, they will build production bases in the north. As for export business, they may build production bases in coastal areas.

At present, the vaccine factory is actually starting to install the production line. Although some vaccines may take a year or two to be approved for marketing, there are also some vaccines that have completed phase III clinical trials and may be approved for marketing by the end of the year.

There are many reasons for this difference. For example, there is a lack of clinical environment, and it is impossible to collect enough data in a short period of time. Some are not particularly urgent, and we hope to be more cautious, such as flu vaccines.

It took an hour to hold a small meeting with Taiji Pharmaceutical Group, the purpose was to gain a sense of presence and learn about their various tasks at the same time.

His focus is still on Taiji Medical Equipment Group, because many businesses here have entered the substantive stage, and the pressure to start production is relatively high.

He gave them more than 500 types of advanced medical equipment last time, and more than 300 types of research and development work have been completed so far. By the end of the year, all research and development will be completed.

With so many kinds of equipment, even if each type of equipment is produced in one factory, more than 500 factories need to be built, and the actual situation is much more than this number.

In terms of factory layout, the needs of Xunyang will definitely be given priority. There are also many factories under construction in the urban area and the districts and counties below to solve the local employment problem and pay local taxes at the same time.

It's just that the population of the entire Xunyang area is only about 400 million, and the population of the urban area does not exceed one million. If all factories are built here, it will be difficult for the local area to fully absorb it.

Therefore, many factories have actually moved to other surrounding areas, such as Huanggang in Hubei, Shangrao and jdz nearby, and they also have their factories in Nanchang.

Although their medical equipment level is very high, they have absolute confidence in technology, but the medical equipment industry is quite special, and they don't know how big the future market will be.

Therefore, when building factories, they are actually relatively conservative, especially in the field of medical equipment with traditional strong competitors, they are more conservative.

Ye Zishu didn't propose to increase the production capacity because he didn't know much about the market. This production capacity plan must have been approved by Pei Qing, so we will temporarily follow their plan.

Anyway, the entire industrial chain is in the hands of our own people. If we really want to expand production capacity, it is actually very convenient, and the entire industrial chain can be mobilized immediately.

However, he also asked them to make preparations for expansion in advance, such as choosing a good location and building the plant. Anyway, the service life of the plant is very long, and there is not much depreciation cost for early construction.

As for the production line and the recruitment of personnel, it cannot be done in advance. It is not too late to wait until it is needed. There is already an industrial foundation, the construction of the production line is familiar, and the personnel training can be standardized.

Then there is the matter of marketing. In the domestic market promotion, their investment is relatively small. On the one hand, domestic purchases are made in RMB, which is relatively easy for many medical institutions to obtain.

On the other hand, there is no domestic competitor to compete with them. Although foreign medical institutions also have a lot of domestic markets, their advantages in local operations are not very obvious.

Of course, if domestic medical institutions do not purchase more advanced equipment and purchase foreign medical equipment, then don’t blame Taiji Group for being rude.

This kind of situation is also possible. Taiji Group is a compliant enterprise and will not use kickbacks and other means of black-box operations, which may make some people unable to make profits.

In response to this situation, Taiji Group actually has no good solution, it can only record it in a small book, and wait until the medical institutions of Taiji Medical Group are spread all over the country, then they can use some means.

Anyway, they are private medical institutions, and they can completely protect their own interests in accordance with the market-oriented competition method. Ye Zishu doesn't mind Taiji Group using some methods.

What's more, there are still a large number of advanced medical products waiting in the future. As long as the supply is reduced on the grounds of shortage, it will be a big blow to many medical institutions.

Of course, he himself disapproves of doing this, because it would be very degrading, but in the market competition, sometimes you can't be a good person, and you can't be soft when you should be ruthless.

In fact, this method can also be used in the international market. Although many of its businesses have established subsidiaries to operate independently, they can also work together in market competition.

It is absolutely possible to bundle medical products and medical products, and there may be alternative products for medical equipment, but many medical products have no alternative products.

If some medical institutions cannot obtain advanced medical products, but other medical institutions can, this means that the balance of competition has tilted.

