Reborn technology upstart

Chapter 602 Went to Xunyang for Inspection

After staying in Changsha at night, Ye Zishu held a meeting with the management of Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group to learn about their current business situation.

At present, their business is relatively simple, which is to produce grain and edible oil. At present, grain is only rice. If it is replaced by wheat, it will only directly produce flour, and there will be no additional grinding process.

Now they are going to act in two parts, one part is the production end, which is going to process other food types, so as to get rid of the single defect of the product and optimize the internal income structure of the enterprise.

Although once the market for grain and edible oil is opened, the operation is very stable, but if you only rely on these two, it will appear that you are not enterprising, and you can see the end of your future income at a glance.

Unless they can conquer cities and territories in the international market, food security is an issue that many countries attach great importance to. No matter how cheap it is, countries will retain their own habit of growing food, and no matter how much subsidies the government gives.

Therefore, the international grain trade is actually limited. If they can kill those big international grain merchants and monopolize the international grain trade, this is the limit of what they can do.

But this matter has to wait. According to the current production cost, it is very difficult to achieve this. It must wait until the solar power generation industry enters a certain stage.

The edible oil industry does not have so many restrictions. He does not know how much the global edible oil demand is, but it is only about 2 million tons at most. He hopes that in the future, Kirin Grain and Oil Industry Group can occupy at least half of the world market.

This goal is a bit big, and it puts pressure on many people on site. What they worry about is the issue of acceptance. After all, they are produced industrially, and the edible oil extracted from plant seeds still gives people a different feeling.

Even if the cooking oil they produce has a higher standard, they are still not absolutely sure. If the world fully accepts industrially produced cooking oil, the situation will be completely different.

Their cost advantage, not to mention occupying half of the global market, is to occupy 80% of the global market. They also have great confidence, because in any case, they have a huge cost advantage over planting and extracting oil.

Due to the uncertainty of these two products, on the production side, we will continue to expand the construction of grain production bases, and on the other hand, we will accelerate the development of the processed food industry.

Commodities with grain as the main raw material, such as instant noodles, are the easiest for them to make, so processed food will give priority to entering areas that are closely related to grain.

But it will not be limited to this. They intend to enter the field of food processing and production in an all-round way, and they have already begun to actively deploy, but it may take until next year to see the results.

Because they don't have much funds at present, when Kirin Industrial Group allocates funds, it is based on the standard that they can rely on themselves.

For group companies like them that are already able to produce products, Kirin Industrial Group will no longer provide funds as much as before. If they want to continue to grow and develop, they must make money by themselves.

This avoids increasing dependence on the head office, and at the same time encourages these self-reliant enterprises to strive to realize their potential.

Therefore, many plans are scheduled for next year. This year, I want to rely on the grain and oil industry to make money and accumulate capital reserves for the company, so that I can show my talents next year.

In addition to the arrangement on the production side, it is the sales side. The grain business currently only has high-end rice, which is basically exported, and is currently actively negotiating with large retailers and distributors.

In this regard, the group company and brother companies did not provide much help, which made Ye Zishu feel a little unreliable and believed that it was necessary to establish its own global retail channels.

But now that the global retail channels have been divided up, he is a little worried about whether he will have a chance to rush in. If it is just a purchase, he is reluctant to spend the wrong money.

Now his idea is to hope that the e-commerce platform can play an important role in the world. If their e-commerce platform covers the whole world and does a good job, the situation will be completely different.

At that time, it is not impossible to arrange for Wancheng Foundation to spread its retail channels all over the world. Anyway, logistics, supply of goods and other information can be shared with e-commerce platforms.

In this way, online and offline linkage can also be realized, which is more advantageous than the existing retail channels. This is a more feasible method in his opinion.

In addition to arranging production, the little money they had was also used for publicity. They even applied for additional publicity funds from Kirin Industrial Group for publicity.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. If you want to fully digest these production capacities, you must do a good job of publicity, so they will spend tens of billions of yuan on domestic and foreign publicity.

This promotional effort can be described as quite large, and the relevant samples have actually been sent to major research institutions around the world, just to obtain their analysis results to endorse their publicity.

A lot of domestic propaganda is deceptive. Advertising laws and related management are actually not strict, but some countries have very strict management of advertising.