At that time, some medical institutions will be empty, while some medical institutions will be booming. He believes that many medical institutions will compromise.

At present, there are three main aspects of their promotion and publicity. The first aspect is media advertising, which is the most direct and simplest way of publicity.

These include soft advertising, such as inviting well-known experts to come out to evaluate their products, which is also a very good way of publicity.

The second aspect is to participate in the medical equipment exhibition, which is the most intuitive place to show the superiority of their products to global medical institutions. Especially in the case of comparison, it can highlight the technological advancement of their products.

For example, fully automatic surgical equipment can be said to be the most advanced and compact medical equipment at present. There is no such thing. As long as you see this kind of equipment, you will be very shocked.

The most important thing is that these medical devices are self-contained systems, and when combined with intelligent medical systems, they can bring revolutionary changes to the existing medical industry.

If the entire medical institution adopts the equipment and systems of Taiji Medical Equipment Group, it will not only improve the efficiency of the medical institution, but also lower the barriers to entry.

Regardless of the management cost or the personnel cost, it has a huge effect, but the overall cost reduction is limited, because the cost of the whole set of equipment will rise rapidly.

However, for developed countries such as Europe and the United States, efficiency is the most important thing. Many of them provide universal medical care. If it is not an emergency, the queue for appointments can be as short as two or three days, or as long as more than a week.

If a full set of Taiji Medical Equipment Group's medical equipment system is used, the efficiency can be increased by three to five times. Especially for minor diseases, it can achieve fully automatic diagnosis and prescription without professional intervention.

The self-service medical treatment proposed by Leaf Book can be realized by using these devices. If you buy a personal diagnostic device, you only need to go to a pharmacy for most diseases.

So in this area, Ye Zishu believes that its competitive advantage is still obvious, and it should be able to shine through the medical equipment exhibition.

The third aspect is local push. In countries and regions around the world, we cooperate with professional medical promotion companies and promote our medical equipment to medical institutions through them.

Ye Shu didn't really agree with this method, because it meant giving up a lot of benefits, and the percentage of share that these companies took was very high.

Ye Zishu also emphasized at the meeting that this method can only be used in desperate situations, and they have not yet reached that level.

At the same time, Ye Zishu also proposed another solution, which is to build its own global medical system, of course not a traditional medical institution, which not only costs a lot of money, but also makes it difficult to find so many people in a short period of time.

Instead, build a self-service medical system. This model can extend medical services to every corner, and such a self-service medical point only needs one or two people to manage it.

It doesn’t even require personnel management, it only needs to install video surveillance equipment to avoid man-made damage to the equipment, but doing so may face certain legal risks and requires careful study.

Compared with these medical devices that rely on medical institutions, they have high expectations for personal diagnostic devices and are relatively less conservative.

Although currently only an annual production capacity of 1000 million personal diagnostic devices has been built, the follow-up production capacity will expand very quickly, with the ultimate goal of reaching an annual production capacity of 3000 million to 5000 million units.

If the performance exceeds expectations, then the production will be expanded to 5000 million units. If the performance is satisfactory, then the production can only be expanded to 3000 million units. This is a safe way.

Although Yeshu believes that the annual demand may reach 1 million units in the future, this is only his idea, because this device is still too expensive for individuals.

The price is 2000 US dollars, although the per capita GDP of developed countries is very high, but the monthly salary of ordinary people is only about 1000 US dollars.

It is much cheaper in China, but in terms of domestic income, it is still relatively expensive.

There is no need to pay service fees in the first year, but domestic and third-world customers need to pay a service fee of about 500 yuan per year, and people in developed countries need to pay a service fee of 500 US dollars.

The main reason is that the personal diagnostic equipment he designed is really excellent. It doesn't look like a medical device at all, but a smart wearable device with powerful appearance and functions.

If you want to impress ordinary consumers, you must have a strong appearance and functions to capture people's hearts, and you must make it impossible for others to do exclusive business, so a lot of thought has been spent on this aspect.

After the meeting with Taiji Medical Equipment Group, Ye Zishu has very high expectations for this industry. It is time for them to break out of the cocoon, hoping to bring surprises to themselves.

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