If there is no endorsement of the results of the research institution, even if they know that their propaganda is correct, they may face legal disputes and may face large compensation at that time.

Now it is basically impossible to get sellers to pay for publicity. When the brand awareness rises and everyone accepts synthetic grain and oil products, the situation may reverse.

For these plans of theirs, Ye Zishu approves, no matter how effective they are, at least they are very motivated, and they do not arrange future plans completely according to his instructions.

If this is the case, he will have a headache, because he simply doesn't have that much time to pay attention to a specific business under his banner, unless it is a whim.

The meeting also lasted until 11 o'clock. Ye Zishu returned to his residence and started working. He didn't go to bed until [-] o'clock in the morning, and the long-lost sense of busyness and fulfillment returned.

At present, there are only these two industries related to agriculture and animal husbandry in Hunan, and the transfer will be completed in two days. Next, they will go to Jiangxi to inspect the textile industry.

There are many varieties of the textile industry. In addition to natural fiber textiles, there are also many textiles produced by artificial synthetic fibers.

This time the Ministry of Agriculture came to inspect, of course, they would not look at artificial synthetic textiles, so they went to Jiangxi mainly to look at the industry of natural fiber textiles.

A very important category in the field of agricultural production is animal and plant fiber raw materials, such as wool and cotton, which are large categories of textile raw materials.

Understanding the related industries under Kirin Textile Industry Group will help the relevant agricultural departments to make reasonable adjustment plans in the future and avoid major economic losses to farmers.

Fortunately, the current domestic textile raw materials are still in short supply, and will not impact the domestic textile raw material market in the short term.

Moreover, the textile raw materials produced by them will not be sold directly, but will enter the clothing production process, basically for self-use and self-sale.

This will not have an impact on the current textile supply chain. As for whether there will be problems in the future, it is difficult for him to predict, at least the responsibility cannot be placed on the head of Kirin Textile Industry Group.

When you get up in the morning, everyone starts off immediately after breakfast, and arrives in Xunyang after lunch. Currently, the largest number of textile production factories are located here.

Since it is unclear how the sales of the downstream garment industry are, relatively conservative measures are taken in the textile production process. Although there are many categories, the output of each category is not very high.

Only special textile materials will start to increase the output very high, such as the super cold-resistant textiles mentioned above, and it will be winter in the northern hemisphere soon, and the clothes made of this textile will be very popular.

And the southern hemisphere has come to the hottest summer. Clothing made of heat-resistant, radiation-proof, and cool-feeling textile fabrics has a very good market prospect in the southern hemisphere.

As for general textile fabrics, the output that they did not dare to produce at the beginning is very large. If they cannot be sold, they can only be disposed of at a low price. The loss will be huge, and it will also have a great impact on the existing textile market.

A group of people had lunch at the headquarters of Kirin Textile Industry Group, and then immediately went to inspect the textile production factory. Ye Zishu didn't mention taking a break, as his schedule was even more full.

The first thing I went to was the cotton fiber textile production base. This type of base alone covers an area of ​​5 square kilometers, which is very spectacular.

This is still the result of separate construction of the basic raw material link, otherwise, from the initial link to the production of various fabrics, the required floor area will be larger.

The entire construction pattern is based on the integration of industry, residence, and commerce. Many kinds of textile products are put together to form a huge textile industry center.

According to the people of Kirin Textile Industry Group, it can accommodate 20 people to work and live at the same time, which is no different from a new urban area.

This is only the first phase of the project. If the follow-up market performs well, it will eventually be built into a textile industry center that can accommodate 60 people.

As for other production capacity, they will be distributed to the various counties below Xunyang first to ensure that there are sufficient jobs in these counties. If more production capacity is needed, they will be transferred to nearby provinces and cities without being too concentrated.

Because there is another important industry here, which is the pharmaceutical industry. The headquarters of Taiji Pharmaceutical Company under the Taiji Group is here, and it will also provide many jobs.

He hopes that the population of Xunyang City will remain within 500 million and over 300 million. Such a population is actually relatively comfortable, and the livability of the city will be much worse if the population is too large.

At that time, the core industries of textile and medicine will be formed here, together with other industries, it will be able to provide 300 million people with the ability to achieve full employment.

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